I'm tired of the Halloween event already




Originally Posted by Mourgothe View Post
having a horde of zombies come out of the ground puts her into a travel power activating panic.
So..... "run away"?



Love that movie! ...but yep that's pretty much what happens.



Not really sure about the utility of posting about this when there are still literally weeks to go.

But since this thread seems essentially narcissistic: I'm enjoying it. The event is varied enough that I can do whatever I want. Generally run a mission, exit, then trick or treat the very door I just exited. As more of my SG mates log on, we can run the banners or zombie attacks for the badges. Or do more missions. Or ToT.

The lag fests are to be expected, alas, especially on my computer. I find I enjoy these events more on my support characters, when I can contribute best by spamming my buffs and debuffs.

Mileage varies, as ever.

MA arcs: #1669, "A New Breed Rising"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I wish I could be bored of it, but I have yet to see people actually taking part in the fight against the banners, and as such I have not had a chance to even begin experiencing it.

On the other hand, that stands to strong evidence why people suggesting events impact zones permanently, or until players band together to fight them is full of fail - players can't be arsed to attend every single event as it occurs, and that's quite normal. I don't, and I feel no shame in it.
The events are sure cool, but just like with the Giant Monsters, the devs totally overdo it with them. OF COURSE noone fights the banner thing anymore after he already did it six times in a row because they are like permanently on in at least one zone.
Just like noone cares when Scrapyard is around, because he is like always around, its seems rather rare when you can spend a few minutes in Sharkhead WITHOUT him being around.

So the giant Pumpkin is in St. Martial? Wow. He's in two other zones as well, and I just defeated him here, then went to Jack in Irons that was also there, and then the pumpkin spawned again immediately just where Jack fell over.

When something is CONSTANTLY around, noone cares that it is. How could they even? They'd never get to do anything else anymore.

If they'd be rarer, like in this case only at nights, (still dont see why it has to be night for two full weeks to celebrate one evening) so people could do their missions when the sun comes up to end the madness, then probably more would care again when such an event pops up.



tried it. couldn't stand the lag.

got the badges on one toon, and I'm done.

Now waiting for GR.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Personally, I make the effort to get the new badges from events on my main "badge collector" toon, so as to keep him current.

After that, I just play whichever alt I'm currently playing with as normal.

As the various events happen, if I'm in the zone and not otherwise occupied, then I'll join in with that toon. But I don't go out of my way to grind the event with every alt I've got.

That keeps things relatively fresh and fun for me during the events.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



Originally Posted by Woodchuck View Post
I will say that ToTing is absolutely brutal on my lower level characters this year - there is no reason my level 18 stalker should have to navigate a vampire lord boss, or crone as often as he did yesterday I was averaging a vampire lord 2 out of 10 door knocks. Same rate for crones. At that level, it's hard to survive the werewolves, much less the boss level characters.
Yeah, the bosses are spawning a bit too much. Last night I had 3 Crones in a row followed by 2 Vampire Lords. Highly annoying.



I'll agree that the amount of Boss Spawns this year are a 'little' much.

From my overall experiences, I'd say I was hitting a Boss Spawn (Crone or Lord Vamp) while Soloing (+0/x0 or 1) at least 30% of the time. On my 20 and under Characters, the Boss Spawn itself is doable. But pair it with a Lt. of any kind, it gets down right difficult (I'd faceplant maybe 66 - 75% of the time...).

Now I'm not saying it's an entirely bad thing. But if the extra Lt. didn't spawn with a Boss, that would be nice.

Thank you for the time...

@Travlr (Main) / @Tymers Realm (Test)

Arc 5299: Magic, Mystery, and Mayhem Updated!! 09/15/09



Originally Posted by TroyHickman View Post
I love, love, love the Halloween event! I also love the Christmas event! We need a July 4th event...and a Labor Day event...and an Arbor Day event...and there's National Potato Week...and...
I thought you said nocturnal potato week. Anyways, I've only managed to do the event on a single character. I'm glad for the extension--it's fun.

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this years halloween event has actually been more enjoyable for me than last years halloween. the banner events are fun, but once i had the badges i wasnt too interested in them, the trick or treating aspect is much more fun this year because of the new mechanics for how they work, the higher lvl enemies for larger team is excellent infamy earning opportunities and because they changed the event salvage to drops from trick doors, the salvage has been dropping like crazy. the ToTing this year has been more fun than the last few years, which for me is a plus.

the only boss tha annoys me to anything is the crone, they have huge ACC debuffs and the DoT from their chill of the night usually kills my pets if i dont mez her fast enough. but as far as ive seen gotten a fair even balance of everything. the difficulty setting you have does not affect the spawns from the doors, (i left my diff on +0(x8) and still only get no more than 3 enemies per door solo) the only thing that affects the enemy spawns is team size.



Yeah, add me to the "bored with it" group. Three events is too many to have happening at once. It's like watching superhero movies -- once you're adding three villains to the mix, you can't keep track of anything anymore.

I'd rather be able to run some proper missions with proper teams, and that's going to have to wait 'til everyone else gets their precious badges...

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Funny how old-timers tend to get jaded so quickly. Yes, we've done a lot of this same stuff for the last five years. But what about those people who haven't been here five years?

I mean, consider how cool the event was in October 2004. Hardly anyone had seen a freakishly giant creature like Eochai at that time, Croatoa wasn't even in existence. We were all pretty stoked back then, and that was just one giant monster roaming around. We didn't even have that hero event channel to let us know where he was.

Now consider if you had just joined the game within the past year. This event is huge. I mean, my god, giant monsters, creatures you've never seen before, getting stuff from knocking on doors that don't do anything the rest of the time (especially the costume salvage for free that usually costs big $$$ at the auction house), changing your avatar into any of a buttload of enemies, umpteen badges, defeating banners strewn around zones, fighting off hordes of zombies (say what you will about it happening all the time; unlike during the Halloween event, usually people are so jaded of it that there aren't enough heroes grouped up to spawn the Elite Boss Nightmares), no sun in the city anywhere... I mean, it's definitely a lot different than the normal game.

Please remember as you think about how you've been doing this for years that not everyone has, and they deserve that same coolness factor that we've been spoiled with for a long time now.

And the banner stuff is pretty cool. I'm so glad it's not just another standard "Defeat x and collect badge" kind of thing.
I agree with this 100% well put

Member of the Hyperion Force



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
But what about those people who haven't been here five years?

Now consider if you had just joined the game within the past year. This event is huge. I mean, my god, giant monsters, creatures you've never seen before, getting stuff from knocking on doors that don't do anything the rest of the time (especially the costume salvage for free that usually costs big $$$ at the auction house), changing your avatar into any of a buttload of enemies, umpteen badges, defeating banners strewn around zones, fighting off hordes of zombies (say what you will about it happening all the time; unlike during the Halloween event, usually people are so jaded of it that there aren't enough heroes grouped up to spawn the Elite Boss Nightmares), no sun in the city anywhere... I mean, it's definitely a lot different than the normal game.
Oh, yeah. This is my first Halloween I'm finding it to be quite a spectacle! I'm fairly sure I won't have time to try everything out, but that's the fun of it. I've earned some Eochai merits, helped take down Jack in Irons for a cool badge, and may make some runs with some banner teams tonight! It's a nice change of scenery and play.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I wish I could be bored of it, but I have yet to see people actually taking part in the fight against the banners, and as such I have not had a chance to even begin experiencing it.
Same here. I ran into the Banner thing for the first time in Mercy last night with a lvl 2 Corr and got my *** handed to me by a bunch of Scorned Women. Granted I was level 2, but I was also giggling like mad after I noticed the name of the mob.

I have more than enough alts to see which one handles ToTing the best. And while ToTing I can jump in on a GM hunt, or battle the Zombie Apocalypse, or log in to another alt and see how they handle things and get a few badges for them too.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
The trick or treat mechanic, while amusing, gets tiresome after awhile, especially since I've seen iterations of this for years.
Last year was the first time I had an opportunity to participate in the Halloween event. It was one of the most fun things I've done in this game. I'd click a door, three minions would pop out and I'd start blasting. Or zombies would start popping out of the ground and really make me sweat to drive them back when I was alone. I ran into one boss every 30-60m when I was clicking doors last year, and only one lieutenant every 5-10 zombies during an invasion.

This year... one out of every four or five doors spawns a boss. And when a zombie invasion occurs, most of what spawns near me are lieutenants. It's not much fun for me now. I don't like fighting bosses or lieutenants, I like beating up lots of minions. Fast, somewhat risky because there are a lot of them, but that's the way I like it.

I think I'm done with this year's event, despite only putting ~4h into it. It's highly unlikely that I'll be able to get the new badges, either, since they require teams, so I suppose I'll just go back to missions and wait for Christmas.



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
as a whole we really do need more events to happen on boths sides of the ocean. or joint. like rikti are advancing in RWZ. power people needed.
Isn't that why the mothership is raidable?



Have to agree with OP. This event is tired and the new aspect doesn't seem to be fun. I wish it was. The lag has been there for some of the banner attacks but ok at other times.

All in all I did the event for an hour plus some other ToT. I was done and haven't played any of the game since. I think I am on my last legs here but I want to stay...it's just not that fun anymore. I'm holding on to see if ROGUE helps at all.



Yeah, I got all the badges now I'm "Now what?"

I might go ToT.



I hope I wasn't the only one who groaned inwardly when they announced the event was being extended a week.


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Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
....The trick or treat mechanic, while amusing, gets tiresome after awhile, especially since I've seen iterations of this for years. It was just easier for me to put in lowball bids for Halloween salvage and cash them in for the costume slot rather than sit and click on doors....
Fortunately, the door-clicking ToT isn't the whole event.
There is Zombie fighting and the Banner-Events .... and plenty of Giant Monsters to go around.

Luckily, while the holiday event is going on - none of the other content has been shutdown.

It's fine if you have decided not to ToT any more. It's kind of like deciding you don't want to PvP or go to the Hollows. It really has nothing to do with if it is fun for other players or not because it appears to be so for many players.
One player didn't want to fight giant monsters because they wanted to ToT and tried to talk the GM team into joining them doing ToT'ing!

I've only run into a couple of "run-by" players. The ones that did it to my teams didn't seem to be doing it intentionally. They weren't staying in the same area and were just hitting doors and heading on down the street. They should have known that the enemies they left behind would end up running into someone, but, then again, some players aren't really thinking about it.
It's pretty easy to tell when it is intentional or not. I a couple of petitions can get someone into some hot water if they continue to display this kind of behavior.



WoW!. Ok I will admit I have stayed away from the banner stuff. Tried four times now and three times I mapped out in the middle and couldnt log on those chars again for an hour or so.
But the ToT is phenomenal, especially with SSK. Take any character to PI (usually a couple of them on Virtue). Broadcast and look for a ToT team. Get on team. Start clicking and mass carnage ensues. Level better than 2XP weekend. Man, I am loving it.



Well, I've gone on record as saying that I hate the invasion events because you're basically pushed into participating when it comes up in your zone. You can push back, by switching zones or what have you, but the zombie invasions get a great big /rolleyes from me when I get that event message warning when it's in the zone that my mission is in.

That said, though, the banner event is exactly what I think a zone event should be. You can take part if you want, or completely ignore it without being harassed if you don't feel like participating. Plus it's actually fairly fun if you've got a group that has some idea what they're doing. There are issues with the greater mystic aspect, and how it rewards players on its defeat, but if you run it a few times, you're going to get a piece of it eventually.

I've basically done all I want to with the Halloween event by now, but I wouldn't say I'm ready for it to be done. Well, maybe with the zombie invasions....

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Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



Originally Posted by treboreleets View Post
Yeah, the bosses are spawning a bit too much. Last night I had 3 Crones in a row followed by 2 Vampire Lords. Highly annoying.
I too had the boss door after door last night.And they are hard to beat at lower levels. Hold and one punch is not that much fun. and certainly not over and over again.



Lag issues aside, I've enjoyed the new zone event. I like how it's more than just beating back hordes of enemies. I do understand the complaints about lag and the GM being too easy to take down, though.

As for the other things, there does come a time when they can get tiresome, but at that point, I can always just go back to the regular gameplay and let everyone else have their fun.

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Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
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I have to say, from my own experience, Deadly Apocalypse is more trouble that it's worth. I do RWZ raids on a fairly regular basis, and while it does lag it never hits the level of unplayable. DA does become unplayable.

With each passing issue I'm noticing more and more stuff that is just too much for my PC to handle, a PC which was capable of running CoX perfectly only 2 years ago. Nowadays, I lock up and mapserve constantly. All I can say is I'm not going to buy a new PC, I just cant afford it, and I would really hate to have to give up my favorite MMO.

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