You should transfer to MY server because...

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Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I never said otherwise.

But this windbag just happens to be right. For a variety of reasons. Any small group of people that start to hang together for too long creates an "us vs. them" mentality. I've seen it over and over again, in MANY places.

I have yet to see one of these groups be anything BUT exclusive rather than inclusive. That's the nature of these small "communities", they breed intolerance.

Only in a large community, like say, in an entire game.... can you find enough people around you that you'll never be excluded because of "clique-ish" behavior.

So yes, I think that anyone that restricts themselves to one small area, to one small group of people... are idiots. And I stand by that belief.

ONLY in your experiences, Mr. Windbag of Pompoustown. My friends & I have expanded over the years of playing, we welcome folks to hang with us if they want, folks come & go as they please. I've met many & many people here, That is just on 2 Servers(Triumph my Original & when I moved to Virtue year later) perhaps you just have the luck to attract such people, like a Negative Battery attracting more negative energy?

But you have your opinion & I have mine(Which to neither are right & neither are wrong because they fit the person) but to come out & tell folks who enjoy hanging out on a server they like, to be an idiot, that's just mentally daft & shows Im better then you attitude(because you play all over) -twirls finger- whoop dee doo. I be done giving you someone to internet joust with, Later Gater.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
Reason folks stick to one Server, isnt because they are idiots, those that spread themselves out I feel are the idiots.
But how else can you meet more people?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But how else can you meet more people?
I don't know. If my global friend list is any indication after 5 years of playing...most of you will stop playing :P

Soooo...I might as well stay on the one server where I can keep all my influence/merits in one nice easy to use for all toons, location

I also just love my SG

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Come to Virtue! Free catgirls for everybody*!

*catnip and proof of the "girl" part not included



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Any small group of people that start to hang together for too long creates an "us vs. them" mentality. I've seen it over and over again, in MANY places.

I have yet to see one of these groups be anything BUT exclusive rather than inclusive. That's the nature of these small "communities", they breed intolerance.
That's why I don't like playing on small servers, why I refuse to join supergroups, and why I'm not a member of any forum user group. Virtue is large and cosmopolitan enough that it avoids all these problems.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
...doing Catgirl ERP.
Pinn for the win!

We have drunks and RPers who keep it pg-13!

Pinn for the win! Another is a sin!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But how else can you meet more people?
Will you be invading Union during the free transfer period? Our kins and colds are ready.



I'd say Virtue's the bestest of all, but then people'd transfer there, and then they'd act stupid, and then BAM! we're Freedom Mark Two! So... Anywhere BUT Virtue.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson

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Originally Posted by Riley_Delacroix View Post
I'd say Virtue's the bestest of all, but then people'd transfer there, and then they'd act stupid, and then BAM! we're Freedom Mark Two! So... Anywhere BUT Virtue.
Yeah, Virtue sucks. Seriously, stay away from it!
My vote goes to Infinity! (provided you want to have a server all to yourself )

Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html



one reason to head to onion aka union...apperently all over servers are going to be shut down next year due to the fact onion is too awesome.



The only thing truly scary about Virtue is Pocket D,I was in there the other night for some arena time.(my mistake I'm goin to the arena next time)

By time I got out of there with all the ERP flying around I had to take my tights to the cleaners because of the protein stains.I heard some stuff that just made me cringe,in addition I was getting that creeped out feeling,sorta like when you go into a porn shop and everybodys starin at ya.



sorta like when you go into a porn shop and everybodys starin at ya.
I know exactly that feeling. I once had to deliver a pizza to a porn shop late at night, and a gay guy ended up taunting me, staring at me and in a creepy voice saying "I've got a sausage for you, pizza boy".

Needless to say, I got out of there ASAP. Gay people don't bother me, but that particular guy let me experience what most women must experience almost every day. It was eye opening.



Triumph is the 'pants optional' server, so shun your pants and move to triumph!



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I know exactly that feeling. I once had to deliver a pizza to a porn shop late at night, and a gay guy ended up taunting me, staring at me and in a creepy voice saying "I've got a sausage for you, pizza boy".

Needless to say, I got out of there ASAP. Gay people don't bother me, but that particular guy let me experience what most women must experience almost every day. It was eye opening. that is creepy.

Years ago I was the warehouse foreman for a construction company,we had a bad blizzard and just my luck darn near everyone called off(I had a 4x4 so I made it).

Anywho one of the bosses ask me to run to Cleve-land to go pick up some items from a suppy shop.I had no idea where the place was but,I did know it was in a bad section of the town.So I get up there and pulled over to look at this map he drew,next thing I know this large black woman is beatin on my window askin me if I wanted a "good time".
I tore off(I'm 6'2" and about 225 lbs but when ppl sneak up on ya,eekk),and head up and down this section of road 3 times before I found the place.
EACH time(in a blizzard) this woman ran into the street to try to get me to stop,eventually I found the place but,man did I feel uncomfortable.
Everyone back at the shop had a good laugh,but,I told them next time my boss can go.



Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
I moved 2 toons to Triumph, cuz they will never be touched again(both 50s)

I moved then 4 50s Freedom, cuz MAYBE I'll play em again.

Basically I just freed up 6 slots on Virtue.

Heh, this was pretty much exactly my plan too. I could never delete a 50... then again, I could never bring myself to play them again either. Triumph was my home back in the day. Now it will be my rest home.

The one thing I love about Virtue is that people tend to really polish up their characters, their bios, their costumes, their keybinds. There is always tons of great character concepts running around, and it inspires me to step up my game too.

Also, the people in general are pretty chill and helpful. I think the friendly, supportive player base cures rampant n00bness before it can start.

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
The only thing truly scary about Virtue is Pocket D,I was in there the other night for some arena time.(my mistake I'm goin to the arena next time)

By time I got out of there with all the ERP flying around I had to take my tights to the cleaners because of the protein stains.I heard some stuff that just made me cringe,in addition I was getting that creeped out feeling,sorta like when you go into a porn shop and everybodys starin at ya.
See, I relish the demented weirdness. Occasionally ketchup as well. I'm not into the whole ERP/MRP scene, but I love the fact that people use a superhero game to do it. It's the Human Safari, baby! You only come through once, so see all the sights!

Stay Gold, Paragon. Stay Gold.
Nolite te bastardes carborundorum.



Originally Posted by Felderburg View Post
Pinn for the win!

We have drunks and RPers who keep it pg-13!

Pinn for the win! Another is a sin!

I'm not sure about that, either.....even the chat/badge channel doesn't necessarily stay pg-13.

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Freedom. Because Freedom is full of equal parts awesome, lulz, QQ and fail.
Uhmm... those are all reasons NOT to transfer, Morac.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
Will you be invading Union during the free transfer period? Our kins and colds are ready.
Death gets rid of unwanted buffs pretty quickly

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



If u lahk 2 PvP an run fahst TFs lahk 1337 fahrmer. Dunt *** to Virtue. Go 2 freedom. Thnxs.

There's nothing to see in Virtue but Daily TFs, Role-Players and an active community. Virtue tends to be the Server for the casual gamer, it probably isn't for you.

uwant 2 go 2 freedom sun!!



Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
See, I relish the demented weirdness. Occasionally ketchup as well. I'm not into the whole ERP/MRP scene, but I love the fact that people use a superhero game to do it. It's the Human Safari, baby! You only come through once, so see all the sights!
But that's what Second Life was built for. It's like a zoo with a neverending supply of new species!

Also, everybody needs to come to Virtue so that I can get SFs at 4 AM by asking in Local. On Monster Island. On a Tuesday. On a brute concept build with nothing but the medicine pool, the presence pool, and the teleportation pool except for the Teleport power.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Quinch View Post
Come to Virtue! Free catgirls for everybody*!

*catnip and proof of the "girl" part not included
If I transfer to Virtue, is the tail obligatory? Or is an occasional Purr considered good enough?



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Seriously... I have alts on MANY servers right now. In my opinion anyone that restricts themselves to one server either simply doesn't have enough characters yet.... or is an idiot.

Right, so anyone who doesn't play the game your way (many alts, many servers) is doing it wrong. Now who's being intolerant?

Tell ya what. Let's take advantage of the free transfers and play server tag. Here's how it works - you announce any character transfers you're planning, and I vacate that server as fast as possible. It's a mutually beneficial situation because we both have one less idiot to put up with.