I'm tired of the Halloween event already




Mind you that I completely empathize with people who work during the week and can only do this event on the weekend or on certain days of the week. Having the event this long is certainly more fair in that regard.

But for me, I'm done. The trick or treat mechanic, while amusing, gets tiresome after awhile, especially since I've seen iterations of this for years. It was just easier for me to put in lowball bids for Halloween salvage and cash them in for the costume slot rather than sit and click on doors.

As for those people who thinks that CoH "misuses" instancing. I'll point out events like this one where a couple of players can pretty much ruin the experience of an entire zone. Griefing wasn't extreme but it occurred...sometimes accidentally, other times because the greed for salvage/loot/badges overcame simple common courtesy.

I'll be glad when this event is over and I can get excited again about information about the new issue or Going Rogue.

My apologies in advance for having such a gloomy post.




I have to agree with you, FF. After the first day the fun wore off. I'm all for badges and stuff, but sitting at doors hoping to get a Treat gets boring after a while.

And after you get the badge from Banner Raids you don't want to do them again because you want to avoid the lag, which is completely undesirable. It was fun while it lasted (for me anyway) and I hope the rest of the community enjoys it



I wish I could be bored of it, but I have yet to see people actually taking part in the fight against the banners, and as such I have not had a chance to even begin experiencing it.

On the other hand, that stands to strong evidence why people suggesting events impact zones permanently, or until players band together to fight them is full of fail - players can't be arsed to attend every single event as it occurs, and that's quite normal. I don't, and I feel no shame in it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think one of the reasons for people avoiding Banner Raids is because of the immense lag. That is what didn't want me taking part in them but I still tried, for the fun and the badges.

One thing I will say, if you can find a lag-free one it's great fun!



I like the holiday event alot better and i know what you mean i got sick of the invasions because it goes around all year really.



Good lord, it's been active all of, what, three days?

If only there were other things you could do for fun in CoH/V...

As someone who has not gotten enough time in on this, I say, your tiredness is tiresome!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



I've always loved the insanity that comes with this event, the eternal night and the raids, banner, zombie or GM. Adds to the over all manicness of it. I can do without the lag but overall I look forward to the event

Of course come next week I will be in my ..'is it over yet' phase. But never the first week

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Bummer that you're tired, because it just got extended a week.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I'm not quite as burnt out this year as last year, but that's probably because I spend more time on 50s these days and far less time leveling up (most of my lowbies are SG toons for regular nights).

Last year I was tired of it at this point, though. No one wants to do TFs. No one wants to do missions. Its all Trick or Treating, with an occassional stop to do some banners. (I have run an occassional TF so far this event session, but they've all been a pain to get enough people to get started.)

Taking down GMs never gets old, for some reason, so I kinda stick to doing that.



Funny how old-timers tend to get jaded so quickly. Yes, we've done a lot of this same stuff for the last five years. But what about those people who haven't been here five years?

I mean, consider how cool the event was in October 2004. Hardly anyone had seen a freakishly giant creature like Eochai at that time, Croatoa wasn't even in existence. We were all pretty stoked back then, and that was just one giant monster roaming around. We didn't even have that hero event channel to let us know where he was.

Now consider if you had just joined the game within the past year. This event is huge. I mean, my god, giant monsters, creatures you've never seen before, getting stuff from knocking on doors that don't do anything the rest of the time (especially the costume salvage for free that usually costs big $$$ at the auction house), changing your avatar into any of a buttload of enemies, umpteen badges, defeating banners strewn around zones, fighting off hordes of zombies (say what you will about it happening all the time; unlike during the Halloween event, usually people are so jaded of it that there aren't enough heroes grouped up to spawn the Elite Boss Nightmares), no sun in the city anywhere... I mean, it's definitely a lot different than the normal game.

Please remember as you think about how you've been doing this for years that not everyone has, and they deserve that same coolness factor that we've been spoiled with for a long time now.

And the banner stuff is pretty cool. I'm so glad it's not just another standard "Defeat x and collect badge" kind of thing.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I'm already tired of the eternal night. Then again, it happens after a few days every year. Paragon City and the Rogue Isles just look better in sunshine than at night. It also messes with the costume coloring.

Aegis Rose, Forcefield/Energy Defender - Freedom
"Bubble up for safety!"



One thing that would help users but stress the servers more is scaling data. The more people in a given are the less data the server sends, this would reduce the effect of crowding on people (more so on those who run high settings I imagine).



Just my personal observation, but this is my 4th Halloween event and it never seems to get old

Which is funny, because I can't stomach Croatoa. But give me 2 hours a night knocking on doors and fighting ghoulies and I'm happy as a gamer can get!

There is no such thing as an "innocent bystander"



I'm still having fun, but the lag on Virtue is pretty bad. It was mostly fine on double experience/reactivation weekend, so I'm guessing the Halloween stuff is pretty taxing on the server. I don't even think it was listed as medium load earlier, and the lag was crazy. Even the citizens and cars were having trouble moving.



I'm one of those people who haven't had a chance to log in this week due to RL intervening.

Im desperately hoping that enough people will be interested in taking down the banners come the weekend.

Then again, I can fully see where the OP is coming from, in that I normally get bored of the Halloween event after a couple of days, but thankfully there is the 'regular' game going on as well.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



people have their views and i respec that.
trouble is vets tend to get these events done quick as we've seen it before

as a whole we really do need more events to happen on boths sides of the ocean. or joint. like rikti are advancing in RWZ. power people needed. or maybe CoT are trying to raise their lost city again and need stopping.

who says events have to rl event linked:P



I don't mind the Halloween events. They're a chance to dust off my 50s to grind for some salvage drops and the occasional new badge. So far, I haven't had an issue getting the banner badges, though the villain side instances seem to be out of whack to hero side instances (while on last night, supernatural activity was running in 5 different hero zones concurrently and 0 villain zones for the better part of an hour). Happy with the drop rates and glad to see the spawning is fixed to be more even than in previous years (as opposed to the Ghost-less last year we had)

I will say that ToTing is absolutely brutal on my lower level characters this year - there is no reason my level 18 stalker should have to navigate a vampire lord boss, or crone as often as he did yesterday I was averaging a vampire lord 2 out of 10 door knocks. Same rate for crones. At that level, it's hard to survive the werewolves, much less the boss level characters.

So I guess, he'll just have to wait until next year, when he's high enough of a level to actual survive it on his own.

Chekmate, Lvl 50 AR/Dev blaster
BlueEyed Murder, lvl 50 MA/Regen scrapper
Hard Feelings, lvl 50 energy/willpower brute
"The Bell" - stop a mysterious group with ties to a WW2-era mythic German superweapon. arc id 76773



You guys are nuts! I love the Halloween event. Every year I look forward to it. The first time I saw a horde of zombies attacking some heroes in Independence Port I lost my mind. This year I have been TOTing with my new EM/Shield Scrapper and I am having a blast. Sure everyone just loves to throw snowballs at the slopes, but there is nothing wrong with a good ole fashioned zombie rampage!

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to commit acts of violence on their behalf."



I love, love, love the Halloween event! I also love the Christmas event! We need a July 4th event...and a Labor Day event...and an Arbor Day event...and there's National Potato Week...and...

Troy Hickman - So proud to have contributed to and played in this wonderful CoH universe



I like the never-ending enemies. I could care less about Trick or Treating after the first year. And since I don't bother to badge anymore because there are certain badges that I CANNOT get.... not much to Halloween for me except SMASH!

Which is just fine with me.



Can't disagree more strongly with the OP. This is a lot of fun, and it's reinvigorated the game for me.

I love these global events - I'd gladly vote for me.

Just remember they are totally optional. If you don't like them you can obviously skip them by doing instanced missions or keeping an eye out for where the events are happening and finding yourself alternate zones.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



As a casual (lolcasual) player, I enjoy the length of these types of events. It means I don't have to hurry to get on, I can take my time.

I do understand your frustration, though. It sucks when griefers ruin any experience.



Last year I got tired of the event really quickly. Mainly because of the griefing going on. The changes they made this year makes me actually look forward to a Trick result since they are the ones dropping the salvage. Also, that same change plus restricting PC's to level-appropriate areas, makes griefing almost non-existent. Or at least I haven't seen any. I think that plus the banner event makes this year's event much, much better than last year and I'm glad they have extended it.

Besides, I only had my first real chance to trick-or-treat last night. And it won't be until next week that our coalition can put together a couple of banner event teams. I expect that to be a lot of fun. Kudos to War Witch for the great idea.

Extending the event just means I can take it slower. Keep doing what we always do to have fun and break for Halloween fun when we feel like it.



I don't have a problem with the event being long. I got to do some ToT teams, helped fight a banner. Fun times. I haven't got to fight any zombies yet though. I must keep missing them.

My wife on the other hand might want the event to end. She's not a big gamer, so with her relearning the game controls, having a horde of zombies come out of the ground puts her into a travel power activating panic.