Why the Pocket D Stigma?




Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
more blue-only and red-only RP spots
99% of roleplayers are too cool for the blue/red separation, so this doesn't really work.



There's a really nice spot, a couple sheltered benches, on a hill on the ski slopes looking out at Pocket D.

Very romantic.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



I would love to see red only zones, blue only zones, and grey(purple?) zones in GR. Especialy if they're not nightclubs or bars like Pocket D, as a lot of characters would'nt hang in them for various reasons. This would take a commitment by the playerbase though, like a petition that says "I'd be willing to hang/RP there" which woul in turn, enocurage others who ar'ent on the forums to go, as they'd go, see the population, and stay.

Of course that sounds like a lot of work, and we know how much we all like work. :P

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



I think that's the biggest thing. We all love to complain about it but changing the status quo is never worth the effort needed. I mean, I have my SG base for RP and sitting out in Atlas Park isn't half bad anyway... Though again, my character (while 900% more likely to be seen there than the D) is still probably not gunna hang out there. The Midnighter's Club on the other hand... funny enough.



Once upon a time, a whole bunch of us used to hang out in Gemnii Park to chat, RP and other stuff. This was before City of Villains or even the Paragon Dance Party. Even then, we had our weirdos, angsty role-players and some of the more "mature" RPers (though not as much).

There, I met Xanatos, Captain Valor, Ascendant, Heroid, Ireland Love, Vangelus, Polaron and a host of others whose names I can't remember.

Thing is; it grew, changed, and sadly, moved to what is now Pocket D (after an aborted attempt at Paragon Dance Party).

Yes, Pocket D was initially host to some of the weirdest and sickest RP I've seen (this is from my perspective, not necessarily others). And that tag made me avoid Pocket D like the plague.

However, like Gemnii Park, it has grown and changed. I noticed this the other day when I parked my butt in the chalet while trying to come up with idea for my tabletop game. During the course of it all, I overheard a couple of conversations that are similar to what would have been heard in Gemnii Park. It was a pleasant moment.

Unfortunately, tags stick around and reputation gets passed around, which is why it still has a bad tag attached. It's up to us -- blueside and redside alike -- to keep the experience pleasant for everyone and to bring up the reputation for the D and say, "Hey, it's not such a bad place for hangout." While we can't do anything personally to some of the more rude idiots out there, the best thing you can do is not pay attention to their commentary and if possible, /ignore them.

In the meanwhile, have fun out there!



Originally Posted by PirateSeaHawk View Post
There, I met Xanatos, Captain Valor, Ascendant, Heroid, Ireland Love, Vangelus, Polaron and a host of others whose names I can't remember.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Just chiming in on one of the side topics here...

Maybe Praetoria will provide a new (Or more than one) spot that only the D really provides right now.

Of course... The RWZ could be used as such a place as well.

I would love to have a diner (Probably better than a little coffee shop).

More to the stuff about the D itself...

All the stuff some people mock ab out the D would (And does, I'm sure) happen elsewhere.
Add in that, yeah, Pocket D is a nightclub... and you have actual immersive reasons for why that spot would be more of a center for it.
From drinking, dancing, seeking romance, seeking sex to whatever else lies beyond (No, not kids and debt)... it matches the real life mindset that one could find these things THERE better than elsewhere (Not saying that real life mindset is right either, haha... but virtual reality follows reality... No matter how poorly perceived that reality may be).

I don't care for the D, because none of my characters (Nor my personal interests in role-playing) have any interest in nightclubs and the things one can do there.

Very rarely... it can be fun to bring a character who is not a social butterfly (And is uncomfortable in such a setting as a nightclub), but (unless it is with friends) that is generally a bit of immersive (fun?) all by yourself as you watch your character behave shyly and eventually leave early.

Also, as usual, everything I've seen ChaosRed say matches my thoughts and feelings... I may not like it, but I'll defend people's right to do it.

That being said... I have more of an issue with society's standards at large about certain things that seem to lead others to be more offended.
Just along the lines of what people deem appropriate regarding the opposite sex, lack of respect, questionable age... The open enjoyment of a very youthful look...
Anyways, I only specified a bit there because I didn't want people to mistake my cryptic comment for some other idea/beliefs they might imagine.

I wish we had more library characters to maintain a hot spot.
No, it wouldn't be, "Hey, Professor Silverback! Wanna dance while we read through these old newspapers to try and figure out a link in these old crimes?"
But there would be a lot of potential for spontaneous role-play between Heroes and/or Villains to do with... ya know... hero and villain stuff.

And, not just at a library...
That's why I think a diner would be great.

A mall could be the best idea.

Have a diner/restaurant, a bookstore/library, a toy store...

I'd settle for a diner.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
A mall could be the best idea.
Red/Blue turf fights, teen villains hanging out in the food court telling heroes they "made a wrong turn", heroes shopping at Fabulous Fashions and spotting their arch-nemeses trying on new spandex?




Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Red/Blue turf fights, teen villains hanging out in the food court telling heroes they "made a wrong turn", heroes shopping at Fabulous Fashions and spotting their arch-nemeses trying on new spandex?


Hahaha... So many earth-shattering possibilities!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Ya know, a diner'd actually be really flippin' cool. Though, I second the wish for more bookish heroes to sit around in a library.



honestly, if the city and isles wer'ent filled with so many big empty generic buildings, and had lots of small empty shops and whatnot, it'd be cool, lots of tiny spots to hang and RP and such, but that's asking for too much I suppose.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



My take on this is pretty simple

  1. Some people are just immature and never got past the giggling at things pertaining to sex phase ( I.E. early teens )
  2. Some people are just too narrow minded to consider that even if someone does ERP perhaps they're not the basement dwelling mouth breathing loser they seem to so strongly wish they were
  3. Some people seem fixated on the whole 'no girls on the internet thing' so much so I question whether the males that say this perhaps aren't gay and hoping for an all male utopia ( IT'S RAININ MEN! )
  4. People from a certain chan. Nuff said.
  5. Some are simply talking out their ****. Looking for drama, thriving off drama and arguing/starting trouble just to argue/start trouble because they can't feel self important without it
  6. The above + Low self esteem = Half the retards who get into arguments on the internet
Basically I think there's a stigma because people want there to be a stigma. Otherwise they'd have to find something else to complain about so they can feel important.



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
My take on this is pretty simple

  1. Some people are just immature and never got past the giggling at things pertaining to sex phase ( I.E. early teens )
  2. Some people are just too narrow minded to consider that even if someone does ERP perhaps they're not the basement dwelling mouth breathing loser they seem to so strongly wish they were
  3. Some people seem fixated on the whole 'no girls on the internet thing' so much so I question whether the males that say this perhaps aren't gay and hoping for an all male utopia ( IT'S RAININ MEN! )
  4. People from a certain chan. Nuff said.
  5. Some are simply talking out their ****. Looking for drama, thriving off drama and arguing/starting trouble just to argue/start trouble because they can't feel self important without it
  6. The above + Low self esteem = Half the retards who get into arguments on the internet
Basically I think there's a stigma because people want their to be a stigma. Otherwise they'd have to find something else to complain about so they can feel important.
I love you! You just said everything I've always wanted to say in such a long time! Thanks!



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Oops; Sorry, Kel.

I should make mention that Kelenar was one of my favorite hangout buddies over at GP. :-)



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
My take on this is pretty simple

  1. Some people are just immature and never got past the giggling at things pertaining to sex phase ( I.E. early teens )
  2. Some people are just too narrow minded to consider that even if someone does ERP perhaps they're not the basement dwelling mouth breathing loser they seem to so strongly wish they were
  3. Some people seem fixated on the whole 'no girls on the internet thing' so much so I question whether the males that say this perhaps aren't gay and hoping for an all male utopia ( IT'S RAININ MEN! )
  4. People from a certain chan. Nuff said.
  5. Some are simply talking out their ****. Looking for drama, thriving off drama and arguing/starting trouble just to argue/start trouble because they can't feel self important without it
  6. The above + Low self esteem = Half the retards who get into arguments on the internet
Basically I think there's a stigma because people want there to be a stigma. Otherwise they'd have to find something else to complain about so they can feel important.
Or perhaps as some people in this thread have mention they just don't buy into that style and/or setting of/for roleplaying and when asked they explain such things. Simply because some people have a more conservative view on what they like/dislike does not automatically make a person a raving, overly vocal a-hole.

Though, generalizing all the people who dislike Pocket D into immature, narrow-minded, temperamental or argumentative groups... makes you appear much like the people you are speaking down too. In fact, THAT is why the zone gets its bad name: broad, sweeping generalizations that touch upon your personal opinion on the matter but don't recognize and respect the choices of those you disagree with.



-removed. Nothing needs to be said.-



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
My take on this is pretty simple

  1. Some people are just immature and never got past the giggling at things pertaining to sex phase ( I.E. early teens )
  2. Some people are just too narrow minded to consider that even if someone does ERP perhaps they're not the basement dwelling mouth breathing loser they seem to so strongly wish they were
  3. Some people seem fixated on the whole 'no girls on the internet thing' so much so I question whether the males that say this perhaps aren't gay and hoping for an all male utopia ( IT'S RAININ MEN! )
  4. People from a certain chan. Nuff said.
  5. Some are simply talking out their ****. Looking for drama, thriving off drama and arguing/starting trouble just to argue/start trouble because they can't feel self important without it
  6. The above + Low self esteem = Half the retards who get into arguments on the internet
Basically I think there's a stigma because people want there to be a stigma. Otherwise they'd have to find something else to complain about so they can feel important.
Firstly, that had me laughing my tush off. XD

Secondly, as the player of Karnal Sin (a blatantly sexually-themed character) I NEVER got propositioned in the D. I STILL don't! I mean, sure, my friends and I have joked around, but most of the time, I had fun RP in the D with my old villaingroup. I enjoyed throwing parties there (Rakescar's bday, Virtue Awards, etc).

As for individuals who partake in, what we old school players called it: "schecking," I could really care less who does what in where and who. There are good sex scenes in movies (Terminator) and there are disturbing and needless sex scenes in movies (Matrix Reloaded, Watchmen). I'm down for Terminator-type of schecking to move story along, if it makes sense, if there is going to be some kind of character DEVELOPMENT/CHANGE from "acting it out" - and even then it turns into a writing exercise...seriously, YOU try to euphemistically describe some body parts...fortunately I read a lot of Harlequinn Romance novels when I was like 13....holy crap I'm babbling...

Anyway, it is my strongly held belief that creative writing can take many forms...however, if you are touching yourself while banging the keyboard to type: "mmmmmlkn yu fel gooooood" then you have spiraled into the dark realms of cyb0rz.

Now, back in the day, before I came to the official boards and I was on CohGuru, I was tagged as being someone REALLY into cyb0rz simply cause I'd joke around on the boards with insinuations and mindless flirting amongst the other (verified) females. I was labeled this due to a...I think he was 17 year old guy propositioning my character in a PvP zone while we were RPing and me politely declining...which of course pissed off said teenager and calling me a schecking-wh0re. Seriously, something similar happened to me IRL. This guy back in 11th grade wanted to date me bad, but because I wasn't into him, he thusly called me a ****. How does that make ANY sense? I'm a **** cause you CAN'T get into my pants? Wow. I'm rambling again....wtf...

BACK TO POINT - I have found individuals who protest too much about a certain something, are usually very guilty of it. Look at all those gay/closeted Republicans! Extremists of any opinion tend to have other issues underlying their polarization.

I have no idea if I made any freaking sense in this...but I'm freaking exhausted. Only had 4 hours of sleep and a lingering hangover. CoX Fail.

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Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
Or perhaps as some people in this thread have mention they just don't buy into that style and/or setting of/for roleplaying and when asked they explain such things. Simply because some people have a more conservative view on what they like/dislike does not automatically make a person a raving, overly vocal a-hole.

Though, generalizing all the people who dislike Pocket D into immature, narrow-minded, temperamental or argumentative groups... makes you appear much like the people you are speaking down too. In fact, THAT is why the zone gets its bad name: broad, sweeping generalizations that touch upon your personal opinion on the matter but don't recognize and respect the choices of those you disagree with.
If I may add something. I don't think Jade was targeting people who dislike Pocket D. She was more targeting people who grief Pocket D and fuel the stigma around it. At least that's what I got from their post.



Originally Posted by Bright Shadow View Post

If I may add something. I don't think Jade was targeting people who dislike Pocket D. She was more targeting people who grief Pocket D and fuel the stigma around it. At least that's what I got from their post.
Preeetty much which is why I removed my last entry. I don't need to defend myself.. And I wasn't really targeting anyone to be honest.. Just those that are guilty-minded.

Definitely wasn't generalizing, I never said 'everyone who disagrees with the Pocket D and my frame of mind is...' or anything like that so y'know. Whatever.



Well, there really should be a distinction there. I didn't see it. It really just came across to me as 'People who dislike the D and say so suck because they suck' in the short hand. I mean, I'm glad it really meant 'people who grief the D suck because they suck' but... I dunno. It didn't seem so clearly defined to me.

While yes, you didn't out right say 'This is what people are: (Insert list here)' you did say 'This is my take on things:' and then listed only negative archetypes... which really only gave the impression (To me, as I can only speak for myself) that the reason Pocket D has a negative stigma to it is because of a-holes like the ones you listed.



<----is experimenting in the D right now...let's see if I can invoke someone to proposition me. CUE THE WALK TOGGLE!!!!

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Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
Fast Foward 1yr later. My 1 & only attempt on online RPing(I hate it, I dont mind PnP RPs, cuz if the person sitting there, is being a ****, I can reach across bust his face with a bottle of Crown or my fist)
Pretty much. That's why MMO RP eventually fails.

I would like to issue a plea on behalf of Paragon's diminutive protectors, please watch where you step. We're four feet tall in a six foot tall world, we've been cast adrift in a sea of butts. -Pillbug



Originally Posted by JadeTora View Post
My take on this is pretty simple

  1. Some people are just immature and never got past the giggling at things pertaining to sex phase ( I.E. early teens )
  2. Some people are just too narrow minded to consider that even if someone does ERP perhaps they're not the basement dwelling mouth breathing loser they seem to so strongly wish they were
  3. Some people seem fixated on the whole 'no girls on the internet thing' so much so I question whether the males that say this perhaps aren't gay and hoping for an all male utopia ( IT'S RAININ MEN! )
  4. People from a certain chan. Nuff said.
  5. Some are simply talking out their ****. Looking for drama, thriving off drama and arguing/starting trouble just to argue/start trouble because they can't feel self important without it
  6. The above + Low self esteem = Half the retards who get into arguments on the internet
Basically I think there's a stigma because people want there to be a stigma. Otherwise they'd have to find something else to complain about so they can feel important.
Erotic Roleplaying in which a participant is not of legal age to give consent for sexual activity, even if the other persons involved were unaware that a minor was among the participants, constitutes a criminal offense in many of the jurisdictions where City of Heroes is available. In many other jurisdictions, precedent has yet to be established. In all jurisdictions, even if the case is slapped down summarily by the presiding official as a waste of time and all charges dismissed, the damage done by the very implication of wrongdoing, in the hands of the News Media, could devastate Paragon Studios.

This game is privately owned, which means that the wishes of its owners take priority over whatever Rights your government may guarantee you, so long as you participate in the use of their private property of your own free will. The Terms of Service are very clear. Paragon Studios does not wish to have criminal actions take place in their game, nor do they wish for their game to harbor behaviors that may not be criminally actionable but would still be a public relations catastrophe if exposed. This is a sensible position, and I support them in their effort. I support them because I enjoy this game and respect its creators, and because I do not wish to see them subjected to litigation or a media lynching. I support them specifically by having discontinued personal participation in Erotic Roleplaying within the confines of their game, and by reporting any and all incidents thereof that I become aware of to the GMs for moderation, should such events appear to my best judgment to fall within the definition of an actionable offense presented in the Terms of Service.

Show me a way for a player to prove, to a standard acceptable in a court of law and with an ease of use to be viable in even casual encounters with complete stranger, that the person they're ERPing with at any given time is legally considered an adult in their home jurisdiction, and I would imagine the GMs would stop caring quite so much about Erotic Roleplayers. I certainly know I would! I'd probably even go back to doing it every so often, if I could be sure the other people involved weren't children and that I wasn't committing a crime, as well as violating the Terms of Service agreement that I accepted as a condition of my rental of Paragon Studio's private property.

I can't speak for other players, but this is why I don't like you, and why I don't like other Erotic Roleplayers in this community. Because you are selfish. Because you have essentially decided that your short term self-inflicted sexual gratification is important enough that you'll risk exposing this game and the company that owns it to all of the possible woes, legal, political, financial and media-related, that could come from being a place where sex crimes involving children are committed, and in so doing risk depriving other blameless players of access to this game. And more importantly, because you're the kind of people who don't particularly care that you may be committing sex crimes involving children yourselves, regardless of whose private property you do so in, so long as you get your cheap thrill from it.

In your specific case, I strongly suspect that the issue of sex crimes involving children doesn't worry you so much because you don't give the impression of being of legal age of consent. The hostility with which you defend your hobby reminds me very much of my younger siblings complaining when our parents remembered to securely lock the liquor cabinet.

Or else you haven't thought the consequences through to any great extent, much like I hadn't back in the day when I'd participate in Erotic Roleplaying in this game or in other similar environments. That's ok. A good person may make mistakes, even awful stupid dangerous ones, and still be a good person if they take steps to avoid repeating those mistakes when they acquire sufficient understanding to recognize the erroneous nature of the original act.

But that just doesn't appear to be the case with your avid defense of the hobby.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - scorpany@yahoo.com or <sameasmyAIM>@aol.com (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



You want to argue that? Show me ANYWHERE where ANYONE can prove a person is an adult on the internet.

Age verification through credit cards? ID? Birth Certificate? Social Security? All can be faked or can be gotten to use to be faked. By your logic any eroticism on the internet as a generalized whole must therefore be illegal by the argument that you can't prove viewers and participants are of legal age.


Get a more serious argument if you wish to down this. With people in the game who have ERP and all stated clearly in their profiles and the fact that the City of Heroes team seems okay with this as long as it's kept private I really don't think it's of that great a concern to them or they'd have said/done something about it.

Most people on the game ERP or not are probably of age and if they're not, it's fairly obvious ( as a general rule, check their typing proficiency. Do they misspell words often? Do they use punctuation? If so, it's probably not someone of age. ) and you may call this argument flimsy but it's just as flimsy as yours and I seriously doubt they could actually prosecute you in court or would even bother.

You're mad at ERPers because they're selfish? Then what are you? By your post you've rather clearly indicated you're only angry because it might ( not even a realistic chance, however ) inconvenience you. So you're guilty of being self centered as well.

Derp derp. Pot calling the kettle black.