73 -
Quote:The AT (when played triform) does require a certain amount of mental flexibility that I dare say few other (if any) ATs require. Right off the bat: In Dwarf, you have access to 1) additional survivability in the form of +res & +HP, 2) a heal, and 3) an AoE attack you can use that also makes said heal do more damage, if only for a little while.I'm running at +0/x3 right now. I attempted to bump it up a bit higher in the hopes of having more corpses to fuel my Mires/Stygian Circle, but that only led to me faceplanting faster.
Generally, my strategy is as follows:
With a combination of Shadow Cloak and Sprint with a +Stealth IO, I get myself into the best possible position to target the majority of any given group. I then use Gravitic Emanation to stun them/knock the stragglers into the rest of the group. That's followed up by my Mires, and then a quick shift to Nova to lay down the AoE goodness. Then I use a mixture of Nova and human attacks (I'm only recently finding slots to spare to devote to the Dwarf attacks, so I believe only Smite is enhanced) to mop things up, assuming that I haven't been beaten to death yet.
Generally, that works fairly well. Things die, I move on with my life. But there are times that, for reasons that I can't begin to fathom, things are killing me before I can kill them. It happened occasionally earlier on, but it's happening more and more often as time passes.
I don't actually have access to Mids right now, but if I recall correctly, I'm running with about ~40% global recharge and Hasten. That's the most noteworthy thing, as my build was centered around recharge bonuses - I'd like to get some more defense in there, but given my budget (read: I'm broke as hell), I can't afford purples, so getting the amount of recharge I wanted meant that I couldn't fit in many defense bonuses at all, let alone ones that I would have room for at my current level.
Honestly, I'm thinking that it might just be that the play style isn't compatible with my way of doing things. The closest I've ever come to relying on bodies/enemies to consistently heal/buff me was using Dark Regeneration on my Staff/Dark Brute, and even taking that into consideration, I'm not used to branching out of my 'toggle up and hit things until they die' mindset. Could that be the problem?
A few more things:
If I recall correctly, Dechs doesn't do this himself, but I 6-slot both Emanations and put a +range in the 6th slot. That's so I can target more things from farther away. You'd be surprised what a difference that makes, but you can always un-slot it later if it's not to your liking.
Building for defense is a bit overrated for a Warshade because of your other mitigation tools: stuns, heals, resists, mez protection, and, of course, damage. You can also make use of purple inspirations when they drop, as well as insp_combine binds for when you have a bunch of inspirations that aren't purple.
One more thing: you're a level away from having fluffies. That's a nice buff to your other mitigation tool-- insane amounts of damage.
All that said: at what point in your tactics do you usually find yourself defeated? -
Quote:So... we go from purposely unhelpful and condescending to this. Bored now, and proud to join the ranks of pouty brats.While I prefer my own build stratagems and I do my best to make a strong case for them, I also don't ever discount anyone's contributions to the community or capabilities with their preferred build methods as long as their approach is viable and impressive.
Bill, you are none of the above. All I've ever seen you do on the Kheldian forums is completely disregard any and all conventional build wisdom. You advocate a build philosophy that has long been extinct and long been irrelevant in the modern game. You might hate me for it, but I'm just the messenger. The game has changed and you have been left behind. Your ideas do not deserve to be taken seriously. -
Most of the time I use Nova to fly myself, but if you enter the BAF with Super Speed, Shadow Cloak, and Fly already active, you won't have to waste any time toggling them before running up to that first group and firing off your Eclipse and Mire(s). I know it sounds like I'm splitting a hair real thin here, but if two people with Ion Judgements get there first, you won't be able to do either of those (let alone both).
Thank goodness. I've been using various forms of jetpack so I can be first over the wall during a BAF (among other things) but the damn things don't stick around forever.
I've got enough +rech on my PB that I can fire off a 2nd LF just before the crash hits, but I'm nowhere near finished with its build. (For reference: that's 155% recharge w/ Hasten, which is a few seconds shy of perma.) Essence Boost also stacks briefly.
The crash doesn't really put me at risk-- but I'm still glad it's not as bad as it used to be! -
Quote:...the workaround I posted has nothing to do with using laser eyes.More importantly, the workaround doesn't work for everybody. I stood under Cole's statue, pulled, used only the laser eyes, and still mapserved. If I hadn't autocompleted it, I may still not have the badge (although when I ran it through Ouro, I could use all the powers and do the mission more or less as designed).
To everyone else, I hadn't realized about the challenge badges not being awarded, so that makes this arc unsuited to badge-farming. Mea culpa. -
It does suck that the mission is bugged. After giving it some thought, I doubt they are going to fix it. Are there any other flashback arcs you can do in under 5 minutes? Using the workaround, you could easily farm the thing for Ouro badges as it is. Patched, you could probably do it in one minute.
Quote:Technically, Dwarf gives a bonus to Resistance, not Defense-- and Eclipse buffing all forms means if there are enough enemies worth using for Mires, there are likely to be enough worth using for Eclipse. If not, then you've stopped repeating, "...must find more bodies... must find more bodies..." and that's strictly on you.The Mire is nice with instant form shifts, but it's not worth the retoggle time for Orbiting Death, and it's not worth risking defeat by dropping all your defense to use it.
I don't take Orbiting Death on my MFers, in any case. Human form's for sneaking around. -
Okay, I got sidetracked, but I came back and did it. I was able to finish this mission in 4:40. I guess it felt like under 2 minutes the first time given how ploddingly slow picking everyone off one at a time is.
This bug is highly annoying and we shouldn't have to jump through hoops to beat this mission. That said, I beat this mission in a very short period of time earlier tonight.
You CAN use Zeus's Lightning against large groups. You just have to be using Cole's Fly power, which seems to be a combo of Fly and Afterburner without the self-targeting restriction. Fly in, turn around, let loose, and then as soon as you're no longer rooted by the animation haul butt as far away as you can. /sync -ing after each time seems to help and help a lot (thanks erall). I think I beat the post-cutscene part of the mission in under 2 minutes that way; I'm going to time myself next time and see what happens. Regardless of that, they still need to fix this, as tonight was my first time trying the mission and I had assumed my crappy internet connection was at fault. -
Very nicely done! Definitely deserves to be stickied.
Wow. Just about everything I know about agriculture on a Warshade contradicts something everyone in this thread has said. I'm not even sure how this thread got hijacked into arguing about it when anything the devs do to improve Kheldians will NOT be done with farmers in mind.
Please show us how it isn't. I mean, clearly you're way more in the loop than a former dev could ever be. So you must know how it is each and every one of those challenges has been overcome, as well as what the priorities of the development team are. I await your detailed response.
Quote:http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=200963Don't think it's a resource issue- It's the same reason why they put off pool power customization for so long. Because it's tedious work. At least with pools, WAY more people hate hasten than people who want more diversity for their Khelds.
I believe the devs said a while back that power customization on Khelds would be difficult because the archetypes use way too many resources as it is, or something to that effect. In other words, it's strictly for practical reasons, not philosophical ones.
Ahh, good to know. Seemed like an odd choice for Spiritual on a WS. By the way you have a Nova attack completely unslotted, so you're likely missing a little recharge there.
Oh, one other thing-- I see you prefer Mako's sets. I 5-slot the two Dwarf melee attacks with Crushing Impacts-- not only is the dam/acc/rech/endredux the same as Mako's, CI gives 5% more recharge. That's an additional 10% recharge right there. 5-slot Drain w/ Doctored Wounds (temporarily) and that's 15%.
Also, don't overlook enhancement boosters! I'd post my build but this latest version of Mids seems to have stripped all my boosted enhancements, and I can't figure out how to re-boost them. I'm currently sitting at 191.25% recharge (that's with perma-Hasten and 5 purple sets + 1 uncatalyzed Kheldian's Grace). -
Quote:Drop Ageless and go for Barrier Destiny (the 120 second version) for your defense. It's perma, basically.My biggest concern right now is building more global recharge. Eclipse still has a small window of downtime even with my T4 Ageless Destiny.
My second priority is increasing my defenses.
As for your recharge... well, for starters, you took the wrong Spiritual, but if you really, really need that extra 33% to your Jump as well as 20% to your To-Hit, then... I can't even make a snarky comment about that. Go with Spiritual Core Paragon.
Other than that, just by slotting more intelligently you could get 40% more recharge-- and that's with losing Shadow Blast. You would also solve your end problems without slotting so much endmod. -
Yeah, I know said I was done. Sue me.
A word to the wise: anyone who thinks the only way you can get hit by visiting "those sites" and that NoScript's full functionality is something only a paranoid could benefit from is a person whose advice on computer security is worse than worthless. -
Quote:Don't waste your time. I said NoScript was unavailable for Chrome. He said it was. It's not.Just to be clear to everyone else, you're posting those links to admit it's inferior compared to NoScript, right?
I mean, he states flat-out:
No one is denying that this add-on exists. But even the AUTHOR admits it's not as good as NoScript.
Those are the facts. Let him pretend otherwise. Again-- for me, whatever advantages Chrome has over FF are completely obliterated by the fact that NoScript is unavailable for it. -
Quote:You very clearly said you were pretty sure Chrome could get "it" now, in reference to NoScript. Chrome can't get Noscript. Period. Chrome can get you a false sense of security via inferior extensions that don't work as advertised.Oh, I thought you didn't deny similar extensions exist and that you can get them now, only that there are posted articles on security holes. I didn't know the links denied the existence of them.
That first link? That was from the guy who does Noscript, explaining why Chrome will never have Noscript. Until HE says he's porting it over to Chrome, Chrome DOES NOT HAVE NOSCRIPT. I honestly don't see what's so difficult for you to understand about this, but I'm done. -
Chrome has a couple of things called ScriptNo and NotScripts. Both of them have gaping security holes that NoScript does not. See the following links:
http://forums.informaction.com/viewt...p=37720#p37720 -
Finding stuff that Norton has missed is hardly a ringing endorsement. When I last visited my father, he was running Norton, which found a whole tracking cookie, but when I installed and ran Spybot S&D, it found and removed trojans. Spybot's not even a full AV program.
Quote:You use what I use. I also use Firefox-- whatever Chrome's advantages are, it will never have NoScript.Avast (for windows systems), not only is it one of the best, but it is free to home users. I clean up viruses for a hobby/side job, and most of the time when people have kasperky, or mcafee or nortons (and many of the others) they also have viruses. (of course people only bring me systems that have problems too, but many of them used those, or that one with the panda...
The real key issue is to make sure that your virus program isn't trying to do other things too, use a separate program for firewall and for spyware (I use Zone Alarm and SpyBot:Search and Destroy, all have free versions, the same can be said for these programs too, ignore the versions that try to do too much) -
Quote:Funny thing, that. I went to load COH and made myself a cup of coffee while waiting for the launcher to do its thing. When I came back, the launcher had hung, and there was a popup from my firewall asking me if I should let the (new-to-it) program Pando Media Booster access the internet. I declined its access, of course, and went promptly to Uninstall Files. It has an install date of today.Pando is used on a per-game basis for the NCsoft Launcher. City of Heroes does not use Pando, and you do not need to have it installed to log into any of the City of Heroes game servers.
I don't torrent and I don't play any other games online. I did NOT consent to this and I am not happy about it.