Dr. Aeon's Fireside Chat




Hello Architects! Your benevolent caretaker Dr. Aeon is here. Today, I thought we'd take a little break, maybe have a nice chat by the fireside.

For this is...

Dr. Aeon's Fireside Chat

Come on by, sit down. Comfy? Good, that's an Aeon Corp couch you're sitting on, made from the newest materials that are tested to be extremely comfortable.

Ah...we've come so far, haven't we? But let's not get into the nostalgia now. Let's focus.

We'll use this time together, you and I...and you, and the other person there...and that guy behind you...as a time to sit back and answer some questions.

Post your questions about Architect until 5pm PST and at the end of the day, I will choose up to 5 of them to answer. I will then post my answers at a later date.

Please keep in mind that I won't be able to answer any questions regarding what we have planned for Going Rogue, though I can happily answer questions about techniques in Architect, different forms of narrative, etc. Just keep in mind that I'll have to remain silent about anything related to Going Rogue!

Go ahead and posts your questions! For the sake of simplicity, please only put one question per post. I'm still only human for the moment, you know!
And in the meantime, enjoy the Aeon Corp couch you're sitting on while you come up with some good questions!

Follow me on my blog or on twitter:
Dr. Aeon's Blog

Dr. Aeon's Twitter



What's in the works regarding XP in the MA?

First after redname - second today, must be my lucky day here.



Is it the dev intention to have custom critters able to take advantage of the power customization feature?

[edited for simplicity]



OK, I'll bite. First, have the materials in this couch been approved by the FDA, or should I talk to one of my super group's empaths after our little... chat... is over?

Second, are there any plans in the works to expand the number of missions an arc is allowed to have from five to... well... something more than five?

Oh, and since that's really two questions, you can plead the Fifth on the first one.

The SOLUS Foundation - a Liberty and Pinnacle SG

"The Consequences of War" - Arcs # 227331 and 241496



When will we get more memory storage for our story arcs?



Instead of having arc 'slots', can we instead just have a space limit (300k to start with, then 100k for each additional purchased slot), and allow us to store custom characters, enemy groups, and arcs as separate (yet linked) entities to remove the space constraints we have? (And if we get this, I assume we can have power customization for enemy groups too?)

EDIT: Just read the OP again. Had to remove some questions ;(

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



In the architect system, what is the feasibility of a system that would allow for a user to change a map's lighting? (i.e. office map with eerie blue lighting, etc.)



(assuming I am allowed to post twice....)

Can we have some form of minor logic scripting for objectives? (eg, (IF ObjectiveA is complete OR ObjectiveB is complete, DO complete mission) -or- (IF ObjectiveC is not complete AND ObjectiveD is incomplete, DO trigger ObjectiveE)).

This could also be expanded to allow for branching mission arcs (eg, instead of 'complete mission', we could have 'complete mission AND trigger mission 5').

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Can the Spetsnaz Commandos faction be expanded to go to to higher levels? They are nice in that they can be recolored to be "Generic Army Guys" and they don't count as a custom group, but they only go up to Level 14.

Thanks for your time, Gov.

Global name: @k26dp



Please, don't pick this one if the answer to Orion's first question is an affirmative.

[Is it possible to make / will we ever see] optimizations for the amount of space custom creatures take up from an arc that will make it more practical to have an arc composed of a fleshed out villain group consisting of mostly custom enemies?

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Oooh, this couch is comfy.

Are there any plans in the works to allow more control over objective placement than simply "front," "middle" and "back," with most of the map being marked "middle" including, on some maps, spots in front of the "front" point and behind the "back" points, no control at all on outdoor maps, mini-maps that show more spawn points than the map actually allows, "middle" and "back" collection points reversed on so many tilesets, some maps that claim to allow objective placement but don't, and other headaches too numerous to mention?

So I guess this is actually a two-fold question: Can we have more control over spawn placement, and if not, can we iron out the bugs in the options we currently have?

*pulls out mini-vac and vacuums any stray hairs and skin cells from Aeon's couch*

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Oh and another one: Can we have a noclip option in test mode?

[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]



Question: Is there an absolute limit to the amount of control that we (The players) can have over our MArcs?

To describe what I mean, I would abolutely love it if I could choose exactly where the glowie I just added to my mission was placed. I want to be able to choose where my boss objective is placed. I want to be able to place allies in the jail cells so that I can break them out. I want to be able to place chairs in a circle under the Atlas Statue and have Statesman and Recluse sitting in them drinking tea.

I understand something like this has been asked before and the answer was something to the point of 'Power Levelers would abuse it, so no.' Perhaps it can be done like base raiding is proposed. If you want to edit your missions that much, Rewards are turned off. I don't know, I guess am just curious if anything has changed on this front.

Favorite Hero: Computer (Empathy/Energy Blast Defender)

Favorite Villain: Gimp Computer (Fire Control/Psionic Assault Dominator)



Will the current MA ratings system be modified or replaced with something that is more useful to both the author and players?


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



It's hard to think of something that doesn't come in the form of "Can we have Feature X please?", which will never get a straight answer since they can't declare that they WILL implement some crazy idea I come up with.

So, I'll ask this. Initially the number of arc slots was quite limited, and then was expanded via the micropayment system, but remains locked at 8 maximum (barring honored arcs). What's the bottleneck preventing more expansive publication? What would need to happen in order to allow a 'youtube-of-heroism' sort of affair where people can contribute (virtually) as many stories as they can write? Or is this decision a conscious one to force people to limit themselves?

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



Greetings Dr. Aeon,

*gets out marshmallow and straightened coat hanger to roast over fire*

I've a question to ask about Standard Villains in Mission Architect.

Is there any thought about extending the range of the groups?

For example, Igneous. Currently they are a level 10-15* foes with limited powers. But I want to use them in an arc that will have level 35+ standard foes, and level 1-54 custom foes. I would like the ability to customized them to allow a 1-54 range.

My thanks.

*pretty sure this is correct



I'll ask a non feature request question too:

What are your thoughts on all these AE hijackers jury-rigging the system to make the simulations dangerously real/sentient or to act as a galaxy spanning teleporter/dimension hopper/time machine/the maw of Cthulu? Are you ever gonna have a look at your network security?

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



Okay, here's a loaded question:

With tons of arcs published and made, there seems to be a large amount of arcs/missions made into (currently unplayable) Farm arcs, or were arcs that were published instead of 'tested' and are in piecemeal or incompatible states of play.

With that in mind, are there any plans to do arc/mission 'purges', or for that fact, a way for players that are managing their arcs/missions to 'flag' them as 'do not purge' prior to a possible cleaning-of-house purge?



I got a few.

-Is it going to be possible to give Standard Critters different powersets like a Freak Tank with Claws, for example.



Are there any plans to implement a search/sort feature for arcs based on number of plays? I would find this considerably more useful than some of the search and sorting tools currently available.




Is there any chance we will ever be able to select lobbies for our contacts? The current hologram system feels too artificial. I would love instead for those cylinders to be teleporters to a lobby where the contact could feel more at home. Things like a small office, a police station, a dark cave or a lab come to mind as potential lobbies.



Dearest, sweetest Dr. Aeon,

I, Arbiter Fabulous, first want to thank you for your tireless workings for all of Arachnos with this system, it has become a valuable tool for training my forces, and many other varied ranks of our esteemed force.

I also wish to show appreciation for your charity work, brining high technology to the muddled, filthy masses of Paragon, how kind and generous you are, helping those poor wretches, forced to wear the scraps Serge throws them...

My questions are as such... What are things YOU want to see done with your invention that at this time, just can't be done. This way those who may pester can know that yes, it's being thought of, but no it's not able to be implemented, you ARE a busy man after all.. if anything the needs of hair gel...

Secondly I do inquire, if costume options for standard NPC's that aren't able to be brought to players can be ported to the critter creator?

And will recoloring options for standard enemies expand to more enemies who are currently untintable? I am thinking a lovely teal with do WONDERS foor our Lord Recluse, but sadly I can't make that happen to show him...

*enjoys a nice cosmo*

Toodles, Poodles.

COMING SOON: A new Epic that will change the way you see Arachnos...
Brought to you by @Equation



Will we ever be able to create a custom character and give them a preexisting NPC powerset? Say I design a superfly ultra dope enemy for one of my arcs and I want him to have the Ancestoral Spirits powerset.

Any plans on expanding the level ranges for Tsoo Bosses, both up and down? They are some of the most interesting bosses in the game but the level ranges on them are so limited. How can I ever write my Tsoo Revolution arc if I am so limited in which bosses can fight which bosses?

Dr Aeon do you have any plans in the future for your greatest invention ever, the Architict story system, to cause absolute havoc in the markets? I have to admit I was on the fence on wether you were the greatest mind in universe but your master plan to make Living Tattos sell for over 100 million infamy was utter genius.

Sorry if that is too many question, also if anyone has any problems with my spelling send your complaints to Mozilla, this spellchecker is not working today.



Are you planning on making it easier for players to find quality arcs that may not be Devs choice arcs? I'm thinking of things like improved search and browse, favorites lists, sharing recommendations between players.