"You are under no obligation to save me" - A scrapperlock thread




Originally Posted by Negate View Post

But please PLEASE don't scrapperlock just b/c you think you're a big ol' can of awesome. Contribute to the team help out everyone so we all don't have to lug over the otherside of the map and try to give you a wakie while not getting owned by a pissed off mob. If the leader or some team members are playing like arsehats then get off the team or voice your opinion.
I don't think you've ever been in Scrapperlock yourself if you're asking people for rational thought! It's like a spiritual experience, unlocking your animal soul inside the videogame.

Besides, the (experienced) players who fall during Scrapperlock are usually kind enough to not expect you to pull their butt out of the fire. Heck, see the thread title.

My Scrapperlock experience was as a Warshade during the most recent DoubleXP weekend. I have never teamed my WS with a Kinetics anything before then...oh wow. Wow. Double-mire with full-on Fulcrum Shift/Speed Boost was un-freaking-believable. I never stopped moving, never felt the need to drop Dwarf Form (mire being the exception), and it was glorious. I'm almost always the "responsible" one on the team. It was great to let loose.

I finally know what the fuss is all about



Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
I don't think you've ever been in Scrapperlock yourself if you're asking people for rational thought! It's like a spiritual experience, unlocking your animal soul inside the videogame.

Besides, the (experienced) players who fall during Scrapperlock are usually kind enough to not expect you to pull their butt out of the fire. Heck, see the thread title.
Heh, thank you. I agree, the good scrapperlockers carry their own wakies, the best never die, and the worst run back to the group at the aggro cap flailing madly and screaming "HEALZ ME NOW!!".

I'd like to think I'm somewhere between the good and best, but really, it depends who I'm playing that day.

Originally Posted by Gehnen View Post
My Scrapperlock experience was as a Warshade during the most recent DoubleXP weekend. I have never teamed my WS with a Kinetics anything before then...oh wow. Wow. Double-mire with full-on Fulcrum Shift/Speed Boost was un-freaking-believable. I never stopped moving, never felt the need to drop Dwarf Form (mire being the exception), and it was glorious. I'm almost always the "responsible" one on the team. It was great to let loose.

I finally know what the fuss is all about
Glad to hear you got out and had some fun. Thanks for contributing a story to my thread!

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.




Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



Originally Posted by Smiling_Joe View Post
This. And I'll extend that to any tank that hangs back without warning and lets a team run in to make a point about how important he/she is to their survival.
Although doing that is a viable maneuver once if the team's tactical IQ dead-ends at "everybody run in" so that you, as the tank, have to scramble to try to grab aggro back before all the squishies get faceplanted. Generally followed by quitting the team; if they don't learn from your asking them not to rush in and grab aggro, and don't learn from your showing them that rushing in and grabbing aggro is a fast ticket to the hospital, they're not going to learn.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



For a Time when we were 300... AT Scrapper Sword/Sheild several 8 man teams.

Scrapperlock from start to finish one of the best fun times I can remember in my long time being here. We mowed down everything in our Spartan sword way.

I'm a tank generally...

So enough said.


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
Meh. Loser Hero Talk. "Saving a downed team member"? Pah. They're down. No point saving a corpse.

It does remind me of a mish last night in the Hellforge filled with Slag Piles. Myself and a corrupter were catching up to the team when we got jumped by an ambush / hidden bunch. Of course I jump in and try and attract their attention (come here nice and close so I can Spin and Eviserate ye to death). He quickly dies though and I'm just about to do the same when he shouts out "Quick! Use my corpse as a shield!". Of course I died, but I died chuckling

There's nothing wrong with scrapperlocking because you think you're a big can o' awesome, even if you do die spectacularly in the attempt. But if you do it repeatedly over and over again though then you may have a problem.

Ah Mirelock. Even deadlier than Scrapperlock since it taunts you into dropping into your Squishy form just to trigger or benefit from it. Sticking my "Damage Buff" onto the Combat Monitor was probably the worst thing my WS could ever had done. "Oooh, look at the big number. Time for Nova Form."

Um...sure we'll agree to disagree. I've had scrapperlock before due to someone missing a glowie only to find out baddies are hiding behind it but every time that I scrapperlocked it was accidental...or I had to join in scrapperlock w/ someone b/c they're about to get a full face of concrete pie.

I play mostly RED SIDE very much! I also lost my V to COV and NOT COH first might I mind you! I only play blue side if one of my global buds needs help.



I have an "If I died, it's my own fault" policy. My characters are generally built tough, and I constantly manage inspirations to have something available. I always keep at least 4 greens and 4 blues on hand, and everything else is converted into purples. It's not the corruptor's fault if I decided to aggro two groups at once and didn't take action when my HP started to fall.

I also have a "no pull" policy. Most of the time anyway. If we're up against Longbow or something I can swallow my pride, but if we bounce up to a group of Council that's close to another one, that's just time for everyone to prove they've got guts! Steamrolling single groups gets boring after a while. I like to do something crazy from time to time. My new catchphrase is "Brutes don't pull," as I Lightning Rod into the enemies.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I generally try and behave in groups... i really do. I play alot of support toons and understand that, even if i don't mind throwing my life away to test my limits, it's drives some support guys NUTS, so I do my cheast pounding solo now a days. But... I do tend to get this conversation alot... dispite my best efforts to behave...

"We should pull that group.."
*Kingsnake jump in headfirst*
"so much for pulling....."
"What? I am pulling... there faces off.. what were you talking about?"

I have little paticence of pulling... it rearly ever needed.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



You see Disapri and Kingsnake you guys are smart about it....but time after time Again I team up with Morons who never have fought a particular group of guys OR they think their sets is Godly and then they Bonsai Jump in a group of Malta/Nemesis/COT and looked so shocked when they diez. My fav is the WP is everything brutes....I love when they realize Wp can crush everything! Well 99% of everything but who's counting? lol



Originally Posted by Negate View Post
You see Disapri and Kingsnake you guys are smart about it....but time after time Again I team up with Morons who never have fought a particular group of guys OR they think their sets is Godly and then they Bonsai Jump in a group of Malta/Nemesis/COT and looked so shocked when they diez. My fav is the WP is everything brutes....I love when they realize Wp can crush everything! Well 99% of everything but who's counting? lol

I always try and go with the flow of the team. I'm extreamly easy going that way. I have a few pet peeves, unnessessiry pulling being a biggy, in this game, pulling just isn't needed 99.99 % of the time.

Other then that, i try and geta feel for the team. If it's a layed back team, just having fun, i tend to play more recklessly, because reckless play IMO is fun. Maybe it's just me. If the team seems uptight about dieing, i behave. On master runs, I play down right carefully. I'm chatty if the team is, i'm quiet if the team is. I can get along with most any team makeups assuming you don't brake one of my 2 rules.

1 rules. Your not an elitest. I can't play with elitests.

2. the language doesn't get too obsine or vaugler. Other then that, i'm perfectly happy in just about any team. heh.

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



This was ages ago, pre-ED even. I was on the Numina TF, playing my Claws/Invuln Scrapper. Now, he would often tank for the group if there wasn't one available, and I loved every minute of it. But this particular moment is one of my favorites of his career.

One of the missions in the TF sent us to Eden. I had to afk, and when I came back, most of the team was dead due to a hot door. If I remember correctly, there were about 4-5 yellow/orange Devoured bosses slapping people around. The tank was dead, as well as the blasters, and I think our storm defender was trying to keep them at bay with hurricane. I dropped from the sky into the middle of the group as the defender went down.

My scrapper took them all down while everyone watched. I could have just entered the mission while everyone else went to the hospital, but I wanted to see if he could do it. And he did. And it was glorious. The tank complained about it, which just made it better. Rawr Scrappers! I have four at level 50. Definitely my favorite AT.




Originally Posted by ZephyrStarr View Post
This was ages ago, pre-ED even. I was on the Numina TF, playing my Claws/Invuln Scrapper. Now, he would often tank for the group if there wasn't one available, and I loved every minute of it. But this particular moment is one of my favorites of his career.

One of the missions in the TF sent us to Eden. I had to afk, and when I came back, most of the team was dead due to a hot door. If I remember correctly, there were about 4-5 yellow/orange Devoured bosses slapping people around. The tank was dead, as well as the blasters, and I think our storm defender was trying to keep them at bay with hurricane. I dropped from the sky into the middle of the group as the defender went down.

My scrapper took them all down while everyone watched. I could have just entered the mission while everyone else went to the hospital, but I wanted to see if he could do it. And he did. And it was glorious. The tank complained about it, which just made it better. Rawr Scrappers! I have four at level 50. Definitely my favorite AT.
Awesome story! Reminds me of my stalker fighting a bajillion Arachnos goons and lving to tell about it! He also killed them all thanks to the awesomeness of being a nin/nin and having waterspout : 3.



Fighting the Romulus Phalanx alone when your entire team dies is fun.

Some people would say that pulling Romulus and Requiem (and their fifty closest friends) with Shield Charge is a bad idea. I would beg to differ.

Being the first back into the fight with Romulus after he rezzes is good. Knocking him down in the process is much better. I love Shield Charge.

(I enjoyed my ITF last night.)

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



ITF Scrapperlock story ...

My main, Redlynne, is a MA/SR who mastered the art of NO GET HITSU. It's been something of a running gag ever since Issue 3 that my scrapper was more tanker than scrapper since I placed greater emphasis on de-FENCE!! than on offense.

So we're on the third ITF mission dealing with the robot control box. Just as we get the box down to 25% ... meaning the last wave of bots wakes up ... the team wipes.


And since everyone had been focusing on the control box, rather than taking down the bots ... I'm now taking fire from just about every single bot guarding the control box, and I've got to beat down the last 20% or so by myself. Fortunately, at least four of my teammates (who were all SG friends) faceplanted around the control box near me, meaning they could pass me inspirations while I continued to fight.

... and fight.
... and fight ...
... and FIGHT ...

It must have been about 3 minutes later after I've been steadily whittling down the control box on my lonesome (I'm not the most DPS heavy scrapper you've ever seen) that the comments start coming from the team, NONE of whom went to the hospital ...

"My GOD ... you're still going?!"
"Holy ..."
"I do not believe this ..."

When I got the box down under 10%, and it started to look like I might actually pull this out(!) one of the dead blasters started chanting, "Redlynne! It's your birthday! It's your birthday!"

Meanwhile I'm popping little lucks every so often to counter the def debuffs I'm taking from the occasional hits leaking through my softcapped defenses that I'm almost constantly taking from all those bots taking potshots at me all the time. And in the middle of all of this, I'm still managing to use Aid Self (no interrupt reduction!) and green skittles when Aid Self isn't ready and I'm getting low on green bar.

*FINALLY* ... after several minutes (I have no idea of how many!) ... I finally break the control box, the bots all topple over ... and there is ... SILENCE.

My inspiration tray is nearly empty, and I'm pretty sure that everyone within gifting distance was nearly empty too ... aside from the wakies, which start going off all over the place when it's clear that REDLYNNE WINS.

One of the SG-mates who'd never teamed with me before asked me in the sort of awestruck voice ... "What the hell is your powerset?!?"

One of the other SG-mates on the team, who knew already, simply said ... "That was No Get Hitsu."

I don't know what impressed them more ... the fact that I was able to pull off the feat or the fact that my build allows me to do that sort of thing from levels 35 and up as a matter of all-the-time regular routine just by turning on my secondary and leadership toggles ...

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Mothership Raid story ...

So I'm on a Mothership Raid with my main, Redlynne, my MA/SR who has mastered the art of NO GET HITSU.

During the raid, I see some loner trying to hold out against three Rikti Magus. So naturally I go to help out. Unfortunately, some *more* Rikti Magus spawn while we're fighting and they manage to take down my temporary companion, because by now there's four Rikti Magus dogpiling on us. So I've got a faceplanted raidmate beside me, and four pissed off Rikti Magus trying to get me.

Then I see yet another Rikti Magus a ways away along the rim around the center there who's making life difficult for the squishies down in the center. So I do what any self respecting scranktroller would do under the circumstances. I use Warrior's Challenge on him. And predictably enough, he comes over to join the dogpile that's trying to smother me.

So now I've got FIVE RIKTI MAGUS on me ... and I keep needing to use Warrior's Challenge every so often because one of them keeps wanting to break off to go annoy people in the center ... who still haven't noticed that I could "use a little help" over here. And I'm so busy trying to stay alive that I haven't got time to shout out that I've got five Rikti Magus over here trying to steal my lunch money.

All I can say is ... it's a good thing I've got Aid Self or I never would have made it!

About four minutes or so later, the cavalry finally arrives ... and people are simply shocked to find that there's a lone scrapper underneath this dogpile of *five* Rikti Magus who has not only managed to stay alive (at times, just barely), but also managed to hold their aggro so as to keep the center of the ship safe. People were actually asking me how I'd managed to stay alive, without support ... and how long I'd been holding aggro from these five.

Once the cavalry arrived, it was just a matter of mopping up and moving on to kicking the butts of the next spawn group. But what really made people's jaw drop was when I pulled the same stunt AGAIN ... on the same raid ... AND LIVED ... again.

The second time the cavalry came around and found me holding the aggro of five Rikti Magus on myself to protect the center of the ship, some of whom had "rescued" me from the first such situation I'd been in, someone asked me ... "Damn Red! How did you find all of these?!?"

My answer was short and to the point ... "Rikti Magus are my natural prey."

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Ok, now I'm curious - how did you manage to cram in so many power slots that you're softcapped, have aid self, *and* still have room for confront? That's a build I'd like to see!

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post

Other then that, i try and geta feel for the team. If it's a layed back team, just having fun, i tend to play more recklessly, because reckless play IMO is fun. Maybe it's just me.
Definitely not just you. Dying breaks up the monotony and provides ample opportunity for jokes.

The game gets boring at times, especially in the post-30 steamroll teams. Walk in, fire off 2 powers (maybe), collect the loot and move on. No thinking required. No discussion needed. Most of the time 2 people could have handled the spawn in the time all 8 of you could, making most of the team irrelevant. Now, add a few semi-reckless people who are not afraid to joke about their own death........that's entertainment! Now I have situations where I might have to use my powers creatively. Now I'm not just hitting 1,2 every battle like a gerbil.

If the team is very, very structured and just steamrolling every mission, I'll likely finish it and find a new group. Nothing against those folks, I just find those types of ultra effective teams to be quite boring, and I don't play the game simply to collect 50s.



Originally Posted by KingSnake View Post
it's drives some support guys NUTS, so I do my cheast pounding solo now a days.
That's their fault for building a gimp toon that only has 1 attack and whose only reason to play is to cite how many missions no one died.

I already have a mommy, I don't need another one. If I jump headfirst into that pile, I deserved to die.



Originally Posted by Muon_Neutrino View Post
Ok, now I'm curious - how did you manage to cram in so many power slots that you're softcapped, have aid self, *and* still have room for confront? That's a build I'd like to see!
Check your PM box ... since this isn't the scrapper forum. ^_-

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
Check your PM box ... since this isn't the scrapper forum. ^_-

Would it be too much to ask for you to send it to me as well? I'm interested

@Sparky Jenkins || Freedom Server | Union Server
Main Hero: Inferno Sparky - Fire/Fire Blaster
Main Villain: Kerry Astrid - Fire/Cold Corruptor



I have a small story but maybe not very good.

I had got my Tri-Ele(Ele/Ele/Ele) Blaster to 50 and have two builds for him(Blast/"Scrap")

I was not on blast mode when i joined a team to do a BP mission and they were kinda slow getting into the mobs, so i turn on my few toggles(Tough,Light Field,Ele armor,etc) and i run in. and if i remember there was a "healer" and they had a time trying to keep me up. some times i would use the Ele Overload(forgot name) and keep running and hard to believe i was not kicked or heard the "Blaster NEED to stay in range".

Sometimes I Scrapperlock on my Tank(yet to hit Softcap) and for the record hydra's toxic attacks hurt. but besides Toxic and Psi and -Def, i do ok, The healer nic in ITF just loves my tank(i often get a 2nd tank for rom[did a Tank/Brute ITF once]).

That's all i remember at this time.

Nogard D. Twilight aka Omni-Nogard heading out!

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
Would it be too much to ask for you to send it to me as well? I'm interested
Check your PM box too.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



A couple of things. First, speaking as a "hesitant" tank, the reason I hesitate is to ensure everyone is ready before I draw aggro. I like to remember that I'm not the only one on a team.

As for teams breaking up and facing different foes all over the map, I've always thought that's how the game should be (but often isnt). Think of that issue of the Avengers (I don't recall the number) where they ended up fighting the Squadron Supreme over a downed plane. Each character paired off to fight a different foe. Personally, I blame the devs for lazy game design, making it nearly impossible for this kind of thing to happen.

Finally, I think the award for most egregious scrapperlock goes to my Protector Bots, who insist on charging willy-nilly into every group on the map despite their profound squishyness.



Redlynne's dancing icon is mesmerizing me...



I get WidowLock all the time. I seem to be relied uopn to solo the Cysts onan ITF on mish two.

Widow pwns.

Effy On Hot Sauce Fire/Cold Corr
Effy On Hot Chilli Fire/Dark Corr
Effy On Heat FM/SD Before FoTM
Effy Unleashed DP/EN Blaster 1st 50 @ Union