Praetoria is NOT "goatee" Paragon




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
This is why we shouldn't look too hard at the current Praetorian content for clues as to what's coming in GR.

Also, as they already have one very obvious "dark lord" type leader (Recluse) ruling over a run down and dirty country (Rogue Isles), they probably wanted to add more variety by making the new version of Tyrant less openly evil, and his domain less obviously dark and horrible - which also fits in with the idea of "neutral" gameplay, shades of gray, and things being not what they seem.

If they'd gone with the ruined earth style of the current Praetorians, and Tyrant as an openly evil ruler, then Praetoria would have come accross as way too similar to the Rogue Isles, I think - and that'd make the setting less flexible for neutrals and potential Heroes.
You raise a good point, but the Praetorian dopplegangers are flawed, enough, I think, that attempting to retcon them into more ambiguously evil people will bear horrible inconsistencies. Emperor Cole is a hard man trying to do the right thing, but may have accidentally taken things a step too far, but who also happens to sleep with his granddaughter? No, that doesn't wash, for me.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
You raise a good point, but the Praetorian dopplegangers are flawed, enough, I think, that attempting to retcon them into more ambiguously evil people will bear horrible inconsistencies. Emperor Cole is a hard man trying to do the right thing, but may have accidentally taken things a step too far, but who also happens to sleep with his granddaughter? No, that doesn't wash, for me.
If they are even related in that might get retconed out.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Emperor Cole is a hard man trying to do the right thing, but may have accidentally taken things a step too far
I think it's more likely to be along the lines of him knowing what's "right" for the world, and being totally ruthless in trying to force his vision onto the world - I kinda expect him to be more cold, and arrogant, and lacking any sort of empathy for the people he's claiming to protect - like any one who doesn't share his view is a threat, becasue his "vision" is what saved the world, so anyone not in total sync with his mindset is a threat to the whole world, and should be dealt with in whatever way best protects Praetoria and the future of his world.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it's more likely to be along the lines of him knowing what's "right" for the world, and being totally ruthless in trying to force his vision onto the world - I kinda expect him to be more cold, and arrogant, and lacking any sort of empathy for the people he's claiming to protect - like any one who doesn't share his view is a threat, becasue his "vision" is what saved the world, so anyone not in total sync with his mindset is a threat to the whole world, and should be dealt with in whatever way best protects Praetoria and the future of his world.
And his granddaughter is hot!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it's more likely to be along the lines of him knowing what's "right" for the world, and being totally ruthless in trying to force his vision onto the world
So... Emperor Cole = Jack?



No Nemesis?

That's just what he wants you to think



oh man, the Devouring Earth are going to be a major player in Praetoria? Will Invuln come back into style as those Quartzes poop out -def all over the place? or maybe praetorians just decided hamidon is waaay too much of a waste of time and effort to raid for a piddly amount of merits or a lame random HO roll, so he's just grown unchecked in the Hive and the Abyss.

Lord Nemesis making you think he doesn't exist is the best nemesis plot nemesis ever came up with.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Emperor Cole is a hard man trying to do the right thing, but may have accidentally taken things a step too far, but who also happens to sleep with his granddaughter? No, that doesn't wash, for me.
If they are even related in that might get retconed out.
Heh, I remember when someone pointed that out on the boards for the first time, in a sort of dawning-horror "oh my God, I just realized" way...

... and Manticore posted saying, "I hadn't even thought of that. Aaaaagh. Eeeeewww. I just freaked myself out."*

Mind you, I don't remember him saying he was redacting it, but that wasn't his original intent in throwing that little tidbit into Dominatrix's bio.

*not a direct quote



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
oh man, the Devouring Earth are going to be a major player in Praetoria? Will Invuln come back into style as those Quartzes poop out -def all over the place?
Lots of +acc to discourage defense sets and lots of guys weak to smashing and lethal damage. It really IS bizarro Paragon! I bet their PUGs refuse to start until they can find a stormz0rz and everybody complains about MA/EA stalker farmers driving all the prices up.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
So.... Emperor Cole has made goatees illegal? That tyrannical son of a *****!
You get capes at level 1 but you can't have a goatee until you've unlocked the facial hair costume pieces. You have to do a special mission for the Resistance starting contact - Blue Steel - at level 20. I don't want to spoil too much but you are sent to find the legendary Chuck Norris and steal part of his beard to wear as your own.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
And his granddaughter is hot!
As has been openly suggested by the devs, it was love that made things fall out the way they did. Monica Richter basically picked Marcus Cole over Stefan Richter, and things happened the way they did. Well, let's see here...Cole kills Richter at the Well of the Furies, right? And goes on to take over what is left of the world with his meritocrazy? (Deliberate.) I'm going to take a wild stab that he never married Monica.

My assumption, now, is that Dominatrix (or whatever her Praet name is) may well be the daughter of Miss Liberty...but is very unlikely to be the granddaughter of Emperor Cole.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
As has been openly suggested by the devs, it was love that made things fall out the way they did. Monica Richter basically picked Marcus Cole over Stefan Richter, and things happened the way they did. Well, let's see here...Cole kills Richter at the Well of the Furies, right? And goes on to take over what is left of the world with his meritocrazy? (Deliberate.) I'm going to take a wild stab that he never married Monica.

My assumption, now, is that Dominatrix (or whatever her Praet name is) may well be the daughter of Miss Liberty...but is very unlikely to be the granddaughter of Emperor Cole.
Very plausible, and fits in with the novel. I don't see Monica falling for a Marcus Cole who killed her brother, who (at that point) was not see by her as an evil guy.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Joe said, as an example, the Superman comic Red Son.
So the entire thing is a giant predestination paradox?

Also, there is no Nemesis in Praetorian Earth.
Naught but a Nemesis Plot!

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Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Heh, I remember when someone pointed that out on the boards for the first time, in a sort of dawning-horror "oh my God, I just realized" way...

... and Manticore posted saying, "I hadn't even thought of that. Aaaaagh. Eeeeewww. I just freaked myself out."*

Mind you, I don't remember him saying he was redacting it, but that wasn't his original intent in throwing that little tidbit into Dominatrix's bio.

*not a direct quote
So the whole incestuous relationship thing was a blunder? Wow, and I thought they'd come up with a way to make Tyrant really despicable. I've seen the other suggestions in the thread that Emperor Cole never married into the Richter family. It's an interesting and believable take, but good luck to them retconn'ing it out while trying to explain why Dominatrix is Ms Liberty's doppleganger.

Regarding the Devouring Earth presence: If indeed it is significant in Praetoria, I'd like to hope they will introduce some new DE troops for Praetoria only, rather than just rehashing all the old ones.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
Wow, and I thought they'd come up with a way to make Tyrant really despicable. I've seen the other suggestions in the thread that Emperor Cole never married into the Richter family. It's an interesting and believable take, but good luck to them retconn'ing it out while trying to explain why Dominatrix is Ms Liberty's doppleganger.

It's going to be a whole lot of weird either way. We've had five years of PRAETORIA IS EVIL GOATEE LAND. Now we're getting, IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE BENEVOLENCE OF EMPEROR COLE etc. Even the art is crazy. Tyrant looks bathat loopy in his gold digs, but very suave in his kicking Armani. In the comics, he always seems to be yelling and eye-popping.

Or is this another of those things, like his feud with Recluse, that Statesman has directly caused through mutual provocation...and dragged us all along for the ride again?

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Also, as there's no combat-able version of him in the game, officially, he's also probably the longest existing signature character to not have been defeated by a player.
Not in official content, but I have an arc with him in it.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



For a while there's certainly going to be a clash between legacy content and Going Rogue content.

Since a Hero's hero arc makes Praetoria out to be the dimension of the 'evil goatee' variety but the GR content will make it out to be the 'oppressive ruling elite with superpowers doing it for the good of humanity' variety.

I still find the idea intriuging that potentially Primal Earth could screw up Praetoria more than just suddenly having an influx of good/evil super powered beings. Stuff tends to follow us through portals, Nemesis will see a dimension without him and ego wouldn't let that stand, after all, every dimension deserved the right to a real benevolent ruler. The Freakshow (and almost every other level 40-50 foe) have broken into Portal Corp before and muscled their way to a new universe, what's to stop them now?

Malta are NOT going to like the idea of Praetoria, since it's their worst fear realised, so I can imagine detachments of Malta being snuck in to set up new cells there and take out any super powered being they can.

Basically we're bring a whole heap of trouble with us through the portal and possibly making Praetoria a battleground for more than just the Resistance and Tyrant...



Not apropos of anything....

New Praetoria = Positron Prime PUNCH!!!



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
He once beat some psychic guy right out of is skull.
<Blue Steel> I don't always drink beer. but when I do...</Blue Steel>

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
For a while there's certainly going to be a clash between legacy content and Going Rogue content.

Since a Hero's hero arc makes Praetoria out to be the dimension of the 'evil goatee' variety but the GR content will make it out to be the 'oppressive ruling elite with superpowers doing it for the good of humanity' variety.

I still find the idea intriuging that potentially Primal Earth could screw up Praetoria more than just suddenly having an influx of good/evil super powered beings. Stuff tends to follow us through portals, Nemesis will see a dimension without him and ego wouldn't let that stand, after all, every dimension deserved the right to a real benevolent ruler. The Freakshow (and almost every other level 40-50 foe) have broken into Portal Corp before and muscled their way to a new universe, what's to stop them now?

Malta are NOT going to like the idea of Praetoria, since it's their worst fear realised, so I can imagine detachments of Malta being snuck in to set up new cells there and take out any super powered being they can.

Basically we're bring a whole heap of trouble with us through the portal and possibly making Praetoria a battleground for more than just the Resistance and Tyrant...
If Emperor Cole was smart, he wouldn't be picking a fight with "Primal" Earth.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Velocity View Post
Very plausible, and fits in with the novel. I don't see Monica falling for a Marcus Cole who killed her brother, who (at that point) was not see by her as an evil guy.
Maybe her rejecting him would actually make him more evil? Like killing Recluse at the Well could have been a sort of heat of the moment thing, but then being rejected by the woman he loved might push him further to evil?
And if Domi, with another father, still grew up to look a lot like her mother, Tyrant may have started a relationship with her because first, it was a way of "getting back" at her mother, and second, it was way to being with her likeness - that way, their relationship would still be very creepy, but wouldn't have the gross incest thing going on.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
If Emperor Cole was smart, he wouldn't be picking a fight with "Primal" Earth.
But his power, like his empire, knows no bounds - he said so himself

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork