Most/Least fun powers
Least fun would be passives like Temp prot and tier 1s however there often is some utility therein and answers to some issues at times.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Power Thrust: Smacking Hellions across the entire zone is something I'll never get tired of. Pair it with a ranged attack that chases them down and it's hours of fun for the whole family.
Rain of Arrows: Just what the name says. Somebody is going to be fighting in the shade with this one.
Dark Extraction: Sucking out the souls of the fallen and making them fight your enemies for you. How could this be bad?
Carrion Creepers: The entire ground erupts in a tentacled nightmare. Horror at it's finest.
Fly Trap: This Audrey II thing is just too bizarre to not be included. It even randomly screams for no apparent reason. What's not to love?
"Mastermind Pets operate...differently, and aren't as easily fixed. Especially the Bruiser. I want to take him out behind the woodshed and pull an "old yeller" on him at times." - Castle
Most fun...
Speed Boost (especially in caves)
Personal Force Field (during a team wipe)
Recall friend (to tp PL beggers from PI into the ferry)
Force bubble (reasons aparent)
Least fun...
Hurricane (even if you know how to use it, people moan)
Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
Headsplitter - So I get to take my massive glowing green tech sword and make a taco of their skull? Im in!
Placate - These are not the droids you are looking for. lol
Granite - Just looks friggin tough as hell. Go ahead shoot ur bullets, see what happens.
Rise of the Phoenix - yes you must be dead 1st but damn its cool looking.
Propel - Cant tell you how many times Ive almost fell outta my chair laughing at some of the crap that it throws out (toilets LMAO)
Not Fun -
All of the ranged attacks that have the same animations as buffs (one handed pushy thing) Just very unoriginal.
Snipes - I love snipes, but they get absolutely no love in this game at all. Rooted, slooooooooooooooooow animating and damage is heh for the most part. Should have a huge critical hit chance and percent and never miss, but thats another topic.
Shadow Maul/Sands of Mu - Having to wait for 5 secs swinging at nothing is not fun.
Midnight Grasp - Cmon BaBs, that's all the animations you have for a tier 9 attack?
Trains/Ferrys - ok while this isnt a power I HATE having to take out my bus/ferry pass to go to another zone...especially when I can Fly dammit. I hope one day we dont have the big blue walls. I'd pay for an expansion for just that.
Rant done.
Telekinesis is always a fun power to screw around with when I'm bored. I wish it were actually useful.
Most fun: phase shift, whirlwind, ice slick
Not fun: clear mind 7 people
Most fun: Force Bubble. I could (and do) spend hours running around Steel Canyon with Super Speed flinging enemies all over the zone. It's the most bizarrely hilarious activity, even if totally pointless. I also use the power to play "minion hockey" in Atlas Park. The goal is to knock a minion through the "goal," the steps leading up to Miss Liberty where the two police drones are. A perfect shot and you can slam an enemy at hundreds of miles an hour straight past the drones. Personal best score: shooting a level 1 Hellion up the slope, over Miss Liberty's head, between Atlas' legs, and skating into a group of heroes assembling for a costume contest.
Ninja Run is probably number 2 for me.
Least fun: Is there a least fun? Maybe Entangling <Yawn> Arrow.
Nova. I mean, Energy Blast in general looks and feels really good, but ... Nova. Inferno, also.
Seconded on Lightning Rod.
Surprisingly disappointing, graphicswise: Thunderous Blast.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
Most fun... hmm.
Shield Charge... I love rushing in like a raging Bull and knocking everyone for a loop. (lighting rod counts here too)
Crane Kick. Off roof tops... never gets old.
Prople. Forklifts to da face... nuff said.
Wormhole. Cause watching Hellions raining down from the sky is good for some giggles.
Footstomp.(swapped to ground punch) Cause when i use the ground punch, and send people flying, it makes me FEEL superstrong. It's a clasic Hulk/Superman showing of mega strenght and i LOVE it. ALOT.
And knockout blow. Winding up and letting bad guys have it, Popeye style!
Least fun? Passives and /other buffs. Sure they help a ton, but you don't actively DO anything with passives, and click an ally then buff for the other. Thank good for blasts on defenders and Corrs, and control on trollers, or them classes would be unplayable to me...
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

Fun: The massive body taunt - It says 'yarr' like a pirate! And will be the inspiration for a tank of mine some day!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Terrify + Any bunch of inanimate objects in a Villain Mayhem.
Villains: Annie Alias, Dr. Amperical, Shade Golem, Knight Marksman
Heroes: The Clockwork Mime, Soccerpunch, The Fissioneer, Samurai Houston, Oversteer
Join The X-Patriots on Virtue!
My most fun:
Caltrops - always enjoy watching baddies run into this and then trying to get out
Trip Mine - watching orange lieutenants who can kill me go flying never gets old;
Touch of Fear/Cloak of Fear - Ain't so tough now, are ya, Mister Freakshow Tank?
Teleport Foe - Your friends can't help you, punk. It's just you and me.
Ripper - great damage in a cone, with major style points for the backflip
Most Fun
- Carrion Creepers - Chaos! Mayhem! Tentacles!
- Shield Charge - BOOM. This power has single-handedly ruined me for every other Scrapper I have.
- Freezing Rain - Does everything and does it well.
- EM Pulse - It's like a 40-second Off button for your enemies.
- Fallout - Hard to get right, but if you do... plus, it's so rare that half the time, there's the hilarious confusion as people think they've been rezzed but somehow aren't standing back up.
- Fault - Because real men juggle supervillains instead of chainsaws.
- Gang War - Nothing says Mastermind like a wave of disposable minions, and they're surprisingly handy.
- Full Auto - Rain of Arrows may top it for usability, but Full Auto wins hands-down for style.
Least Fun
- Scare - Oh boy! A level 35 single-target Fear! On a 20-second timer! With an 8-second duration! And a 3-second cast time! With no other fear powers in the set to stack with! I guess those fire/MMs deserve at least one ST control.
- The Entirety of Mind Control - That wasn't Mass Hypnosis... those enemies fell asleep because your graphics are so boring.
- Temperature Protection - I guess Energy Protection needs something to look down on?
- Speed Boost, Fortitude, et al. - Here you go, you guys can be gods now. Me? No, I'll just settle for staying mortal. You kids have fun. See you in two minutes when all seven of you need a refresh.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
Don't tell anyone that I said this, but...Dragons Tail is so fun, I actually use it on single targets on a regular basis.
Least Fun : Gale? Applying Speed Boost?
Most fun: Shield charge? Lightning Rod?
Most Fun:
-Hand Clap, Hurl, Foot Stomp. They put the 'super' into super strength. Too bad Hand Clap and Hurl get passed over so much for 'better' powers.
-Stone Spears, I'd play a set of nothing but that power.
-Eagle's Claw and Crane Kick, nothing says 'and stay out!' like flipping in the air, kicking a guy so hard his jaw comes off, landing and then kicking him off a rooftop and watching him all the way down.
-Clobber, I always precede this with Jawbreaker, which means my WM/SR brute is slamming a sledgehammer down on the back of some poor *******'s skull every time I use this. So much sadistic fun I actually find myself laughing maniacally at the keyboard on occasion.
-Energy Blast, the whole damned set.
-Vengeance/Fallout/Power of the Phoenix, making crappy players useful, one corpse explosion at a time.
-Shield Charge, the only attack power to ever impress me unslotted.
Least Fun:
-Aura Heals, are you trying to balance yourself on a surfboard or something?
-Stuns in Melee sets (pick one), welcome to the suck.
Most Fun:
Kick - only because on very short toons, it appears you are kicking everyone in the jewels.
Soulstorm - Great casting animation and very slick effect.
Power Thrust - Hellion golf never gets old.
Least Fun:
Focused Accuracy - I liked it much better before the nerf
Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper
Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.
Most Fun:
Trenebous Tenticals - Hey!Stop that!DONT TOUCH ME THERE~!
Posionous Trap - Nothings more fun then seeing a full mob of baddies tossing there cookies because of this device!
Flame Thrower - Nothings more intimidating, and fun to watch then a flamming stream of ignited fuel!
Dark Servant - A big Blob of Dark Mass, with glowing eyes, that plays with your enemies.Need I say more?
Full Auto - One of the most in your face, Stylish, calm, cool, and collective, laid back, YOUR DEAD, ranged attacks in the game.Stylin Baby!
Proton Volley - Ok, this is the only Snipe in the game that hits multipul times.It just looks awesome!Pew pew pew pew pew!
All of the Warshade Attacks - Who doesnt love the PURPLE!?
Most Fun:
Hurl Boulder/Hurl - Ripping up chunks of scenery and tossing them definitely has that "super" feel to it.
Assassin's Blades - One for each kidney.
Least Fun:
Thunder Strike/Total Focus/Tremor/any "slam dunk" animation - Congratulations, you are now the world's slowest luchador attempting a double axe handle blow from the top turnbuckle.
Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.
By "fun" I mean, well, fun to use. Not necessarily useful or effective or making lots of pretty orange numbers. Powers that look neat or some quirky effect that's fun to abuse on gray-con enemies.

My pics:
Most Fun
Propel: I just got this power on my grav troller. Even though I've seen in action for years, it just now dawned on me how awesome it is to smack an enemy in the face with a dumpster.
Fearsome Stare: Your skull pops out of your face. YOUR SKULL. POPS. OUT YOUR FACE. Win.
Repel: Sucks up end, annoys the melee folks, and scatters mobs. Still, casually jogging through a mob sending them in every direction is a jolly good time.
Hurricane: in some ways not unlike Repel, but a little more control. Lets you shove around big ol' Freakshow Tanks like they were Chess pieces. Also fun for scraping CoT off the rooftops in KR
Cloak of Fear: You drape yourself in a miasma of screaming terrors. A power so badass, it actually makes my wife uncomfortable to look at.
Lightning Storm: Looks cool. Sounds cool. Is cool. Also: fun to summon on inappropriate places on the many statues around town.
Shield Charge & Lightning Rod: I'm grouping these together, but each in crazy fun. I've wasted way to much time just charging and electrocuting inanimate objects just for larfs.
Least Fun:
Blackstar: A power with a graphic so bleh and uninteresting, it killed my interest in my D/D Defender.
Midnight Grasp: Works Great! Looks lame. You sorta wave your hand at an opponent. For a Tier 9 power, you should reach down through a miasmic portal to yank through a host of unholy monstrosities to devour your enemy.
Liquify: The descirption makes it sound like you will transform the ground into some kind of churning, throbbing membrane of bass, like some corn starch experiment run amok. The reality is sadly less.
Add yours, trash mine.
Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.