So did the AE farm nerfs work?




Originally Posted by Kryhavoc View Post
To be honest, I really don't get the concept of doorsitting.

I pay for this game to play it, not to turn on the game and sit there and do nothing.
You can do something on your other account while doorsitting on the first.

Anyway, to stay on topic, I have not seen one AE farm inviting people since the launch of I16... but I have found a lot of mish teams to join (only on Virtue and Freedom, though, all my toons on the other nine servers are back to soloing)



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
I think the main difference is that people don't usually farm the sewers.

Just saying.
This could easily be done now. The sewers have spawns with small distances between them and lots of bosses in them. I could see a team with a leader setting no xp and staying on lvl 7 while the team farm the underworld (or 4 and farm the upper sewers) for real good xp.

Went 42-43 in the sewers a few nights ago



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
Looks like you're the one being obtuse now.
Thanks for bringing up old **** Munki.

Here is what I was responding to...

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
"farming is great as long as it's not that dirty MA building!" is a foolish statement.
The only reason I find this quote lacking and not helpful is because that's not what people are trying to say. He implies that we find MA farming dirty and evil whereas we are merely trying to say "farming in MA was not intended by the Devs, they have even gone to great lengths to prevent it now. Farming in the sewers is not on the same level since that mechanic is obviously intended and even encouraged."

So, no. I'm not being obtuse, I was actually trying to have a legitimate conversation regarding the topic but I'm sure to get more negative rep only because I disgree with others opinion. Oh well.



Judging by the prices of White and Yellow salvage on the markets I would say people are now running non AE missions again, so assuming the intent was to get people back into the non AE game then they've worked. Though, I've not read what the intent was so I can't be sure.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
yes it worked on theres no one in p.i. OR atlas

server merging plz
Or you could quit please.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
yes it worked on theres no one in p.i. OR atlas

server merging plz
Sorry, the people that want to play on the "large population servers" have the ability to transfer. Many did when that option opened up.

Some of us keep buying more slots on the smaller population servers or occasionally deleting stale characters to roll new ones.

For me, it's not about the lag (lord knows, I continue to play on the east coast servers, so I must be able to tolerate it). It's about the general community on the smaller servers.

Then, there's the little things like actually being able to find presents to click during the winter events, etc.

My Characters



Originally Posted by Tatmia View Post
Sorry, the people that want to play on the "large population servers" have the ability to transfer. Many did when that option opened up.

Some of us keep buying more slots on the smaller population servers or occasionally deleting stale characters to roll new ones...
"Occasionally" they say. Ha! 'Course I16 didn't help with the opening up a bunch of options for new toons either.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The devs don't either - PI is still a zone for level 1s, they've opened up the RWZ to level 1s for co-op farming, and they added the ability to solo maps set for a full team of 8 - the only real problem they had was with farming in the AE, as it was messing up the whole AE system.

srsly? cool! I've been telling my newbie co-worker how much fun lgtf's are.



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
srsly? cool! I've been telling my newbie co-worker how much fun lgtf's are.
You still have to be level 45 to be able to start on the Lady Grey Task Force.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Thanks for bringing up old **** Munki.

Here is what I was responding to...

The only reason I find this quote lacking and not helpful is because that's not what people are trying to say. He implies that we find MA farming dirty and evil whereas we are merely trying to say "farming in MA was not intended by the Devs, they have even gone to great lengths to prevent it now. Farming in the sewers is not on the same level since that mechanic is obviously intended and even encouraged."

So, no. I'm not being obtuse, I was actually trying to have a legitimate conversation regarding the topic but I'm sure to get more negative rep only because I disgree with others opinion. Oh well.
First, you're welcome. Second, I don't care.



I've noticed that since i16 went live that the price of 'stuff' at Wentworths seems to have in the main crashed so that common & uncommon salvage as an example seems to be trading at much more 'reasonable' rates. Not sure if my perception is correct but it looks like AE farmers were causing market prices to become inflated and the nerf seems to have helped bring them back to more sensible levels - huzzah!



Originally Posted by Tayla Ewa View Post
On Virtue yesterday, I was running through Atlas to a mish and I saw in broadcast..

"Sewer team forming- 4 spots"

It made me smile since it'd been forever since I'd seen a sewer team form. Guess people are starting to trickle back to the real game.
This is what I missed with all the AE exploiting. THe good old sewer team

I never cared if people farmed AE, but, I got tired of soloing my starting contacts (that gets boring for me, but a good sewer run never has).

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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
The only reason I find this quote lacking and not helpful is because that's not what people are trying to say. He implies that we find MA farming dirty and evil whereas we are merely trying to say "farming in MA was not intended by the Devs, they have even gone to great lengths to prevent it now. Farming in the sewers is not on the same level since that mechanic is obviously intended and even encouraged."
Farming is farming.
Lauding one type of ethical, clean, virtuous farming while crying and whining about this other type of farming, which is dirty and bad and wrong, is ridiculous because the motivations and the behaviors are identical.

So, no. I'm not being obtuse...
You're certainly entitled to that opinion.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



I think the only thing that wasn't intended with MA was the scale at which it was being utilized, not the farming itself. Nethergoat is right, the activity of farming is practically identical no matter where you go to do it. I think the real matter that wasn't "intended" with MA was for people to hop out of the tutorial and start looking for farms.

That's the main difference IMO between MA farms and other farms like in PI, and that is the scale to which it is available to the players. MA is available to anyone of every level right from the get go, PI isn't, and the sewers are only really considered efficient until about lvls 8-10.



I really think people do want to grind it out as i´ve seen level 10+ and 20+ starting sewer teams with someone low to ssk to.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
I really think people do want to grind it out as i´ve seen level 10+ and 20+ starting sewer teams with someone low to ssk to.
D'you think that might be to do with the games other players have come from, where grinding non-stop is the norm?

Don't get me wrong, I know that pretty much all MMOs have a degree of grinding involved. It's the nature of the beast.

As for farming/exploiting - I'm glad that it sounds as if the stupid exploiting on a grand scale is dying down. I like sewer teams when I've had enough of 'Defeat 5 Hellions' or 'Go See Iris Parker'. I must admit I occasionally miss the Tech origin teams who go up against silly amounts of Clockwork (who, like Vazhilok, have slightly higher experience value due to their mez/damage types) at 1-5. I also miss the old 'Defeat 10 Circle' in Per--- No scratch that! I will NEVER miss that mission .

Sewer teams, imo, are a good thing. Teams doing the very first missions are also a good thing. People hanging out in Atlas AE from 1-50 is not a good thing.

Sewer teams, I've always thought, aren't at great risk because of the power balance being tipped in a Hero's favour until level 10 or so (when suddenly enemies have greater resistances to things, some of them have better Defence and To Hit etc.). So whilst hitting large mobs at breakneck pace is technically farming, I don't think it's an exploit that must be stopped. And it's still a pretty good way to learn about mob perception and not wading in to a congregation of Lost Anathemas just because that last group of Hellions went down really easily.

My 2.3 inf



Originally Posted by Tatmia View Post
Sorry, the people that want to play on the "large population servers" have the ability to transfer. Many did when that option opened up.

Some of us keep buying more slots on the smaller population servers or occasionally deleting stale characters to roll new ones.

For me, it's not about the lag (lord knows, I continue to play on the east coast servers, so I must be able to tolerate it). It's about the general community on the smaller servers.

Then, there's the little things like actually being able to find presents to click during the winter events, etc.
if you haven't already this seems right up your alley.

Edit: also Nethergoat is right, farming is farming. Sewer teams rush levels, that is a type of farming. Many MA missions rushed levels, also a type of farming. in fact the same type. It's ok if you are happy to see MA farms go by the wayside and also celebrate sewer farms, you're just being hypocritical. Stuff like that happens all the time, don't let it upset you, just realize what you are doing.



Originally Posted by Arctic_Princess View Post

Sewer teams, imo, are a good thing. Teams doing the very first missions are also a good thing.
hero side the very first missions are hot garbage and new players should be encouraged to skip them at all costs.
Sewer missions originally evolved as a way around the awful low level hero content.

So whilst hitting large mobs at breakneck pace is technically farming.....
No 'technically' about it.
Farming is farming.
Not sure why some people are so resistant to this obvious fact.

I don't think it's an exploit that must be stopped. And it's still a pretty good way to learn about mob perception...
It's also a great way to learn about farming.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
Farming is farming.
Lauding one type of ethical, clean, virtuous farming while crying and whining about this other type of farming, which is dirty and bad and wrong, is ridiculous because the motivations and the behaviors are identical.
I'm not praising farming nor am I bashing it. You are so quick to defend farming of any sort it blinds your ability to read a post without an automatic bias.

An objective reader can determine the difference in MA farming and sewers, etc. One was intended, and allowed, the other has been detered, warned against, threatened from using and all but removed. I'll let you figure out which is which. That's my point.



How many people have had characters reset from sewer or portal farming? It's almost like there was a divide somewhere in the game...if only we had some sort of message from NcSoft staff saying where we shouldn't farm...



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I'm not praising farming nor am I bashing it. You are so quick to defend farming of any sort it blinds your ability to read a post without an automatic bias.

An objective reader can determine the difference in MA farming and sewers, etc. One was intended, and allowed, the other has been detered, warned against, threatened from using and all but removed. I'll let you figure out which is which. That's my point.
The main difference is the sewers aren't really used for monetary (influence) gain, many farms in MA and PI are, in fact over the course of my time playing MMOs the term "farming" has been more related to the goal of making in-game currency and not so much gaining XP.

It's more accurate to call the sewers a grind than a farm.



I always enjoyed the sewers for my new characters. I never really considered it farming. I thought of it more like steamrolling. It was fun starting off at the top and working your way deeper and deeper into the sewers, coming across new villain groups, and having the challenge change as you progress. Yeah, you got levels pretty quick, but it's hard not to level quickly at those low levels. We'd always work our way through until we got to a level high enough to start KR missions and get the jet pack. I also liked that since it's a regular area, you'd come across other groups fighting too.

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Originally Posted by Kurugi View Post
The main difference is the sewers aren't really used for monetary (influence) gain, many farms in MA and PI are, in fact over the course of my time playing MMOs the term "farming" has been more related to the goal of making in-game currency and not so much gaining XP.

It's more accurate to call the sewers a grind than a farm.
Either way Nether's point is spot on.

You're SKIPPING content. As far as I'm concerned I see no different between getting on a PI farm from 1-5, sewers, or standing by the door in a mission while someone clears a map, or an AE farm where everyone on team fights from 1-5.

You're all skipping the low level content.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
There are many differences between the sewers and the AE, but the one that strikes me as most relevant here is that people generally leave the sewers, and go on to do other things in other zones.
You mean other zones like PI?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!