"You are under no obligation to save me" - A scrapperlock thread




While I am not through the entire posts, I might as well speak up about a couple of my scrapperlock moments.
Playing my lvl 13 db/wp brute, I was teaming with a pug with a couple of people at the house in it. We were doing the Metronome mission which as an army of bosses at then, and we roll through it until we encounter the army of bosses. Regardless to say, the team splat. The team was an elec/? dom, a cold/kin cor, another brute, and 2 others. So we regroup and try again, once again splatting. Mostly because i was bored, I wanted everyone to regroup so i could say something. The team leader says "oh for a pep talk?". My response, "yeaa, something like that". After we all regrouped from the hospital, all i said was this "all right guys". Everyone listening. "Lets do this LEEEROOOOY JEEEENKINS" and jump in and aggro the entire boss mob of metronomes right after popping a bunch of lucks. They were stunned for a second before jumping in afterwards and face planting again. I never noticed until i needed to pop some lucks, I glance to the left, half the team was dead. Keeping up those lucks I planned on taking out all the Metronomes. Unfortunately, i only took out 3-5 of em. Best part though, the team wasn't mad. They were laughing about the stunt instead. I found out that the corruptor face planted first trying to keep me alive. I was very lucky not to get kicked. Guess the random factor saved my butt there.



I had many scrapperlock moments half of them thanks to my keys become sticky all of a sudden and I can't stop running while trying to take control with mouse ending up in a room with mobs and no teammates. Never kicked out from a team yet but again I don't know many cases people got kicked out from teams in defiant and its very rare when someone rage quits.

I am lucky that my main is a kat/SR scrapper so even if I got seperated I rarely die unless its a to-hit/accuracy buffed mob and sometimes a healer decides to follow (usually when there is more than one in team) When there wasn't this many calculations (and awareness of exact numbers of soft cap defense) in the game and elude was still considered main reason to get SR I could even left my toon for 3 minutes in the middle of a mob (malta to be precise) to get some chores done and return to only see not even half of his hp dropped run away from mob just before crash happens pop up two blue use conserve power than toggle back.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
ITT: bad teammates
A bad teammate is one who thinks he can tell me how to play. Other than that, I don't really care, I'm off killing stuff



A month or so back, I'm part of a Citadel with my BS/SD scrapper. Being Council cave country, we're having issues trying to keep together but more or less we're sticking without problems. And then we hit one of the central chambers that look like the Normandy defenses as designed by M.C. Escher. I think I have support with me as I go leaping into a spawn, I'm pretty sure I saw a green name nearby for the first minute. Nobody else though, but that's no problem. I'll just finish these guys off and go find the rest of the team.

There's just one problem. We never cleared the room, and I'm sitting there with AAO shouting to every mob in the room 'FRESH MEAT', and I'm stuck in a corner. So more Council piles on. Still more. And I'm still standing and hacking them down, thinking this will be the last wave.

Turns out the rest of the team had speed run to the end, I see 'Mission Complete' while I'm hacking away knee deep in fallen Council. And none of the team is there with me. I'm still swinging when the TF leader starts the next mission, by that point I still had almost finished them off.

It was at that point I fell in love with my BS/SD. Now if I could just get her off of her endurance addiction.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



I actually probably also get the worst "scrapperlock" on my mastermind - Bots/Force. That character is nigh invulnerable and can put out pretty impressive AoE damage., so sometimes I get lost in my own little glorious world of massive infernos fraught with laser fire.

@Draeth Darkstar
Virtue [Heroes, Roleplay], Freedom [Villains], Exalted [All Sides, Roleplay]
I24 Proc Chance = (Enhanced Recharge + Activation Time) * (Current PPM * 1.25) / 60*(1 + .75*(.15*Radius - 0.011*Radius*(360-Arc)/30))
Single Target Radius = 0. AoE Non-Cone Arc = 360.



Mindless Scrapperlock can be bad. Knowing what you can do and doing it is not.

It's been a while and I don't remember the fine details, but most of a PUG was dying frequently in the Cyst mission of an ITF, and at one point I was the only one left alive. Nobody had gone to the hospital yet, so I suggested they just stay down and let me finish it. There were no objections, so that's how it was done.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



This post has given me a lot to think about. I play an emp/dark defender, and I've noticed that after a while, I find myself usually in one of two situations:

1) Ineffectual and redundant; would've been better on my soloing build instead of group build. Nothing lives long enough to do significant damage; these folks know what they're doing. I've got tentacles, blasts, and stuns (among other things) but I feel like I'm leeching. Gimpathy indeed.

2a) Yelling at the screen for people to hold still so I can at least fire my auras and we can maybe stop with all the god damn wipes since they are so determined to run all over the place and out of heal range.
2b) Alternately, yelling at them to pop some damn insps so I can give away the huge blues I don't need because I was there when the recovery aura went off. If you're having end problems, I feel bad for you son. I've got only two auras but +rec is one.

3) Usually after 2a), calmly but firmly taking charge regardless of who is the actual team leader, and having us stop wiping through the use of-- *gasp*-- tactics. After one instance of that, the TF I was on took down the AV so fast people were all, "Well that was boring."

I have learned, though, by reading this thread, a few things:

1) It's NOT my fault if somebody dies, even if they ran off and rejected my teleport. In fact, from now on, while in missions I should teleport only corpses unless asked. If you can run off and handle business separate from the group, more power to ya. If not, I'll rez you where the rest of us are unless you decide to hosp it. Running after you ain't gonna happen if you aren't in visual range and even then you can't count on it happening.

2) Repeated team wipes does not = no fun. My job is only partly to help keep the team alive (just like, in fact, everyone else on the team). Granted, sometimes it's the biggest part, but it is just a part.

3) I still have a lot to learn about being an emp defender.



The first time I did a DKTF, I brought my Fire/Mental Blaster. It was an ITF, and I was required to take an alpha strike anywho but I ended up taking several, off in my own world during the last two missions. Our team was also pretty great and I was nice and buffed, so I'm sure that didn't hurt.

Other than that, pretty much every time I play my Warshade.



My firsttoon ever was a claws/regen, then after I/Os a claws/sr, a ss/sr a spines/wp. I have a lot of highly survivable toons. One thing I've noticed the last few issues is that tanks are a lot more hesitant, which I hate. I mean, I've had scrapperlock for 7 years. One thing I hate more than a hesitant tank is a leader that berates me for killing thegroup on the left, while the team works on the group on the right.

I always feel vindicated though, when ppl start following me into the spawns, instead the slomo tank and person with the satr. It was like that last week, on exalted. After I got kicked from the team, I got reinvited by one of the trollers. Everyone else had quit and reformed, w/o prior leader and tank.

I like to get tankbuster badge on all my toons and wear that as badge title.

Forgive any typing mistakes, just had surgery 8 hrs ago and percocets make me feel funny.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by Gobbledygook View Post
Forgive any typing mistakes, just had surgery 8 hrs ago and percocets make me feel funny.
Hope that ya feel better and at least you are not allergic to them. An ex of mine had to take certain pain meds for a long time but was slightly allergic. Nothing like being asked to use my nails to scratch a back all night.

My most recent Scrapperlock was actually on my human only PB build. She has the level shifts from Alpha and has a T3 shift from one of the incarnates. We were running a BAF and somehow I ended up getting the star (was not the original lead nor star after we zoned). I was taking on the adds on my own by swallowing insps, popping powers, throwing alien light, shooting, and beating on things. When I finally see my name scroll by 6 times in chat. Evidently the original star wanted his star back and really wanted the adds to live long enough to reach the AV so that the team could just reduce them via AoEs. Scrolling back up I noted that he tried a few times to get my attention but not once via a tell.



I love this old thread. I just read through the whole thing over again. Great stuff.

Quick story from my recent endeavors:

Lady Grey Task Force with my Bots/Traps. In the first mission, just before the team freed Penelope Yin from Rikti, I started running for the Clockwork King because someone was thinking about getting her killed to fail the mission and I didn't want that. I knew I had to act fast, but I wasn't sure if I could do it.

I get to the point where he spawns and gave my bots a goto command for a few yards back. I started laying traps; I got a Poison Trap, Acid Mortar, and was in the middle of a Trip Mine when the cut scene started. King and Co. shows up and all hell is breaking loose around me. Provoke the King, throw out my T3 Ion Judgement, drop caltrops, Lightning Fences and Provoke again. Most of troops are dead, I've eaten the most damage I'm going to take, Aid Self and a Triage Beacon down and I'll be good, it's time to focus on the King.

I managed to kill him before the rest of the team caught back up with Penny, rather pleased with myself.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by FallenValkyrja View Post
Hope that ya feel better and at least you are not allergic to them. An ex of mine had to take certain pain meds for a long time but was slightly allergic. Nothing like being asked to use my nails to scratch a back all night.
Thank you. I'm doing better now, had my Gallbladder removed, is all. And not allergic to anything.

As far as scrapperlock, I think I'm going to make a themed SG, scrappers, brutes, Heat/Veats allowed.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Ran a Manticore last night. I don't really look at ATs or ask for anything in particular, and that goes double when more than half the team are friends I team with regularly, but it occurred to me partway into the first mission that we had 1 tank, 3 brutes, 2 scrappers, 1 stalker, and a lone defender.

I thought about telling the team, "As long as the defender doesn't follow the stalker into a new group, anything goes." But everyone already knew that, so I didn't have to say a thing.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I was on my StJ/SR on a LGTF quick run, among the first in on the first mission, take off ninja style seeing the inf numbers start to pile up as the team starts clobbering Rikti. And I realize that noone else is coming along, and it's not a screwup. It's just that they trust me to get the job done.



Originally Posted by Resolve View Post
I was on my StJ/SR on a LGTF quick run, among the first in on the first mission, take off ninja style seeing the inf numbers start to pile up as the team starts clobbering Rikti. And I realize that noone else is coming along, and it's not a screwup. It's just that they trust me to get the job done.
*all in good fun voice* You so awesome you can raise da dead



My Staff/EA Brute, The team i was on were Battling Malta we entered one of those large lobby rooms..I am not real sure what happened to start this but i hear the tank say second group aggroed, i pop a purple then I hear him say third group aggroed, I pop a orange i look up to see the tanks gone black in my team window then the other members go black as they all face plant someone yells for the Kin defender to run! I pout and pop another purple as a fourth group agro

So hear i am Ho! Haha! Guard! Turn! Parry! Dodge! Spin! Ha! Thrust! with this mass of Malta around me and a even larger mass of bodies at my feet like some kind of Frank Frazetta painting thinking I got this, I got this, when...The fender pulls everyone back including me with ATT..i remember still staring at the screen mashing my buttons!



scrapperlock, this is why i make mostly scrappers, i love going lone and decimating EVERYTHING
dont have a specific example but i love when all but you dies, and you finish off the mob and look like a boss

Regards, Four-Cee-Three



This happened a couple months ago on a Synapse TF, set to +2 with an eight man team. About half the team (Not exaggerating) had to be somewhere soon, myself included. We'd just gotten to the last mission, and no one had stealth nor a team teleport up, so we would have to clear the way through the map, right?
Scrapperlock starts here.
Me (as a rather glass cannon Katana/SR scrapper) and an Ice/Electric Tank have the same idea, so we both pop a couple purples and use Ninja Run to get to the CK's room.(without knowing we both were doing the same thing) I was running around trying to clear his court, while CK, who wasn't spawned in the area I expected, started attacking me. Expecting to die, I hit Self Destruct. Almost immediately the Tank grabbed his aggro.(Keep in mind I didn't know he was there till then.) I hit my self rez and started fighting.

By the time the rest of the team got there, we were cleaning up the last couple Clockwork in the room.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



And lo, Scrapperlock saw that it was 2012 and the heavens opened. It's fist bore down into 2012's face and, in Scrapperlock's majestic voice, said "RAARGHHHHAAARRGGGHH" and got spit and blood everywhere.

May our enemies never stop twitching, so we may never stop hitting.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Back before the incredibly annoying I22 induced Pet AI issue that causes pets to run off and aggro Siege, Maruder and others I would take my +3 T4 everything Bots/Traps/Mu/Barrier/Longbow radial on trials and immediatly go off on my own in lamda. That Setup pretty much allowed me to go solo all those turrets in the reverse order a league would normally go in so by the time they got to the turret stage there might be like 1-3 left, but since they were so used to going from turret to turret many would still travel the path of turrets only to find there was mysteriously none left

One time I said to the league "You might be wondering what just happened" and then I responed "I happened" and got some lols from the league



This thread reminds me of something a friend told me when he was playing starwars online and someone did something really dumb and the teamleader asked what he was thinking. His reply was;

"Afro, polka dot, polka dot, polka dot afro!"

After everyone stop laughing, all was forgiven.

/Empaths can turn three people into Jesus, one person into God, and everyone else into the twelve apostles.~Angry_Citizen

Don't you know that discussion of power selection/slotting can ONLY be based on hearsay, rumor, idle speculation, and bald-faced lies??!? ~Elf_Sniper



Originally Posted by Crashed View Post
Yeah, we wouldn't want to hurt some thread's feelings or anything.
Actually, you would be hurting the feelings of posters and possibly thread starters. There have been some thread locks of late that do not make sense to me. Necroing an older thread to continue discussion after some time has passed doesn't seem like a bad thing to me outside of select situations. But if it is going to get modded just because it is a necro, then this should be locked and a new thread can be made to continue the same discussion.

I don't think this thread should be locked. But I could say that about a fair number of necro locks I have seen recently.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Saturday night and I join up with a group in Bricks doing radios. We're merrily steamrolling our way through +2 Council, right up 'til we get a warehouse mission. No problem, we cruise right along - straight into the Production Floor of Doom. Wall to wall stupor troopen as far as the eye can see.

Now, my first instinct is to pause and check to see if we want to start pulling. Before I can even ask, the EA brute leading the team runs right on into the first group. I stand there for a moment, remind myself that even if I'm a non-IO'd ElA tank I'm still a tank, and charge right in after him.

And that was pretty much the fight: The brute would race off first, me right behind him, the rest of the team right behind us. Once the batch was mostly dead, he 'n I were off again. At some point during the carnage I hear him yelling 'VALHALLA' and I'm wishing I had the Immigrant Song up on Spotify. By the time we were finished, the warehouse was clean and I don't recall any of us having faceplanted. It was one hell of a rush.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
Actually, you would be hurting the feelings of posters and possibly thread starters. There have been some thread locks of late that do not make sense to me. Necroing an older thread to continue discussion after some time has passed doesn't seem like a bad thing to me outside of select situations. But if it is going to get modded just because it is a necro, then this should be locked and a new thread can be made to continue the same discussion.

I don't think this thread should be locked. But I could say that about a fair number of necro locks I have seen recently.
Right, and I completely agree, though I was merely attempting to highlight the inanity of that comment; it accomplishes absolutely nothing. Investing emotions in old, dead threads does not, in any way, validate keeping them locked or unlocked because the fact that the threads fizzle out over time shows that said emotions are irrelevant. True investment would not allow the thread to die.

You don't want your thread locked? Don't ignore it. But conversely, lobbying to close a thread that is actually facilitating discussion is pointless and rude.

I agree that it should be all-or-nothing in that any thread that meets the criteria for being locked should be locked, but my opinion is that a thread should not be used to make that demand unless that is relevant to the topic at hand. Otherwise, it's akin to walking into a restaurant that is serving a bunch of patrons and claiming they should be shut down because the menu hasn't changed in a while.

On the topic of scrapperlock, I find that I am afflicted most by it when I play Dominators. Chasing Domination makes me giddy.

Wild Streak - Lv. 50(+3) Beast Mastery/Sonic Resonance Mastermind, Amnesty - Lv. 50 Staff Fighting/Dark Armor Stalker