'Who is Jack?'

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Originally Posted by KithDPine View Post
Not In My Game You Don't!

Old pen and paper term.

Edit Add:

It is basically a code phrase that refers to when a GM makes a unilateral veto of a rule or set of rules to prevent a player action. It is also known as NYMDYD <where the D is dungeon instead of game>
Ah, thank you for clarifying.

You should add that to Urban Dictionary.

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



All I can say is it felt more like "give" after he left and we've gotten a LOT of cool things since with no let-up in sight.

No big hate against him, but I sure don't regret his exit.



Originally Posted by TerraFan View Post
I'll apply a quote to Jack Emmert that Dame Edna originally used to describe John Barrowman....

"I paid [Jack Emmert] some compliments when I met him recently, but you know, there really isn't a compliment that you can give to [Jack] that he hasn't already given to himself."
Well, isn't that true of all of us? Or maybe it's just me.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Cynical_Gamer View Post
He's the reason for all the world's problems, past, present and future.
Fixed, for more accuracy.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Jack is the guy who nerfed regen



I just reply that I don't know jack.



Originally Posted by Hatter View Post
Jack is the guy who nerfed regen
Which he seems like he'll be doing it again soon in CO .

The man just hates Regen...think it smacked him around when he was a young developer or something...



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Eh, Jack did a lot of things that screwed us over, but in the long run, we're better off for the things he did. GDN, ED, and a few other things set the stage for Inventions, and the game is much better for it.
Saying Jack "did" GDN and ED is probably giving him too much credit (or blame). Other people did those, and at best he signed off on them.

I think his biggest failing as a designer (arguably his only serious failing) was a crippling inability to grasp the importance of details, particularly but not exclusively mechanical details. I don't think Jack ever had a particularly good understanding of how this game actually works, and I'd bet he probably doesn't have a much better grasp of how CO actually works.

If you substitute "Big Picture" for "Vision" I think it's easier to see where he's coming from. Looking at The Big Picture is an important and valuable skill. The problem is he liked to look at the Big Picture all the time, which is rather like trying to play Sim City 4 zoomed out to max distance, trying to respond to problems without zooming in or, say, checking the traffic grids.

Time and again he'd say things like "the numbers aren't important" or "we want this to feel foo," but often I don't think he knew or cared how feeling foo was achieved, or grasped that numbers are in fact important (and often integral to feeling foo), because ultimately without numbers you don't have a game at all, but just some costumes and a series of free-floating text blocks



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post

How do you reply to questions about Jack?

I dont.

The guy's been gone for years, if people want to know what he is all about they can play his game. This aint his game no more, and theres always Wiki if someone wants the overview of what he did for this game.

I just mash buttons. I dont know Jack.



Originally Posted by stellar View Post
Been here since day one. This game is great in spite of Jack, not because of him.

"making unkeepable promises" Moo? Really? You can write that legibly without misspelling in laughter? He said no more power nerfs. That seems to be a promise, if you say it, you can/should keep it - or dont say it at all. Especially knowing at the time that ED was in the works. I dont, and many others who have unfortunatley left, didnt either, believe that he was anywhere near truthful. Outright liar actually - i saved the old posts he made. That's like car salesman telling you he wont nerf the the Porche anymore, then changes the carburator so it puts out less horsepower after a fixed speed. His "Vision" was extremely myopic.

I believe we would have had power customization sooner had he not reduced devs prior to his leaving, knowing he was going to work on CO. It was down to, what - 8? from14+? We now have more ppl working since he left to bring us things like GR.

And in his groundbreaking CO - theres "force walls" surrounding the city (war walls anyone?), radiated enemies instead of infected, - wheres the copyright lawyers?!?

I dont hate the man - he looked out for himself and tried to put a decent product out - handheld videogames notwithstanding. When anyone askes me about Jack i just say he was one of the devs, he made a lot of mistakes that hurt the game, and since he's at CO i hope he learned to avoid similar in the future.
You're missing one IMPORTANT part here.

Jack didn't cut back the staff.

The relationship between NCSoft and Cryptic cut back the staff.

They both owned part of the game, so they shared revenue, but NCSoft also PAID cryptic for additional development under a traditional publisher-studio model. If NCSoft didn't pay for it, the resources weren't allocated to it.

What was the motivation for NCSoft to foot the bill for a huge sustainment budget when they split the proceeds with their co-owner?

Why would Cryptic invest MORE than they were being paid to?


It was probably something neither of them wanted- Jack's gone on the record with saying that he was "blindsided by the reality of the business" by CoV's staffing decline- suggesting that he figured Cryptic would keep the ownership revenue AND get paid from NCSoft to sustain a large team. NCSoft probably expected that there would be "partnered investments" in expansions or they'd slowly begin to own more of the product if they invested "above and beyond" sustainment levels.

In this case, the stalemate was broken by buying Cryptic out. Now NCSoft has full ownership and full revenue, so it makes full sense to really push development.



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Which he seems like he'll be doing it again soon in CO .

The man just hates Regen...think it smacked him around when he was a young developer or something...
or regen really is a particularly tricky thing to get nailed down into a safe zone between completely overpowered and completely useless. erring on either side will require attention, but that attention will rarely be viewed as positive.



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
You're missing one IMPORTANT part here.

Jack didn't cut back the staff.

((As lead dev, he had the "ear" of ppl to say hey, i need more ppl to make this work better dont cut my staff! Thats sidelining my thought that he allowed it knowing he was going to work on a similar MMO.))

The relationship between NCSoft and Cryptic cut back the staff.

They both owned part of the game, so they shared revenue, but NCSoft also PAID cryptic for additional development under a traditional publisher-studio model. If NCSoft didn't pay for it, the resources weren't allocated to it.

((Link? How do you know ncsoft paid cryptic in that fashion?))

What was the motivation for NCSoft to foot the bill for a huge sustainment budget when they split the proceeds with their co-owner?

((More revenue.))

Why would Cryptic invest MORE than they were being paid to?

((We dont know the facts behind the scenes whether they wanted to or not - but usually if the parent company says no, its usually no - even if they wanted to take out personal loans to float cryptic.))


((Not at all.))

It was probably something neither of them wanted- Jack's gone on the record with saying that he was "blindsided by the reality of the business" by CoV's staffing decline-

((Pff - what did he think was going to happen, that reducing staff would increase productivity and expand the business? C'mon, this isnt even realistic.))

- suggesting that he figured Cryptic would keep the ownership revenue AND get paid from NCSoft to sustain a large team.

((Right - every company should expect that their parent company to fund them and also let them, cryptic, keep all the money. Right.))

NCSoft probably expected that there would be "partnered investments" in expansions or they'd slowly begin to own more of the product if they invested "above and beyond" sustainment levels.

((But they didnt - they decreased staffing. How is that investing above and beyond sustainment levels?))

In this case, the stalemate was broken by buying Cryptic out. Now NCSoft has full ownership and full revenue, so it makes full sense to really push development.

Answers in (( )) above. Can you come back when you've fully thought this out?

*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf*
Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf*
Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf*
I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf*




How do you reply to questions about Jack?
Jack is the guy who blames NCSoft for developer cuts post CoV.




This is Jack, Orange Jack



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post

Jack is the guy who blames NCSoft for developer cuts post CoV.

If you read the forum post this originates from, it's about a feature I remember them describing prior to CoH's launch.

Originally Posted by Jackalope
Originally Posted by Salvina
In my case, something that Jack said a long time ago for CoH that was really never implemented.

If everyone does their missions in a zone, then overworld spawns are normal (see scarses), seeing that your putting all the bad guys in jail while they are indoors. They don't have time to spill over the streets.

But if suddenly you get a situation where for example no one wants to do the missions of the "wizard who steal bodies and store the old owners souls in crystals" guys then suddenly those wizard type guys start spilling in the streets more, seeing there is an overpopulation of them. Then a bit of street sweaping and mission doing would be required to lower down the spawn rate of those guys. Once done, the game returns to low spawn rate...

That would be cool, dunno how easy it would be to implement, seeing I am not familiar with the engine , but it WOULD permit the players to have a feeling that they can impact the gameworld...
Yep, we wanted to get this in. But our team size got cut by the publisher, and we simply didn't have the manpower to do it.
I don't think that quote about slashing the development team is about the Freem 15 at all. I think it's about cuts prior to CoH's release. Castle made a comment a while back about how amazed he was that the powers system was put together by something like 3 people-- Geko, an animator, and one other person (don't remember if it was an animator or a powers guy). (edit again: here's Castle's post-- Geko, an animator, and a particle FX artist)

Also, back when we learned about the Freem 15, Positron said that the identity of who was responsible for the cuts was covered by an NDA between Cryptic and NCSoft. If Jack is talking about the Freem 15, he just broke that NDA. (edit: okay, not just broke, this post was made a year ago).

Here's what Zombie Man said later in that thread (and I agree with him):

Originally Posted by Zombie_Man
I agree that saying vile things is never appropriate, especially when one does not have all the information. And we still don't have all the information. Jack's one liner about publisher cutbacks is totally without context, in fact, it doesn't even fit with the context of the content of this thread since the Issue 8 cutback has nothing to do with outside spawning mechanics that were the same from issues 1 through 7. So, there is not enough information to be critical of anyone.

Were there more than one set of cutbacks and when did they happen?

Were the cutbacks determined by a contract in place and enforced by the publisher, or did the publisher maliciously impose cutbacks on Cryptic against their will?

If the publisher pulled back on support, then couldn't have Cryptic stepped up their support, or renegotiated the contract?

There's lots of stuff we don't know and probably never will because the key players are all under a NDA and Jack probably shouldn't even have said what he said... but that's Jack, marketing and legal's nightmare child.

Please try my custom mission arcs!
Legacy of a Rogue (ID 459586, Entry for Dr. Aeon's Third Challenge)
Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



Originally Posted by stellar View Post
Answers in (( )) above. Can you come back when you've fully thought this out?
Sorry, no time. Check for posts here and interviews with Jack at the time of the split. It really comes from both sources, if you piece them together. There's talk about NCSoft "paying for" x development, for example... and that does fit the known studio-publisher model.

I researched this once, but pretty sure that all the old forum links are broken. if I find some, or at least quotable text, I can PM you.

((As lead dev, he had the "ear" of ppl to say hey, i need more ppl to make this work better dont cut my staff! Thats sidelining my thought that he allowed it knowing he was going to work on a similar MMO.))
Not at all. Cryptic was an independent studio that partially owned City of Heroes. When MUO was planned- and while Cryptic still OWNED CoH, he was on record in video interviews on how he wanted people to "pay for both games." He was seeking unique gameplay, focusing tightly on the Marvel experience, and focusing on the console, so he hoped to have two different sustainable markets, and has said as much.

It was only after MS pulled the plug (as they did for many of their console MMO efforts... for both underlying tech and market study reasons... haven't seen Age of Conan console yet either, after all) that Jack really had to make a choice.

That was WELL AFTER the crew had been narrowed to 16.

((Link? How do you know ncsoft paid cryptic in that fashion?))
as noted above. If I have time and you're honestly curious, I'll try to research it again.... it really is a breadcrumb series of posts to put together. Please, though, I'm wary of wasting the time on something where people have already decided what they wanted to hear is the truth, regardless of the facts. If you honestly want to learn how it was, I'll help. If you just want to continue to hold onto your belief and have your bad guy, then let it drop. I've got enough going on already and really DO want to do an I16 comic this time.

((Not at all.))
Very much so... and assuming otherwise is missing very basic business practices.

Pretend Cryptic and NCSoft are 50/50 co-owners. NCSoft also pays for continued development. If CoH brings in $30million. each side gets $15m. NCSoft then pays cryptic an additional $5m for additional development, leaving it with $10m.

It wants to boost sales with an additonal $20m development project over two years. That's the rest of its revenue. At the end of that, they earn a whopping $60m... split 30m each. They're ahead $10m, right? Still sounds good...

...except they have other titles that, if they invested that same amount, they'd get ALL that $60m of the return. What's a better investment?

Now, that's an overly simplified example, but hope you can see where the business logic creates the problem, not just one person.

((Pff - what did he think was going to happen, that reducing staff would increase productivity and expand the business? C'mon, this isnt even realistic.))
You missed the whole point. Jack claimed to be BLINDSIDED by the staff reduction. He expected to keep the assembled production team. MANY MMO's at the time did the traditional "really small sustainment team" model post-launch and Jack *claimed* that he expected the cash to keep rolling in for larger production-level teams.

That was a massively interview, IIRC.

((Right - every company should expect that their parent company to fund them and also let them, cryptic, keep all the money. Right.))
1) I'm not suggesting that Cryptic expected a free ride, but they didn't like the "deal" that was offered for continued investment.

2) Here, you're showing an lack of understanding of the basic business arrangement that was ALWAYS crystal clear. NCSOFT WAS NOT A PARENT COMPANY. Cryptic was a totally independent entity- it prided itself in that until Atari bought it. It WANTED TO develop CoH in-house, but ran low on cash. NCSoft gave them the $$ to finish the product for PARTIAL ownership of the product, not the company. It also published it, hosted it, and managed customer support services for it.

Perhaps that's what you missed in all of this. That's what defined the whole strained business relationship. While they remain (I hear) on good professional terms, they had their own separate business interests at heart... and until they could make SURE that their own cash investments would result in their own interests being fairly met, they were reluctant to put more than what was needed in the product.

Once NCSoft bought it, the problem was gone.


I may be biased... I met Jack once at conference. He was a bit of an aloof academic, and seemed more comfortable talking to people that hadn't played CoH than people that were admitted fans (I think he expected me to jump out with a "YOU NERFED MY REGEN SCRAPPER" attack). We really didn't get along- not badly, mind you, but not like the other colleagues I met there.

One thing was VERY clear. He LOVED this game. He spoke about it with the energy in his body language and the sparkle in his eye that a father has for his kids. I've known other game developers, and they all have some affection (sometimes a love/hate relationship) with their products, but Jack was practically BOUNCING about CoH. This was not callous salesmanship. I don't think that selling the rights was easy for him to do. He had to accept, like any good parent, that a kid grows up and goes its own way.

Perhaps that's why I look at the grains of evidence and see a much more complex relationship than simply vilifying Jack would explain.



Eh, i'd rather you got the i16 comic out than have you spend time winnowing through broken links. But if ya got stuff at hand pm me sure. Youre right that im under the belief that ncsoft was "parent" and cryptic a subsidiary of some type - so i'll have to bow to your greater knowledge of how it was. (not being sarcastic.) Not sure where i got that from, some post/article/something somewhere.

Not trying to vilify him - never met him - said before he made mistakes but all in all he was trying to do what everyone else does in the world, do good work and put food on the table.

I'm hoping both games continue well until i need magoo glasses to see the screen...

*nerf* Darn! Oh well.. I will just have to rebuild. Ah.. this works *nerf*
Darn it.. well I will rebuild again.. oh this might *nerf*
Grr.. this is getting annoying.. rebuild agai- *nerf*
I wasn't even finished rebuilding the las- *nerf* But.. *nerf* I *nerf* ......*nerf* *nerf* *nerf*



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
I heard that if you speak Jack's name three times into a mirror, you become equal to three white-con minions. :/
Everything, about Jack Emmert and CoH, is in this sentence.



Contrary to popular belief, I am not Jack.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Wow. Welcome back.



Thanks! I think I've spent enough time in "time out" to realize I should never ever ever do what I did again.

Hugs for everyone! And pie!

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
Thanks! I think I've spent enough time in "time out" to realize I should never ever ever do what I did again.

Hugs for everyone! And pie!
TASER! Come here you big ol' jerk! *Hugs*



Extra pie for you! I love calamari!

(And Katamari!)

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Originally Posted by Sorciere View Post
Nobody knows how to interact with MMORPG customers, I'm afraid, because you simply can't make them happy, by and large. MMORPG players are too fractious a crowd for that.
Nah not anymore , its easy dealing with MMO people nowadays .
Tell them lies sweet little lies .
and give them epix , if they stop paying bribe them with more epix .
boost the quiters class , then stealth nerf it slowly back.
keep denying you did anything .
Spread sheet numbers are wrong cause the factor X is unknown .
The factor X keeps changing every patch .

Most of all do sweeping reforms when introducing something majority wants.
They will shut up the logical minority for you .

Sounds familiair oh wait its like RL :P .