Why the Pocket D Stigma?




I always wondered what got up that Guru's *** about Sorah. Your jiggle squeeze corner of the guru boards were a riot.

I do find the idea of choosing not to have kids funny, aren't you like 23? Come see us in 10 years.

The D can be out there, but Gemini wasn't any better (two weeks into the live game and some folks were offering the **** scenaro to my female toon), and the old rave Warehouse? I still remember an in the clear mistill "XXX XXXX knees shudder as..blah blah blah) complete with spamed heal or regen effect. Conversation on the entrie upper deck just stopped.

That said, I see some pretty good wingman RP at the D, RP that fits the context of the bar. I've held hour long conversations based on good opening lines. Course those players weren't looking for ERP; but bar RP, maybe even Sorah's fabled romance.

Personally I refuse to define ERP as wrong, I've seen, and been part of, RP that had adult content that was incredably written and charcter consitant. Well written stories and play, well I can be convienced, haven't been on this server in about 4 years, but a good writer/player can make up for a lot.

I to blame romance novels, an ex used to read Anne Rice/Vampire/Anita Blake books to me while were in bed at night.

RP in general on the server is...well weak. I'm sure the SG stuff is good, but I'd like to see more open RP in the general world. There used to some fun spots to sit around and talk, hell you used to able to land next to someone on a rooftop and get a good conversation going.

Hey, is the sports lounge/clubhouse still hiding behind those boxes in Faultine? That was one comfortable couch.

Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
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I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---



I always wondered what got up that Guru's *** about Sorah. Your jiggle squeeze corner of the guru boards were a riot.

I do find the idea of choosing not to have kids funny, aren't you like 23? Come see us in 10 years.
Yeah, I thought it was funny that I got that stigma because it was me, Larke, Jade, and Lady Grae (and we were ALL either married or in serious relationships)...but I was singled out and shat upon. And yeah, all for this:

Sorah: *wiggles at Lady Grae* Join me in the EZ Dark Corner?
Lady Grae: *prances over to Sorah*
Sorah: [censor][censor] OH MY!
Lady Grae: *giggles*

I mean, we were LITERALLY censoring ourselves and just insinuating silliness without any graphic crap. Kids. Oh well.

As for me not wanting children. It would have to be VERY special circumstances for me to breed.
1) The dude would have to be effing amazing. I mean, soulmate (which I don't believe in) status, AWESOME. Which is damn near impossible of finding...especially for someone as freaking neurotic and weird as me.
2) HE would have to have one DAMN good reason for wanting them. That is subjective to the person, though, so I have no real explanation for this one.
3) I would get a surrogate. I'm not dealing with stretch marks and I like my breasts exactly where they are. Surrogates run for about $50K a pop. Alternatively, I would have a personal trainer throughout the ENTIRE thing (prepregnancy, during, and post, just like celebs so I can not have stretch marks). In this scenario, I would get a C-section, cause I am "Too Posh to Push." As Madonna said, "Preserve the vagina." HAHAHAHAHAHAAH That woman is nuts.
4) I'd have to be financially secure...as in without the father. Because crap doesn't last and I don't believe in child support for myself. Also, I would have to quit working though, because when I do something, I "put my dick in all the way" as it were, which means that I would be 100% full time mother.

None of these circumstances are likely to come to fruition. Which is fine Plus, how the hell am I suppose to travel the world and do all my crazy life experiences if I'm worried about babies?

/end baby rant.

I brought up the baby thing as more irony and parallel to lifestyle choices though.

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I just fired out that comment about "being like Sorah" as a random joke/jest. Not knowing a thing about you nor any history of anything with the game or forums.
So, there was zero reputation, opinion nor seriousness behind it (Not that you were assuming that there was. I just wanted to make that clear to anyone and everyone, just in case!). Heehee

Anyways... Hi!

So, yeah... Just a random shot of humor from me, that was all!

It's funny how often my tendency to do such things with strangers has funny results... Like when I was helping an old friend move out of a place and a few other guys were there helping roommates move out... And when I was introduced to one of them, I said, "Ohhhh... You're that ***hole I've heard all about" while shaking his hand.
I had no idea until afterward... Turns out that there was a slew of problems between my friend and this guy, haha...

So, that provided for some fun tension as the guy thought I was there to knock him out... and it provided a lot of laughs as well.

Anyways, you sound awesome enough.

Love all, trust a few, do no wrong to others...

Back on topic... I find a lot of people's RP offensive regardless if it is ERP, MRP, WKRP or whatever... bad is bad! I don't mean "Oooh, you're offending my sensitive beliefs or performing criminal activities"... I mean, "That sucks so bad, I'm offended!"
But hey, we all have our tastes and enjoyment levels. Just like movies and shows and music and whatever... We're not all going to enjoy the same thing.

*stops typing*

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post

Back on topic... I find a lot of people's RP offensive regardless if it is ERP, MRP, WKRP or whatever... bad is bad! I don't mean "Oooh, you're offending my sensitive beliefs or performing criminal activities"... I mean, "That sucks so bad, I'm offended!"
But hey, we all have our tastes and enjoyment levels. Just like movies and shows and music and whatever... We're not all going to enjoy the same thing.

*stops typing*
That. Does it really matter if Pocket D has a stigma?



Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
That. Does it really matter if Pocket D has a stigma?
Somewhat. Because it may discourage new and potentially good (in the general sense of the term 'good') roleplayers from ever attempting to step into Pocket D and breathing a new life into the place.

But you're also somewhat right.



Well, at this point, the damage is done. There's really no 'cleaning up the D's reputation.' If people are shying away from the D because of its reputation they're probably too squeamish to be there anyway.



Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
Well, at this point, the damage is done. There's really no 'cleaning up the D's reputation.' If people are shying away from the D because of its reputation they're probably too squeamish to be there anyway.
Back in the day, some of the best RP happened in the D. Just sayin'. I mean, when DD was kidnapping Xanatos, Karnal losing her mind, Rakescar being propositioned into his control of his power, hell, Rake going "good guy," Cpt. Starfall attempting to infilitrate the Isles...there was DAMN good RP to be had at the D back in the day!

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Back in the day, some of the best RP happened in the D. Just sayin'. I mean, when DD was kidnapping Xanatos, Karnal losing her mind, Rakescar being propositioned into his control of his power, hell, Rake going "good guy," Cpt. Starfall attempting to infilitrate the Isles...there was DAMN good RP to be had at the D back in the day!
I don't believe I ever said there wasn't RP there that one might find enjoyable, only that I feel there's a slim chance of cleaning up the D's reputation. I'm not entirely sure what you are getting at or why what you posted is in any relation to my own...



What I really want to see is Pocket D with a stigmata.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
What I really want to see is Pocket D with a stigmata.

and Mutant, I am drunk, don't judge me. I was just posting to share my thoughts.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Back in the day, some of the best RP happened in the D. Just sayin'. I mean, when DD was kidnapping Xanatos, Karnal losing her mind, Rakescar being propositioned into his control of his power, hell, Rake going "good guy," Cpt. Starfall attempting to infilitrate the Isles...there was DAMN good RP to be had at the D back in the day!
Back in the day?!

Some of the best RP -still- happens in Pocket D...



Some people don't want to RP character intimate interactions, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life, but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving intimacy in any way. More power to them.

Some people don't want to RP character death, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving death in any way. More power to them.

Some people don't want to RP going to the bathroom, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving taking a dump in any way. More power to them as well.

The trouble starts when people decide that only things they personally are comfortable with should be mentioned in all RP ever.

Character index



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Some people don't want to RP character intimate interactions, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life, but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving intimacy in any way. More power to them.

Some people don't want to RP character death, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving death in any way. More power to them.

Some people don't want to RP going to the bathroom, for whatever reason. It may be something that happens in real life but they have no wish to dwell on it in their pretendy funtime games. They feel they can still have meaningful and fun RP without involving taking a dump in any way. More power to them as well.

The trouble starts when people decide that only things they personally are comfortable with should be mentioned in all RP ever.

*goes off and RP's an intimate death in the bathroom*

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post

*goes off and RP's an intimate death in the bathroom*
How? They don't let you ENTER bathrooms.

Ice/Ice Blaster. Dedication to concept is an ugly thing.
Claws/WP Brute. Sex without the angst.
Every CoX character lies somewhere on this spectrum.



Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
How? They don't let you ENTER bathrooms.

Easy, I just RP that I"m actually in it when I"m standing at the door!

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
Easy, I just RP that I"m actually in it when I"m standing at the door!



Ya know, I can forgive just about anything if somebody just tells me, "Don't judge me, I'm drunk."



Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
Ya know, I can forgive just about anything if somebody just tells me, "Don't judge me, I'm drunk."
Don't Drunk me I'm Judge! *nods sagely*

Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad



Too true, Silver Gale!

Originally Posted by Mutant_Dream View Post
Ya know, I can forgive just about anything if somebody just tells me, "Don't judge me, I'm drunk."

Don't judge me, I'm sober.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Unforgiven. Not just a good movie. A state of mind.



It's because the D looks like a sleazy place. What do you expect when the devs populate it with cagedancers?

Just open the chalet permanently, let people go there, and the stigma goes away.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
The biggest problem in the D are the trolls.

Also, a dollar to whoever knows the reference.



Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post

*goes off and RP's an intimate death in the bathroom*
No you need to go intimate rough sex in the bathroom that leads to both characters dying.

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Originally Posted by Captain Starstorm View Post

Also, a dollar to whoever knows the reference.
Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and I used to do that to people.

"TOnight....... I'm comin for that booty"

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