Praetoria is NOT "goatee" Paragon




Originally Posted by Khellendrosiic View Post
Except the Malta Group wants all metahumans under the control of a government that they in turn control. What Praetoria looks like is a government made of metahumans, which is something that would indeed be Malta's worst fear.
The Malta group views rogue metahumans the way you might view a civilian with a rocket launcher. Superpowers are weapons to them. Nothing more.

Remember, the Malta group was born of Cold War paranoia, blown way out of proportion, turned into a manifesto and perpetuated even when the initial cause was gone. The Malta group is a bunch of frightened people trying to maintain what they view as order. Supers are just loose cannons, and that's why they're afraid of them.

Cole's Paragon, from what we've heard of it, looks like it's pretty ordered, and pretty powerful. They don't need Malta to protect themselves from outside threats, so the Malta group would never have started.

Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
In other words, Tyrant is lawful evil and Lord Recluse is neutral evil.
Recluse is chaotic evil. Or stupid. Or both.

Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Taking a step out of genre and into Babylon 5.

How about the character, who was unelected, came into his position through dubious means, and acted without accountability to anyone. Had a secret organization who did his bidding, and were completely willing to die for him.

The launched a war against an alien race, and smuggled weapons of mass destruction for use against a civilian target (a city) under the guise of peace negotiations.
I'm not sure the Shadows really had civilians.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
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Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Why would you be sad at that?

Praetoria is an oppressive, undemocratic tyranny - how can they not be the villains?

The Rikti and Arachnos are major threats to Paragon City - but I haven't seen Statesman setting up a dictatorship here
I'm sad because I want it to be an exploration on how everything is simultaneously Good and Evil, based on how you sell it (see the thread I just set up).

I'm a Christian (and proud of it!). As one, I have heard people sell my culture as altruistic and beautiful, as well as abhorrent and destructive. Depending on what aspects of our history, historical figures, and impact you choose to study, both are arguably true. The concept of that duality (and is a lot more fascinating and fun than "That guy's dressed in black! Punch him, *pow*!"

It's the same reason Joker was given very well thought out and clever speeches to deliver in The Dark Knight that illustrated it was possible to defend the "Joker way of life"... that it wasn't just "murder 4 teh lulz".



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Well, it will make you happy (and me sad) to know the Developers have more than once said the Loyalists are the Villains and the Resistance the Heroes.
That does please me, to be honest, though I'm sorry it makes you sad. I just don't think all that postmodern oh-morality-is-such-a-continuum-of-greys business belongs in a superhero comic universe. In the real world, sure, but I'm here to get away from the real world, not duplicate it with the volume turned up.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I'm sad because I want it to be an exploration on how everything is simultaneously Good and Evil, based on how you sell it.
But it isn't

It doesn't matter how evil people sell their views - they're still evil - which is why there will be an arc or TF in Praetoria where we punch Tyrant - a lot

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But it isn't

It doesn't matter how evil people sell their views - they're still evil - which is why there will be an arc or TF in Praetoria where we punch Tyrant - a lot
So, for discussion sake, if there was a theoretical country that was ruled by a dictator with an iron fist, but the citizens weren't persecuted, no one was hungry and they could engage in art and research and such without retribution. The only catch was they could not seek to govern themselves, that such a system would be inherently evil?



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
So, for discussion sake, if there was a theoretical country that was ruled by a dictator with an iron fist, but the citizens weren't persecuted, no one was hungry and they could engage in art and research and such without retribution. The only catch was they could not seek to govern themselves, that such a system would be inherently evil?



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
So, for discussion sake, if there was a theoretical country that was ruled by a dictator with an iron fist, but the citizens weren't persecuted, no one was hungry and they could engage in art and research and such without retribution. The only catch was they could not seek to govern themselves, that such a system would be inherently evil?
I prefer to base the discussion of moral relativism around this argument. For the purposes of the debate, none of the below question is negotiable or changeable, just use your imagination to come up with a scenario if it makes you happier but this question is a doozy for any philosopher.

You learn that millions of people are about to die through an act which you can only prevent by killing hundreds of thousands. What do you do?

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
So, for discussion sake, if there was a theoretical country that was ruled by a dictator with an iron fist, but the citizens weren't persecuted, no one was hungry and they could engage in art and research and such without retribution. The only catch was they could not seek to govern themselves, that such a system would be inherently evil?
You only need to rule with an iron fist if people are unwilling to be ruled

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
They do rather let the side down by calling him "Tyrant", though. I mean, a man who adopts that as a stage name is either indulging in more irony than an emo-goth Partridge Family cover band or quite comfortably in touch with his inner evil.
Tyrant was not originally a pejorative term.

Compared to some truly incompetent rulers who inherited their kingdoms, a tyrant who was adept enough to seize power to himself was a welcome change. A tyrant is the poster boy for a meritocracy.

It was the Athenians leaning toward democracy and the Romans with their Republican Senate which demonized the tyrant. And boy did those bookish types trash the idea of a tyrant. And while the Athenians and the Roman Senate are precursors of modern Representative Democracy; they weren't boy scouts. The both wanted rule by 'the people', meaning a few wealthy, male slave owners.

By the Middle Ages, Aquinas was using the term 'tyrant' as a neutral word for any ultimate leader, whether they be king, or chieftain, or war lord, or emperor. And since the overwhelming majority of human existence lived under the rule of a single powerful leader; this was simply considered the norm.

The Renaissance and Age of Enlightenment started to bring in critical thinking about the role of a tyrant and from whence the mandate to rule is based. And in order to make the point that all the people should have a say, they engaged in tyrant-bashing.

But tyrants aren't always that bad. If a populace is in chaos or lacks the resources to be self-governing (ignorance, lack of education, under an epidemic, break down of local government, under gang rule, being attacked by a foreign army), then in those cases, a tyrant is a very good idea.

We've seen in recent history that removing a tyrant doesn't automatically allow democracy to spring up overnight. Both in Hungary and Iraq, the removal of a bad tyrant without replacing him with a benevolent tyrant simply allowed generations-old racial hatreds to become civil wars.

The assumption that a tyrant is always worse then the people governing themselves is naive position born of ideology. Sometime the people are incapable of self governance and instead of letting them kill each other in anarchy, you need a tyrant to govern until you can teach the people to govern themselves. Although, the problem with that is that sometimes tyrants get rather used to their power and are reluctant to give it up even when the people are ready for self-governance.

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Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
I'm sad because I want it to be an exploration on how everything is simultaneously Good and Evil, based on how you sell it (see the thread I just set up).

I'm a Christian (and proud of it!). As one, I have heard people sell my culture as altruistic and beautiful, as well as abhorrent and destructive. Depending on what aspects of our history, historical figures, and impact you choose to study, both are arguably true. The concept of that duality (and is a lot more fascinating and fun than "That guy's dressed in black! Punch him, *pow*!"

It's the same reason Joker was given very well thought out and clever speeches to deliver in The Dark Knight that illustrated it was possible to defend the "Joker way of life"... that it wasn't just "murder 4 teh lulz".
Marcian, I think you might find my arc #193451 interesting. It deals with the tension between moral absolutes and the notion of "shades of grey." Pay particular attention to the contact's final speech.


I like some ambiguity, too, but I can see where Captain_Photon is coming from. One great thing about superhero comics is that they're one of the few remaining media in which melodrama can be, and sometimes is, done well. I like the notion of heroes being good and villains being evil and those terms not being subject to harrowing examination.

That said, the problem with settings about totalitarian governments as villains is that they tend to identify the fictional government with the creator's political bugaboos. Things stay black and white, but they move from a philosophical/moral duality to a political duality. (And, of course, some people would argue that it's impossible to differentiate the two, which makes things even more complicated.) That's a bit different from the good/evil split of your basic melodrama or even from the "honorable villain" so often seen in recent fiction.

I can speak only for myself, but if I were writing the setting, I'd make the Loyalists initially seem evil and the Resistance good, then gradually reveal that the Resistance is pretty contempible, too. This means that the player character who chooses to be heroic is forced to make an even more significant decision, by forging a new morality without outside guidance. However, this doesn't necessarily do much for heroes falling from grace, and I'm not sure an MMO can handle the necessary gradations of complexity in character.

"Bombarding the CoH/V fora with verbosity since January, 2006"

Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Originally Posted by The_Killbot_5000 View Post
You learn that millions of people are about to die through an act which you can only prevent by killing hundreds of thousands. What do you do?
How much time have I got? Because I've only got a Mossberg 500 and a Browning Hi-Power, so that's gonna take me a while.



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
How much time have I got? Because I've only got a Mossberg 500 and a Browning Hi-Power, so that's gonna take me a while.
My friend, it's time to add the Loyalist badge to your signature. You understand sacrifice in the name of the great good.



Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
I can speak only for myself, but if I were writing the setting, I'd make the Loyalists initially seem evil and the Resistance good, then gradually reveal that the Resistance is pretty contempible, too.
Ugh, no, see, that just falls into the equally irritating "turns out there are no heroes, Man is an animal, society is a veneer stretched over the law of the jungle" trap. That kind of thing is just as validly explorable, philosophically speaking, but also just as out of place in the simple world of the superhero.

Seriously, I'm just tired of all the postmodern self-examination in today's pop culture. It's why I love Atomic Robo so much. Those guys still get it: Nazis are bad, punch them in their face, the end.




Would the Freakshow think that Praetoria is like the most awesome dimension ever?

I mean they can smash stuff up and be hailed as heroes, infact the Resistance would actively encouraged the bringing down of Cole's monuments. I could see the Resistance actively hiring the Freakshow for a bit of urban deconstruction. Come for the pay, stay for the carnage!

Primal Earth Nemesis is definitely going to want to take an interest in Praetoria...I mean...he's not awful for those people it must be if the benefactor of Steam Powered Peace cannot descend from on high and save the people from ruler who clearly isn't fit to rule...



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Ugh, no, see, that just falls into the equally irritating "turns out there are no heroes, Man is an animal, society is a veneer stretched over the law of the jungle" trap. That kind of thing is just as validly explorable, philosophically speaking, but also just as out of place in the simple world of the superhero.

Seriously, I'm just tired of all the postmodern self-examination in today's pop culture. It's why I love Atomic Robo so much. Those guys still get it: Nazis are bad, punch them in their face, the end.
Indeed. A comic book universe should be a world to escape TO, not FROM.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
My friend, it's time to add the Loyalist badge to your signature. You understand sacrifice in the name of the great good.
Well, sure. Sitting in the comfort of my own living room, knowing that there's not a chance in hell that it's a decision I will ever actually face, it's easy enough to say "uh, well, g'bye, hundreds of thousands!" In-character, though? Cap would look for Option 3, and if he didn't find it he'd probably end up being one of the millions. He's an idealist. That's why he's a superhero.



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
In Soviet Russia the collective conscience induces anger in your memes.
But in Praetorian Russia... err... I don't... doesn't compute... #$%@... UNIVERSE UNRAVELLING PARADOX! AHHHH!!!

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
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Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Well, sure. Sitting in the comfort of my own living room, knowing that there's not a chance in hell that it's a decision I will ever actually face, it's easy enough to say "uh, well, g'bye, hundreds of thousands!" In-character, though? Cap would look for Option 3, and if he didn't find it he'd probably end up being one of the millions. He's an idealist. That's why he's a superhero.
Just to clarify, I'm with Captain Photon on that one. I just tend to RP horrible, terrible people. Whether there's a "right answer" to this, villainy would tend to side with the "G'bye hundreds of thousands" mentality.



That's what heroes do though...they ALWAYS look for option 3 or as i like to call it, the Superman option (since he was given a choice between saving Person A (usuall Louise Lane) and Person B (usually Jimmy...) more times than I've had hot dinners)



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
How much time have I got? Because I've only got a Mossberg 500 and a Browning Hi-Power, so that's gonna take me a while.
I lol'd! We can see which end of the spectrum your morality least for mind-games anyways.

K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



Originally Posted by BlackBellatrix View Post
So, for discussion sake, if there was a theoretical country that was ruled by a dictator with an iron fist, but the citizens weren't persecuted, no one was hungry and they could engage in art and research and such without retribution. The only catch was they could not seek to govern themselves, that such a system would be inherently evil?
If they can't seek to govern themselves, and they can't leave for some place with a system they're able to function in better, then yeah, that's evil as hell. Unfortunately, the kind of extreme actions necessary to shake up a system like that would almost certainly drift so far into the category of "terrorism" that they'd also be evil as hell.

I don't see the Loyalists and Resistance as Villains and Heroes respectively... they both look like groups with some good strong positive points to make, and almost certainly a lot of shady ways that they can go about making them. I'm really hoping that both sides are presented as being as morally ambiguous as I imagine, and that the the decision making process that influences which side your character ends up on won't be a bunch of simple "Do you help the lost little kid find his mom or MURDER HIM AND EAT HIS TENDER FLESH MUAHAHAHAH" kind of crap. I'm hoping for some decision trees where you won't know until after you choose which side you just pushed yourself towards. But with some way to recover standing with the other faction before the final decision has to be made, if you've really got your heart set on one side.

GW2 - Melchior.2135
AIM - Euroclydon23
Email - or <sameasmyAIM> (for the sheer novelty of an almost 20 year old email address that hasn't been overwhelmed by spambots yet)



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Just to clarify, I'm with Captain Photon on that one. I just tend to RP horrible, terrible people. Whether there's a "right answer" to this, villainy would tend to side with the "G'bye hundreds of thousands" mentality.
I would think the truely villainous would say "**** it, let the millions die. I don't care"



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post

Would the Freakshow think that Praetoria is like the most awesome dimension ever?

I mean they can smash stuff up and be hailed as heroes, infact the Resistance would actively encouraged the bringing down of Cole's monuments. I could see the Resistance actively hiring the Freakshow for a bit of urban deconstruction. Come for the pay, stay for the carnage!
t3h fr33k5h0w iz n0t j00r p3r50n4l 4rmy.
Seriously, man. It would NOT end well.
Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
I'm really hoping that both sides are presented as being as morally ambiguous as I imagine, and that the the decision making process that influences which side your character ends up on won't be a bunch of simple "Do you help the lost little kid find his mom or MURDER HIM AND EAT HIS TENDER FLESH MUAHAHAHAH" kind of crap. I'm hoping for some decision trees where you won't know until after you choose which side you just pushed yourself towards. But with some way to recover standing with the other faction before the final decision has to be made, if you've really got your heart set on one side.
I will support any idea that could put all those "He killed all the villains in his home dimension and came to Primal Earth cuz he was bored, but he's a hero, honest" characters in the Rogue Isles where they belong.

Formerly known as Stormy_D



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post

Would the Freakshow think that Praetoria is like the most awesome dimension ever?

I mean they can smash stuff up and be hailed as heroes, infact the Resistance would actively encouraged the bringing down of Cole's monuments. I could see the Resistance actively hiring the Freakshow for a bit of urban deconstruction. Come for the pay, stay for the carnage!

Primal Earth Nemesis is definitely going to want to take an interest in Praetoria...I mean...he's not awful for those people it must be if the benefactor of Steam Powered Peace cannot descend from on high and save the people from ruler who clearly isn't fit to rule...
Combine that with my theory that the Resistance are the heroic versions of the Freakshow, and things get interesting.

On another note, the Devouring Earth's presence makes me think- co-op Hamidon Raid?



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Ugh, no, see, that just falls into the equally irritating "turns out there are no heroes, Man is an animal, society is a veneer stretched over the law of the jungle" trap. That kind of thing is just as validly explorable, philosophically speaking, but also just as out of place in the simple world of the superhero.

Seriously, I'm just tired of all the postmodern self-examination in today's pop culture. It's why I love Atomic Robo so much. Those guys still get it: Nazis are bad, punch them in their face, the end.
As much as I love Atomic Robo, saying that moral ambiguity has no place in superhero fiction is more a blanket statement on your preference of superhero fiction.

I think there's a lot of room in superhero fiction for all kinds of things, moral ambiguity and philosophical exploration included. Some fictional worlds don't lend themselves to such things due to established styles. That's why many people feel uncomfortable when it happens in the established Marvel or DC Universes–it wasn't there before, so it feels odd to have it now. But that's it. There's no reason why a superhero story has to be simple. You just like it that way. So don't state it like it's fact.

I will say that a lot of the philosophical meandering done at a pop culture level is inane and altogether cheesy (which is sometimes the goal, often times...not), but sometimes the odd gem is actually interesting. This is generally because it's been done before, and better.

I don't expect this game to be the basis of philosophy papers for university students for years to come, so if they don't go philosophical, that's fine by me–I'm here to pound some folks and have a good time (well, not here here as in the forum...)–if they want to get all "deep" on me, I'd rather they do it in unexpected and emotional ways: I always bring this up, but perhaps the most touching moment for me in this entire game was after the Meet with Longbow mission in the Dark Watcher arc. What Captain Dietrich says after the mission really hit me and motivated me to really take it out on the Nemesis in the next mission.

While I won't expect that kind of thing in GR, I certainly do want a moment or two like that.