"You are under no obligation to save me" - A scrapperlock thread




Originally Posted by Crashed View Post
Right, and I completely agree, though I was merely attempting to highlight the inanity of that comment; it accomplishes absolutely nothing.
It accomplishes equality. Why should threads I make be locked after 4 months of inactivity while a thread which was inactive for over twice that not be?

It goes the same in real life; unfair things suck. If you think it's inane I speak against unfair things, then you can kiss my derriere

Investing emotions in old, dead threads does not, in any way, validate keeping them locked or unlocked because the fact that the threads fizzle out over time shows that said emotions are irrelevant. True investment would not allow the thread to die.
This thread *died*.

His has been inactive since *AUGUST*. It's now *MAY*.

You don't want your thread locked? Don't ignore it. But conversely, lobbying to close a thread that is actually facilitating discussion is pointless and rude.
Prejudice is pointless and rude too. And I feel moderation here is like that at times...but perhaps I'm just jaded after far too many of my threads have been locked for this reason...or maybe I disliked the premise of the thread since this was an egocentric topic to begin with...or maybe I'm just sending this thread so off topic as to get it locked regardless so maybe we can all get the mods to veto that necroing rule.



Greetings everyone,

As this thread has turned non-constructive it will be closed. we would also like to remind you that discussions involving the actions of moderators are also not allowed on the City of Heroes: Freedom forums.

We would also like to kindly remind you all to not ressurect dead threads, however we encourage you to start new threads for such topics. If nessasary, please link to the previous thread.

Thanks for your understanding on this matter.
