Praetoria is NOT "goatee" Paragon




Praetoria is NOT "goatee" Paragon
So.... Emperor Cole has made goatees illegal? That tyrannical son of a *****!



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Wait, so, Praetorian Blue Steel isn't a good cop?
If there was a Praetorian Blue Steel at all, there wouldn't be a living Emperor Cole. His awesomeness alone would have convinced Tyrant to cede all power to him.



Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
If there was a Praetorian Blue Steel at all, there wouldn't be a living Emperor Cole. His awesomeness alone would have convinced Tyrant to cede all power to him.

To be honest, I'm actually getting tired of all the Blue Steel-Chuck Norris style comments.

Where the HELL did they all come from anyways? The only thing that I know about Blue Steel is that he's the trainer in KR. I've read a LOT of the story arcs and haven't seen Blue Steel mentioned in any of them.

I just don't get it... and it's getting tired to me.



Originally Posted by The_Killbot_5000 View Post
So it's been stated by Hero1 that Praetoria has no Clockwork King? Hrmm. Are there any other details you can give me about what was said of the Clockwork King?
I dont know about the clockwork king, but since neuron and anti-matter made the praetorian clockwork (comic 16 page 14), im gonna guess, if it exists, it's just a bigger badder janitor or central control hub and not much more.

Interestly the clockwork in the comics look a bit different than the ones in the video I saw. Though just about everything praetorian looks different in the comic than in that video.

gl all and have fun

Murphys Military Law

#23. Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.

#46. If you can't remember, the Claymore is pointed towards you.

#54. Killing for peace is like screwing for virginity.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
To be honest, I'm actually getting tired of all the Blue Steel-Chuck Norris style comments.

Where the HELL did they all come from anyways? The only thing that I know about Blue Steel is that he's the trainer in KR. I've read a LOT of the story arcs and haven't seen Blue Steel mentioned in any of them.

I just don't get it... and it's getting tired to me.
There's a fair few stories, mostly villainside, where Blue Steel is basically a deux ex machina. Combine that with the guy having a powerset not in the game until recently, and you have meme fodder.



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
To be honest, I'm actually getting tired of all the Blue Steel-Chuck Norris style comments.

Where the HELL did they all come from anyways? The only thing that I know about Blue Steel is that he's the trainer in KR.
That's pretty much exactly it. The only thing we know about Blue Steel in all of the game's official lore is that he's prone to murdering arrestees in fits of blackout rage, but apparently able to get away with it. That makes him pretty much a cipher except for the "kills suspects with his bare hands" thing, which is an appropriate hook for the fanbase to hang the whole Chuck Norris mythology on.



Originally Posted by Rockpirate View Post
I dunno..... a lot of the Praetorians are getting the once over, Tyrant (Emperor Cole) just might inherit some new powers that change his ranking on that list.
That's based on what I've seen in game right now - it may change with GR

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
To be honest, I'm actually getting tired of all the Blue Steel-Chuck Norris style comments.

Where the HELL did they all come from anyways? The only thing that I know about Blue Steel is that he's the trainer in KR. I've read a LOT of the story arcs and haven't seen Blue Steel mentioned in any of them.

I just don't get it... and it's getting tired to me.
Hmm off the top of my head, there are a number of arcs V-side where your character defeats and captures signature heroes, who are then broken out of the Rogue Isles by none other than Blue Steel.

Also, as there's no combat-able version of him in the game, officially, he's also probably the longest existing signature character to not have been defeated by a player.

There is also no known Praetorian version of him, for the reason directly above.

I'm not sure where the Chuck Norris part came in, but Blue Steel has always been a bit of an enigma character, other than the fact he apparently kicks butt.



By the way, I'd expect at least one Preatorian Police officer to have a goatee - possibly an eyepatch too - although the eyepatch could also be on another officer.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
By the way, I'd expect at least one Preatorian Police officer to have a goatee - possibly an eyepatch too - although the eyepatch could also be on another officer.
If that police officer also has a peg leg and a hook arm, I'm so bringing my Ninja MM to Praetoria first.



Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
If that police officer also has a peg leg and a hook arm, I'm so bringing my Ninja MM to Praetoria first.
A hook might not fit in with the tech feel of the place - but a cybernetic claw would be acceptable.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A hook might not fit in with the tech feel of the place - but a cybernetic claw would be acceptable.
I want my cyber peg leg.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
... as far as the new lore goes, Praetoria is an alternate timeline where things went a bit differently.

Joe said, as an example, the Superman comic Red Son.

In that world, like ours, Marcus Cole tries to make the world a better place. In our world, he saves it, and then leaves it to us to mess up again, over and over. In Praetorian Earth, the Korean War went a bit differently, and he decided to act to make the world a better place permanently.

A utopia, but with a price.

Joe also said that the new Praetoria lore will eventually be retconned back into the Portal Corps missions. Although the new character models will be in those missions on release.

Ok, this is what bugs me, Emperor Cole is also Tyrant, correct? There must be a huge retcon in the works, because previously Tyrant was portrayed at a level of evil that Lord Recluse would be jealous of. In the comics (which have been shown to be canonical with events like Posi's healing, Manticore & Sister Psyche's wedding, even War Witch's ghost) Tyrant rules from a junk heap that used to be their world's version of Atlas Park. He was flat out evil, up to and including torturing Statesman, and a strongly implied inappropriate relationship with his granddaughter.

I've heard that some new Praetorian zones will show that all is not bright and chipper, but Praetoria looks far too shiny to soon to be the same location depected previously. And this new Emperor Cole sounds like a good guy that made a very wrong decision, not the scum-sucking villain we've previously known as Tyrant.

I should note, I'm nitpicking. I do like what I see of the new game so far, just really surprised at the huge retcon. Seems almost like a reboot instead.



Surely I am not the only one who at first glance read the subject line as

"Praetoria is NOT "******" Paragon". Right?



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Surely there must be a present arc in GR that explains about the clockwork king or a future possible one. Seems a bit strange to have robots named "clockwork" without having a bit of story about their creator this side of the dimension.
Play through the Portal Corp arcs about Praetoria. There are blue (radiation blast) and silver (electrical blast) clockwork developed by Anti-Matter (praetorian Positron) and Neuron (praetorian Synapse), respectively.



Originally Posted by Willowpaw View Post
Surely I am not the only one who at first glance read the subject line as

"Praetoria is NOT "******" Paragon". Right?
I wasn't going to say it...



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
Ok, this is what bugs me, Emperor Cole is also Tyrant, correct? There must be a huge retcon in the works, because previously Tyrant was portrayed at a level of evil that Lord Recluse would be jealous of. In the comics (which have been shown to be canonical with events like Posi's healing, Manticore & Sister Psyche's wedding, even War Witch's ghost) Tyrant rules from a junk heap that used to be their world's version of Atlas Park. He was flat out evil, up to and including torturing Statesman, and a strongly implied inappropriate relationship with his granddaughter.

I've heard that some new Praetorian zones will show that all is not bright and chipper, but Praetoria looks far too shiny to soon to be the same location depected previously. And this new Emperor Cole sounds like a good guy that made a very wrong decision, not the scum-sucking villain we've previously known as Tyrant.

I should note, I'm nitpicking. I do like what I see of the new game so far, just really surprised at the huge retcon. Seems almost like a reboot instead.
This is why we shouldn't look too hard at the current Praetorian content for clues as to what's coming in GR.

Also, as they already have one very obvious "dark lord" type leader (Recluse) ruling over a run down and dirty country (Rogue Isles), they probably wanted to add more variety by making the new version of Tyrant less openly evil, and his domain less obviously dark and horrible - which also fits in with the idea of "neutral" gameplay, shades of gray, and things being not what they seem.

If they'd gone with the ruined earth style of the current Praetorians, and Tyrant as an openly evil ruler, then Praetoria would have come accross as way too similar to the Rogue Isles, I think - and that'd make the setting less flexible for neutrals and potential Heroes.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
Hmm off the top of my head, there are a number of arcs V-side where your character defeats and captures signature heroes, who are then broken out of the Rogue Isles by none other than Blue Steel.

Also, as there's no combat-able version of him in the game, officially, he's also probably the longest existing signature character to not have been defeated by a player.

There is also no known Praetorian version of him, for the reason directly above.

I'm not sure where the Chuck Norris part came in, but Blue Steel has always been a bit of an enigma character, other than the fact he apparently kicks butt.
He once beat some psychic guy right out of is skull.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
He once beat some psychic guy right out of is skull.
As is usually the case, I forget the most obvious....



Originally Posted by Westley View Post
To be honest, I'm actually getting tired of all the Blue Steel-Chuck Norris style comments.

Where the HELL did they all come from anyways? The only thing that I know about Blue Steel is that he's the trainer in KR. I've read a LOT of the story arcs and haven't seen Blue Steel mentioned in any of them.

I just don't get it... and it's getting tired to me.

I never liked Chuck Norris.

There. I said it.



Originally Posted by Rockpirate View Post

I never liked Chuck Norris.

There. I said it.
I never liked Chuck Norris, either. But stupid memes are stupid memes and are meant to be abused until they're a bad joke. And optionally abused some more.

Scratch that, they're meant to be abused until they go from a bad joke to an anger-inducing mental thorn in the collective conscience.



Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
I never liked Chuck Norris, either. But stupid memes are stupid memes and are meant to be abused until they're a bad joke. And optionally abused some more.

Scratch that, they're meant to be abused until they go from a bad joke to an anger-inducing mental thorn in the collective conscience.
In Soviet Russia the collective conscience induces anger in your memes.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Isn't Blue Steel used in CoV as a plot device to rescue people you've kidnapped?



Originally Posted by Failsight View Post
I'm not sure where the Chuck Norris part came in, but Blue Steel has always been a bit of an enigma character, other than the fact he apparently kicks butt.
Blue Steel: Completely undefeated Deus Ex Machina to handwave certain failures of villains in order to maintain the game's status quo.
Chuck Norris: Only ever lost one fight. It was against Gandhi, lasted 3 weeks, and spanned 8 dimensions