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  1. I will take you up on that offer. Once I go out and but some Lucozade.
  2. Don't these people know that we need Union to distract us from anything important we need to do!
  3. -sigh-
    And here I thought I was going to be able to play on one of my 3 days that I can ._.'
  4. -shuffles into the thread-

    Anyone call for a Northern?
  5. I'm guessing since we are getting Kin Melee that some Enemies will be too. Oh the joy, it will be KB galore XD

    My favourite KB is the Rikti bombs. When they explode and I fly literally to the other side of the map, hilarious.
  6. This would work I think. Aboutthe whole exploiting thing. How about if you're team has people missing you get a few extra turrets.
  7. I only have one current account, so why did I get two emails? Spam until I buy?
  8. Basically they don't want us to purchase the EU version of pre-GR?
    Conspiracy if I do say so myself.
  9. Face it. They've forgotten about us. Yes Avatea said she is trying to do things for us, but she has things over the pond to do too. They just don't want to spread their time out to even look at us on the map.
  10. I just deleted the message without reading it. I couldn't be bothered with NCsoft's propaganda.
  11. I got one in my inbox and one in my junk o.O'
  12. Cryop

    Once again..

    The red writing has took away our game time. I understand that if servers need maintained, they need maintained. But this many in a short amount of time is a bit overkill dontcha think?
  13. Maybe they were so sneaky and fast, it looked like they collapse WHEN IN FACT they swapped their bodies for wooden puppets and ran off into the shadows waiting for you to summon them again.

  14. I don't understand why people would want the prompt tbh. I mean, it's a good buff. Even if they complained about The Fool, it doesn't give that much of a -tohit and also gives +recharge and something else. I must say I agree with the option to turn on/off the prompt.
  15. I've rolled a spines/elec scrapper.
    So any times sorted yet?
  16. Did it not say 150,000 per item?
  17. Since the patch today, when you cast Mystic Fortune (or are given it) the person who is receiving it performs the animation on him/herself. The buff shows up twice but then one disappears within seconds.
  18. Although I don't have a spines/ right now, i'd be interested in rolling one to join the team.
  19. I do actually take the time to thank tankers for holding the aggro. And yeah, I do inform the team before hand and if I see that they really need it I'll give it to them. Today was an extreme case, just wanted to make a point to the tanker who was doing perfectly fine before being SBed at all.
  20. Yes, Speed Boost. Didn't sleep much, thanks for the correction.
  21. Hello there forums,
    So lately I have been playing a Fire/Kin and teaming around. In the latest team (still in it as we speak) we sparked a mini argument about me SBing people.

    My argument is that I refused to SB them unless they ask for it and say thank you afterwards. Both me and Shang stated how my using Speed Boost was a gift, not a necesity.

    Their argument is that if I don't intend on using the power, why have it. Also that the stone tank (the one who was demanding the SB) would be able to play much better, as well as everyone else, because of it.

    Of course I understand that Speed Boost is a big advantage for the team and stone tankers, what I don't understand is that just because it is a help hat it means manners must go out of the window. I didn't roll a /kin just to observe everyone's buffs to see when to give them one.

    So what's your overall view on the matter?
  22. Siscia. I just pmed you some binds that would work. No idea if they would definitely work (that's why I pmed just to save some lolfail ;D)
  23. You could always set binds that turns walk on and then one that turns it off and turns all your toggles on?
  24. Walk isn't really an important skill to most of us though. I only ever use it when I'm roleplaying so that I don't run around looking like a baboon when everyone else is just walking politely around. I agree that you can do things with walk. But why would you need to since it's so slow anyways? An untoggled character runs slow enough if you want to act like you're walking and attacking.
  25. I agree with the above. It would be useful for a lot of people for this to be implemented, but I personally make my costumes around my power choice. It's the reason I only use yellow lightning on my elm/ela tank so it matches Super Speed.

    /signed thought because I do like the idea. It would be PvE only though.