"You are under no obligation to save me" - A scrapperlock thread




Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I've been running ITF's like mad recently, it's the only way to get a BoTZ: Knockback at level 10.

Pretty sure I did run with an ice/kin corruptor because I thought it was an odd mix. Not ineffective, mind you, just odd. Can I get a character name to help remind me though?
Faen Riley is my Ice/Kin Corr. I thought Ice/Kin was sort of commonplace, I could've sworn I'd seen a bunch running around. Nothing like a Fulcrum Shifted Blizzard every few minutes to keep mobs on their toes :P



Originally Posted by Miyabi View Post
Faen Riley is my Ice/Kin Corr. I thought Ice/Kin was sort of commonplace, I could've sworn I'd seen a bunch running around. Nothing like a Fulcrum Shifted Blizzard every few minutes to keep mobs on their toes :P
I definitely don't deny the awesomeness of a fulcrum shifted blizzard, I just haven't had the pleasure of running with many. It's rare, but I personally love it when someone FS's my bots right before the burn patches go down.

The name doesn't ring a bell, but it's possible I've just forgotten it. I play on Virtue, by the way.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



I haven't suffered a good scrapperlock in ages, I should do something about that...

My DB/Nin stalker used to sometimes fall into scrapperlock. These are the two stand-out memories.

I was PuGing some radio missions I think with a group of people who were around -1 to -2 levels from where I was. We were doing a Council mission and I found I could just about play tank because of the lesser-leveled Council, mostly blue-con to me. I accidentally ran right into another group while trying to avoid a first group, ending up with both agroed. I survived for about 30 seconds and took down about a third of them. What kept me from running was the sound, my god the SOUND of close to 25 Council gattling guns all firing at once... In a split second I made the very conscious decision to stay and risk death just to be able to hear that sound for a few more seconds. It was a beautiful moment...

I was duoing with someone in my SG and we were doing that mission somewhere in the upper levels where you end up taking on that Crey lady, whatever her name is (I've only ever fought her this one time). So we're going through the mission and there she is. My friend faceplants almost immediatly because of something like he forgot to summon his FFG or didn't have his toggles on, something sort of silly like that, and there I am face to face with a barely scratched Crey. On a DB/Nin stalker, pre-stalker buffs. Ok, so she was only red-con to me, but still. That took like five full minutes of hackhackhackhackhackhackhack... good thing I had my Caltrops slotted for lots of +slow and a -regen proc. Things got hairy a couple of times as my HP sank and my heal hadn't recharged yet and I think by the end of the battle my Insp. tray was empty, but I never once thought "hm, maybe I should back off and come back after my pal's rezzed."



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
My Grav/FF will wormhole the mobs onto the tank's taunt aura as a gentle reminder
My Grav/Thorns Corr is going to have to remember that one!



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
My Grav/Thorns Corr is going to have to remember that one!
Alternately, on steamrollers. Port the next spawn to the current one and drop em both at once.

...That may be standard operating procedure on one of my regular teams :P



Originally Posted by Elaith View Post
Alternately, on steamrollers. Port the next spawn to the current one and drop em both at once.

...That may be standard operating procedure on one of my regular teams :P
Wow, another good idea. These threads are so educational.



My first toon and Scrapper is currently in respec hell, but I rolled a Spines/Dark with the intentions of farming... and that wonderful feeling is all coming back!



I'm suffering from Gunners lock all over again.

Take Assault rifle. Add in BU from /Ice. Now give me a mob...
My trigger finger just hotwires itself into my brain, and starts whispering to me.

The sight of the huge BoN (Big orange numbers) when I unload a storm of Full Auto, Flamer and M30 nade on a mob is a wonder to behold.

I may faceplant, but you can NEVER take my triggerhappy tendancies! =D

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



For years my main was a fully hami-o'd emp/rad defender, I developed a bit of a reputation with my SG for having scrapper lock on an empath. I would usualy play the empath on SG teams using out teamspeak server, and it was soon noticed that I would say "ooh sapper" or whatever "tough" mob was seen, and would drop both aura's if they where ready, and aim build up, teleport right on top of the mob, and then go nuts with stuns and debuffs keeping the "problem" mob out of action whilst the rest of the team came charging in.

The only problem is that when playing on PUG's I would do the same thing and often the PUG would be so confused that survival would be touch and go, however being an empath meant that I could heal myself quite nicely whilst waiting for the others to get there, and being a rad meant i could keep the mobs debuffed and several of them stunned .



My wife has re-bound her tab button to target nearest enemy -> follow. Orriginally this was on her kat/SR scrapper that has a run speed of about 60mi/hr with sprint on (She only uses Speed when crossing zones). She hates indoor maps because walls get in the way of her scrapperlock.

The funny part of the story is we were playing our villians. Her a fire/Pain Cor, me a Thug/Pain MM. We are always partied with SG mates so its common to be in a team of 6-8. So I summon my thugs, laydown Gang War from time to time, and outside of that I spend my time healing/buffing/debuffing. She autoclicks the aoe heal, and soothing aura, and starts blasting. So on the day in question (we were in mid 20's) my thugs had been killed, the other MM was out of end, and resting, our brute was waiting, and our dom was afk. All of a sudden I see my wife run into a group of +3 Freaks and blast away. I hear from across the room "Crap Crap, I hit tab!" I think she came out of it alive be me calling in Gang War, and spam healing her with Soothe + Share Pain.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I really need to stop reading this stuff at work. I'm getting funny looks for stifled laughter.
My boss just looked at me funny with that chuckle.



I have a claws/super reflex. scrapper. I go off on my own so much on teams that I have a button thats says "Don't worry mon, the horriable screams just means I am working!"

"...well I have wrestled with reality for thirty-five years, Doctor and I am happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P Dowd (from the movie Harvey)



Most Scrapperlock team I've ever been on was an SG one comprising of 3 multiform Khelds, 2 or 3 brutes, a MM or two and I think a Widow, running Dark Watchers RWZ arcs.

There was no rhyme or reason to it at all. No such thing as "who is tanking, who is support". We'd all just charge in whatever form, lay waste and move on. We'd frequently split into pairs and wander off to take spawns on (it was a bit of a tetris team in terms of SKs). For one of the Rikti outside missions there was 4 mini-teams wandering the map, not paying a blind bit of attention to each other and killing (and dying) as we went.

The final mission with the AV (and ambush AV) was really, really messy. No "tank", whoever felt like tanking would tank one AV, someone else would tank Nemmie and his ambushes. Took forever to do, I died multiple times (only to re-rez again), mostly from the Triform Curse, not Lobstering up quick enough because I wanted to get "just one more AOE out" in Nova form. It was such madness it was probably my favourite run through of that arc I've ever done.



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
... It was such madness it was probably my favourite run through of that arc I've ever done.
See, this is why I start these threads. I love hearing stories like this! Things weren't perfect, people were faceplanting, but damned if it wasn't fun!

Personally, I get the most fun from teams that are competent but imperfect. I've been running a lot of ITF's lately, and I've been starting them with "Until I see reason to say otherwise, you are free to do as you see fit. Just try to keep up." I go one way, and if people follow me, cool. If not, well, they just don't get to see my laser and pyrotechnics show.

It's awesome when I see three or four mini-teams fan out and kill stuff. To that end, I like to get mostly villains if I can because they tend to be more self-sufficient, but I've never turned someone down because "We don't need another tank" or "We need a /kin". That's bull.

Maybe you can make distinctions like that for a MoSTF or a MoLRSF attempt. But ITF? Even the new MoITF shouldn't be too difficult with whatever team you scrounge together.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Playing a dark melee / shield scrapper, we're in a team of 6 on a mission to take out freaks in a fairly standard corridor and side rooms maps.

This particular map revisited, though, always rings the alarm bells in my head because teams always have a tendency to have trouble at one particular intersection. The hallway ahead bends ninety degrees to the left. There are two rooms both left and right just before the bend, and another room straight ahead at the bend - recipe for disaster if spawns are in each of the rooms and in the hallway bend on the left.

The team is moving quickly and the first target in view is in the room straight ahead and the impetuous tanker and a few others rush straight ahead with the team following just as I say, whoah, check the room on the left and right first before... oops, too late. All three rooms are spawned as well as the corridor around the corner on the left. Suddenly, we're inundated by four separate mobs of freakshow, one from the room on the left, one from the corridor ahead left, one from the room ahead, and one from the room on the right.

After a combat jump - soul drain - shadow maul - siphon life on the heels of two alphas on my scrapper's head, I see it's getting worse by the tenth of a second as it dawns on the team what is happening. Half the team is already glowing yellow to red in the health bars. Kinetic crash shield charge! Lucky critical! Freakshow go flying in every direction, those already damaged taken out. A split second respite for the team - but not enough even as the scrapper becomes the aggro magnet as more freakshow pour into the intersection. Team wipe is clearly imminent.

Scrapperlock sets in. If we're all gonna go down, the scrapper is gonna go down with them. Pop a round of inspirations like so much candy while a cycle of smites, mauls, air sups and siphon lifes go out in a rapid flurry, spinning around to face the next target. The freakshow are so dense it doesnt matter which direction the scrapper faces to get multiple targets on the mauls. The fight goes on into yet another round of soul drain, inspiration candy, and a "take this, you freaks!" ground-zero smackeroo shield charge. One glance at the team bar shows more than half of the team has dropped already, including the tanker. The only other one in halfway decent shape is our other scrapper - who no doubt is also in scrapperlock. Do or drop, never stop never stop never stop...

Then... silence.

Team bar shows two scrappers standing, one barely alive, mine at 2/3 with the blue bar at 1/3. Inspiration tray is all but empty except for 2 breakfrees and an unused wakie.

Then I finally survey the scene, viewing largest pile of freakshow I ever expect to see in one place, so dense the floor was hardly visible.



Originally Posted by perwira View Post
Scrapperlock sets in. If we're all gonna go down, the scrapper is gonna go down with them. Pop a round of inspirations like so much candy while a cycle of smites, mauls, air sups and siphon lifes go out in a rapid flurry, spinning around to face the next target. The freakshow are so dense it doesnt matter which direction the scrapper faces to get multiple targets on the mauls. The fight goes on into yet another round of soul drain, inspiration candy, and a "take this, you freaks!" ground-zero smackeroo shield charge. One glance at the team bar shows more than half of the team has dropped already, including the tanker. The only other one in halfway decent shape is our other scrapper - who no doubt is also in scrapperlock. Do or drop, never stop never stop never stop...

Then... silence.
This was epic.

You should have rolled a bard.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



My wife reminded me of a story from last weekend. So we were on our first ITF (We have played off and on for years, but we like the lvl 40+ mishes we never did the ITF) and she was on her scrapper, me (SK'd to her) on my Thug MM. So we are on the part of the mish where we are killing Cysts, and we had a party wipe (I was in scrapper lock and went left when they all went right, and then 1 by 1 they tried to save me after my henchmen were dead) and she said "ok regroup right here, everyone hold up" in chat. Less than a second later I hear (I love being in the same room as her and our roommate, I get to hear so much) her shout "Mother <Expletive Deleted> Cat hit tab!" (Yes our cats jump on the keyboards and like pressing buttons.... more on that in a minute) as she rushes in, eache party member hesitates, then one by one rush in after her, but there is no party cohesion, and within seconds most of them are dead, Im healing up a storm, dropping thugs trying to pull aggro, using gang war, Painbringer, every buff and debuff I have. We start making headway, out of our 7 people, 4 had died, I rez a rezer, my wife is lovin painbringer on her kat/SR, everybody is back up just in time to watch me lick the floor. I had been using copious amounts of share pain, and someone dropped a cyst that was right next to me, as I was moving twards someone else that was dropping another one.... bad day. Anyway I fall flat on my face, all my thugs drops, so aggro goes all over the place. I rez to hospital and use mission teleporter. I look over at my wife's screen and 3 more people are dead. I get back on the map, Superspeed back to the fight (this is only about a min and a half after the cat jumped on the keyboard) and pop share pain+Painbringer on my wife just as she is about to drop (the only people that are alive at this point is me and her and she has like all the aggro). I rez the rezzer again, tell the other MM to use a wakie, cm->soothe->null pain him, pass him 2 blues, and start healing the party. At this point it gets easy since there are so few enemies left. At the end I look at my wife's toon (the only one of us that didn't die) and see the bodies around her and think about River standing over the bodies of all those Reavers.

Second story is about the cats we have. One cuddles playstation controllers, and likes watching Katamari Damacy. Another one loves watching shows like House, CSI, and NCIS. Another one (the one from above) likes to plop down on people keyboards and listen to the beeps that happen when you hit 60 or so keys at once. Our last one suffers from scrapperlock.

Once our roommate was playing WoW. He just got level 20 or so (Id say he was at 20.3), and was hungry, so he turns off his moniters (everyone in my house uses at least 2 screens on their rigs), steps away, and goes to the chinese place down the street to order 8 orders of potstickers. It takes about 30 mins or so for him to get his order, and I am keeping him company (at a cost of him giving me an order of potstickers). The wife was at work this whole time. When we get back, he is something like half a zone from where he walked away, and level 21, and the fourth cat is sitting next to his keyboard with her paws near the "wasd" section. Yes our cat played WoW and leveled him faster than he could have. This isn't the end of the story, this cat loves watching CoH. Loves all the colors and movements. A few weeks ago I made a Sonic/MM Blaster, and the cat would meow loudly every time i used any of the sonic powers. The funny part, we named her Banshee 3 years ago. She likes the sound FX for Sonic.



Originally Posted by Haruu View Post
My wife reminded me of a story from last weekend. So we were on our first ITF (We have played off and on for years, but we like the lvl 40+ mishes we never did the ITF) and she was on her scrapper, me (SK'd to her) on my Thug MM. So we are on the part of the mish where we are killing Cysts, and we had a party wipe (I was in scrapper lock and went left when they all went right, and then 1 by 1 they tried to save me after my henchmen were dead) and she said "ok regroup right here, everyone hold up" in chat. Less than a second later I hear (I love being in the same room as her and our roommate, I get to hear so much) her shout "Mother <Expletive Deleted> Cat hit tab!" (Yes our cats jump on the keyboards and like pressing buttons.... more on that in a minute) as she rushes in, eache party member hesitates, then one by one rush in after her, but there is no party cohesion, and within seconds most of them are dead, Im healing up a storm, dropping thugs trying to pull aggro, using gang war, Painbringer, every buff and debuff I have. We start making headway, out of our 7 people, 4 had died, I rez a rezer, my wife is lovin painbringer on her kat/SR, everybody is back up just in time to watch me lick the floor. I had been using copious amounts of share pain, and someone dropped a cyst that was right next to me, as I was moving twards someone else that was dropping another one.... bad day. Anyway I fall flat on my face, all my thugs drops, so aggro goes all over the place. I rez to hospital and use mission teleporter. I look over at my wife's screen and 3 more people are dead. I get back on the map, Superspeed back to the fight (this is only about a min and a half after the cat jumped on the keyboard) and pop share pain+Painbringer on my wife just as she is about to drop (the only people that are alive at this point is me and her and she has like all the aggro). I rez the rezzer again, tell the other MM to use a wakie, cm->soothe->null pain him, pass him 2 blues, and start healing the party. At this point it gets easy since there are so few enemies left. At the end I look at my wife's toon (the only one of us that didn't die) and see the bodies around her and think about River standing over the bodies of all those Reavers.

Second story is about the cats we have. One cuddles playstation controllers, and likes watching Katamari Damacy. Another one loves watching shows like House, CSI, and NCIS. Another one (the one from above) likes to plop down on people keyboards and listen to the beeps that happen when you hit 60 or so keys at once. Our last one suffers from scrapperlock.

Once our roommate was playing WoW. He just got level 20 or so (Id say he was at 20.3), and was hungry, so he turns off his moniters (everyone in my house uses at least 2 screens on their rigs), steps away, and goes to the chinese place down the street to order 8 orders of potstickers. It takes about 30 mins or so for him to get his order, and I am keeping him company (at a cost of him giving me an order of potstickers). The wife was at work this whole time. When we get back, he is something like half a zone from where he walked away, and level 21, and the fourth cat is sitting next to his keyboard with her paws near the "wasd" section. Yes our cat played WoW and leveled him faster than he could have. This isn't the end of the story, this cat loves watching CoH. Loves all the colors and movements. A few weeks ago I made a Sonic/MM Blaster, and the cat would meow loudly every time i used any of the sonic powers. The funny part, we named her Banshee 3 years ago. She likes the sound FX for Sonic.
I want a cat again ^^
Give them all hugs from me =P

What? Evil villains ALWAYS love cats!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I was running the ITF with my level 50 (isn't it funny how so many of these start this way?) bots/traps MM. This time, I was with an absolutely awful team. The leader was a /stone brute who died fairly often. See, when someone says fairly often about a blaster, I hear "every other fight," which is bad. By fairly often for a /stone brute, I mean two or three times per mission.
I think I may have been with you on that one, on my scrapper. I usually play a MA/SR scrapper (Shift Redux) or DM/stone brute (Tombstone Terror) in the ITF - either one can go off and solo Cyst spawn as needed. My stone brute usually takes the role of a tank because that's how I built him (my SG told me they needed one for LRSF).

Tangent: Aren't granites supposed to be unstoppable? I can understand faceplanting to an 8 man spawn of psychic clockwork, but to mostly lethal damage of Cimerorans? What is this guy doing? There were two control sets running too! A mind dominator and a fire controller. How could he die in granite? HOW?! Anyway, I digress. Back to the story:
Stone brutes aren't as unstoppable as Stone tankers are, unless you make the extra effort (usually by taking the Fighting pool for Tough and Weave) and enhance them properly. (My stone brute is at 89% resistance to smash and lethal before any other buffs, and 35% defense to most attacks - defense could be higher but I focused on Resistances).

However, you should know that the Cimerorans have a -def buff on almost every attack, and some can crit like a scrapper. Even my brute will eventually have his defenses reduced to heavy negatives, and even with 89% resist, the damage adds up when 16 of them are hitting you every time, and critting on several of them. (I deal with it by teleporting away, so that their debuff has faded by the time they catch up to me again.)

That being said, it's usually only an issue when when i'm soloing them. If you are being buffed by the team, it shouldn't be a problem.



Originally Posted by _Caliban View Post
I think I may have been with you on that one, on my scrapper. I usually play a MA/SR scrapper (Shift Redux) or DM/stone brute (Tombstone Terror) in the ITF - either one can go off and solo Cyst spawn as needed. My stone brute usually takes the role of a tank because that's how I built him (my SG told me they needed one for LRSF).
I have played with Shift Redux, and I'm pretty sure it was with the stone brute of repeated faceplant +2 (Sorry, it just sounded too much like D&D weapon name). I don't remember playing with Tombstone Terror, but if you play him any bit as good as you play Shift, I hope I get the chance someday.

And yes, I forgot about the -def part. That explains why I usually get hit several times in a row... I do know about the crits all too well. How can you forget a crit that does just over 300 damage when you've only got 850 HP!

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Haruu View Post
She hates indoor maps because walls get in the way of her scrapperlock.
I love that sentence.

Also, I haven't enjoyed one of these threads as much as I am this one, some great and well-told stories in here.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Also, I haven't enjoyed one of these threads as much as I am this one, some great and well-told stories in here.
I, for one, have been highly entertained by this tread so far. I'm also infinitely glad to see everyone else is feeling the same.

I really couldn't ask for more, but I'm sure there are still more stories out there to be told, so I will. Let's hear 'em!

I have another one to add. Again on my bots/traps because that's all I've been playing and all I will play until the build is fully realized. I'm not sure when this happened; I think it was an LGTF because there were heroes involved. Either way, this story was the start of my scrapperlock soloing tendencies.

Anyway, important background facts: I was not the leader. We were still looking for one more person. The team was mostly heroes, including the leader (blaster, I think). We had a stone tank. These are not chat logs, just my best recollection of them.

Random teammate: My friend is a /WP brute, can you invite xxxxxx?
Leader: We already have a tank.

At this point, I already have a few problems with the leader. One: A brute is not a tank. Two: I am a tank! Three: I don't like team structure nazis. Four: That stone tank is going to faceplant to the psychic clockwork. Five, and most importantly: I am a FRAGGIN' TANK WITH LASERS!!!

So in the most polite manner possible, I say "Excuse me, but I clearly see that we have /two/ tanks already. Besides, a brute's going to be more like a scrapper, and we can't seem to find anyone else."

Nimrod Leader: lol
Nimrod Leader: Ok, I'll invite.
Nimrod Leader: Who's the other tank?
Me: That would be me.
Nimrod Leader: lol ok

I left it at that. I've only done LGTF once, and I'm still fuzzy on the details. Somewhere in one of the missions the leader decided he wanted to push me.

Nimrod Leader: Hey Dechs, I don't see you tanking.
Me: Haven't needed to.
Nimrod Leader: Or you can't.
Me: The hell I can't.
Nimrod Leader: Ok then just jump into the next spawn.
Nimrod Leader: We'll see how long you last.

I had never really tried being the main tank for a team before, but I wasn't about to back down from the challenge. I figured I'd just do what I always do. So there's more of them, big deal. I jumped in just like I usually do solo, dropped my triage beacon and caltrops, started spamming provoke, and waited for the cavalry.


Nothing. The whole team decided to sit and watch while I ran into a spawn of rikti or whatever it was at the time. This was an eight man spawn at +2. What was I going to do?

I'm freaking out. I had never tried this before. I hit my panic button (hasten) and went to town with traps. Acid mortar is a usual, but now I'm pulling all the stops. Poison gas, seekers, another triage and more caltrops. Spam the lightning cages! I know I ate at least a purple, a green, and a few blues.

Before I know it, there's just one or two bosses left. WTH? Where'd all the rikti go?

I haven't relied on a team since.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I, for one, have been highly entertained by this tread so far. I'm also infinitely glad to see everyone else is feeling the same.

I really couldn't ask for more, but I'm sure there are still more stories out there to be told, so I will. Let's hear 'em!

I have another one to add. Again on my bots/traps because that's all I've been playing and all I will play until the build is fully realized. I'm not sure when this happened; I think it was an LGTF because there were heroes involved. Either way, this story was the start of my scrapperlock soloing tendencies.

Anyway, important background facts: I was not the leader. We were still looking for one more person. The team was mostly heroes, including the leader (blaster, I think). We had a stone tank. These are not chat logs, just my best recollection of them.

Random teammate: My friend is a /WP brute, can you invite xxxxxx?
Leader: We already have a tank.

At this point, I already have a few problems with the leader. One: A brute is not a tank. Two: I am a tank! Three: I don't like team structure nazis. Four: That stone tank is going to faceplant to the psychic clockwork. Five, and most importantly: I am a FRAGGIN' TANK WITH LASERS!!!

So in the most polite manner possible, I say "Excuse me, but I clearly see that we have /two/ tanks already. Besides, a brute's going to be more like a scrapper, and we can't seem to find anyone else."

Nimrod Leader: lol
Nimrod Leader: Ok, I'll invite.
Nimrod Leader: Who's the other tank?
Me: That would be me.
Nimrod Leader: lol ok

I left it at that. I've only done LGTF once, and I'm still fuzzy on the details. Somewhere in one of the missions the leader decided he wanted to push me.

Nimrod Leader: Hey Dechs, I don't see you tanking.
Me: Haven't needed to.
Nimrod Leader: Or you can't.
Me: The hell I can't.
Nimrod Leader: Ok then just jump into the next spawn.
Nimrod Leader: We'll see how long you last.

I had never really tried being the main tank for a team before, but I wasn't about to back down from the challenge. I figured I'd just do what I always do. So there's more of them, big deal. I jumped in just like I usually do solo, dropped my triage beacon and caltrops, started spamming provoke, and waited for the cavalry.


Nothing. The whole team decided to sit and watch while I ran into a spawn of rikti or whatever it was at the time. This was an eight man spawn at +2. What was I going to do?

I'm freaking out. I had never tried this before. I hit my panic button (hasten) and went to town with traps. Acid mortar is a usual, but now I'm pulling all the stops. Poison gas, seekers, another triage and more caltrops. Spam the lightning cages! I know I ate at least a purple, a green, and a few blues.

Before I know it, there's just one or two bosses left. WTH? Where'd all the rikti go?

I haven't relied on a team since.
I think Im making a bot/trap next.