"You are under no obligation to save me" - A scrapperlock thread




Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post
I was waiting for this to happen
Yeah, but you were expecting me to be the first "scrapperlock" WS to pop in this thread, weren't 'ya?

Originally Posted by Negate View Post
they think their sets is Godly and then they Bonsai Jump in a group of Malta/Nemesis/COT and looked so shocked when they diez.
Scrapperlock vs. Malta!

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
This time, however, I was blueside. *gasp* With a warshade. *double gasp*

...I forgot for a moment that when I drop to human for sunless mire, I retain the bullet stopping power of a blueberry pie.

Originally Posted by perwira View Post
Team bar shows two scrappers standing, one barely alive, mine at 2/3 with the blue bar at 1/3. Inspiration tray is all but empty except for 2 breakfrees and an unused wakie.

...Then I finally survey the scene, viewing largest pile of freakshow I ever expect to see in one place, so dense the floor was hardly visible.
Scrapperlock vs. "Numberless" Freaks!

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I'm thinking to myself... did I seriously just do this? Did I destroy 4 shadow cysts and ambushes in the time it took seven other people to do the same thing?
I've thought that many times while playing on several of my toons, but I tend to keep it as a "thought" rather than something "voiced," as it usually offends someone on the team when I make a comment like that...lol

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
I know I keep saying "scrapperlock," but I realize any AT can go off soloing on a team.
Scrapperlock! (Yes, listening to calming music like OceanLab while in "scrapperlock" IS a bit weird...haha!)

Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
Final room of the Lady Grey TF.

I believe my last words before I leapt into the huge spawn of Rikti while my team was still discussing pulling were 'YEEHAW.'
Some of the most fun I've had recently in-game was on a "completed" LGTF where all but me and 1 other dude had quit, and we say, "What the heck? Why don't we just clear this mish ourselves?"

Fun times.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
As for teams breaking up and facing different foes all over the map, I've always thought that's how the game should be (but often isnt). <snip> Personally, I blame the devs for lazy game design, making it nearly impossible for this kind of thing to happen.
*sighs* *shakes head* i think you're wrong, but that's neither here nor there. Though i guess that designing an MMO that broke many previous MMO conventions and introduced capabilities and gameplay that had never been done before in an MMO is clearly a sign of game design laziness.
Hey, i happen to know of a new superhero MMO where this works so well that players rarely bother to team at all. i think that there are a number of issues* in the game currently, including the fact that i don't care for much of the art style, that make me reluctant to play it yet, but it sounds like it would be right up your alley.

*In my case it's mostly certain aspects of the powers balancing/design and interface design issues/teaming mechanics, but i'm not about to stop playing CoH even if i do eventually play the other game.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
*sighs* *shakes head* i think you're wrong, but that's neither here nor there. Though i guess that designing an MMO that broke many previous MMO conventions and introduced capabilities and gameplay that had never been done before in an MMO is clearly a sign of game design laziness.
Hey, i happen to know of a new superhero MMO where this works so well that players rarely bother to team at all. i think that there are a number of issues* in the game currently, including the fact that i don't care for much of the art style, that make me reluctant to play it yet, but it sounds like it would be right up your alley.

*In my case it's mostly certain aspects of the powers balancing/design and interface design issues/teaming mechanics, but i'm not about to stop playing CoH even if i do eventually play the other game.
What I meant was we should be fighting actual supervillains rather than piles of nameless, faceless thugs. You read Spiderman comics, he's fighting Doc Ock for 90% of the fight, and thugs for 10% (if that). CoH just has that backwards, and has borked the design of villains in general. I mean, a standard non-epic villain should be about as strong as the standard hero (eg. compare Spidey and Electro - they're roughly comparable in ability). They just took the lazy way out and slapped piles and piles of health and immunities and such on them and said, "yeah, that's challenging now, and we didn't have to make a decent AI!"

Now that's not to say there's not tons of goodness here, just that I have some design complaints. That shouldn't be news to anyone by now.

But enough derailing!



Originally Posted by Ultimo_ View Post
What I meant was we should be fighting actual supervillains rather than piles of nameless, faceless thugs. You read Spiderman comics, he's fighting Doc Ock for 90% of the fight, and thugs for 10% (if that). CoH just has that backwards, and has borked the design of villains in general. I mean, a standard non-epic villain should be about as strong as the standard hero (eg. compare Spidey and Electro - they're roughly comparable in ability). They just took the lazy way out and slapped piles and piles of health and immunities and such on them and said, "yeah, that's challenging now, and we didn't have to make a decent AI!"

Now that's not to say there's not tons of goodness here, just that I have some design complaints. That shouldn't be news to anyone by now.

But enough derailing!
Just a quick point but I think it's fair to say that most of the time spidey and daredevil and what not fight mostly common thugs, there's just no stories about them because they're not interesting. We're always seeing them dispatch common thugs as a side thing instead of the main point of the story. Batman is another good example - mostly he fights common thugs until he gets to his target. There just isn't much story time wasted on them. However, because now we play the hero now we actually have to fight through those fights that we never really read about.

Now I do think we should have more dynamic encounters and they've been going in that direction. That being said there are quite a few awesome and fun encounters that a lot of people just skip over (the room of villains attempting a respec during the STF anyone?) or complain about it being too hard (many of the gadget fights). As players too we could easily break an 8 man team into teams of 2 or 3 but that never seems to work. I tried an ITF where I split the team into 2 teams of four and both were doing just fine until one person said "Team split!" and ran back to me because I had the star and I was a tanker. The players are just as guilty as the developers into not making things more dynamic.

"Be a beacon?"

Blue Mourning: lvl. 50 Katana/DA
Bree the Barricade: lvl 50 Stone/Axe
Last Chance for Eden: lvl 50 Fire/Kin
Myra the Grey: lvl 50 Bots/Traps
1 Minute to Midnight lvl 50 Spines/DA



Originally Posted by Blue_Mourning View Post
Now I do think we should have more dynamic encounters and they've been going in that direction. That being said there are quite a few awesome and fun encounters that a lot of people just skip over (the room of villains attempting a respec during the STF anyone?) or complain about it being too hard (many of the gadget fights). As players too we could easily break an 8 man team into teams of 2 or 3 but that never seems to work. I tried an ITF where I split the team into 2 teams of four and both were doing just fine until one person said "Team split!" and ran back to me because I had the star and I was a tanker. The players are just as guilty as the developers into not making things more dynamic.


"I think I'm cute. I've got gold medals.
I've got the moves that make them all tap out.
The Angle Slam, the Ankle Lock.
Marty Jannetty...still can't walk.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt.
I'm just the sexy Kurt.
I'll make your ankle hurt."
Kurt Angle



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
This time, however, I was blueside. *gasp* With a warshade. *double gasp*

I forgot for a moment that when I drop to human for sunless mire, I retain the bullet stopping power of a blueberry pie.
Emphasis mine. I'd like to note that I'm not saying "any warshade is squishy in human form." I was saying that my warshade, at that level, without toggle shields, without eclipse, dropping out of dwarf just to do a mire, has the bullet stopping power of a blueberry pie.

Please don't snip out the details so you feel validated in showing off your +4/x8 soloing with an all human warshade. Don't get me wrong, it's awesome that you can do that. I just feel like you were putting words in my mouth.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



This happened recently on a Baby New Year mission.

We had an eight-person pickup group consisting of my MA/Regen scrapper, a Warshade, and assorted other types. As we were clearing the frosties out of the central cave of the BNY map, somebody accidentally aggroed a Shadow Cyst crystal.


"Okay, let's regroup and try that again"


"Let's try pulling the frosties to clear things out"


"This is starting to get annoying"

After the third teamwipe, I'd bought a tray-full of purple inspirations. The rest of the team faceplanted, and I spent the next few minutes feeling like I was in the middle of a bubble -- nothing was touching me. I was vaguely aware that three members of the team had quit, and that the team leader was talking about resetting the mission. During that time, I wiped out the last of the frosties, most of the Nictus spawn, a handful of Redcaps, and the crystal, at which point I faceplanted -- those things pack a punch when they go down. That was enough that the rest of the team was able to clear out the room, at which point I rezzed and we were able to finish the mission.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
This happened recently on a Baby New Year mission.

We had an eight-person pickup group consisting of my MA/Regen scrapper, a Warshade, and assorted other types. As we were clearing the frosties out of the central cave of the BNY map, somebody accidentally aggroed a Shadow Cyst crystal.


"Okay, let's regroup and try that again"


"Let's try pulling the frosties to clear things out"


"This is starting to get annoying"

After the third teamwipe, I'd bought a tray-full of purple inspirations. The rest of the team faceplanted, and I spent the next few minutes feeling like I was in the middle of a bubble -- nothing was touching me. I was vaguely aware that three members of the team had quit, and that the team leader was talking about resetting the mission. During that time, I wiped out the last of the frosties, most of the Nictus spawn, a handful of Redcaps, and the crystal, at which point I faceplanted -- those things pack a punch when they go down. That was enough that the rest of the team was able to clear out the room, at which point I rezzed and we were able to finish the mission.
You see this is a VALID excuse for scrapperlock. *puts in vote* I feel that one should only scrapperlock when it seems beneficial to the team as a whole and this is example here is understandable as it is awesome. I did the Same thing with my Stalker two day ago on a BNY mish Poor floating Nictus didn't even have a chance :P.

Also Alien One, wow, I am a Kheld player so showing me a vid of you solo'ing Malta just made me shrug and say "Yeah, I know Warshades are Awesome my WS has had to scrapperlock before to keep a team from wiping." Awesome Vid bud but it seems you were solo when fighting that spawn. Scrapperlock solo is cool and I am not saying soloing Malta or Nemesis isn't possible but you and me know 90% of the time on teams The player runs back to the group with their tail between their legs and Malta hot on their trail.

I am not saying scrapperlock is purely evil just it should be used at certain times...Not "Oh let me go this way separate from the group any chance I can get b/c I am awesome". If that's the case why would one join a team?

I'm not saying it can't be done just please don't selfishly go over to fight the whole group while half of the Ranged At's get taken out in the process. I know some of you guys like to bust heads but sometimes other players need for you to be close by so you can be their meat shields . LOL

BTW I rated the vid very nice. I find my most fun moments when I solo a huge spawn of Ritki..mmmm.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I am not saying scrapperlock is purely evil just it should be used at certain times...Not "Oh let me go this way separate from the group any chance I can get b/c I am awesome". If that's the case why would one join a team?
Because I need merits and it takes too long to (sometimes can't) solo the AVs from task forces.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Because I need merits and it takes too long to (sometimes can't) solo the AVs from task forces.
Well if that's the case you are not scrapper locking, no? Eh, regardless everyone has their style. Let me bow out before this gets to prickly.



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
I am not saying scrapperlock is purely evil just it should be used at certain times...Not "Oh let me go this way separate from the group any chance I can get b/c I am awesome". If that's the case why would one join a team?
Teams exist to provide witness to the awesomeness of scrapperlock. What's the point of being that amazing if no-one's there to watch?



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
Teams exist to provide witness to the awesomeness of scrapperlock. What's the point of being that amazing if no-one's there to watch?

pics/vids or it didn't happen?



Originally Posted by PhroX View Post
Teams exist to provide witness to the awesomeness of scrapperlock. What's the point of being that amazing if no-one's there to watch?
Because at the end of the day satisfaction is the best reward lol.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



I'll add in one of mine. Was running on a team doing a level 40'ish bank mission when one of the team got clobbered. For whatever reason, the rest of the team kept going ahead full steam to the bank, leaving our poor fallen member to fare it alone in the PPD jail on a full 8 man team. So, being the kind of person I am, I seperated from the team and bee-lined it to the jailhouse to rock and do some damage. A few minutes later, our jailed teammate and i met at the elevator doors downstairs and cleaned house on everything that stood in our way. Poor cops and Longbow never stood a chance. And this was AFTER i had already cleared out everything in the police station on my way to the holding cells by myself.

Wait for it...

....wwwaaaiiiit for it.....

Did I forget to mention...this was all done on an Electric Melee/Electric Armor...

..... STALKER!!!

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Hmm...just remembered another story. Used to run on a regular 3 man team of an Ill/Emp troller, AR/Dev blaster, and me, a TA/Archery defender. The 3 of us together were a collective case of scrapperlock...so much so that the scrapper that USED to run with us left out of sheer boredom. He never really had anything to kill because between my debuffs+rain of arrows and the blaster's full auto little ever survived.

ANYHOO...41 eventually rolled around (we only played every tuesday night for a couple of hours...so it took a while) and i got epic (read:ancilliary)...Power Mastery. Main reason: PBU...something to stack with my debuffs and Aim for MORE Pointy Sticks of DOOOOMMM from the Heavens goodness. That lasted for a time...until one night. Our controller was MIA and it was just me and the blaster. We never knew until that night just how essential to our survival he had been. (Although i later learned that the blaster was an essential part as well...as was i when we were forced to play without the blaster one night and they without me another night.) To say we were having a tough time of it was an understatement. Then inspiration struck me...RESPEC!! Changed Power Mastery out for Psychic Mastery and Mass Hypnosis becoming epic once more (read: oh yeah!)

Normally...i avoid sleeps like the plague...but in this instance...i opted. Turned out to work quite well. With enough recharge...it usually came back fast enough to be used most every fight. I got scrapafenderlocked into MH+Various debuffing arrows+Aim+Rain of Arrows finishing out with Oil Slick Arrow (when it was charged) and lighting that sucker up. Worked...BEEEEEAUTIFULLY! Until another fateful day came bearing new gifts.

DEFIANCE 2.0!!! One of the greatest boons to blasters everywhere...and soon to be the bane of my Defender's existance (aside from warwolves and their constant forcefeeding of rocks down my throat...oh, and IGNORE SLOWS...but that's a whole other ball of...well...rocks...and fur). One of the Praetorian arcs...robot things (specters, i think...energy blast bots).

Mob one: MH+Disruption Arrow+ ...BLAST BLAST BLAST! WTH?? FLY AWAY!

.....oookaaaayyy...that was wierd.....maybe i just had a really bad shot of sleep there.


A Wakie and a rez hangover later...

I'm so gonna freakin shishkabob these things into the middle of my next BBQ...

Mob whatever i don't even care at this point...something's gonna die...

Heck with sleep...EMP ARROW and HOLY HELL I'M GETTING MURPHEY'D THAT'S NOT RIGHT THESE SUCKERS SHOULD BE <long fall to digital terra firma> .........ow

Ok...i know...i just KNOW those things SHOULD have been HELD! There is just NO WAY that arrow missed ALL of those things. That's when it struck me. These things are basically blasters...and.......blasters have...........AW SUNNUVA...THEY HAVE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK...............so i'm a slow learner sometimes.....sue me.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



My very first instance of Scrapperlock was fairly recent, considering I've been playing Scrappers for years. I've been a good little Scrapper, mostly soloing, or pinch-tanking on teams, or playing "hey you, stay away from my squishies."

It was a Manticore TF, and some people started making noise about stealthing what could be stealthed. So I volunteered, popped my temp stealth from Siren's, and ran to the boss room.

It was one of those lab rooms, the small square one with the big pillar in the middle, where the mobs are all spread out, there is no safe place to teleport to, and there was another mob in the hallway right behind me. So I figured, what the hey, I'm one purple away from soft-capped and it's not like the rest of the team is sitting on their thumbs waiting for a TP (my husband was tanking, sitting ten feet away, and merrily leading the team on a carnage-filled romp through the Countess's hapless minions). So I ate that purple and dove in.

A few minutes later, Mission Complete. My eyes were opened that day.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I got to get involved in some Scrapperlock just recently. First time I really "zoned out" and ended up causing stress to my teammates in quite some time.

I was playing my DB/WP Scrapper in RWZ with a team running Borea missions. I'm used to playing Brutes and maintaining Fury, but in this case I was also racing my Blinding Feint timers as I worked to upkeep it between combos. As a result I started plowing through spawns until I wound up about 2 groups ahead and even aggroing two groups at once. Eventually I noticed that about 4 people had died, and someone was mentioning that we were split and that they died trying to heal me.

I broke off and said "If I die, it's my fault and no one else's. If I'm not with the rest of the group, don't break away to save me and put yourself in danger. I just got lost in the moment there." It was amusing after that. We got resituated and after they were okay with not chasing the rogue Scrapper, we didn't have any more deaths.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I have entered scrapperlock conditions across multiple non-scrapper ATs

I remember once on my Brute, I was playing with a lower level team fighting lower level mobs in one of their mish's. after a while Im getting bored of preping and pulling -1s so im like "[Censored] this [Censored], im going to the next floor."

so im running through this arachnos base, it keeps going and going and going, im tagging everything so my team wont get attacked. eventually I REACH THE BOSS (apparently there was only the one floor) and im like "oh snapple" cause I was expecting to go through a vator and not have to fight them. I did a double take when I realized my team stopped for the 1/4-1/3rd of the map that didnt stay on me.

A couple purples, some red, 1 green and a LOT of CI/Ball lightning/JL/LR later and everything is dead. then the corr runs up and healing flames' me.

On my en/traps corr I was part of a team where this /stone brute was saying we should let him tank. Im not saying they cant, but we werent slowing down just to rub some guy's back a bit and play the game EQ/WoW style. I was trying to explain that in CoX, especially vil side, characters are a lot more self sufficent and there wouldnt be need of a dedicated tank for anything but the hardest of encounters, and that he might have better luck with pigeon holeing himself on blue side.

So we get into an encounter with plenty of dragon enforcers (we were on a paper mish against tsoo) and... what are those guys... iron hands guys, along with other melee types. the brute decides to grab the rest of the room and leave the team, and my team starts to drop off. Im only like what, 16 or so which means im not exactly toting soft capped melee or s/l defense. Before you know it im the only one left, folowing my typical solution for squish which is to play the pve like its pvp, jumping around like a young grasshopper kung fu master slinging web grenades and caltrops all over the place while knocking [Censored] back with my laz0rzs of 1337. every corpse on the floor is like "you can do it!!!" and im making wakies and BFs as I kill trying to get people up before I jump into a set of trops that arent mine and get my [Censored] kicked because I loose speed and jump which is all thats keeping me alive. Eventually people start coming up and we get it all under control and I receive a tell from the team lead:
"Maybe next time you will learn to appreciate the person keeping your *** alive" -[I forgot the brute's name]"

my ego was so swollen that night...

just to clarify, the leader sent me the tell he got from the brute.



I've got another one, shortly after the Manticore incident. Same Scrapper, a few levels later. We were on an ITF (I think it was that ITF that dinged me to 50 actually), on the first mission, up on the platform. As usual the tank went to herd some Romans, somebody ran in after him, somebody went straight for Sister What's-her-face, and as usual we ended up in a mess of angry Romans, several dead squishies, with a Nictus ambush coming up behind us.

At some point the tank dropped dead, very very fast. I think he was SS/Shield, so it must have been either a Rage crash or CDF on a massive scale, since we had bubbles that would have put him well over the soft cap. As soon as he went down, one by one the squishies started dropping. Before long, I am alone in the middle of an angry seafood buffet.

Doesn't count as scrapperlock if you're simply the last survivor of a team wipe right? Well I think it does if you stand there fighting for a good three minutes or so (around the time my bubbles dropped and some of the Nictuses started going down, making way for def-debuffing Romans) before you notice that nobody has actually led the chick to the altar, do it, then continue fighting for another few minutes after the mission has completed and your audience has punched out.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I've got another one, shortly after the Manticore incident. Same Scrapper, a few levels later. We were on an ITF (I think it was that ITF that dinged me to 50 actually), on the first mission, up on the platform. As usual the tank went to herd some Romans, somebody ran in after him, somebody went straight for Sister What's-her-face, and as usual we ended up in a mess of angry Romans, several dead squishies, with a Nictus ambush coming up behind us.

At some point the tank dropped dead, very very fast. I think he was SS/Shield, so it must have been either a Rage crash or CDF on a massive scale, since we had bubbles that would have put him well over the soft cap. As soon as he went down, one by one the squishies started dropping. Before long, I am alone in the middle of an angry seafood buffet.

Doesn't count as scrapperlock if you're simply the last survivor of a team wipe right? Well I think it does if you stand there fighting for a good three minutes or so (around the time my bubbles dropped and some of the Nictuses started going down, making way for def-debuffing Romans) before you notice that nobody has actually led the chick to the altar, do it, then continue fighting for another few minutes after the mission has completed and your audience has punched out.

oh no...it counts.

Was supposed to have a duo night with a bud of mine, who didn't show cuz of company, so decided to break out a toon i haven't played in a while. As soon as i picked him on my select screen...this thread popped to mind.

He has to be my absolute worst case of general scrapperlock...like...ever. MA/Regen scrapper. Name: Ninja T. Character premise (and the ONLY thing written in his bio): What if Mr. T was a ninja? ....Need i really say more?

It's almost too bad that /WP was made after this toon was, it would so fit him to a T (uumm...yeah...pun kinda intended), tho /invuln would kind of fit too...but invuln don't have fast recovery.

RaikenX is currently seeking new quotes to add to his signature.
Someone say something funny.
Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
::looks at RaikenX's signature::
Something funny.
That'll do, pig. That'll do.



Originally Posted by Gearford View Post
I On my en/traps corr I was part of a team where this /stone brute was saying we should let him tank. Im not saying they cant, but we werent slowing down just to rub some guy's back a bit and play the game EQ/WoW style. I was trying to explain that in CoX, especially vil side, characters are a lot more self sufficent and there wouldnt be need of a dedicated tank for anything but the hardest of encounters, and that he might have better luck with pigeon holeing himself on blue side.

So we get into an encounter with plenty of dragon enforcers (we were on a paper mish against tsoo) and... what are those guys... iron hands guys, along with other melee types. the brute decides to grab the rest of the room and leave the team, and my team starts to drop off. Im only like what, 16 or so which means im not exactly toting soft capped melee or s/l defense. Before you know it im the only one left, folowing my typical solution for squish which is to play the pve like its pvp, jumping around like a young grasshopper kung fu master slinging web grenades and caltrops all over the place while knocking [Censored] back with my laz0rzs of 1337. every corpse on the floor is like "you can do it!!!" and im making wakies and BFs as I kill trying to get people up before I jump into a set of trops that arent mine and get my [Censored] kicked because I loose speed and jump which is all thats keeping me alive. Eventually people start coming up and we get it all under control and I receive a tell from the team lead:
"Maybe next time you will learn to appreciate the person keeping your *** alive" -[I forgot the brute's name]"

my ego was so swollen that night...

just to clarify, the leader sent me the tell he got from the brute.
No need to feel bad about it. The brute was way too suseptible and actually went out of his way to get the team killed. He didn't prove that you guys needed him for the mission, just that you guys couldn't fight 3-4 full mobs, wich is never requiered in this game, except for the last mission of Barracuda SF. (with enemies way more easier then Tsoo at low levels)

Keep making redside fighting quick. =D

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Well last night I was playing on my new Ill/Rad and we were just doing radio missions in steel (I was only 18 with new decoys). The team was a blaster, 2 scrappers, a Kin and an empath and me. So we were waiting at a room full of Arc enemies (maybe about 4 groups aggroed together with our +2) and one of our scrappers were dead. I was so bored just watching as they figured how to save the scrapper since they thought it would be funner than them going to the hospital. All of a sudden I just ran in while invisible, set off my decoys, rezed the scrapper via mutation and continued shooting the mob to get him to safety. My chat box was filled with "WTF" and "You're an idiot" type messages. Sure I died, but I killed atleast one group worth of enemies without the over's help and the scrapper got to safety. But while the others were shouting abuse a lovely "Shut up guys. Thanks for saving me mate. " popped up. It made me smile to say the least.



I keep wondering how is it that people team with such mean people at times? I've never once had anyone be purposefully mean to me or anyone on a team before.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



I expect scrapperlock, or an analogue thereof, from all my teammates. Nothing warms my heart like entering the third mission of an ITF and having a defender run off to begin soloing the computer, or better yet, Rommy + Requiem. Nothing makes me sadder than seeing the words "follow the tank" in teamchat.

I play every character I have like a scrapper: my aggro is my own problem and I don't start a fight that I don't intend to finish. I assume that's how everyone plays, because the alternative seems selfish, demanding and rude. Nothing wrong with tagging along with some other teammate in a tough mission or whatever, but I would certainly never criticize someone for running off on their own if they can handle it (or if they think they can!).

My wife runs the ITF with me every night that we play. She has many characters, but one of her favourites is a claws/SR scrapper, built to the nines and softcapped all around. We decided to spawn the ambushes in the first mission. We had a teamwipe almost immediately. Well, not quite a teamwipe. My wife stood amongst the fallen, leveraging the scaling resistances of the SR passives, using Aid Self, and tearing apart every one of those boss Khelds while we cheered her on. After the dust settled, she had a half empty insp tray and the rest of us had a sense of awe. I have never run an ITF since where we didn't spawn that ambush, and every time I am reminded of my wife's epic one woman stand.



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
I expect scrapperlock, or an analogue thereof, from all my teammates. Nothing warms my heart like entering the third mission of an ITF and having a defender run off to begin soloing the computer, or better yet, Rommy + Requiem. Nothing makes me sadder than seeing the words "follow the tank" in teamchat.

I play every character I have like a scrapper: my aggro is my own problem and I don't start a fight that I don't intend to finish. I assume that's how everyone plays, because the alternative seems selfish, demanding and rude. Nothing wrong with tagging along with some other teammate in a tough mission or whatever, but I would certainly never criticize someone for running off on their own if they can handle it (or if they think they can!).

My wife runs the ITF with me every night that we play. She has many characters, but one of her favourites is a claws/SR scrapper, built to the nines and softcapped all around. We decided to spawn the ambushes in the first mission. We had a teamwipe almost immediately. Well, not quite a teamwipe. My wife stood amongst the fallen, leveraging the scaling resistances of the SR passives, using Aid Self, and tearing apart every one of those boss Khelds while we cheered her on. After the dust settled, she had a half empty insp tray and the rest of us had a sense of awe. I have never run an ITF since where we didn't spawn that ambush, and every time I am reminded of my wife's epic one woman stand.
*THIS* is why I <3 /SR!

Just my opinion, feel free to disregard...