Why the Pocket D Stigma?




Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
I don't see why you would have problems with it being a habit. Go to your personal information, select the roleplayer tag, press backspace until it is gone. Bam, habit broken.
I never said it was hard to break. XD

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Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
(Poster)I don't see why you would have problems with it being a habit. Go to your personal information, select the roleplayer tag, press backspace until it is gone. Bam, habit broken.
(Responder) LOL



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
You don't need to put a tag in your bio.
True. But I love being approached randomly for RP. And I personally believe the "Roleplayer" tag helps with that.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

True. But I love being approached randomly for RP. And I personally believe the "Roleplayer" tag helps with that.
I personally never bothered with the MRP/ERP/WhateverRP and always stuck with the generic RP/RPer.

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Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post

That and the past.

Being one who is in Pocket D quite regularly, The broadcast in the D tends to be on the weird side with a lot of joking about said grievences done along with a bunch of other silly nonsense.

This was not always the case, adn there was a time when the D was a lot worse. Also it depends on where you go, as going up to the Bar Blue side, you can see some of the fighting stuff going on, but its mostly pretty innocent.

When we have shows in the D (which is quite often) we have people hanging around and most of us try to welcome new people and get them somewhat involved.

There will always be those that Bash the D, but it really is a nice little spot.

However, it doesn't hold a candle to the old Gemini Park RP of yester-year IMHO.



Originally Posted by Pinstar View Post

However, it doesn't hold a candle to the old Gemini Park RP of yester-year IMHO.
You are right to an extent, but I remember the same types of cliquishness in Gemini Park back then also. It just was easier to watch what was going on there IMHO, and the setting gave a different flavor to it all. Getting involved IMHO was harder at Gemini Park (Thanks to Killer Whale who got me introduced to some of the people there).

I really think that there was a stigma with Open RP (Atlas, Gemini, Pocket D) overall that drove a lot of RP into the SG Basses when those came in game. Its unfortunate, especially with all the neat places to do RP now including Pocket D, The Midnight Club, Gemini Park ( I still do shows there occasionally), Prometheus Park in Atlas, the university campuses, etc...

I'm not saying RP is dying, I just don't think it is as open as it use to be, and I think that does give RPer's overall a look of being super cliquish.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



However, it doesn't hold a candle to the old Gemini Park RP of yester-year IMHO.

I think this statement demonstrates beautifully the diversity of RP. Streaming radio and dancing toons just isn't for me, but so what? For those who enjoy it, it makes a great asset to the game. So the D is great.

I think if there is any lament at all, it is that the D is the only definitive hot spot these days. RP flares up here and there, and we all have our private circles we RP in as well, but the game could use another cross-faction spot. I mean when you have to use the entrance to the Rikti War Zone to get something other than a discotheque, well the situation makes me a little sad.

I think this might also add to the D's stigma. It is the only real convenient cross-faction "drop-in" zone, designed exclusively for social interaction - and it is this big, blaring warehouse of disco lights with rumors of cat girls lingering in dark corners.

It's unfortunate...I think if there was another cross-faction hot-spot that had a contrasting style, I'd wager the "stigma" over the D would probably diminish.



Originally Posted by ChaosRed View Post
However, it doesn't hold a candle to the old Gemini Park RP of yester-year IMHO.

I think this statement demonstrates beautifully the diversity of RP. Streaming radio and dancing toons just isn't for me, but so what? For those who enjoy it, it makes a great asset to the game. So the D is great.

I think if there is any lament at all, it is that the D is the only definitive hot spot these days. RP flares up here and there, and we all have our private circles we RP in as well, but the game could use another cross-faction spot. I mean when you have to use the entrance to the Rikti War Zone to get something other than a discotheque, well the situation makes me a little sad.

I think this might also add to the D's stigma. It is the only real convenient cross-faction "drop-in" zone, designed exclusively for social interaction - and it is this big, blaring warehouse of disco lights with rumors of cat girls lingering in dark corners.

It's unfortunate...I think if there was another cross-faction hot-spot that had a contrasting style, I'd wager the "stigma" over the D would probably diminish.
Well, there is in the Midnighters Club, but very few people seem to use that.

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by ChaosRed View Post
I think if there is any lament at all, it is that the D is the only definitive hot spot these days. RP flares up here and there, and we all have our private circles we RP in as well, but the game could use another cross-faction spot. I mean when you have to use the entrance to the Rikti War Zone to get something other than a discotheque, well the situation makes me a little sad.
Agreed over 9000%

Personally I don't like the D because a lot of the RP and character concepts found there are simply, well, retarded. Not gonna give examples, just because i think it's silly as all hell, doesn't mean i should insult other peoples specific concepts publically :P

But I go there because where the hell else will I find roleplayers outside of my own SG? Seriously? That and, you know, they're not all rampaging butch lesbian demons who feed off sexual fluids to power their 5,000 year old smokin' hot corpse, or whatnot. There are, occasionally, some normal characters to be found as well.

P.S. Actually, it doesn't even have to be cross-faction. I'd be perfectly fine with hotspots both redside specific and blueside specific. But as far as I know, those dont exist either.



Originally Posted by ChaosRed View Post
It's unfortunate...I think if there was another cross-faction hot-spot that had a contrasting style, I'd wager the "stigma" over the D would probably diminish.
This has been brought up many, many times, even by me. Conclusion? In theory it sounds like a great idea. In practice, it would not work.

It's just natural selection would eventually drive everyone back to Pocket D. That's what's good about Pocket D. You go in, and you can instantly find RP, good or bad. If there was any other spot people decided to gather, they'd go there, sit around, find lack of RP, and then give up and go do other things, or go back to Pocket D.

As much as I want it to, it just won't work.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

This has been brought up many, many times, even by me. Conclusion? In theory it sounds like a great idea. In practice, it would not work.

It's just natural selection would eventually drive everyone back to Pocket D. That's what's good about Pocket D. You go in, and you can instantly find RP, good or bad. If there was any other spot people decided to gather, they'd go there, sit around, find lack of RP, and then give up and go do other things, or go back to Pocket D.

As much as I want it to, it just won't work.
And that's why I REALLY wish they'd leave the ski lodge open. It's a seperate place with a different feel, but it's still Pocket D as well.

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Originally Posted by Rabid_Metroid View Post
And that's why I REALLY wish they'd leave the ski lodge open. It's a seperate place with a different feel, but it's still Pocket D as well.
Then ski lodge would lose itss charm.

The ski lodge is fun PURELY because it's open once a year.



It would be nice if there were another cross faction meeting area that was not a nightclub and not under the strictures of the D. Something like a few block section of a city or somesuch with a few indoor spots(coffee shops, bars, etc) and a lot of outdoor space(streets, buildings/rooftops, a park).

The problem currently is that the only cross faction meeting places(non combat zones) are a club and a library/gentlemans club.

And the Midnighter's club doesn't get the traffic because there is a level limit to get in... though I would love to see an RP hotspot that did have a level limit of at least 15 or so, it would at least cut down on the low level griefer toons that some people make just to disrupt RP.

"Life is what happens when you are making other plans"



If there was a non-club place to sit and RP, like say a coffee shop somewhere or, actually a public park NOT overrun with evilly bad guys. I'd be more likely to go there and RP then off to the D. I mean... none of my characters really would go to a nightclub... Let alone one I've failed to find enjoyment out of previously.

though, really, I'm tired of heroes and villains always working together. The only times I ever see a villain is when its cooperative. Sorta makes villains stop seeming so villainous. So, I totally support the idea of more blue-only and red-only RP spots. That'd be really fun.



Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
though, really, I'm tired of heroes and villains always working together. The only times I ever see a villain is when its cooperative. Sorta makes villains stop seeming so villainous. So, I totally support the idea of more blue-only and red-only RP spots. That'd be really fun.
Thank you for mentioning something I forgot to add.



Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
And the Midnighter's club doesn't get the traffic because there is a level limit to get in... though I would love to see an RP hotspot that did have a level limit of at least 15 or so, it would at least cut down on the low level griefer toons that some people make just to disrupt RP.
Not just a level limit, but also a story arc requirement. Which is hideously lopsided in favor of heroes.

All this talk of side-specific hotspots makes me wish things like Gemini or the Rooftop (or the even more obscure Gazebo) hadn't died out.

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Well, at least now the heroes have a massively convoluted and overlong cape mission to make up for the Midnighters Club unbalance issue.

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Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
If there was a non-club place to sit and RP, like say a coffee shop somewhere or, actually a public park NOT overrun with evilly bad guys. I'd be more likely to go there and RP then off to the D. I mean... none of my characters really would go to a nightclub... Let alone one I've failed to find enjoyment out of previously.

though, really, I'm tired of heroes and villains always working together. The only times I ever see a villain is when its cooperative. Sorta makes villains stop seeming so villainous. So, I totally support the idea of more blue-only and red-only RP spots. That'd be really fun.
Isn't zone PvP the answer to that?
I know its not particularly popular and a bit broken mechanically, but its the obvious alternative to co-operative missions or non-combat spots like the D, and its already there.



Originally Posted by IanTheM1 View Post
Not just a level limit, but also a story arc requirement. Which is hideously lopsided in favor of heroes.

All this talk of side-specific hotspots makes me wish things like Gemini or the Rooftop (or the even more obscure Gazebo) hadn't died out.
Gazebo? I did not know about this.



Zone PvP, while awesome in idea is flawed because not all powersets were created equal. I'd spend a ton of time out in the world fighting if my /SR scrapper didn't get his junk kicked up into his stomach and sent packing back to cry and hug his mother's skirt because defense is such a worthless stat and having a powerset designed around a worthless stat makes a powerset... well, you got it, worthless.

I'd be out fighting villains if my DB/SR scrapper actually had teeth and wasn't a toothless invalid who... well, I don't need to go into all the metaphors and similes. You get my point.



speaking as a Justice player

um...we don't have this problem...

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Speaking as a part-time Justice player....we have other problems over there.



Pocket D's bad reputation for ERP comes from CoH's ERPers being more open about what they do, than ERPers in other games - to an extent. Not nessecarily openly cybering, but openly searching for partners, and describing whatever strange sex-based powers their characters have in their bio.

This isn't really CoH-specific either. Even though CoH ERPers are (from what I've seen) far more open about it, there are places with similar reputations in basically every game. WoW has Goldshire/Silvermoon, SWG has Mos Eisley Cantina, we have Pocket D.

It's not that you can't find more mundane RPers within the D. It's just that you notice the more extravagant ones first.

There could be a H-Side (or V-Side) specific hotspot, but it'd have to be some sort of community effort. Sometimes these things work out, sometimes they don't. Generally, people will go there for a week or two and then migrate back to the usual location(s), but it all depends on who's pushing for it.



Originally Posted by Lumiena View Post
Generally, people will go there for a week or two and then migrate back to the usual location(s), but it all depends on who's pushing for it.
And that's what Pocket D's MEANT to be as an RP hot spot. Your character goes there for a week or two in search of connections. That's WHY I like Pocket D. After you find some connections, friends, enemies, whatever, for your character, then you can migrate from Pocket D into other areas to RP with those connections.

Think of it as a "lobby" area for RP...