You should transfer to MY server because...

Ad Astra



Right, so anyone who doesn't play the game your way (many alts, many servers) is doing it wrong.
Exactly! At least SOMEONE gets it!

Tell ya what. Let's take advantage of the free transfers and play server tag. Here's how it works - you announce any character transfers you're planning, and I vacate that server as fast as possible. It's a mutually beneficial situation because we both have one less idiot to put up with.
I hate to break your heart like this.... but I'm on EVERY server.

So it looks like you're screwed.

Here, I'll help you then: my global is @The Player

Ignore away. The Notes feature is also good.



I was going to post two reasons in the form of a single pic but my camera batteries are recharging.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I hate to break your heart like this.... but I'm on EVERY server.

So it looks like you're screwed.

Ignore away. The Notes feature is also good.
Duly noted, but the likelihood that you will be on every server simultaneously is remote.

I rarely make use of the /ignore feature, because playing "Will I meet a jackass online?" Russian roulette is one of the few joys left to me.



Originally Posted by Godpants View Post
Duly noted, but the likelihood that you will be on every server simultaneously is remote.

I rarely make use of the /ignore feature, because playing "Will I meet a jackass online?" Russian roulette is one of the few joys left to me.
/emote Hands $target a mirror.




Originally Posted by Afterimage View Post
/emote Hands $target a mirror.

/e Hands $target a page from the dictionary with the word "hyperbole" on it.




Virtue has me and I have nice boobies.



You and everyone else... well, mostly everyone else.

I love Virtue. I really do. There's a lot of douches around, but also a lot of REALLY good people, roleplayers or not.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Where is this mythical disgusting ERP in the Virtue D? I've heard all sorts of horror stories, but the handful of times I've dropped by the D, the worst thing I ever saw was a group of people /rp Fighting, and all of them trying to win.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Where is this mythical disgusting ERP in the Virtue D? I've heard all sorts of horror stories, but the handful of times I've dropped by the D, the worst thing I ever saw was a group of people /rp Fighting, and all of them trying to win.
Do you want a City Guide to Virtue ERP or would you like an invitation? Cause I'll jump on and ERPvP with you in the arena right now.



Originally Posted by Soul Train View Post
You and everyone else... well, mostly everyone else.
Yes, but i'm hot.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Yes, but i'm hot.
... Paris? Is that you??

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Originally Posted by Soul Train View Post
... Paris? Is that you??
...Tinkerbell? OMG UR TXTING?!



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
Do you want a City Guide to Virtue ERP or would you like an invitation? Cause I'll jump on and ERPvP with you in the arena right now.
Pass on the invite. Thanks, though. I'm just curious if the stories are exaggerations, outliers, or a baseline. Have I lucked out, or are most people relating their absolute best stories, but neglecting bunches of times where nothing went down?



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Freedom. Because Freedom is full of equal parts awesome, lulz, QQ and fail.

Originally Posted by Westley View Post
All of them..... because they are all identical game-wise.

Seriously... I have alts on MANY servers right now. In my opinion anyone that restricts themselves to one server either simply doesn't have enough characters yet.... or is an idiot.
<------Has restricted himself to basically one server....And has 50 alts now.

*shakes head*


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Pass on the invite. Thanks, though. I'm just curious if the stories are exaggerations, outliers, or a baseline. Have I lucked out, or are most people relating their absolute best stories, but neglecting bunches of times where nothing went down?
The majority keep it in teamchat, so if you see two characters somewhere being suspiciously quiet... get that mind in the gutter!
Which gives rise to stories of horrible MTs! Heard a couple of... interesting ones!
Still, i only head to the D when utterly bored - so i could be wrong!

Like Underworld? Then take a look at!
And don't forget to join the fight for our City!,134.0.html



Originally Posted by Vegemite_Kid View Post
Triumph is the 'pants optional' server, so shun your pants and move to triumph!
Yes...and the best drama around.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
So yes, I think that anyone that restricts themselves to one small area, to one small group of people... are idiots. And I stand by that belief.
Playing on more than one server would spread out my prestige earning so I can't keep building up my SG base as fast. So I don't.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Where is this mythical disgusting ERP in the Virtue D? I've heard all sorts of horror stories, but the handful of times I've dropped by the D, the worst thing I ever saw was a group of people /rp Fighting, and all of them trying to win.
It happens in tells, in dark corners. Every once in a while, someone drops a tell into broadcast by mistake and hilarity ensues. That then fuels the ERP gossip for the next six months.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
It happens in tells, in dark corners. Every once in a while, someone drops a tell into broadcast by mistake and hilarity ensues. That then fuels the ERP gossip for the next six months.
The real horror stories from Virtue's Pocket D are about characters with names like 'arbiter dark death godess'. If you thought ridiculous character concepts hurt to read normally, now imagine them trying to roleplay.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
The real horror stories from Virtue's Pocket D are about characters with names like 'arbiter dark death godess'. If you thought ridiculous character concepts hurt to read normally, now imagine them trying to roleplay.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
The real horror stories from Virtue's Pocket D are about characters with names like 'arbiter dark death godess'. If you thought ridiculous character concepts hurt to read normally, now imagine them trying to roleplay.
I usually make an effort to avoid anyone with the appended titles: Goddess, Princess, Queen, Lady, Lord, Baron...etc.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Pass on the invite. Thanks, though. I'm just curious if the stories are exaggerations, outliers, or a baseline. Have I lucked out, or are most people relating their absolute best stories, but neglecting bunches of times where nothing went down?
ERP isn't as widespread as you might think. Lets just put it this way; you won't walk into Pocket D and find yourself stummbling into an orgy of ERPers. Yes, there are those dumb enough to engage in ERP in Pocket D, but they tend to keep to the back rooms and dark corners and to themselves (strangely enough in the VIP sections or near the arena terminals.)

My advice if you are seriously considering RP on Virtue, is to find a VG or SG that either has a casual or a more liberal approach to RP. (I'd like to disuade you from joining the "hardcore" RP groups as they tend to engage in ERP more so than the casual RPers and they tend to become wrapped up in all sorts of RP political drama among their rank and file.) and avoid Pocket D RP as much as possible...