So did the AE farm nerfs work?




Originally Posted by Tayla Ewa View Post
On Virtue yesterday, I was running through Atlas to a mish and I saw in broadcast..

"Sewer team forming- 4 spots"

It made me smile since it'd been forever since I'd seen a sewer team form. Guess people are starting to trickle back to the real game.
When was there ever a lack of sewer teams? Even when Boss Farming was all the rage (And, btw, there IS an easy way to get almost the same exp as the old boss farms) I never had trouble finding a sewer team. And this was on Virtue, which is the only place I will ever play. I would always roll a new toon and broadcast "looking for sewer or AE", and get one or the other within 5 minutes. 75% of the time it was a sewer team too. The simple fact that blueside HAS the sewer meant that AE farm teams didn't really like to take people under level 10, since if they were any good they could just grind the sewer for an hour or two and be level 10.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Yes it can.

It becomes inefficient after a certain point so I doubt anyone will do it, but it is absolutely possible.
I think you missed my joke...

But's monday..

If I remeber my level ranges right there is a gap around level 14 or so that does not fill out until you can hit the abandoned sewer network. From that point you are good to early 40s or so. Given no XP if the mob is below 5 levels that creates a big chasm for you to work over.

We do have the tools now to do so, with the way Exemping has been changed. However even with that you are probably hurting for a good chunk of that. And if an actual human cannot find joy in that type of progression does it really matter?

I know your answer.....Im asking the normal people here who are not trying to make a point



Originally Posted by Calash View Post
I know your answer.....
It never ceases to amaze me how many people on these forums are genius infallible mindreaders.

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Originally Posted by The_Alt_oholic View Post
It's not deficiencies.

Zones are created with villains for you to avoid. This gives you a sense of fear of these enemies and, as you level, thrill of victory when you can finally defeat them.

At the low levels, you will pass by mobs that are both too difficult to fight and ones that you can defeat. Picking an choosing your battles is an important skill to learn.

The game isn't about just running head-first into every encounter and neither is life - regardless of what some may say.

If you take time to be alert about your surroundings and plan things out, you can make it from one mission to another.
Huh? Please reread my post, that's NOT what I'm talking about. At all. I have no clue how you come up with this strange notion when I'm talking about a lack of quantity of content to level from 2-5 through missions, and you advise me to avoid more mobs (which will reduce the amount of content even more and exacerbate the problem).



I have said this before, but I believe it's not farming that the devs had a problem with, it was specifically farming in the AE. They don't have a problem with farming, and they don't have a problem with the AE, but put the two together and there is a problem.

Making a cool custom mission, with a storyline, or making a challenge for yourself, because the game seems to have gotten to easy, I think that's what the AE was for. But, even though you CAN level from 1-50 in the AE, I don't think it was meant to be the FASTEST way. In fact, probably it was meant to be slower, like you would do it only if you wanted a real challenge.

So really, the talk about "The AE is dead", I think it's just become the #2 way to level again. Or even, for the first time.



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
So, uh, how is farming the sewer for fast levels is 'better' than farming MA for fast levels?

Because it's in a sewer, not an office building?
I thought we went over this: it's because they have to actually hit buttons, rather than sit at the door and act as a XP sponge. Yes, with SSKing, it's possible for one person to do nothing but Sewer Teams, but then they're locked out of the majority of their powers for the majority of the game, and they'll HATE that.



Originally Posted by Sorciere View Post
Exactly my point. If this were interesting content, you'd not be raving about how fast you got PAST it, but what you experienced doing it.
That would only work for the first 20 toons I put through it. For the next 20+ toons I'd have to put through it, I'd definitely be talking about how fast I got past it.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Because any negative mention of AE must be spiked into the sand without remorse.

yup, thats why i will enter AE 1 more time to make 3 0xp boss challenge missions. and only come back to see if anyone was silly enough to run them

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
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Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
It never ceases to amaze me how many people on these forums are genius infallible mindreaders.

Naa, just a simple humble pie lover here.



Originally Posted by MowDownJoe View Post
I thought we went over this: it's because they have to actually hit buttons, rather than sit at the door and act as a XP sponge. Yes, with SSKing, it's possible for one person to do nothing but Sewer Teams, but then they're locked out of the majority of their powers for the majority of the game, and they'll HATE that.
Um... You must have never actually played on AE farms. The only people doorsitting were the truly pathetic who were paying people to afk PL them. The rest of us were forming PuGs and doing our own killing of the bosses. Nobody was taking doorsitters unless those door sitters were paying.

And the ones who pay for it are still getting PL'd while door sitting. So...



Thank goodness a major part of the game is not broken beyond reason anymore. The exploits happening in the ae building have been truly game breaking for quite some time, producing a large wave of new players who have no idea how to play the actual game outside of the ae building. To compare the massive ae EXPLOITS of late to normal hazard zone play created by the developers is the worst kind of fallacious argument, entirely without genuine logical merit.

It is very refreshing to not see newcomers to the game grabbed up upon entering the CoX world and be taught to expect to gain multiple levels from running one mission, and to make up to 50 levels per day. AE was the Winterlord fiasco exponentially multiplied, and has led to newcomers to the game having very unrealistic expectations. They think the best exp generating missions in the regular game are very unrewarding, since they consider the experience to be extremely slow after gaining several levels per mission on a regular basis.

I was extremely pleased to see mission and sewer teams forming in AP, and normal chat going on, instead of the constant broadcasts for ae boss missions as before. I was happy to see the farm broadcasts in PI instead of AP, and to see fewer of them than before. I was glad that there were two PI zones and only one AP zone. What the ae exploiters did to the AP zone was a shame. It messed up a lot of new players, and may have broken it for many of them for good, since they will expect to be able to make 50 levels in a day and may well quit when it doesn't happen. I think we have seen plenty of that already, since server populations are reduced (all servers are green now).

I seem to notice that after all of the talk I heard about "creativity" in the ae missions, that the minute the exploits are gone, there are very few people playing in the ae house now. I guess "creativity" isn't so important now. I am glad to see the game has returned to the way it was before to a large extent, because it has been severely broken for months now.



Originally Posted by Battlebabe View Post
I seem to notice that after all of the talk I heard about "creativity" in the ae missions, that the minute the exploits are gone, there are very few people playing in the ae house now. I guess "creativity" isn't so important now. I am glad to see the game has returned to the way it was before to a large extent, because it has been severely broken for months now.
Can you expand on that point? Are you talking about the people that wanted all exp removed because then only people that cared about creativity would play?

Or are you referring to those of us that stated that dev created content is not superior to AE created content?

I can only answer for myself. I'm the former and yes, I'm still in the AE. I rolled a new character today. I was not doing the same old "run around atlas park" again, so I used the AE today. I played a very enjoyable arc that a friend created specifically for low level characters with an excellent story.

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I think the main difference is that people don't usually farm the sewers.

Just saying.



Well, I'm glad to see that the nagging exploits were fixed. By exploits, I'm of course talking about the green Mitos (which were fixed just after I15 launched anyways) - all-lieutenant or all-boss missions were no more of an exploit than is stealthing to a glowie in a mission, or finishing an ITF in 20 minutes. So really, no exploits have been closed other than perhaps maps that allowed you to stack objectives and come up with truly obscene amounts of mobs in one place. The only thing that was done was to bring MA XP more in line with the content in the rest of the game. MA farming is still very much alive and well, it's not not nearly as conspicuous now since most people have gone back to normal content without realizing the MA still provides superior rewards and in most cases XP.

From a personal standpoint, hell no the "nerfs" didn't work - I'm still farming in the MA and I will continue to do so until the recipe drop rate is fixed. The rewards are only one part of the deal - as long as you're given complete control of what kinds of enemies are in your custom group and how many and what objectives there are (as well as what enemy spawns are attached to those objectives), the MA will be a better leveling tool.

You may not like it, and I'm sure I'll catch some neg rep for this, but them's the breaks: until the MA rewards are substantially lower than normal content, both in terms of drops and XP, people will farm it because it's the path of least resistance. If someone being honest and objective upsets you, you should probably just save yourselves the time and headaches and put me on ignore.

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I actually was starting not to mind AE farms anymore once I realized after I began to pretty much only make my own teams (and searching for people outside of just the zone I was looking to do missions in) that a lot of the people in Atlas Park weren't only looking for AE teams since most of the people I recruited were in Atlas when I whispered them.

Still, I'm glad to see the game is slowly turning back into City of Heroes instead of Atlas Park of Heroes (for redside I guess the equivalent would be "Cap of Villains" ).

Was chatting with a few people in AP earlier and someone was talking about some 50s he met right after Issue 16 that he had to actually direct to KR and the train in Atlas because they had never left the zone and had no idea where to go...sad...



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I joined a 6 player sewer team over the weekend and it took me less than one hour to hit level 5 once I hit atlas park after making my character and I didn't even do the tutorial.
An HOUR to level 5? I thought sewer teams were meant to be fast levelling?

I can hit level 5 just with street sweeping in WAY less than an hour...


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Originally Posted by Tayla Ewa View Post
On Virtue yesterday, I was running through Atlas to a mish and I saw in broadcast..

"Sewer team forming- 4 spots"

It made me smile since it'd been forever since I'd seen a sewer team form. Guess people are starting to trickle back to the real game.
so in other words theyre back to farming the sewers and those boring as all **** radio missions for exp? :P

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Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
Um... You must have never actually played on AE farms. The only people doorsitting were the truly pathetic who were paying people to afk PL them. The rest of us were forming PuGs and doing our own killing of the bosses. Nobody was taking doorsitters unless those door sitters were paying.

And the ones who pay for it are still getting PL'd while door sitting. So...
On virtue, I doorsat several farms.

I did not pay anything.

It was usually a guy or two wanting to test their build who would invite a bunch of lowbies to door sit and soak up XP. They usually used LT's instead of bosses, but the xp easily got me from like 7-24 in an hour.

So yes, there were doorsitters and there were people running doorsit farms.



Originally Posted by FloatingFatMan View Post
An HOUR to level 5? I thought sewer teams were meant to be fast levelling?

I can hit level 5 just with street sweeping in WAY less than an hour...
Good job.

We had 3 scrappers, 1 tank and 2 blasters. Lots of damage, but not much mitigation. There were some rough spots that slowed us down.

Either way it was good times. Spines/Elec scrapper is a blast so far, a bit squishy but with Tanks around (they take the aggro), ELA looks like a perfect set for Scrappers.



Originally Posted by Toony View Post
On virtue, I doorsat several farms.

I did not pay anything.

It was usually a guy or two wanting to test their build who would invite a bunch of lowbies to door sit and soak up XP. They usually used LT's instead of bosses, but the xp easily got me from like 7-24 in an hour.

So yes, there were doorsitters and there were people running doorsit farms.
I'm going to say those were by far the exception rather than the rule.

I did doorsit a couple times, but only when my team needed a tanker, or defender, or something, and we couldn't get it. I really wanted to level with the toon I was on, so I would bring in whatever we needed off my second account and have the first toon door sit. But that's not really the same thing, since I'd probably do that with a non-farm team too.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Where did someone say that?

Hyperbole is a good way to show you have a poor arguement.
Looks like you're the one being obtuse now.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post

Either way it was good times. Spines/Elec scrapper is a blast so far, a bit squishy but with Tanks around (they take the aggro), ELA looks like a perfect set for Scrappers.
Get to level 22(for SOs) then do the Synapse TF, you won't feel squishy at all.



yes it worked on theres no one in p.i. OR atlas

server merging plz



To be honest, I really don't get the concept of doorsitting.

I pay for this game to play it, not to turn on the game and sit there and do nothing.



I found AE farms so boring I set a character on Follow, an attack on auto and went outside to do some sawing.