Dr. Aeon's Fireside Chat




Standard enemy groups seem to have some sort of "animation profile", where -- for example -- when you encounter them in an indoor mission the Banished Pantheon are digging, ritually casting, and forming drum circles just as a matter of course.

Can we create something like this for our custom enemy groups? Even selecting from a standard list might be nice.

Up with the overworld! Up with exploration! | Want a review of your arc?

My arcs: Dream Paper (ID: 1874) | Bricked Electronics (ID: 2180) | The Bravuran Jobs (ID: 5073) | Backwards Day (ID: 329000) | Operation Fair Trade (ID: 391172)



Oh, one other question: could you pull strings at your wondrous AE organization to insert the ability to have stationary 'talk to'/'lead to' objective-linked NPC's and objects within missions?

(This so that one can go back to a rescued/located NPC when something happens, lead an NPC to a specific object, or re-unite certain NPC's?)



I got a few questions, but for the sake of simplicity I'll hold the others.

1. What is the timeline on resolving the XP for custom critters so that critters without the designated 'standard' powers (but still a fair allotment of powers) will grant XP again? Can you elaborate on what kind of fix you envision will be implemented for this problem?

*EDIT: Removed bonus questions.



Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
Post your questions about Architect until 5pm PST and at the end of the day, I will choose up to 5 of them to answer. I will then post my answers at a later date.
Is there a way to create uniquely spawning members of a Foe Group? For example I want to create a mission where the Civic Squad spawns as an ambush. I can create the group, but as far as I can tell, I cannot set things up so that only one of each member spawns at a time.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Can we have Peacebringer/Warshade powersets made available for custom critters?




Ok, kind sir, I have two for you.....yes, I know, rule breaking already, but trust me, besides, you're a villain, you should be used to breaking rules

1. I know it's been asked many times before and I'm sure I remember reading it will probably never happen due to the amount of work involved, but just much work would be involved in giving us players the ability to create our own maps....no, wait, don't run off, come back!!

ok, welcome back.

Honestly, it's one thing I would seriously love to see and would make missions much more unique as players imaginations would really kick in with it. Even just adding things in a tileset manner would help as we could make more specific variations depending on how we want to create our fabulous stories

And finally,

2. ...........what is the meaning of life?

There we go, two nice simple ones for you

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Question 1: Are you done futzing with the system yet?

I've tried three times now to work up an interesting arc using challenging game elements, only to have those elements get nerfed out of existence each time. It's totally turned me off of the system. I haven't even been in the Architect for about 3 months now. And in that time, you've nerfed the process down again, which only confirms my decision to avoid it.

Given the small amount of time I already have to play CoH, it just isn't worth it for me to get involved with this sub-game while the system changes out from under me halfway through the design process. Please give me a time-frame when I can expect the rules to stand still long enough to work with them.

Question 2: Are you going to get rid of all the non-playable story-arcs that clog up the search queue?

The last straw that drove me out of the building over the summer wasn't the arc creation process- it was seeing just how many stories were wiped out. Or rather, were NOT wiped out. They sit there unplayable and make the whole damn AE look like a buggy hunk of junk. Just what kind of impression do you think it makes on people when 3 out of 4 clicked-on AE mission will not load? If you're going to render someone's work unplayable, at least have the courtesy to remove it from public display.

You're running a shoddy product, Doc.

And giving out prizes to those few willing to burn their playtime in negotiating your minefield is NOT the way to encourage new customers.

Statesmonkey Sez: Lighten up! It's a game, for Lincoln's sake!
Also: Six years of casual play begins to look an awful lot like one year of hardcore play.



Are there plans to add Shadow Shard maps to AE anytime soon? How about the Monument and Kora Fruit glowies as well?



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Will we get Super Boosters III (Science) and IV (Martial Arts) added to the critter creator soon?
I don't know about Martial Arts, but if you own SuperScience you have access to it in the critter creator. I'd assume that all Super Boosters would require actual ownership to access them.



Just another quick question, would it be possible to change Escort details so we can lead the escort to a different objective like those "Lead Tech to computer" objectives?



Originally Posted by Zamuel View Post
I don't know about Martial Arts, but if you own SuperScience you have access to it in the critter creator. I'd assume that all Super Boosters would require actual ownership to access them.
Alrighty then, I'll take a look. I was under the impression they'd be added as purchaseable by Authors with Tickets.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Q. What's the best way in Mission Architect to depict a villain stealing the giant doughnut in Faultline?

[This has been an ambition of one of my villain PCs for quite some time.]

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"




Is it possible/likely that you could give players proper control over Non-Custom characters? Or to at least let us save them locally as well as on the MA server?

Customisation meaning;

-Being able to set the mob level range (My Heart of Steel arc currently has the level ranges all out of whack with no means of fixing them)
-Being able to save costume colour data.

Also, can we please be allowed to remove custom mobs from Custom Groups? At present all we get is 'Base group', making it hard as hell to customise groups with ease.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Q. I wish to spend $US19.99 to purchase an additional 5 MA Mission slots. When I try I am met by a message stating, "Payment could not be accepted for your order." I am using the same Visa card (New Zealand based) that I use for my monthly subscription. Why is this occurring and how can I purchase more slots?

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Can we get a "Conversation" or "Exposition" detail where we can specify two critters to be talking to each other, like how we often find minions chatting or bosses in the middle of a negotiation in non-MA missions?



Is there any chance we might see an ability for a mission boss to "teleport out" (eg. Nocturne, Sands, etc from the Faultline arcs) at a given point in a fight?



Is there a way to have, say, AVs fighting each other in a one on one fight? And if not, has such a thing been considered?



Are there any plans to allow choosing a separate contact for each mission if it's needed?

I've played a number of arcs where the contact turns out to be an enemy, or they end up kidnapped before the end of the arc - you you're still left talking to them, even though they shouldn't be there anymore.

So for example, for the first 3 missions, you select "Contact 1" for each one, but they get kidnapped after the 3rd mission, so for the 4th mission, you could set "Contact 2", which would be something like the computer/desk object, where there'd be info on where to rescue the original contact, and once they were free, you could set them to be the contact for the 5th and final mission.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



1. What bugged/currently-unavailable maps are on the Fast Track to being (re-)added to MA at this time?

EDIT: Read the OP next time, 12th. One per post.

Also, folks: Remember to put recommendations/requests for features into this thread. I've seen some really cool ones (lobby area would be awesome as well as multiple contacts).

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Can we get the option to set an ambush as required so that it must be beaten to complete the mission, and also maybe the option to have it consist of a single critter of any rank?



Okay, next post, another question:

2. What player-made recommendations for features/improvements to AE/MA are being designed/implemented/tested by the design team now or in the future?

Note that with my two (separately posted) questions, I'm not asking when they will go live, just what projects are using up manhours at this point.

"...his madness keeps him sane.": My Profile on VirtueVerse
Can You WIN the Internet? MA Arc #85544
Inhuman Resources - At Work with IE #298132
Task Force Mutternacht #349522 <-- 1st AE Challenge



Are there any plans for us to get the ability to have locked doors in missions with certain spawns or glowies containing the key or is that something that needs to be specially coded for each mission that does it?



Will we see custom characters scale better at the lower end (Training Origin and Dual Origin Enhancements levels) so that you players can enjoy an AE arc from like level 5 to 50?

Still here, even after all this time!



I noticed Werewolves are in the list of mobs for MA, when are we going to get the other Trick or Treat critters like Coven (Dark Miasma Witches)?

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill