Everybodies Kung Fu Fighting!

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
There's no "natural" explanation for jumping 20' into the air, unassisted.
There is if you're a ninja. >_>

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
The DBZ reference isn't true really, at least not for Goku. He pumps his arms as he runs, but he holds his hands in "chop" motions instead of fists. He fights a ninja in the original Dragonball series (when he's a kid) who runs like that, though.
From that pic, you're pretty right. I searched Google forever and couldn't find what I was looking for. Who knew "goku running" would result in porn? But I digress.

The characters don't "run" that often in the series. But when they do it's usually an arms-back type thing like what it looks like to run backward with the Ninja Run. Especially young Gohan. They mix it up and do other stuff sometimes depending on what the animator felt like doing that day.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
There is if you're a ninja. >_>



Costume pieces may or may not see use from me. I enjoy having more options.
Emotes never meant anything to me.
The style of the ninja run doesn't actually fit 90% of my characters.

That last one means little to me as I now get to have pretty dang good movement speed with NR+Sprint at level 4 and I never have to step foot in another mayhem/safeguard mission unless I want the badge.

That in and of itself made it worth the 10 bucks.

Be well, people of CoH.



I am getting a lot of mileage out of the robes and helmets myself.

I tend to use costume pieces other than as intended. The Roman Centurion chest detail for me is a bathing suit top that shows your abs. I combine Scientist jackets with Jester neck ruffles to create Elizabethan costumes.

I used the ninja helmet details to create a Screaming Chicken armor set for Heraclea. The Fire robes look very useful, not only for "ninjas", but also for Star Trek Romulan or Vulcan themed characters. I especially like the padded shoulders.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Sure, technically, Batman was retconned into being trained by ninjas.
Pretty sure that's not what Moodswing was talking about, but more likely the literal definition of "martial arts". By its literal definition, Martial Arts refers to any form of fighting. Specifically, "martial arts" means "the art of warfare" (see: Mars, the god of War). This technically even includes someone learning to fly a stealth bomber.

Of course, that isn't what people generally mean when they say Martial Arts. They usually mean hand-to-hand combat, and more often than not are referring specifically to the umbrella of Asian hand-to-hand styles. Which is why both the Martial Arts powerset and this Martial Arts booster pack have a distinctly Asian flair.




Synopsis after last night:

So I've got this Natural DB/WP Scrapper I rolled without travel powers. The toon works great, but the "no travel powers" concept was giving me the rub. On the one hand, I did want hims to get around the city easier without Hurdling like an idiot (because of increased Jump speed). OTOH, none of the standard travel powers really fir the concept. I couldn't decide if I wanted to respec him or delete him. Before last night, he hadn't been touched in 214 days.

So I bought this pack to revitalize the character. I log in, and he's at the AE in IP. I claim some vet rewards in the character and slot the new Walk and Ninja Sprint powers. Then I hit Ninja Sprint.

And the only words I can use to describe Ninja Sprint is... holy hell! I zip around IP, doing flip jumps where needed to the Green Line. I zip around Croatoa to my next mission. I hack and slash my way through that and go back to the contact. I'm running and flipping with my dual blades out, and my character looks badass.

It's like every animation of the new power was built for Dual Blades. One blade across the front and another extended behind while running, and when he jumps, he holds his blades out like Deadpool, and when he flips they cross over each other like he's going to mow down whatever pops up in front of him.

I'll concede to Samuel_Tow: yes, this power is much more useful than Self Destruct or the Jump Pack. But I'll also agree with Bill Z Bubba - I don't see a problem with it. Probably the best $10 I've spent on a pack. BAB, tell this new animator this is top-noth stuff right here.

Hold on a sec...

I've just been informed theres actually more stuff in this pack, like emotes and costume parts. I'll have to check those out sometime today



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Pretty sure that's not what Moodswing was talking about, but more likely the literal definition of "martial arts". By its literal definition, Martial Arts refers to any form of fighting. Specifically, "martial arts" means "the art of warfare" (see: Mars, the god of War). This technically even includes someone learning to fly a stealth bomber.

Of course, that isn't what people generally mean when they say Martial Arts. They usually mean hand-to-hand combat, and more often than not are referring specifically to the umbrella of Asian hand-to-hand styles. Which is why both the Martial Arts powerset and this Martial Arts booster pack have a distinctly Asian flair.
Since I wasn't sure specifically which he/she meant, I addressed both the narrative and semantic implications of his/her remark. My conclusion still stands:

...or the semantics of "martial" in its broadest and most generic meaning. This highly specific pack is anything but broad and generic. It's very clear in this case and in this discussion it is that historically and culturally specific definition of "martial arts" that most applies.



I haven't checked out all the costume pieces but some are ok, some sort of blobby/bubbly looking to me - meaning sort of silly, but they might find good use elsewhere, like spacesuit gloves or something. Still, considering I happen to be working on a "generically Asian" MA arc right now, the timing couldn't have been better. I'll be going back in and rethinking my custom foes.

But the Ninja Sprint - woo! It's 100% silly and that's part of what makes it cool. Just for chuckles I went and made a second DB/Nin stalker, just because.



The Terra vest has a nice alien/space ranger/future soldier uniform type look to it.

I've incorporated it into a couple of costumes so far.

I haven't yet used, but have plans for, the Tai padded gloves for a couple of costumes (especially if/once they fix/change the muscled skin effect on the female version that doesn't match any of the female arms).

I've got a ton of other costumes that will probably receive some minor tweaks once I go though and look at all of the costume bits in relation to them.

I'm loving the Ninja Run for the couple of toons that were/are non-travel power types already.

The ONLY real complaint/wishlist change I've got is that it would be nice if the ninja run didn't put you into that "crouched" position unless you are actually moving...(ie do the nr animations while moving, but go back into normal idle stances while standing still).

Come to think of it, I might try doing a speed-on-demand bind for it . . .

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Originally Posted by The_Larker View Post
I base alot of my toons on natural origin,only using flight packs,zero-g packs,etc to get around.Yeah it's a pain,but,I have to stay with my character idea and the additional powers.So this coming out is a great thing for me,got to see it in action last night when someone was racing and jumping around obo.
You could always get flight + rocket boots.




Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
I hate it when people play idiotic semantic games like this. Context is as key to reading comprehension as semantics.

Sure, technically, Batman was retconned into being trained by ninjas. But that's not where the character started nor is it the sole influence on his aesthetic. The point myself and others were making is that ninjas and the anime style run are of a tight niche. You are being incredibly myopic if your post is meant to assert that the fairly recent manga take on the dress and movement of one culturally and historically specific set of assassins represent ALL possible obvious aesthetics for characters with a "natural" flavor.

There is a world of character aesthetics beyond manga and for some of us, at least for myself, contrary to the gospel of the internets, once you get over their ninjaness, ninjas are actually pretty boring. You can think me uncool and tasteless for not being that into ninjas or manga. I realize others LOVE these things and I make no apologies for our differences in taste.

But I really don't appreciate insinuations that those of us that aren't gaga over this pack simply don't get the aesthetics of the extended genre of super and pulp heroes because all natural characters are "martial artists" in the most literal sense of the words.

I get that this pack is the best thing since sliced bread for many folks out there. I have in game friends who are huge anime fans and have themed SG's and VG's dedicated to various anime inspirations. Their cries of elation filled several global channels last night. Their joy made me happy. Also, though the aesthetic of the run fits very few of my characters, I do not want to diminish the quality of this new animator's work. It is stellar and, bar none, this is now THE best travel animation in game. Between his/her work here and the work I've seen on dual pistols, I am very hopeful for what this person's talents will bring to the game in the coming years. More than likely, my disappointment is fueled by jealousy. I'd love my preferred aesthetics to receive this amount of talented attention and the resulting awesome customization options.

Anyways, despite having already bought the pack (yup, gonna support Paragon studios) and despite having found a few uses for a couple costume elements beyond the advertised theme of this pack, this remains the least useful and therefore most disappointing of all the booster packs for me. It reminds me of overspecialized lego pieces. You just can't do much else with them. On the whole, this pack doesn't much to help me further realize any of my natural concept characters in game. And that has zero to do with where a few authors decided to take the Batman narrative a few decades back (when coincidentally ninjas became a huge fad in the West) or the semantics of "martial" in its broadest and most generic meaning. This highly specific pack is anything but broad and generic. It's very clear in this case and in this discussion it is that historically and culturally specific definition of "martial arts" that most applies.

Forget the whole, being a ninja aspect.

This run power works, for the natual heroes like Batman, Captain America (the serum only made him peak human, not superhuman), DareDevil (except for his Radar, he's just normal human), Robin and others, who go running around rooftop to rooftop.

That's what natural heroes do in superhero comics. And that's what this power helps bring.

Yeah. In the REAL WORLD, you couldn't do it. But the naturals in the comics...CAN!

Admittedly, I don't see the ninja run being in the concept every character. Right now I only seeing it being in the concept of my namesake (and when she's redside), my corr, and possibly my Spines/WP.

And that's just the running/flip aspect of it. I see none of them acually keeping the stance it leaves you in, when you keep it toggled.

Having run a RPTF just last night, I toggled it on during combat, flipping around, and when ever I had to stand around, I instantly turned it off.

Loved it

...and then let's look at the other side of things. That I think will account for the majority of players...

It's a fun power, they'll use it on every character, because they don't care about concept at all. Or there concept is "This is my character, and he/she can do anything and everything" :P

TAI Gloves with Skin I hope gets looked at, doesn't match up with my toons skin when I use it (on any of them...admittedly I didnt put them on my white skinned villian).

All said and done, I find it alot more useful than the Tech Super Booster Pack, as while I am in no way upset over buying it, I've found the only option I like to use from it, is the belt Love that Tech Belt!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
You could always get flight + rocket boots.


Yea I've also incorporated piston boots for jump,and/or wings for flight.Just wanted to free up the powers is another reason.



As for the running animation:

Go and watch any Akira Kurosawa movie. When Japanese swordsmen ran, if their weapons were tucked in their sashes, they held on to them as they ran, presumably so they don't flop around and fly out of their sashes. If their weapon was drawn, it was also held steady, presumably because swinging a weapon while running could be dangerous, especially in a troop formation. Also it keeps your sword at a ready position.

You can see large formations of hundreds of samurai running without moving their arms in the movie Ran, and in just about any other classic live action medieval Japanese movie. It's very odd and unnatural-looking since their arms aren't swinging as you normally do when running, but there's probably some historical authenticity behind it. The ninja run animation is just a variation of the same thing.



You know, hearing myself and an SG mate giggle like schoolgirls on TeamSpeak as we ninja sprinted and flipped our way through the evening alone was worth the ten bucks, not to mention the cosmetic upgrades for my zombie ****** stalker, Wrathful Khan.

So nyah-nyah on you haters and nay-sayers. Nyah-nyah, I say.

EDIT: a shorthand for "Mongolian" is censored? learn something new every day.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



Originally Posted by Mighty_Pain View Post

EDIT: a shorthand for "Mongolian" is censored? learn something new every day.
Check how Downs Syndrome used to be referred to, thats the likely cause.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Vyver View Post
You could always get flight + rocket boots.


Dynaguy snag on take off!

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Check how Downs Syndrome used to be referred to, thats the likely cause.
Hm. I had completely forgotten about that, which I take to be a good thing.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Forget the whole, being a ninja aspect.

This run power works, for the natual heroes like Batman, Captain America (the serum only made him peak human, not superhuman), DareDevil (except for his Radar, he's just normal human), Robin and others, who go running around rooftop to rooftop.

That's what natural heroes do in superhero comics. And that's what this power helps bring.
Okay, I agree with this in a big way. And I was VERY excited about the prospects of this power. Enough for a quick impulse $10 purchase. Love the flips, the leaps, etc. I think this comes close to being CoX's answer to CO's attempt at acrobatics as a travel power.

My beef is with the aesthetics of the run itself to be honest. It looks VERY VERY specifically anime in style. And out of context or when not holding a weapon, it has this very goofy "phantom of the opera or Dracula on crack" quality to it. Again this is NOT to say that the animation isn't amazing or the effectiveness of the power is not impressive. My own take on the animation when used out of context reminds me of a remark in the U.S. version of The Birdcage about John Wayne's signature "manly" walk viewed out of context. It's nothing game breaking or doomtastic, it's just a bit... silly to the point of embarrassing when it doesn't fit.

I really hope that either travel power customization or additional mini travel powers come along with as uniquely defined styles but in different directions. Though I could see Captain America or the Beast bouncing around a page with a similar effectiveness and equal amount of tumbles as to what NS provides, I just could never see them running like that on tippy toes, rigid upper body, only using their knees and ankles to propel themselves. The only cartoon characters I've seen outside of anime that run that way are those in Hanna Barbera cartoons--and I have a sneaking suspicion that very few of us, regardless of tastes, are aspiring that set of aesthetics with our CoX characters. (ugh. now I have that sound effect they used for running stuck in my head... )

Anyways, I'm gonna give it a rest at this point. I'm sure I'm coming across as a stick-in-the-mud over this pack that so many people clearly enjoy and an animation that, though it is not my tastes, is admittedly superb. Thumbs up to the folks who worked on it. And I'll hold hope any future releases with new movements styles (be it a booster or free) will better suit my preferences.



Mmmmmm. This booster pack is quite delicious!

Here's a couple with Valkyrior:


A bunch with Dual Way:


One of Elven Ranger:

And some with Battle-Hardened:


Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



I absolutely LOVE this booster pack. The new weapon options and robes are hella sweet, can't get enough of playing with them.

The only thing I would suggest as an improvement would be to get the robe belt option opened up to other costumes besides robes. Can we have that, pretty please?

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



Ahh, found a bug. Ninja Run will interrupt the casting animation of Pocket D and Mission Teleporter.

Also seems to interrupt the Rest animation.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Dynaguy snag on take off!
Lose the Cape P:



Honestly, I can only really find one drawback to this pack: I really wish there was a version of the belt that didn't come with the cloth flap things. I think having just the bit around the waist and the pouches would really widen the options with it.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I will take blame for the walk animations, but the ninja run glory all goes to one of our other animators (same one who did dual pistol animations)

Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Fixt back. I'm not worried about the guys, they do nothing for me. But Keetsie is cute.

What, you already know I'm a D.O.M. so don't give me that look.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.