What if?




Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post
There is stagnation. There are things in the game that nobody is willing to endure, like a majority of the TFs. THe fact I can color my powers in i16 is not an incredibly strong selling point. It's good that other people are very excited for it, though.
I agree with part of this. If you're bored senseless throwing fireballs at Romulus, I don't see how excited you'd get over throwing blue fireballs at Romulus.

That said, I'm not bored yet. I just don't get some of the I16 hype.



Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post
That's your experience.

Editing my quote accomplishes nothing. I've made compromises, offered to do posi TF even. 2 years ago there were people running TFs regularly and you didn't need close-knit, exclusive channels to organize them. that's not the case anymore.
False. I'm talking about public channels, not any of the SG channels I'm on. There's nothing exclusive about them. Are you trying to organize TF's on broadcast???

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Sals badgehunters if you're on the EU servers, it's the place to go and there's a constant stream of TFs being kickstarted.

That said I'm getting there with CoH, I16 sparked my interested again and I'm quite happy to wait and play it, but if there had been no I16 in sight I would've probably gone to CO. Or back to WoW, time has glossed over the worst and I just remember the fun bits.



Originally Posted by Rodoan View Post
Better hurry. In a year or so, it won't be the Barrens anymore.
Indeed. I'd like to see WoW as it is, before Cataclysm, but I find it very hard to keep an interest in that game for more than 2 to 3 weeks at a time, whereas City usually lasts about 3 months before ennui sets in and I wander back to Azeroth or to other games.

If development on City stopped today I'd still play, in the same way I replay console games - because they're fun. It wouldn't be the same, but it'd be something. Besides, I still have a ton of powerset combinations and character concepts to try out before I could consider I'd 'finished' the game.

Not that this will happen any time soon, and as a relative newcomer to MMOs I've got to say it is nice to have new issues to look forward to. Long may it continue.



Not sure what I would do. I've been here almost since the game went live. I think I missed it by maybe 2 weeks or so but in the more than 5 years I've been playing it this game has never been any good.

In over 5 years I've logged in the game almost daily and I always hate it. Every month I pay my subscription fee and I rage at having to pay for this horrible game when the development team never listens to me. They never give me what I want. I don't really know what that is but they never do it. They never make the game the way I tell them to. Well sometimes they do what I tell them to but then I end up not liking it because it's dumb and they should have known that. What am I paying them for?

So if they stopped giving me more stuff I would definitely be outta here because the stuff that I have been playing since May of 2004 up until now has never been any good and it sickens me that I am forced to spend so much time playing this game, a game that I pay for and it's always been terrible.

Multiple free updates over 5 years, not to mention one paid expansion we were forced to buy....nice way to squeeze extra money out of people by the way...did you really think we wouldn't figure that out? and they have never once gotten it right.

I try to be patient because I'm a mature adult but I can only take being ripped off and defrauded for so long.

If there were no more free updates I would quit this stupid game that I play daily just like I have been telling the developers that I would with every update they have ever had.

I would go play some other game out there that is actually good where the developers actually listen to their playerbase and design their MMOs around each individual player to give them what they want. Every other MMO out there does this. There is no excuse that this one doesn't do that too.

Then I would be gone and this company wouldn't have my subscription fee anymore. Hopefully maybe then they would learn because it seems it is the only thing that will teach them and maybe finally get them to fix this game and make it good.

I would also probably file a Class Action lawsuit because not putting out anymore content updates in an online game is clearly "bait and switch" and fraud. I looked it up on the internet somewhere and read it and plus my dad is a lawyer so I know what I am talking about.




Great post, Dark Avatar!



Originally Posted by DarkAvatar View Post
Not sure what I would do. I've been here almost since the game went live. I think I missed it by maybe 2 weeks or so but in the more than 5 years I've been playing it this game has never been any good.

In over 5 years I've logged in the game almost daily and I always hate it. Every month I pay my subscription fee and I rage at having to pay for this horrible game when the development team never listens to me. They never give me what I want. I don't really know what that is but they never do it. They never make the game the way I tell them to. Well sometimes they do what I tell them to but then I end up not liking it because it's dumb and they should have known that. What am I paying them for?

So if they stopped giving me more stuff I would definitely be outta here because the stuff that I have been playing since May of 2004 up until now has never been any good and it sickens me that I am forced to spend so much time playing this game, a game that I pay for and it's always been terrible.

Multiple free updates over 5 years, not to mention one paid expansion we were forced to buy....nice way to squeeze extra money out of people by the way...did you really think we wouldn't figure that out? and they have never once gotten it right.

I try to be patient because I'm a mature adult but I can only take being ripped off and defrauded for so long.

If there were no more free updates I would quit this stupid game that I play daily just like I have been telling the developers that I would with every update they have ever had.

I would go play some other game out there that is actually good where the developers actually listen to their playerbase and design their MMOs around each individual player to give them what they want. Every other MMO out there does this. There is no excuse that this one doesn't do that too.

Then I would be gone and this company wouldn't have my subscription fee anymore. Hopefully maybe then they would learn because it seems it is the only thing that will teach them and maybe finally get them to fix this game and make it good.

I would also probably file a Class Action lawsuit because not putting out anymore content updates in an online game is clearly "bait and switch" and fraud. I looked it up on the internet somewhere and read it and plus my dad is a lawyer so I know what I am talking about.
Oh well played, sirrah. Well played.

Storm Summoning is great because it makes you better than everyone else in the game. - Camma

Knockback is mitigation. It won't be removed just because meleers ***** and moan. - Chaos Creator



I'd finally get some of my six 40K armies painted...



I would still stay subscribed. When I need a break I just play more LOTRO. Then when I get burnt out on that switch back to CoX. With AE I don't need updates, I can make all the content that I want. However more options to the arachitect system are always welcome.



Could you guys write once the game name? im not an mmorpg player, besides CoX, and trying CO, but all those initials make me ... feel like i dont belong...

(i hope so^^)



Originally Posted by DarkAvatar View Post
Not sure what I would do. I've been here almost since the game went live. I think I missed it by maybe 2 weeks or so but in the more than 5 years I've been playing it this game has never been any good.

In over 5 years I've logged in the game almost daily and I always hate it. Every month I pay my subscription fee and I rage at having to pay for this horrible game when the development team never listens to me. They never give me what I want. I don't really know what that is but they never do it. They never make the game the way I tell them to. Well sometimes they do what I tell them to but then I end up not liking it because it's dumb and they should have known that. What am I paying them for?

So if they stopped giving me more stuff I would definitely be outta here because the stuff that I have been playing since May of 2004 up until now has never been any good and it sickens me that I am forced to spend so much time playing this game, a game that I pay for and it's always been terrible.

Multiple free updates over 5 years, not to mention one paid expansion we were forced to buy....nice way to squeeze extra money out of people by the way...did you really think we wouldn't figure that out? and they have never once gotten it right.

I try to be patient because I'm a mature adult but I can only take being ripped off and defrauded for so long.

If there were no more free updates I would quit this stupid game that I play daily just like I have been telling the developers that I would with every update they have ever had.

I would go play some other game out there that is actually good where the developers actually listen to their playerbase and design their MMOs around each individual player to give them what they want. Every other MMO out there does this. There is no excuse that this one doesn't do that too.

Then I would be gone and this company wouldn't have my subscription fee anymore. Hopefully maybe then they would learn because it seems it is the only thing that will teach them and maybe finally get them to fix this game and make it good.

I would also probably file a Class Action lawsuit because not putting out anymore content updates in an online game is clearly "bait and switch" and fraud. I looked it up on the internet somewhere and read it and plus my dad is a lawyer so I know what I am talking about.
This thread just got real, yo.



Originally Posted by MrPlayskool View Post
Well, this is how I feel.

There is stagnation. There are things in the game that nobody is willing to endure, like a majority of the TFs. T
Speak for yourself.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Who cares about updates? I have upwards of 20 characters to get to 50. More updates just bloat that list even more.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Same here
Really? I wasn't sure you played at all considering you have nearly 29 posts per day. That's a LOT of browsing.....



Originally Posted by DarkAvatar View Post
Not sure what I would do. I've been here almost since the game went live. I think I missed it by maybe 2 weeks or so but in the more than 5 years I've been playing it this game has never been any good.

In over 5 years I've logged in the game almost daily and I always hate it. Every month I pay my subscription fee and I rage at having to pay for this horrible game when the development team never listens to me. They never give me what I want. I don't really know what that is but they never do it. They never make the game the way I tell them to. Well sometimes they do what I tell them to but then I end up not liking it because it's dumb and they should have known that. What am I paying them for?

So if they stopped giving me more stuff I would definitely be outta here because the stuff that I have been playing since May of 2004 up until now has never been any good and it sickens me that I am forced to spend so much time playing this game, a game that I pay for and it's always been terrible.

Multiple free updates over 5 years, not to mention one paid expansion we were forced to buy....nice way to squeeze extra money out of people by the way...did you really think we wouldn't figure that out? and they have never once gotten it right.

I try to be patient because I'm a mature adult but I can only take being ripped off and defrauded for so long.

If there were no more free updates I would quit this stupid game that I play daily just like I have been telling the developers that I would with every update they have ever had.

I would go play some other game out there that is actually good where the developers actually listen to their playerbase and design their MMOs around each individual player to give them what they want. Every other MMO out there does this. There is no excuse that this one doesn't do that too.

Then I would be gone and this company wouldn't have my subscription fee anymore. Hopefully maybe then they would learn because it seems it is the only thing that will teach them and maybe finally get them to fix this game and make it good.

I would also probably file a Class Action lawsuit because not putting out anymore content updates in an online game is clearly "bait and switch" and fraud. I looked it up on the internet somewhere and read it and plus my dad is a lawyer so I know what I am talking about.
I love sarcasm! It's just so delicious to me.



I'd keep playing til I got everybody I have to 50, though I probably wouldn't make new characters without any new sets coming out. <_<;;

Still, I might just keep the subscription, even after that, as I love the game so much.

I pop out from time to time, playing other stuff, but I always return here. >_>

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
Really? I wasn't sure you played at all considering you have nearly 29 posts per day. That's a LOT of browsing.....
A usually post in little bursts - in the morning when I check the net before going out, and in the evening when I'm playing

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
I would still stay subscribed. When I need a break I just play more LOTRO. Then when I get burnt out on that switch back to CoX. With AE I don't need updates, I can make all the content that I want. However more options to the arachitect system are always welcome.
You just described the way my wife, daughter, and I play -- though my wife prefers LOTRO, while I lean toward CoH, but we truly enjoy both games. I get both my superhero and fantasy games that way.

I16 is fantastic to me because it adds just that much more customization and creativity to our characters. And the AE provides a limitless source of actual content (we never farm/PL). Even my daughter (age nine) has written her own arc.

Of course, my daughter spends almost as much time in the SG base or her Hobbit house (depending on which game she is playing) as she does questing. She puts a lot of RPers I've known to shame with her imagination. Whereas many RPers I've seen seem to think spouting off lore tidbits constantly constitutes roleplaying, she spends time in her house or in the other areas of the game world playing the same way she plays with her dollhouse. She has her own little stories going on all the time -- and even manages to connect them to CoH/LOTRO as she goes. That is, she's aware of the game world and just weaves it into her own stories. It's fun to listen to her play.

She doesn't require other players to interact with to have fun with her own stories, any more than when she's playing with her toys by herself. The other day in CoH, she had one of her characters being a super Longbow agent. For a while, she ran all over Atlas Park looking for Longbow patrols. She would check in with the leaders, give instructions, and move on to the next one. If they were in combat, she would join, and act concerned if any were knocked out or nearly defeated.

In LOTRO, one day I noticed she had her little Hobbit girl (a Guardian) in, dressed in a dress instead of armour, and walking around all the bushes in her yard, pausing every now and then. I asked her what she was doing; she replied that she needed to trim the bushes. She said that there wasn't an emote for that, so she just pretended that's what she was doing.

A few days later, her Hobbit invited a couple of our characters (both Hobbits, of course) over for a party. While we were logging in, she ran her character over to the neighborhood shop and pretended to buy food and such for the party. The she ran back to her house and pretended to cook. When we arrived (having doffed our armour and donned more party-appropriate clothing), she served several courses (from appetizers to desserts), then we went outside and played party games (e.g., tag, hide-and-seek).

We didn't gain a single point of XP, we didn't "progress" our characters one iota -- but we had a blast using our imaginations and playing together as a family.

The next day we geared up and stomped some Orcs together. That was fun too.



I'd play on. One of these days I WILL go back to my first alt (Fire Bringer, level 19 Fire/Cold Blaster) and get him to 50, probably needs a respec though



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I'd probably take a break as I'm starting to get a little burnt out. But i16 has me excited again.
This. But thankfully, Issue 16 and Going Rogue are coming!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Silver_Raven View Post
I'd still play this game.
Me too. Updates are wonderful, but they are not required to keep me interested.



Originally Posted by bracass View Post
What if there was no I16, no going rogue expansion?

Kinda talk to myself... But since its all so quiet (ingame, on the forums, etc...), i start to wonder.

What would you guys do then?

... i d prolly stop with video games and stuff, i d walk, run, travel, do a bit of sports and get a bellyfull of living....

Wishes, pretty wiches..
Play until I get bored... or until DCUO comes out. Both of which would take a while to do, so I'd still be here.

Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server
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"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667



Originally Posted by bracass View Post
What if there was no I16, no going rogue expansion?

Kinda talk to myself... But since its all so quiet (ingame, on the forums, etc...), i start to wonder.

What would you guys do then?
I'm not sure it's that quiet on the forums, but I digress.

Personally, what I have been doing, waiting on I16 and GR, is taking some time with my PS3 when I'm not working or in school. Lamentably, the game has grown a little stagnant to me already, but I'm hoping that an infusion of I16 and, more important to me, GR, will stop that stagnation. But in the meantime, Fallout 3, Ghostbusters, and Force Unleashed (replaying for Trophies) have been good pastimes.

But without some new content coming down the pipes, I might have wandered onto something else by now, frankly. The MA was being too exploited to hold my interest for legitimate gameplay, and I've done almost everything else in the game, besides the odd story arc (although I still need to do the Khan/ Barracuda TFs). I just need something new to hold my interest, and the next two updates (especially GR IMO) will be the lynch pins.



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Speak for yourself.
And I did.



Originally Posted by DarkAvatar View Post
Not sure what I would do. I've been here almost since the game went live. I think I missed it by maybe 2 weeks or so but in the more than 5 years I've been playing it this game has never been any good.

In over 5 years I've logged in the game almost daily and I always hate it. Every month I pay my subscription fee and I rage at having to pay for this horrible game when the development team never listens to me. They never give me what I want. I don't really know what that is but they never do it. They never make the game the way I tell them to. Well sometimes they do what I tell them to but then I end up not liking it because it's dumb and they should have known that. What am I paying them for?

So if they stopped giving me more stuff I would definitely be outta here because the stuff that I have been playing since May of 2004 up until now has never been any good and it sickens me that I am forced to spend so much time playing this game, a game that I pay for and it's always been terrible.

Multiple free updates over 5 years, not to mention one paid expansion we were forced to buy....nice way to squeeze extra money out of people by the way...did you really think we wouldn't figure that out? and they have never once gotten it right.

I try to be patient because I'm a mature adult but I can only take being ripped off and defrauded for so long.

If there were no more free updates I would quit this stupid game that I play daily just like I have been telling the developers that I would with every update they have ever had.

I would go play some other game out there that is actually good where the developers actually listen to their playerbase and design their MMOs around each individual player to give them what they want. Every other MMO out there does this. There is no excuse that this one doesn't do that too.

Then I would be gone and this company wouldn't have my subscription fee anymore. Hopefully maybe then they would learn because it seems it is the only thing that will teach them and maybe finally get them to fix this game and make it good.

I would also probably file a Class Action lawsuit because not putting out anymore content updates in an online game is clearly "bait and switch" and fraud. I looked it up on the internet somewhere and read it and plus my dad is a lawyer so I know what I am talking about.
You're not being defrauded. You're willingly paying for a service over and over and over and over and over again... 60 months in a row now... for a service you hate. That's your own fault, no one else's. You're a prime example of why tort reform is needed.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
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Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.