"You are under no obligation to save me" - A scrapperlock thread




Mine is from over this weekend and while I was on my human only PB. She can be very scrapper-ish but since it had been awhile I spent the first couple of missions just getting used to her again.

Anyway, after the first two missions I really start getting into the thick of things and going in with the tank to initially take on the mob. One particular mob (Council, I think) was huge and I must have zoned out for a bit as I stood in the middle and just unleashed at anything that came into my sights.

Once the dust settled... I think I amazed a few people on the team. People were suddenly checking her build out and complimenting me. Made me feel good especially with the negative rep that appears to follow the Khelds around.



Holy mother of...

Alright, I blasterlocked and GOD did it feel good. Dual Pistols/Energy Manipulation while SB'd and Hastened (courtesy of the SB, I had 25 seconds of non-haste, but I'm not too high level, what am I gonna do?) So anyway, we had two Kins (Kin/DP and AR/Kin Corr) a DS/Therm MM and a DP/Fire Blaster and we had a DM/DA Scrappah.

Now Shar kicks some serious butt, but it was a slow night, both of us were still burnt because we just ate at Perkins and the others were local friends who we party with occasionally. Oh, and sometimes we team. But basically this is what occurs over TS and RL since she was on the lappy behind me.

Sharilyn: (Vindicaire's real name here), can you not rush the spawns?
Me: You're snailing it.
Sharilyn: What the hell do you want me to do? There's too many.
Me: *proceeds to recite iBITE mantra*
Sharilyn: Are you friggin' serious?

Sharilyn proceeds to dice the enemies to (try to) catch up with me. Meanwhile I'm already on Rommie. Damn near took him down. Now one of the defenders ports me the hell out, because I was hanging on by virtually nothing, Sharilyn is now finally engaged with Rommie screaming over the mic "I... AM... AWESOME!" Now, unfortunately, she's an iBITE novice, but damn it was her renewed enthusiasm (courtesy of the iBITE lecture and a Monster) able to restore vigor to the team. Now the endgame for the ITF is a clusterf@#! and I didn't feel like cloaking it when I can work on my EXP. So there's suddenly a lot of gunfire and chopping while we blitz our way to Sharilyn, now holding on by a sliver of health and a prayer.

Sharilyn: Down.
Our MM: Throwing Hell on Earth, Vindicaire, stealth up and lure Rommie away. You two hold the line.

Raise Sharilyn gun down mobs and just shoot like hell for 30 seconds, get owned, Sharilyn is now getting spammed with a bunch of stuff (my corpse landed next to her and I'm throwing Insps. We then proceed to kill Rommie, I get rezzed, we get mobbed, Rommie gets back up and proceeds to beat our punk ***** into the ground. Total team wipe and at that point I had to get ready to go to work, Shar needed sleep and everyone else was frustrated.



Ummm ... did anyone else understand *any* of that? I gather an ITF was involved...



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Nothing annoys me more than a hesitant tank. Pretty much, if I'm on a character that has a 50% or so chance of taking the alpha and living, and the one who's supposed to be taking the alphas is being a slowpoke, I'm jumping in. Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate awesome hard enough.)
yep. I have a kickass blapper, a badass scranker, and a troller who has no need for a team, tank or... well help of any sorts.

When either one of those characters is on a team with a hesitant tanker, i just stop paying attention to the tanker and and tank for him. Either the tanker quits in shame, tails along like a lost puppy or starts to man up and do his job... either way i'm happy and the team plows through the mish without missing a beat.

Don't get me wrong. i'm more then happy to let a tanker do their job. i just have no patience for one dithering about when the +2 or +3 mobs wouldn't even scratch my stupid blaster/sometimes blapper (or accidental blapper... i mean who knew ice/ice/ice could softcap 2 types of damage and still rock at either range or melee? i didn't when i made her... but i figured it out pretty fast) , let alone my troller or scranker.

Seriously. if your tanker can't take the alpha hit a halfassed ice/ice/ice semi blapper can suck up then you're not playing the right AT.

as to a story... how about using my ice/ice/ice semi-blapper to pl 6 nOObs through a +3/+8 freak farm in pi? that was a funny story because it wasn't my farm... i was just tagging along for purples... when the tanker/team leader ragequit after faceplanting again (shield tanker) when the rng got him. Well i figured since we were all there i might as well just keep doing the mish, with a little backup from a cold who popped an iceshield on my blapper... and some backup healing from a rad... we crushed it with the team in slack jawed awe at the silly blaster-turned-scrapper dropping icepatch and sucking alpha strikes without a single death to herself or the team.

pretty fun really... especially since i never really thought of her as a blapper before then,and only did it on a whim.



*Casts Mortimer's Thread Revival III*

Seriously, I have an epic tale that feeds my ego.

This week's WTF was Ice Mistral and my Dark Armor tank needed a Notice of the Well, so I rounded up as many people as I could find (turned out to be a team of six) and we started steamrolling while still being set for x8. There was a pain corruptor, a willpower brute, a thugs/arrow mastermind, and another corruptor. There was someone else but I can't even remember the AT. Things were going great right up until the fight with Archus.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the SF, Archus is a CoT mage who starts to summon ambushes of Behemoth LTs as his health wanes. We dropped him to about a quarter of his hit points, which spawns the last of three ambush waves, before people started dying. It wasn't really the ambushes, though, that killed people. We had "stealthed" to Archus and maybe pissed some mages off along the way, because three or four regular spawns of mages had caught up to us at that time.

Anyway, the moment of epic scrapperlock hit when I failed as a tank and the rest of the team was dead. Of the others, the brute went down last and it was then people started teleporting out to the hospital while I fought what bosses got priority through the aggro cap. I could count six Succubi and at least three Death Mages. Let me just say that confusion makes using Dark Regeneration a little hard.

Regardless, through confusion, placcates, and sheer inability to click on the target I wanted, I fought my way through that entire crowd. I used Eye of the Magus. That wore off. I fought for a little while longer as my health steadily fell. I popped a few orange pills to get back into a pattern of gaining more health than I was losing. They wore off. I'm down to three Succubi when I notice the team has started to zone into the mission map together. Rather than risk another charlie foxtrot, they fought their way to back to me in time to help me with the last Succubus and a few Behemoths that were still standing. Once that mess was clear, we turned back to Archus, who had regenerated back to full health. A minute later, the SF was complete.

Mind you, this solo battle against 9 CoT bosses and endless LTs was at level 40. I was missing my top two power picks, my cardiac boost and my level shift. Yeah... Dark Armor Sucks.

So anyway, with all this WTF madness going about, one of you has to have an equally epic tale. Let's hear 'em!

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Against my better judgement I joined a TF on my Traps/DP defenestrater.

Leader tells the team to follow the tank. The tank, however, is wishy-washy, and does not run into mobs first. Seriously, we'd wait for 30 seconds before attacking every mob, and I got sick of it.

So, I ran ahead. We were doing the LGTF and it was the first mission. I'm clearing the way, mostly, when I notice nobody is around me and they haven't been for some time. In fact, some of them are close to dying.

"What's up?" I say in team chat. "Where are you?" is the team leader's reply. "I'm outside the last room."
"What the [naughty, naughty word]?!" shouts the tank.
"Follow the defender!" says the team leader.

Unfortunately, this upset the tanker and he quit the TF. Not my fault he was so slow. Seriously, I was near the end and they were near the middle or so and they were only cleaning up my leftovers. It was sad. And that's not to say they were all bad players, they just followed directions and waited for the tank.



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post

"What's up?" I say in team chat. "Where are you?" is the team leader's reply. "I'm outside the last room."
"What the [naughty, naughty word]?!" shouts the tank.
"Follow the defender!" says the team leader.
TY, I always wondered what shooting iced tea out my nose would feel like



Originally Posted by Psychoti View Post
"What's up?" I say in team chat. "Where are you?" is the team leader's reply. "I'm outside the last room."
"What the [naughty, naughty word]?!" shouts the tank.
"Follow the defender!" says the team leader.
Psychoti, for once, you didn't run into a twit! At least, not a twit that was leading.

It's unfortunate to hear about a tank like that. Hesitant tanks need to reroll their characters as something else. Fear has no place on a tank. If you have a half decent team, the alpha is all the damage you'll take anyway.

Hell, on my TFs, I have a rule. "If this is your first DKTF, you have to take an alpha strike." It's a Fight Club reference, but I have my reasons. People need to learn not to be afraid of the game. You characters can handle a lot more than you realize.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



It's funny how easily scrapperlock can come back...

Lately I haven't been playing much as I'm working on a never-ending MA arc. When I do play I've been leveling up a troller and occasionally revisiting my namesake stalker, but last week I logged into my MA/SR scrapper who's at 27th I think. (side note: MA + Ring Mistress character code = pretty cool)

I was duoing with a Dom in a fairly high-set mission - Council I think, they bring out the worst in me. I seem to recall them conning yellow+, so it had been sort of slow going (a death or two) and we were approaching each mob a carefully. Just as we finished off one group I dinged. With all those leveling Insp's applied I barreled right into the next mob without a thought and took them all down (well, yes, he was helping too). Then right into the next mob too, which was at the front of one of those wide open warehouse rooms that has like two or three spawn-spots , right? Of course very quickly the entire room was around us, which was about when all those Insp's wore off. Maybe before. To tell the truth I wasn't even checking, just kicking.

A couple of minutes later they all lay at our feet and our health was in yellow to red territory and I had to tell the guy "Sorry, scrapperlock :P"

Not an ultra-epic scrapperlock moment, but it showed me just how easy it is to fall back into this dread condition.



Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Nothing annoys me more than a hesitant tank. Pretty much, if I'm on a character that has a 50% or so chance of taking the alpha and living, and the one who's supposed to be taking the alphas is being a slowpoke, I'm jumping in. Debt barely slows down levelling these days. It's just a little bar that measures how much awesome you've generated recently. (If you're not getting debt, you're just not trying to generate awesome hard enough.)
That triggers me soloing more then anything else. If the tanker is staying until the very last member of the mob is dead, then he's not doing his job.

His job is to gather agro, suck alpha, and possibly herd the mob into a tight group for mass aoe death. once the team has wiped out 50%-70% of the mob (depending on how the team is built, and the level of difficulty) the tanker should be jumping on to the next mob to set them up for the team.

If the tanker can't grasp this or survive agro of a mob for a minute with no support, he shouldn't be tanking.

When a tanker is taking forever, depending on the character i have i'll start to charge ahead. I like to make a joke about it if i faceplant. i like to say "something was wrong, i wasn't dying enough." I never expect the team to save me.

My patience for a slow tank is zero when i'm playing my brute. i'll just charge ahead if he's dinking around. Same for my fire/kin and plant/kin trollers. All of my scrappers will charge ahead as well, though i am much more patient with them. I will randomly go off on my own with my blasters all the time. especially if the team is, in addition to going too slow, are doing a poor job condensing the mobs for my aoe attacks.

Of course my tanks never move too slow =D



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
This. And I'll extend that to any tank that hangs back without warning and lets a team run in to make a point about how important he/she is to their survival.
My Empathy/Psi defender paired down her attack chain two 4 attacks so I could focus on my real job. Empaths regardless of if you tick them off should heal when defenses are dropping badly. If I don't heal the scrapper and they do happen to die, it's usually because someone was in need more at the time of my attention.

However I hate empaths who only buff tanks. The Tanks get the Adren boost, the other melee get my fortitude (Not always that way but a usual rule of thumb. Tankier types can get by without fort while fort gives other melee toons more oomph.

But seriously...no, If you die and I can't save you, then I wont worry about it. If someone plays solo and dies, then really it's not my issue. Sure Ill teleport you to me and res ya, but I aint gonna tell you what you can and cannot do. My job is to keep myself alive so I can keep the team I am following alive. Im not flying all over the map to save you if you fall.

I am a team player with my much hated Emp toon. If the team splits, then I have to do what keeps me alive and that usually means with the folks who I know can keep me alive.



I'm not sure if I replied to this thread before or not, but to put it simply: All of my toons are forever in scrapperlock. Even my /kin corr who has only 15% defense and 2 resistance toggles. If the mob I am in is dead, I am moving to the next one. If I am not in a mob to kill, I am looking for one. If jumping into the next mob will get me killed... OH WELL!

I don't remember where I read this, but I'm sure one of you do. Basically, I play every toon as though it is a Brute. I must build up my Fury bar! Attacking builds Fury, getting attacked builds Fury, standing still loses Fury. If my Fury bar is dropping, I'm doing it wrong. If I don't actually have a Fury bar, I can imagine it's there. Even on my Brutes who's Fury was nerfed to forever stay below 85%, it goes up to 100% in my heart.



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
However I hate empaths who only buff tanks. The Tanks get the Adren boost, the other melee get my fortitude (Not always that way but a usual rule of thumb. Tankier types can get by without fort while fort gives other melee toons more oomph.
I'm curious, why make the tank the default recipient of AB? Especially if you're there to patch them up on occasion, it hardly seems like they'd need the regen buff, and I'd think that almost any other AT would probably make better use of the recharge buff either offensively or defensively. I don't have any personal experience with it, though, so is there something I'm missing?

Originally Posted by Sprite Fire View Post
That triggers me soloing more then anything else. If the tanker is staying until the very last member of the mob is dead, then he's not doing his job.

His job is to gather agro, suck alpha, and possibly herd the mob into a tight group for mass aoe death. once the team has wiped out 50%-70% of the mob (depending on how the team is built, and the level of difficulty) the tanker should be jumping on to the next mob to set them up for the team.

If the tanker can't grasp this or survive agro of a mob for a minute with no support, he shouldn't be tanking.

When a tanker is taking forever, depending on the character i have i'll start to charge ahead. I like to make a joke about it if i faceplant. i like to say "something was wrong, i wasn't dying enough." I never expect the team to save me.

My patience for a slow tank is zero when i'm playing my brute. i'll just charge ahead if he's dinking around. Same for my fire/kin and plant/kin trollers. All of my scrappers will charge ahead as well, though i am much more patient with them. I will randomly go off on my own with my blasters all the time. especially if the team is, in addition to going too slow, are doing a poor job condensing the mobs for my aoe attacks.

Of course my tanks never move too slow =D
Yeah, cowardly and/or slow tanks annoy me too. I don't mind if he stops for a second or two to look over the spawn before jumping in, but if you're ever standing still outside of a mob for longer than those 1 or 2 seconds, you're definitely doing it wrong.

Plus it's just such a rush. It could almost be described as a relative of scrapperlock - a sort of 'tankerlock', the incurable compulsion to be surrounded by at least the aggro cap's worth of mobs at all times. 'Oh, you tossed a nova and wiped out all the LTs and minions? MUST GET MORE MOBS!'

It's only happened a few times, but I absolutely love it when I can get on a team with both another competent tanker and a competent team who understand the 'move fast' philosophy. When there are *two* tanks leapfrogging each other to gather up alternating spawns as fast as the team can wipe them out of existence, it's a beautiful thing.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
First, I want to thank everyone for their stories. You have satiated my need for entertainment.

I've got another story to add today. (read: /tootmyownhorn)

Have you ever felt like you were pulling along dead weight?

I was running the ITF with my level 50 (isn't it funny how so many of these start this way?) bots/traps MM. This time, I was with an absolutely awful team. The leader was a /stone brute who died fairly often. See, when someone says fairly often about a blaster, I hear "every other fight," which is bad. By fairly often for a /stone brute, I mean two or three times per mission.

Tangent: Aren't granites supposed to be unstoppable? I can understand faceplanting to an 8 man spawn of psychic clockwork, but to mostly lethal damage of Cimerorans? What is this guy doing? There were two control sets running too! A mind dominator and a fire controller. How could he die in granite? HOW?! Anyway, I digress. Back to the story:

I tried to stick with the team this time for the first mission, but things were progressing egregiously slow for having two brutes that presumably want to keep fury. We jump up to the top bypassing the "ambushes" that I've never seen because I've always jumped to the top. Anyway, half the team runs right past the center flaming altar, and before you know it, we're in a sea of nictus. I see lots of little skulls show up in my team window, but somehow someone managed to lead Solaris back to the altar.

In the shadow cyst caves, we get through to the first shadow cyst and destroy it, practically wiping the team somehow. At this point I decide to take the path of least teammates. Seven go one way, I go the other.

I don't know what those baffoons were doing, but I counted at least four times that the stone brute died. I'm fighting down my chosen corridor with absolutely no help, taking out nictus, cyst, ambush, nictus, cyst, ambush... I destroyed four shadow cysts entirely on my own before I came to a fifth at the end of the tunnel. I start tearing up the nictus and am already targeting the cyst by the time my team shows up to wrap up the mission.

I'm thinking to myself... did I seriously just do this? Did I destroy 4 shadow cysts and ambushes in the time it took seven other people to do the same thing?

Thats not scrapperlock thats called not helping the team/brute.

It doesn't cost a lot to be nice and reply to tells



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Plus it's just such a rush. It could almost be described as a relative of scrapperlock - a sort of 'tankerlock', the incurable compulsion to be surrounded by at least the aggro cap's worth of mobs at all times.
The proper term for someone suffering of "tankerlock" is an aggroholic.

Hello, my name is Dechs, and I'm an aggroholic.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
I'm curious, why make the tank the default recipient of AB? Especially if you're there to patch them up on occasion, it hardly seems like they'd need the regen buff, and I'd think that almost any other AT would probably make better use of the recharge buff either offensively or defensively. I don't have any personal experience with it, though, so is there something I'm missing?
For reason it sort of just seems the way it happens. I work a lot with a DA Tank and he needs it often enough. I should not have just said the tank, there has been many times when I watch the bars and determine who reuires it more. Just many times it is my tank



Originally Posted by Nyx View Post
For reason it sort of just seems the way it happens. I work a lot with a DA Tank and he needs it often enough. I should not have just said the tank, there has been many times when I watch the bars and determine who reuires it more. Just many times it is my tank
Heh. When I play my DA tank and there's an empath on the team, I set a few "guidelines" for the empath.

1. Do not waste fortitude on the tank. He is softcapped to S/L/E/N so the defense doesn't help and the damage would be better served on anyone else.
2. Do not waste Adrenaline Boost on the tank. My endurance is under control and Dark Regeneration is already recharging in 15 seconds, a few more won't help as much as more Inferno from the blaster will.
3. When the Recovery and Regen Auras are ready, cast them in the middle of the group. The tank will likely be a mob ahead allowing foes to clump together.
4. Use your freakin' secondary powers.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I started playing the game using two ATs.. Scrappers and MMs so I have been in almost permanent Scrapperlock for more than 5 years now My phylosophy with almost any character is just keep firing until there is nothing left to attack.. then lets go find some new stuff to attack!

I think one of my FAVORITE moments was on a recent ITF with my Fire/Fire/Flame Blaster at 50 (+1). One the first mission the tank, for some reason, went right instead of left after taking out that first mob and most of the team including me headed down to free the first three Sybils. Well someone managed to aggro the whole room and I stood there with all my toggles going and firing off every attack I had as fast as I could ( I have hasten so that can get pretty fast). More than half the team was on the floor around me and I figured I was going to but was determined to take as many with me as possible. I popped a few inspirations to keep my hela up and before I knew it the only left standing was ME!

Avenger 6 is by far my best DPS character and it suprised even me when I managed to take down the room.. Now I will admit before they fell my team mates helped but a BLASTER that maganed to survive longer than the scrapper? I couldn't help but chuckle and think to myself "I IS AWESOME!" hehehe

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Sprite Fire View Post
That triggers me soloing more then anything else. If the tanker is staying until the very last member of the mob is dead, then he's not doing his job.

His job is to gather agro, suck alpha, and possibly herd the mob into a tight group for mass aoe death. once the team has wiped out 50%-70% of the mob (depending on how the team is built, and the level of difficulty) the tanker should be jumping on to the next mob to set them up for the team.
I actually made a fire tank and IOed him out because of being annoyed by a few tanks like that. I consider one of the main duties of whoever is tanking (which may or may not be a tank) to be to set the pace of the team. Worst example I saw was one double XP weekend when for once I was actually able to play a full day, and ran a redside team for most of that to get from 42ish to 50 on my VEAT. I picked up a brute, and he was using a ranged epic attack to start fights, which meant half the spawn would head for him, and the other half would stay back and shoot ranged attacks, messing up my AoE mojo.

So I recruited another brute, after having a discussion via tells that I wanted someone who would set a good pace. This brute waited for the first brute on every spawn.

Finally a quite competent stalker who had been commiserating with me on the side started running in and taking the alphas, after which the team could happily vaporize the clumped spawns. I mean, really, why were those other guys playing brutes?

My technique on my tank, which probably doesn't qualify as scrapperlock since I pay attention to the team, is target any bosses on the edge of a spawn since they may be out of PbAoE range, run in with Blazing Aura going, hit Taunt, Buildup/FE (whichever is up), PbAoE, PbAoE, PbAoE, tab to taunt any bosses still standing so they'll shoot at me instead of squishies while I move to the next spawn, move on. A decent team can normally handle leftovers without any problem and catch up roughly as I get the next group clumped nicely. If its a slower team or tougher enemies, I get to use a few more attacks before moving on.

I was fairly happy on my fire/fire tank on a recent ITF to not only beat the brute to virtually every spawn, but also only need to hit my heal maybe 3-4 times even without any buffers on the team other than a kin. It takes some work, but a fire/fire tank can be pretty tough.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Heh. When I play my DA tank and there's an empath on the team, I set a few "guidelines" for the empath.

1. Do not waste fortitude on the tank. He is softcapped to S/L/E/N so the defense doesn't help and the damage would be better served on anyone else.
2. Do not waste Adrenaline Boost on the tank. My endurance is under control and Dark Regeneration is already recharging in 15 seconds, a few more won't help as much as more Inferno from the blaster will.
3. When the Recovery and Regen Auras are ready, cast them in the middle of the group. The tank will likely be a mob ahead allowing foes to clump together.
4. Use your freakin' secondary powers.
1. Tank rarely if ever gets the fortitude, a brute...perhaps, but there are others that are wiser to use it on.
2. No offense if that works for you and all but it does not work with him or in some of the teams I have been in. His endurance is not quite so under control and since he is relatively new to the game I dont think he is slotting as well as some or has the money to do it.
3. Aura's up and in the middle of the group. I call huddle and you get the bonus, and if you run off and don't get it, there is little I can do. There is always a stalker or someone who runs off regardless of if I call huddle. This usually occures in open area maps. Caves and bases etc are manageable.
4. I use 4 single target attacks. Will Domination, TK blast, My Snipe (Alot) and Scramble Thoughts. My Psychic Scream is there, but I don't use it much as the rest are slotted better and have secondary effects I find more usefull. I got rid of my others because I found them lacking, however my attack chain is effective none the less.

Thats how I play my Empath, and it always seems to work out.



My recent experience with scapperlock is from the other side.

I was on an ITF with three tanks and a brute.

All of which were doing there own thing (randomly and chaotically), no one was keeping agro and the rest of the team had to pretty much stand back and wait due to so many mobs (spawns really) running around looking for the least excuse to go psycho on the next person they saw.

Its like fine, I'll just hover above and give out leadership/dispersion field/buffs, tired of summoning bots over and over. Never got so much use out of PFF on a team before.



I have recently suffered from Scrapperlock on my AR/SS Corruptor, which is not a good thing for the rest of the team. Suddenly binging on three high-KB powers does not make an ITF team happy. On the other hand, it is how you stay alive without softcap defense from IOs.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
....but last week I logged into my MA/SR scrapper who's at 27th I think. (side note: MA + Ring Mistress character code = pretty cool)...
I hate to toss in another story so close to my last, but I was playing the same toon last night. After a near team-wipe I was the last player fighting in a fairly large room that wasn't even close to cleared. I finished off the room in about two minutes and here comes an ambush. As I'm taking them out too, one of my face-planted comrades (who must have gone afk after his death) pipes up with "Wait,[Clave] is still alive?"

Music to my ears. I may end up side-lining my troller and work this toon up instead.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
You named your snipe Alot? i named mine Alittle. Small world.

Well I fully slotted it. Seems it always goes off and has a good chance to dissorient now, so a Little...can be a lot, and it does pretty sweet damage later on against most foes, psionic not being resisted as much as some others.