Super Booster Pack V

Adeon Hawkwood



Has there been any news about what the next one might be? It seems to me it would be Mutation themed. So far, we've had: Cyborg (Technology-Booster #1), Magic (Magic-Booster #2), Superscience (Science-Booster #3), and Martial Arts (Natural-Booster #4)... that just leaves one origin type left (Mutation).

Assuming the next Pack IS Mutant-themed, what would you like to see?

Legion of Valor / Fallen Legion (Victory server) /

Pagan Priest - L50 Dark/Dark Defender



Extra limb costume pieces and an assortment of melted faces.

Sure today is the first day of the rest of your life. But so was yesterday. And look how that turned out.



I want an actual natural pack, not a ninja one.

Where are our backpacks, quivers, and scabbards? Where are the jetpack back options to give an alternative to wings and rocket boots?



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I want an actual natural pack, not a ninja one.

Where are our backpacks, quivers, and scabbards? Where are the jetpack back options to give an alternative to wings and rocket boots?
And there's another fun thread ruined by Lazarus.

On topic, I would almost guarantee it would be mutant themed. What's gonna be in it? No idea, I don't even have a guess.



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I want an actual natural pack, not a ninja one.

Where are our backpacks, quivers, and scabbards? Where are the jetpack back options to give an alternative to wings and rocket boots?
Assuming we get them, I'd expect that to be for general release not a booster pack. That would require a change to the character skeletons, which would apply to everyone in the game; not some costume pieces that only some get.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



The next one is 99.94% certain to be mutant-themed. And I seem to recall a dev suggesting that number of animal-like monster heads would likely be included in such a pack, though plans could certainly have changed between now and then.

And why am I suddenly thinking there might be some Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends inspired costume change animations? Eh. Just crazy speculation on my part.

AE Arcs: #10482 N00b Rescue Duty, #164100 The Four Treasures of the Tuatha De Dannan



Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I want an actual natural pack, not a ninja one.

Where are our backpacks, quivers, and scabbards? Where are the jetpack back options to give an alternative to wings and rocket boots?
None of the items you mentioned are natural. Backpacks, quivers, and scabbards, jetpacks, and rocket boots are made by technology. No one is born with them.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Assuming we get them, I'd expect that to be for general release not a booster pack. That would require a change to the character skeletons, which would apply to everyone in the game; not some costume pieces that only some get.
I'd actually be kind of ticked if holster and quiver functionality was put in with a booster... that kind of thing definitely should be in a general release. It would be far worse than the body slider thing being part of the Science Booster- and I think that should have been a general release.

BAB did post in a thread, stating that quivers and such weren't/wouldn't be in the Natural Booster (and very sorry if I'm wrong on that score... don't want to misquote). Him doing that makes me hope that they are coming somehow... maybe with GR? Just a hope, but the phrasing made me think about it.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
None of the items you mentioned are natural. Backpacks, quivers, and scabbards, jetpacks, and rocket boots are made by technology. No one is born with them.
That made me laugh.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



I don't know about YOU Forbin, but I was BORN with these rocket boots!

*flys away laughing maniacally*



I will be surprised if booster pack 5 isn't anthropomorphics.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
I don't know about YOU Forbin, but I was BORN with these rocket boots!

*flys away laughing maniacally*
Then you are the only one and that makes you a mutant which means the rocket boots still ain't natural.

Neener, neener, neener! Pbthpbthpbthpbth!



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then you are the only one and that makes you a mutant which means the rocket boots still ain't natural.

Neener, neener, neener! Pbthpbthpbthpbth!



Originally Posted by The_Chosen View Post
Assuming the next Pack IS Mutant-themed, what would you like to see?
Decent fur, rather than the painted-on, patchy stuff they have going right now (think Beast from X-Men). And as somebody already mentioned, monstrous heads that aren't quite so astonishingly ugly--and with adequate color support. I probably wouldn't use them per se but I'd like having the option available.
One other avenue that could be explored are different face options given to unusual characteristics but granted, that's getting down to some rather specific details. If they opted to do that, I'd honestly prefer for an overall game update that gave me full facial control without the need for painted textures (which seems the natural evolution, should improvements on that scale ever be possible). Alas...

Honestly though, when I think "Mutant", I end up picturing X-Men and they aren't particularly...given to a unique costume set beyond what we already have.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



ideal is swishing tails, or a monster run. more realistic would me more monstrous options, tentacles and fish fins would be great. since martial arts pack had Chinese swords, maybe some weird bone claws. also good would be more options for beast ehads, right now we have 5 ears, id like some horns, fins or the like. the dragon head is great, but lemmie put some horns on it.

Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I want an actual natural pack, not a ninja one.
not to get bogged down in this silly derail, but threads have already shown swashbucklers, "v" style alien soldiers, monks of the four winds,mixed martial artists, wizards, Chinese soldiers, et cetera, with the new options but it certainly was not just "ninja"

one thign i would REALLY like is for jay to go back and make robes compatible with tails, the martial arts pack forced some hard choices for me that it shouldnt have. lemmie take some clipping if it means i can stay true to my concepts. that has been bugging me since issue 4.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ideal is swishing tails, or a monster run. more realistic would me more monstrous options, tentacles and fish fins would be great. since martial arts pack had Chinese swords, maybe some weird bone claws.
not to get bogged down in this silly derail, but threads have already shown swashbucklers, "v" style alien soldiers, monks of the four winds,mixed martial artists, wizards, Chinese soldiers, et cetera, with the new options but it certainly was not just "ninja"
I think people are just confusing the Ninja Run power (which is very ninja-y) with the costume pieces, weapons, and emotes (which aren't all that ninja-y).

An understandable mistake, given how freaking awesome and useful Ninja Run is.



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
I think people are just confusing the Ninja Run power (which is very ninja-y) with the costume pieces, weapons, and emotes (which aren't all that ninja-y).

An understandable mistake, given how freaking awesome and useful Ninja Run is.
well, the run is anime-ish, i have seen it used in naruto and ninja themed anime, but i have also seen it in excel saga, gachaman and even some giant robot anime, its an expressive form of running, thats it, lets not get bogged down on names(and recall that it was originally called wuxia run, after chinese kung fu films, but that got voted down). I know a lot of people fixate on the "ninjas are cool" line from herocon, but come on people, lets use some of that vaunted imagination that leads us to go on about the costume creator in the first place, less narrow mindedness, more fancy!!!



I always imagine myself as a Snidely Whiplash/Dirk Dastardly type villain when using Ninja Run, what with the arm in front of the face like it is. Just imagine your character giving a cartoonish villain laugh while running to tie a damsel to a railroad track and it all makes sense.




Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
I want an actual natural pack, not a ninja one.
You can get those when I get a Science pack that has costume pieces for the experiments and not the scientists.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Eric Nelson View Post
Would LOVE LOVE LOVE a costume change emote where you summon a puddle of ooze, similar mudpots, but much smaller... rapidly sink or "melt" (sink and a widening of the skeleton at the base?) into this ooze, then rise up in a new costume. A lot to ask, I know... but hey, what's more mutant-y than melting and reforming in a gooey gross fashion?



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
Decent fur, rather than the painted-on, patchy stuff they have going right now (think Beast from X-Men). And as somebody already mentioned, monstrous heads that aren't quite so astonishingly ugly--and with adequate color support. I probably wouldn't use them per se but I'd like having the option available.
One other avenue that could be explored are different face options given to unusual characteristics but granted, that's getting down to some rather specific details. If they opted to do that, I'd honestly prefer for an overall game update that gave me full facial control without the need for painted textures (which seems the natural evolution, should improvements on that scale ever be possible). Alas...
For some reason, I keep thinking "frog feet." (for both standard and monstrous legs) I want big floppy frog feet with my mutant booster pack, webbed toes and all. And I guess a frog head to go with it... but yeah, frog feet feels rather mutated to me.



Face tentacles.
Face tentacles.

That's all!



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ideal is swishing tails, or a monster run. more realistic would me more monstrous options, tentacles and fish fins would be great. since martial arts pack had Chinese swords, maybe some weird bone claws. also good would be more options for beast ehads, right now we have 5 ears, id like some horns, fins or the like. the dragon head is great, but lemmie put some horns on it.
I like this idea. It may be too late to influence the next booster pack, really. Jay has probably been working on it for weeks already. But I do hope we see an animal pack someday. I'm especially interested in an eagle-like head, and talons as a glove option. Feathers instead of fur. A beast run, like the ninja run but loping on all fours, would be a great power to go with it. If they finally animate the tails that should probably be for everyone though, not just people who buy the pack.

Assuming they cycle through the origins again, what's after the mutant pack? Technology? We already did cyborgs. Next time: steampunk!

After that would be magic. Last time we mostly got wizardy type things. Next time I'd like to see more of an undead theme, with see through skeletal pieces. Maybe a long robe that covers your feet, and the travel power could be a version of sprint that makes it look like you're hovering just off the ground as you move, like a ghost. Oh, right, not robes. Well, other ghostly looking stuff anyhow.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
well, the run is anime-ish, i have seen it used in naruto and ninja themed anime, but i have also seen it in excel saga, gachaman and even some giant robot anime, its an expressive form of running, thats it, lets not get bogged down on names(and recall that it was originally called wuxia run, after chinese kung fu films, but that got voted down). I know a lot of people fixate on the "ninjas are cool" line from herocon, but come on people, lets use some of that vaunted imagination that leads us to go on about the costume creator in the first place, less narrow mindedness, more fancy!!!
I must admit, I was a vocal critic of the Ninja Run based on it's highly specific aesthetics (still think it is THE best movement animation in game currently though).... but I've found that it works pretty well with some of my villains. Without weapons and out of an anime context, that one arm up and leading is just too evocative for me of Nosferatu style vampires and vaudevillian villains (think Snidely Whiplash). At first I resisted that realization--but once I decided to bend a little and go with it, some of my villains who are far from ninjas got a little bit more out of the posture! And combined with prestige power slide, it's pretty awesome. Slide animation, stop and strike a pose with the arm up and a flourish of the cape. Totally fitting for my Mytzlplyk meets Riddler character...