Why the Pocket D Stigma?




People tend to dislike Pocket D because it's considered "cool" to dislike the D. It's just human nature. Same thing happened with lots of things in history, the example off the top of my head being Window Vista.

Pocket D does have some weird stuff in it. Soon people started using jokes about the stuff going on in it, and you have the snowball effect, until now, which lots of people think Pocket D is just full of furry catgirls who want to "cyber" with you. It's just shameless exaggeration.

I have met lots of friends in the D. I've had tons of fantastic RP in D. I've also had people send me creepy OOC tells like "hey i wana **** u".

After all this, however, I avoid Pocket D. Wanna know why?

Amazingly enough, the number of people who grief Pocket D, and cause disturbance in the area, and just plainly act rude towards everyone out-of-character PURELY because THEY think Pocket D is full of creepy pedophiles and horny teenage boys, is higher than the actual creepy pedophiles and horny teenage boys.

Some people gave themselves the right of griefing everyone in the vicinity just because they believe everyone in D is ERPing, Cybering, or engaging in some sexual act, which is just ridiculous, hilarious, and pathetic.

THAT is why I avoid Pocket D.

Edit: After reading Red's post in details, I also heavily agree with him.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
which lots of people think Pocket D is just full of furry catgirls who want to "cyber" with you.
If Pocket D really was like this, I would never go anywhere else.

But I don't go because I don't have any characters that would go, mostly because in real life I'm not the kind of person that likes to go to bars or parties usually. I don't truly believe that Pocket D is a horrible place akin to the Mos Eisley cantina(though on second thought, that'd be totally rad) but for me it has turned into a running joke. I admit that I sometimes make comments about Pocket D being a hive of scum and villainy, but the truth is that if I had any characters who liked bars or parties, I wouldn't hesitate to take them there.

For me it's just a joke, not the truth.



This is why I dislike the D.

When I finally settled into Virtue 3yrs ago(after 2yrs on Triumph, though I still check in on my original server)

I went to the D, to move to another zone, was rather amazed to see actual activity there, so I went around, did one my favorite pastimes, reading folks descriptions, well that was starting to get a tad "ahem" interesting on that alone.

Then I get a tell, from some random person, I cannot honestly recall the name, though I do remember it was some guy on huge frame & max tall, with a beard down to his crotch.

It goes: I want to piledrive my tongue into your *******
my response: What?
the person: "repeats above statement"
my response: "long pause" Well you sure about that, I just ate mexican food, its probably going be a mess down there. Then I ignored em & left the D.

Fast Foward 6 months

Im in the D(for life of me, Why, I dont even recall). I stumbled into a group of 3 toons, staring at each other, 2 Dudes, 1 tiny **** female schoolgirl toon. Mistel comes out from one of em, talking bout taking the 12yr old schoolgirl to their apt, to **** her.

Reported & ignored

Fast Foward 1yr later. My 1 & only attempt on online RPing(I hate it, I dont mind PnP RPs, cuz if the person sitting there, is being a ****, I can reach across bust his face with a bottle of Crown or my fist)

Lets just say after 1hr of an honest attempt, I say F it, between constant perversion(Lord knows Im a freak on a leash :P )(which I was not trying go for anyways), The I am way more powerful then you & constant jackoffs, I was like, Oh I remembered why I never got into Online RP'ing, the anonymous nature of it, causes way to much dickholery!

This why I dislike the D. Plus I love XPing & bullshitting way more.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Thank you for that whole thing Drakken. Always can count on you to be upfront. But that is what I was looking for, actual experiences that might support the stereotype as somewhat credible, as well as consistent. Thanks. Anyone else to give this type of exampling?

With love,
Me! <3

P.S. I know I love XPing and teaming, too. The ga,me itself is awesome, only augmented by the RP, IMO.

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Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Thank you for that whole thing Drakken. Always can count on you to be upfront. But that is what I was looking for, actual experiences that might support the stereotype as somewhat credible, as well as consistent. Thanks. Anyone else to give this type of exampling?

With love,
Me! <3

P.S. I know I love XPing and teaming, too. The ga,me itself is awesome, only augmented by the RP, IMO.
You -do- realize that the number of "examples" that disprove the stereotypes are far greater, yes? Or are you trying to simply justify stereotypes for personal amusement?



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
I actually have a character in Rogue Entertainment and nobody has ever propositioned me before, so I don't know what you guys are going on about. Maybe it's because I usually make sensibly-dressed and clothed heroines instead of catgirls or half-naked chicks...
We're coalitioned!

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Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Anyone else to give this type of exampling?

I love me some ERPvP

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



And people wonder why there is Pocket D stigma. Quinz, this thread is exactly why there is stigma around Pocket D. xD



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post
And people wonder why there is Pocket D stigma. Quinz, this thread is exactly why there is stigma around Pocket D. xD
Of course, I am silly. The main reason I asked was because the D seems to not have any more of these problems than the rest of this, or any other game. It's just weird to me that this one place makes many laugh and tease. I mean would it be the same stigma if this happened and people mentioned it in Galaxy city? Or The Monkey Fight Club in Sharkshead? I guess I"m just a bit offended at a place I genuinely like without having, personally, experienced all these 'problems'... But for now I still won't mind this as silly story time. XD

With love,
Me! <3

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Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Reiraku I had almost forgotten about those , win !



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Of course, I am silly. The main reason I asked was because the D seems to not have any more of these problems than the rest of this, or any other game. It's just weird to me that this one place makes many laugh and tease. I mean would it be the same stigma if this happened and people mentioned it in Galaxy city? Or The Monkey Fight Club in Sharkshead? I guess I"m just a bit offended at a place I genuinely like without having, personally, experienced all these 'problems'... But for now I still won't mind this as silly story time. XD

With love,
Me! <3
The D never had this problem. People interested in Erotic Roleplay, Cybersex, or other similar activities are present in any virtual, social community. However, it's kindda like the issue between theists and atheists. It's just that people who do engage in such activities, generally tend to keep it to themselves and their like-minded friends, not bothering anyone else (unless by accident, like a mistell), while the opposite group tends to try and enforce its ideals on them through griefing, ridiculing, gossiping, and in general, harassing.

Regardless, now your purpose for this thread is clear to me, and thanks for making it so.



*points at Deebs*

And this is why there is a stigma around the Pocket D.

Statesman said let there be heroes, and there were heroes.

Lord Recluse said let there be villains, and there were villains.

NCsoft said let there be nothing, and there was nothing.



Me a sort of celeberty??? Not even close.

I just happen to be around the D enough to know it gets a bad rep from people.

And Fed, I try to keep my shows nice and friendly to everyone. Yeah there are cliques everywhere, but I decided I"m not gonna let others ruin things for me.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



In my own experience Quinz, I'd have to say that the whole thing about Pocket D is mostly a self-propagating meme.

In all the times I've been there I've only encountered one 'adult' situation.

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Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
I love me some ERPvP

That was friggin awesome!

Larry: Owen, what the hell did you do to my wife?
Owen: Well I don't want to say on the phone - all I can tell you is that I killed her last night.



Originally Posted by Plug_Nickel View Post
That was friggin awesome!
^ That. Seconded.

THOUGH, I know I've told a new player once or twice that its a bit of a seedier place but what do you expect from an establishment that freely allows known villains to walk around freely? Secondly, depending on who you ask, Ghost Wake the character or GW the player, you will get a different response. People have brought up the D in-character and Ghost spits venom about it but, GW is basically a paladin archetypal character. Right and wrong are very well defined to him and aiding known super-powered criminals when you have the powers to stop them... that's wrong. He'll grudgingly accept aid from a villain given situations like 'oh noes time and space are in dangers!' or 'Oh noes aliens are invadin's!' but just ignoring people because its their off night? No.

Otherwise? The only reason I don't RP in the D is because I walked around a couple nights back when I started playing and basically got the cold shoulder and listened to a few groups talk about how hot this vampire villain was... What her name was escaped me but she was dressed in a trench-coat and other typical darkity dark clothing. The lines were all PG-13 and limited to sexual innuendos but that line of dialog lasted for longer than I stuck arround which was about 15 minutes of sitting by the bar. Not particularly offensive but not my preferred style of RP. I'd much rather run around fighting evil/saving the universe when I'm in-game.

Ya know, a good bit of the 'honest dislike' of the D probably comes from players like me who went into the D for a few nights and probably just caught a few bad apples and decided to just not go back. I mean, I know not all candy apples taste line they're made of soap but that one I had at the fair when I was ten sure doesn't make me wanna try and test that theory anytime soon... or ever, I guess. Wow that was a while ago... -_-



This chick is in the Chalet with another chick in front of her. Now this chick actually has something in her bio saying she's always nude, and describes the length of her, umm, additional parts. So I pass by, and I get this tell (bold parts are my censoring)

[Tell] CrazyERPchick: *Strokes her female rooster as the woman in front of her was pressed against her body, cabbages touching and being played with teasingly, the poor little nude girl succombing to touch*
I guess I just lost my D virginity, eh?



Someone shoulda told them to use protection Mondo. You know what might happen when you let your cabbages touch?

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Surprised me when Mine was, as she was in a trench coat, leather pants and red shirt. She also had the scarred face. Some people are weird. But I'm just asking the people WHY the D is considered so deviant, and no one really gives person stories or examples they have observed.

So far, I'm thinking it's just a running joke gone horribly wrong...
Never gotten tells like that myself (although many of my characters being male probably plays a huge part in that ) nor have i really seen the behavior mentioned in the D.
Of course i'm hardly a regular, and pretty much never during peak hours so i'm hardly an expert on the place.
Suggestive/innuendo/flirting i see all the time, just like people acting goofy with Rains of Fire and other AoE's at the blue bar, occasionally a /em lights [character name] on fire and laughs.
You didn't happen to have one of those E/MRP/All RP tags did you?

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Originally Posted by Knightslayer View Post
You didn't happen to have one of those E/MRP/All RP tags did you?
All my toons are tagged 'Immersive RPer' Meaning I won't make my character do something because what -I- want but what my toon wants and/or is capable of. Meaning I have had some people abuse it and have several of my toons die because I refuse to go 'Nuh-uh, I won't want my character to die!'. Unless it's super far out of there, they can't fix their medical transporter, and/or dodge that 3000 volt of electricity based on their trained abilities.

I don't know, but maybe Immersive RPer means something different... But then again I only got one example of propositioning in my entire time here.

With Love,
Me! <3

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I don't get the whole tag thing...

Personally, I used to put "Mature Roleplayer" in my character description. I thought it implies "Hey! This character is rated R! She must swear a lot! She might start doing things that your mommy and daddy wouldn't want you to see! She might rip your head off and describe it in the most detailed way possible about how all that blood sprayed in 92 different directions. She might even tell you how babies are made in incredibly detail!"...but people immediately believed I am actively looking for erotic roleplay.

Many, many, MANY people believe the tags imply what the person carrying the tag is LOOKING for, not the rating of their character to keep away the easily offended. There are way too many people who think:

"All RP" = "MRP" = "ERP" = "Cybersex!" = "Do me, please!"

I just hate that! To me, there is very clear distinction between any two of those.

So I removed all tags from my bio and replaced it with "Roleplayer" or some goofy alternative.



You don't need to put a tag in your bio.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
You don't need to put a tag in your bio.
Very true. But it might be habit, or belief it actually helps, that people keep up with it. Maybe something we need to break.

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Very true. But it might be habit, or belief it actually helps, that people keep up with it. Maybe something we need to break.
I don't see why you would have problems with it being a habit. Go to your personal information, select the roleplayer tag, press backspace until it is gone. Bam, habit broken.