Super Booster Pack V

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Blood Spectre View Post
Then that just leaves Captain Mako, a horrible fish monster.
But Mako runs around naked, which I'm sure the devs don't intend for us to do!

Regarding Morlocks from an earlier post, I think I remember ragged clothes being in the game already. But even so, who wanted ragged suit options? :3

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Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
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-- High-Roller



I'd love back options. For starters, my main would have somewhere explicable to pull all those arrows from. Add in all those other ATs that use weapons and heck, a fair few that don't and we'd be cool. I actually think 95% of my characters would use at least one back option that wasn't capes or wings on at least one of their costume slots. Many, even more so.

edit: wings attached to our arms would be nice too, or at the very least, a cape that looks kinda like wings (the current feathers one isn't quite as flow-y as I'd like...I'm thinking Swan, Falcon (from Marvel) and various interpretations of Batman over the years where his cape pretty much clings to his gloves. Hell, Storm has something similar as well. I can think of at least one generic'ed player who'd love that.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
...jetpacks, and rocket boots ...No one is born with them.
Yeah, but feed me enough beans and gimme a match...
(Effects similar to using the Steel Canyon fires as a "travel power")

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Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
And at this point, I've decided to give up hope on these options ever coming if modified skeletons with a proper back rig don't come with GR. I understand it was going to take a lot of work. (think it had to do with scaling and some deep level character model modifications, not certain though)
As I recall, one of the big problems is that they need an extra attachment point on the character skeleton to do it right. That's why temp power backpacks often either float away from the body or are embedded in it; they are just hung off the central point of the skeleton and don't move with the scaling of the body.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



If they ever give back options like that, I'd hope for some leg assessories too.

A dagger on each calf, attached on the boot. Big sword on the back. And pulling the dual pistols from side holsters! Sure, I can't use the daggers and swords with the pistols, but I could imagine it!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



What do I want in a Mutation super booster?


Stuff that looks like it's from John Carpenter's The Thing perhaps?



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Planning on making a tengu?
Nope. I'm planning a mutated parrot.



As most of my characters are mutants, I look forward to this upcoming booster pack!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Me to, want info so badly



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Does the object do most of the work or are you? I think guns do most of the work. Is it something you had to train to use or did just picking it up allow you to use it? Well, guns aren't that hard to use...

You ever used a library of different guns extensively?

A lot of people say "just point and shoot, it can't be that hard"

Can it?

I submit that although the mechanic "point and shoot" may be *simple*, using the gun itself requires training and practice to be any good at it. It's definitely NOT "that easy."

So, yes, using a gun requires training--especially if you're talking about "hero level" of expertise with a weapon.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
Where do you think the influence comes from when a citizen you just saved walks up to you and bows? Out of thin air? They carry the **** around with them for just such an occasion. If some stoners wanted a jetpack, they could just pool all their money together like if they were going to order a pizza.

Please, do you see ANY guards stopping people from just walking into those portals? None of the door are even locked!
I'm sure you're joking here, but I'll humor you...

The *common* definition of "influence" is:

"the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways." (dictionary definition)

In this game, I think it's a little ridiculous to think that some lady off the street has "enough money" to pay you for saving her behind. In fact, it's not even really "heroic" to accept such a reward (even if this were the case). If you are being a "true hero," then you wouldn't be saving the damsel in distress for the money.

I think this is the issue the developers came across when developing a superhero game in the beginning. Thus, they named the *currency* "Influence."

So, by saving someone, or defeating an Arch-Villain that's possibly causing citizens harm, you're not "earning money," you're "gaining influence." You're gaining "the power or capacity to cause an effect."

An NPC who sells jetpacks is affected by your "superhero influence" to want to give you a jetpack.

On the "flip side," an NPC is affected by a villain's "Infamy." He may give a jetpack to a villain because he's afraid of what that villain may do to him if he does not.

Therefore, I say that yes, that "influence" appears out of "thin air," because it is an *intangible thing*. That lady you just saved (presumably) will go tell her friends that you just saved her life, and they'll tell their friends, who will tell theirs, and so an and so forth....Which allows you to "gain influence" in Paragon City.

The more "good deeds" you do, the more "influence" you have in the city.

The more "evil deeds" you do, the more "infamy" (or evil reputation) you gain.

If the developers didn't mean it like this, they just would have called it "gold." Or "money." Or "cash." Or "currency."



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Since I make more mutants then other origins, I felt I had to take a look at various mutants in game. Another poster did mention a few chars in game.

Sister Psyche
(which is not quite a mutant, but is put into this origin. Revealed in the origin story).
Cap Mako - Horrid mutant that really liked what he does.

The Trolls
- These people have mutated via the superadine drug. Thus not neccessary to be born a mutant, but can be mutated.
The Lost - Speaking of mutating...

Giovanni Scaldi
- Born a mutant, now just a soul eater... (eww)

More of a curiosity though:
The Infected - Since I did mention the Trolls getting mutated by Superadine, the Infected do sort of change. Should we call that mutation I wonder.
Arachnoids - Very broadly here. I might say a combination of Mutation... through Science. Although then what defines science?

I was surprised of the low amounts (as it seems) of mutants, considering it is a "umbrella" label to all those that do not adhere into the other 4 labels.

As of what I hope to see in the mutant pack... oboy thats a toughy. The change body/shape we did get in the science pack. And then comes the question, what would define the mutants? I would guess physical and animalistic bits? Certain features like teeth, tail, claws, fur...
I do assume that we will get more animalistic costume pieces, even though I seem to remember that Jay did not want to give us more animal stuff.

But having say... the possibility of having A tail and A belt at the same time, would be good.
But what we can expect as a power... No Idea.
My hope for contents: Much much diversion (Jay and his sidekick must be busy and give us plenty of costumes or single items we can use) rawr.

(Related and yet not: I want more of the Detail 1 and Detail 2 found in the Full masks, helmet, half helmet etc available for Standard with or without masks. Like Diablo, Fleet... I can just imagine them with hair... yum)

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Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
So, yes, using a gun requires training--especially if you're talking about "hero level" of expertise with a weapon.

This is no different than any other tool. You can pick up a gun, or hop in a tank, or grab a katana and technically be able to use it in some fashion, but to be able to use it expertly requires training. The degree of training required can't be a factor in whether or not something is technology, because using something as low tech as possible like a knife or even a staff (or heck, your FIST) requires training to be able to use it on what you call a "hero level."

Requiring training to be able to be all Matrix with dual pistols doesn't make pistols technology, because you'd have to undergo training to be able to do that with any weapon. And although you could swing it the other way and say a super-advanced mech suit or jetpack that requires NO training to use makes it technology because it's so advanced, that would also mean a jetpack that DOES require training to use doesn't qualify as technology.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
But Mako runs around naked, which I'm sure the devs don't intend for us to do!

Regarding Morlocks from an earlier post, I think I remember ragged clothes being in the game already. But even so, who wanted ragged suit options? :3
I never thought of Mako as naked before...

Now he freaks me out. More.

The Widow's Dark Hand - leader of Faux Pas
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Tee Hee!



thing is, Mutation Origin is quite redundant as a choice. If it's something people are born as, then it's natural, if they're mutated by some outside force, chances are it's going to be something technological/scientific (which in themselves are sometimes interchangeable) or it's got to be something magical.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
Talons/pointy fingertips/"Monstrous" hands as an option for Claws, pretty pretty please with a cherry on top.



Originally Posted by craggy View Post
thing is, Mutation Origin is quite redundant as a choice. If it's something people are born as, then it's natural, if they're mutated by some outside force, chances are it's going to be something technological/scientific (which in themselves are sometimes interchangeable) or it's got to be something magical.
I believe the difference between natural and mutation is natural implies that anyone of that particular species can achieve such a thing. For instance:

Martial arts - Anyone can train their body and be able to fight really well.
Energy manipulation - Anime-inspired humans, or races like kheldians, can do this either right off the bat or with training

Now, think of mutants like X-men. They were born with their powers, or eventually changed to have their powers. There was no specific outside source that caused the mutation. Take for example Beast. He's technically human, but no amount of training or natural born ability will allow you to be Beast. Only Beast is Beast. He's a mutant, because his abilities are not the norm, and not something another person can simply gain or unlock.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



but the X-Men are mutants through natural evolution. Beast is a bad example, because since he's messed with his genes so much over the years, he should technically be Science origin now. Same with the likes of Wolverine, he's a hybrid origin, with the claws being Science or Tech, in addition to his Natural or Mutation healing and senses.

I get what you're saying though. All in all, the specific Origins of characters are not that important to playing them in the game (fun to discuss though) so it wouldn't bother me if someone used either explaination for their toon's origin. A Magic robot character? Possible, might be a person's soul trapped in it, or brought to life Pinocchio style.

I'll be honest though, when I think of Mutants in-game, it's probably the origin that gives me the most vague mental image. I've a invul/super strength Tank who is Mutation because she was born that way from two differently powered individuals (I've not worked out what their origins are) which fits with the whole X-Men idea. I've also an Emp/Sonic Def whom I rationalise as Natural because he is simply a man with some inspiring words that can inspire people to keep on fighting and frighten his enemies.

to make a Mutation Origin booster pack though, I think it'd be better to ignore the possibility that pretty much any power-set and look would fit, and instead focus on those who are physically different from humans in some way. Otherwise I've no idea how they'd choose costume pieces. I personally don't have much need for a bunch of anthropomorphic animal costume pieces at the moment, but I think it would fit the theme well and be something that a lot of people have asked for.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by craggy View Post
but the X-Men are mutants through natural evolution. Beast is a bad example, because since he's messed with his genes so much over the years, he should technically be Science origin now. Same with the likes of Wolverine, he's a hybrid origin, with the claws being Science or Tech, in addition to his Natural or Mutation healing and senses.

I get what you're saying though. All in all, the specific Origins of characters are not that important to playing them in the game (fun to discuss though) so it wouldn't bother me if someone used either explaination for their toon's origin. A Magic robot character? Possible, might be a person's soul trapped in it, or brought to life Pinocchio style.

I'll be honest though, when I think of Mutants in-game, it's probably the origin that gives me the most vague mental image. I've a invul/super strength Tank who is Mutation because she was born that way from two differently powered individuals (I've not worked out what their origins are) which fits with the whole X-Men idea. I've also an Emp/Sonic Def whom I rationalise as Natural because he is simply a man with some inspiring words that can inspire people to keep on fighting and frighten his enemies.

to make a Mutation Origin booster pack though, I think it'd be better to ignore the possibility that pretty much any power-set and look would fit, and instead focus on those who are physically different from humans in some way. Otherwise I've no idea how they'd choose costume pieces. I personally don't have much need for a bunch of anthropomorphic animal costume pieces at the moment, but I think it would fit the theme well and be something that a lot of people have asked for.
I always enjoy a good discussion that tries to parse the boundaries of something.

In the comic book world, the Mutation origin is pretty much defined by Marvel's X-Men. Offhand I can't even think of a character from other superhero universes that were referred to as mutations independent of Marvel's take on it.

For me the delineation between Mutation, Natural and Science comes down to specific thresholds. "Natural" is the baseline, normative human genome, with the slight variations we see in our world. "Mutation" is a change from that norm in utero. That part is key for me: Changes to your genes that depart from the usual before you're born. "Science" is a change to your body that happens after you were born brought about by some sort of man-made intervention. ("Man-made" as a stand-in for any directed technological procedure, whether the tech comes from ancient astronauts or alien invaders.) Whether that intervention is medical or chemical in nature is irrelevant.

Also irrelevant are the results. Throwing fire is the ability; how you achieved it is the Origin. (Of course it makes no sense that one can mutate into a human flame-thrower, but we'll gloss over that part of it. )

So NPCs like Trolls and Infected are Science because they were born Natural but later became mutated. To reiterate, "Mutant" is a change that occurs while still a fetus, while "Science" is a change that occurs after being born. It's sometimes confusing because we use the same term -- mutate -- to describe both events. So I think delineating between being born with it or having it done to you afterwards is important.

Some examples of Science characters:

Animal Man
Beast Boy
Captain America
Captain Atom
Doctor Manhattan
Luke Cage (Power Man)
The Fantastic Four
The Flash
The Hulk
Killer Croc
The Lizard

As for a Mutation booster pack, I don't know what sort of power would be defined by it, since comic book mutants have as much variety as any.

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I'd put money on the booster power being a self-rez, probably one with a two hour recharge so it won't "break the game" or whatever.

Since a self-rez is something that only affects your character, you don't have to bend over backwards mentally to justify it as a power linked to the mutation origin.



I mostly agree there, but wouldn'y Bane be Technology, since he needs the venom injected into him regularly (using the device on his arm and back) as opposed to Captain America, who doesn't need to take the Super-soldier Serum again but maintains his powers?

It is tricky, since it's a drug, not quite the same as say Iron Man who's just a normal guy without the suit, so not quite as obviously tech, but the rest of your examples have been changed for good by their encounters with weird sciences. Is there an example of another chemically dependant SPB (preferably in the COH canon) that we could use as a precedent?
Only other I can think of right now that needs to continually top-up is Johhny Quick from the Earth 2 Crime Syndicate.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Originally Posted by Crimson Vanquisher View Post
I'd put money on the booster power being a self-rez, probably one with a two hour recharge so it won't "break the game" or whatever.

Since a self-rez is something that only affects your character, you don't have to bend over backwards mentally to justify it as a power linked to the mutation origin.
I don't think we need to worry about reconciling the power with the origin it comes in the pack with tbh, since my magic origin characters can still use ninja run, my natural ones can use self-destruct, and my tech ones can read fortunes.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Well yes, but all the booster powers were related to the origin of the booster pack. Self-destruct has something to do with technology, the cards are related to magic, so it's quite possible that the power in the next booster will be related somehow to the mutant origin.



Some examples of Science characters:

Animal Man
Beast Boy
Captain America
Captain Atom
Doctor Manhattan
Luke Cage (Power Man)
The Fantastic Four
The Flash
The Hulk
The Lizard

[/QUOTE] Waylon Jones(aka)KILLER CROC!

"Jones was born with a condition resembling epidermolytic hyperkeratosis, a disfiguring skin disorder. However, it is actually a form of regressive atavism, meaning that he has inherited traits of ancestral species of the human race, such as reptiles. This condition has been augmented by the presence of a metagene. Consequently, he has several extraordinary physical abilities relating to his endurance, strength, and speed.

His skin is hardened to the degree that it is nearly impenetrable to ordinary forms of abrasion including high caliber weapons fired from a distance. He possesses a degree of super strength; for example, he was able to tear a bank vault door off of its hinges with minimal effort. He has demonstrated regenerative powers allowing him to heal and restore lost limbs and teeth. He possesses superhuman reflexes and speed, especially while he is moving underwater. Killer Croc also has an enhanced sense of smell."

Killer Croc would be labled Mutation! Now I would add The Swamp Thing in his place because he was transformed due to a chemical explosion in the swamp area where he was working

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.