'Who is Jack?'

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Or just add more costume pieces.

Y'know, that's what this game needs; more basic costume pieces, LOTS more.



Originally Posted by ChaosExMachina View Post
The enemy groups at CO are painfully generic.

Before somebody says that most of CoX's groups are copied from Champions, that may be true, but they were made much more interesting in the process.
I don't know that any CoH groups are copied from Champions, but Champions Online suffers from a relative lack of background information in the game. Just about all the groups have fairly extensive backgrounds that seem fairly sparse in the MMO - at least they seem so without having found all the bits of lore scattered about.

There are also some groups that are not Champions canon as far as I know, that are blatant copies of some of the CoX groups, but far less interesting.

For example, the maniacs are basically freakshow without the cybernetics or the funny or the backstory, so they are just random crazy goths. There is even a job with a maniac disguise. Nemesis is obviously a copy of the Champions big bad, Dr. Destroyer, but he is so much more interesting that he puts Champions' doom clone to shame. None of the enemy groups are remotely nuanced beyond just being bad guys, and there is no clear reason why any of them are crminals beyond just to be bad. Yet consider groups such as Rikti.
Huh, really? The Maniacs were mentioned in the Millennium City sourcebook published in 2003, along with the New Purple Gang, the Cobra Lords, and the Black Aces. The Freakshow are just a stereotypically violent streetgang with cybernetics, so it's not at all surprising that stereotypically violent streetgangs might resemble them. Which is why, I guess, that they all bear some resemblance to gangs like the Black Queens, Brainiacs, Slaughterhouse, Back Alley Brawlers (!), Maelstrom, The Philharmonic Vampyres, The Bozos, Voodoo Boys, and so on.

(there has to be someone who knows where these names come from)

The Maniac disguise mission, btw, at least involves you walking into one of their hangouts and talking to one of them, rather than sneaking through the sewers and interacting with no one.

Which gang is all about Clockwork Orange?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by WingedAvenger View Post

Isn't Jack that eyeliner-wearing pirate who shot his mutinous first mate and then died and then was rescued from the underworld after making out with that hot skinny British chick?


Oh okay I know. Isn't Jack is that special agent that says DAMNIT! a lot and has saved the world from terrorists like 50-something times, but he still can't maintain a healthy emotional relationship with his own daughter, and everyone he knows and loves either dies or turns against him?

Still no? Dang, I'm gonna have to go mull this over some more.
When some wild-eyed, eight-foot-tall maniac grabs your neck, taps the back of your favorite head up against the barroom wall, and he looks you crooked in the eye and he asks you if ya paid your dues, you just stare that big sucker right back in the eye, and you remember what ol' Jack Burton always says at a time like that: "Have ya paid your dues, Jack?" "Yessir, the check is in the mail."

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
Which he seems like he'll be doing it again soon in CO .

The man just hates Regen...think it smacked him around when he was a young developer or something...
They changed the text on regen in yesterday's patch, and when they put the beta server back up for two hours, someone read the new text and started a "ZOMG THEY NERFED REGEN" thread that generated some funny hysteria, at least until someone pointed out that it had been working like that for a few days now, and there was no nerf.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
Thanks! I think I've spent enough time in "time out" to realize I should never ever ever do what I did again.

Hugs for everyone! And pie!
Welcome back, Taser.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



I think the hate for Jack is a bit overblown.

There were issues with his vision... He seemed to have the idea that the game should be similar to EverQuest and DAoC and all the other MMOs out there, in that fighting even level mobs should be something that could only be done one at a time, and teams should be single pulling for fear of their lives...

And that... Just doesn't work in a Superhero game. That doesn't make you feel super in the slightest.

But... He stuck to his guns, and you should respect him for that. I mean, I'm glad he "lost", in the end, and the game is what it is now and not what he wanted to make it. But at the end of the day, it is their game, and we're just playing in it. Devs shouldn't just give the players what they want. They should make the game they want to make and let the players decide if it's something they like or not. Nothing great is ever created by committee, there's always a single vision behind greatness.

So yeah, I think designers should stick to their guns and not give in to player whining. And he did that. If he'd had his way with the game I wouldn't be playing it (And I actually left it for a very long time while he was at the helm), but I'd still respect him for not caving, even if I happened to disagree with his idea of what's fun.

On the plus side, if what I've played of the CO beta is anything to judge by (And mind you, I haven't played it in a while now, so it might have changed) then he's come to his senses about letting players be powerful. But, who's to say.



I don't hate Jack, but I carried a lot of mistrust for what he said in public after a series of public statements that were kinda spun.

I also think that people missed the point of what he was trying to say about the Gameboy (or whatever) boss fight he talked about, but it's not worth arguing out - I think a big part of why people missed the point is because of the way he made said point.

I also think it's hard to talk about this without people automatically assuming everyone is LOVE or HATE. I know it certainly was on the CO forum last year.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Originally Posted by KnightOwl View Post
I just reply that I don't know jack.
One of the best computer party games evar.

Screw your neighbor indeed.

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
I think the hate for Jack is a bit overblown.

There were issues with his vision... He seemed to have the idea that the game should be similar to EverQuest and DAoC and all the other MMOs out there, in that fighting even level mobs should be something that could only be done one at a time, and teams should be single pulling for fear of their lives...

And that... Just doesn't work in a Superhero game. That doesn't make you feel super in the slightest....
To be fair, he wanted something more. He espected a single hero to be able to take on three "even conned" minions at a time, IIRC... so a team of eight could expect to wade into a mob of 24 even minions... not quite single pulling.

(IIRC, a (yellow) lieutenant was supposed to be a good 1-on-1 and a single boss (orange) would make you tap into your reserves (chew a few inspirations) or work with teammates.)

And when you think of it, it makes sense. "Conning" is supposed to be "considering" the threat of a foe to you... and we so often tackle the red-and-purple mobs easily at the higher levels... our characters, I guess, are really overestimating the threat, allowing us to have inflated egos regarding our fighting prowess.



The problem is, you build a game that way, but there's no way people are going to group up to fight even minions. They're going to go after bigger game, and end up having to single pull.

Trying to fight that is silly... It's best to just build the game with that in mind.



Okay, return aside now, as someone throughout the years who has gotten a bad rap as a Jack supporter:

I agree with all of the negative sentiments.

Yes, it's hard to conceive of a time where it's Taser pitted against Jack in a cage match of nerd rage. But since I've been on "vacation," I've watched the dev digest and new issue release notes as every single thing that Statesman said couldn't be done... is done. It might not have been easy to add power customization, for example, but under Positron we at least had the hope for years that it could come. With Statesman it was always a firm "Can't Be Done."

And that's not even taking into consideration inventions, flashback, and architect.

I remember when new issues would hit on test and there'd be a sense of dread looking at the patch notes; which nerf that probably didn't need to happen will I have to fight with forum ranters with today (a mentality that I thankfully have left back in 2007). Compare that to checking out the issue 16 patch notes which are a sheet cake made out of victory and talking owls. No major game nerf, the addition of customization which has been asked for since day one, changes in a few dozen badges a lot of us never expected to get but now have a shot, and quality of life changes no one ever even considered but will drastically change the way the game is played for the better.

Us early adopters had it rough sometimes. It's good to see such a drastic shift towards giving the players as much of what they ask for as possible instead of saying "Nope, Engine Can't Handle It."

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Taser, do you remember the "power customization would be bad because of PVP" explanation?

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)



Yeah, was that a pack of lies that Jack came up with or did I...

I honestly can't remember anymore.

That and "We can't let you do old missions because we want them to be unique events in your character's life."

Under Jack, I seemed forced by some cosmic shame to make excuses and fight with knives to hold this game back.

Unlike Jack, I'm willing to apologize for most of the big fights I threw down that turned out to be absolutely meaningless by the great job NCNC have done in the past two years.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Okay, I'm just going to list Jack's good and bad points, and I'll try to keep my seething hatred for him and all his works under control.


-He did develop and refine a lot of the stuff that makes Co* what it is today, a lot of basic stuff at the core of the game.

-Everyone may have hated ED at first, but it's actually turned out to be okay, and I guess it's not bad.


-The Global Defense Nerf and the Control/AoE nerf. The GDN was going way too far (as evidenced by the fact that many of its changes were partially rolled back in later issues to be less extreme), and the Control/AoE nerf sucked all the fun out of being a Gravity Controller (unlike other controllers, all Gravs had going for them was Gravity Distortion Field, though I guess they get a lot more benefit out of Containment...). Okay, I'll call this one even.


-All the broken promises. This ground has been covered already.

-He really, really hated regen. Yeah, it was overpowered, but he nerfed it until it was barely better than SR (this was before SR got buffed).

-In retrospect, all of his "can't be done" talk sounds more like "I don't feel like allocating the resources that I think would be better spent nerfing you some more," considering that all the things he said can't be done have been done.

-The plane speech (I think he was talking about playing the GBA installment of Castlevania, but that was just my inference). It wasn't just the idea he expressed (which I didn't agree with, I think it should be 1 player=1 boss), it was how condescending he was. It gave me a really good idea as to what sort of person he is. He probably rationalized our dislike of his changes as a lack of understanding about his "art," and thought that if he talked to us as though we were five years old, we might finally get it through our thick skulls. He couldn't conceive that we might actually have a thought-out, rational reason for not liking his changes, that wasn't possible. He was Jack Emmert, perfection incarnate. And an ego like that isn't fit to run an MMO.

In all honesty, it's not that I hate Jack, it's that I don't respect him. He seems like the sort of person who wouldn't understand what you're getting at if you told him you disagreed with him. He just doesn't comprehend anyone else's wishes but his own. If anything, I feel bad for him, because he's in the worst possible business for a guy like him. Even as a single-player game designer, I think Jack would do better. But for MMOs, you need to know when to listen to feedback.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Originally Posted by KaliMagdalene View Post
Taser, do you remember the "power customization would be bad because of PVP" explanation?
This is the same argument DCUO is using the justify their lack of power colour customisation at this point.



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
-Everyone may have hated ED at first, but it's actually turned out to be okay, and I guess it's not bad.
It took until I9 for the other shoe to drop, so from ED until inventions everyone in the game was stuck with underperforming characters.

I'm glad it eventually worked out, but I'm also glad I canceled after ED.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
I don't think that quote about slashing the development team is about the Freem 15 at all. I think it's about cuts prior to CoH's release.
I thought about that, but the point is if the publisher can cut the dev staff once, it can certainly do it again. Post CoV there was a boxed expansion announced at the same time Positron was made lead dev. It was quietly dropped several months later. Why even announce it if Cryptic knew they'd be cutting their own resources on CoH/V?

It is all ancient history though and the fighting of wars that have already been fought.



Not bad, Manofmanychars,

-but go back and look at his broken "promises." Many of them were qualified... or were what was being considered. Even then, one of the things with being in his position, is the things that he's thinking about TODAY are concepts being put on paper that'll change dramatically down the line. That's a tough thing to foresee, and reason for many "broken promises." And contrary to popular fiction, he's been one to admit faults:

From: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=550

I can tell you for sure that we'll be reading this thread and others about ideas, suggestions and what not for the future. We try not to get too specific (hence my reputation for vagueness) because we've been bitten by several things that we thought were pretty sure, only to see them not happen. Skills? How about the original design for City of Heroes? Anyone remember that? Things change during implementation, so as a result, we don't like saying things until we're 100% sure of them. And even then we make mistakes.
and acknowledge people that disagree

To be honest, criticism comes with the job. I'm not fond of personal attacks, but I understand that people are passionate. Heck, I worked in a comic book store (yep, I was comic book guy), so I understand the vagaries of working with the customer. One thing is tantamount, however - you guys are the PAYING subscribers. I might not like the feedback, but everyone is entitled to an opinion. Admittedly, honey is usually more effective than vinegar, but I always try to look beyond that...
-Funny thing with regen, even when people considered it was nerfed to hell and back, the people that actually ADAPTED play to accommodate the change were still more powerful. It was the people that kept trying to make a regenner play like he used to play that sucked.

-"Can't be done" was frequently qualified. He explained time and again that many MANY changes were back-burner because the resources could just better be spent on stuff that affected more of the player base.

We try to pick what we think will have the most bang for the buck given time and resources; every single company in the world does this. Sometimes we poll the boards, sometimes we do datamining, sometimes we do other research...but we try to pinpoint things that will affect the most people in the best way.

And because I did find and send this stuff to Stellar, here are a few of the references showing that Jack wasn't the one in absolute control of the budgeted resources:


Secondly, let's try to clear up a misconception. Cryptic does NOT fund Marvel's development. Microsoft does. NCSoft publishes City of Heroes. They fund its development team, marketing, PR, sales and this website. NCsoft provided Cryptic with funding to finish City of Heroes and launch it.

NCSoft (the publisher) and Cryptic Studios (the developer) are still firmly behind City of Heroes. It isn't going anywhere. NCSoft continues to fund a fantastic live team with lots of great stuff to come.

Bottom line: CoH remains a success in NCSoft's portfolio. They're continuing to financially support the product for a long time to come... Cryptic Studios loves the game. It's our baby. The game isn't going anywhere!
MY bottom line: Those posts were the year before the break... when CoH was down to under 20 developers. For whatever reason, the funder of the game's continued development was paying for only that many people. There are plenty of legitimate issues that can crop up between co-owners, so I'm not fixing blame on NCSoft either. I'm just saying that people that ARE fixing the blame on Jack are ignoring quite a lot that shows that this was a much more complex issue than what they want to believe.

Yes, these are all in Statesman's own words, so if you already think he's a liar, you're unlikely to be swayed. Sorry. His posts stop around the time of the split, so he's much easier to search for (Statesman_NA).



I don't think he's a liar so much as I think he's an egomaniac of the worst kind. He doesn't realize that intelligent, sane people could disagree with him on anything and be in the right.

[B]The Once and Future Official Minister of Awesome[/B]
[I]And don't you forget it.[/I]



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
I thought about that, but the point is if the publisher can cut the dev staff once, it can certainly do it again.
Yes, that proves that it's possible. But it doesn't prove that they did it, as your article is suggesting. Zombie Man's layout of other possibilities are a more reasonable stance than "NCSoft did it" or "Cryptic did it". It could have been a mutual thing, with each side sharing some portion of responsibility for the staffing cuts. Cryptic was making an income from CoH-- they could have used some of that to reinvest in it just as NCSoft could have.

Maybe I'm missing some information here. Why would NCSoft, the publisher, be the sole funder of the CoH development team?

Anyway, the thing that the "Freem 15" reveal proved was not that Cryptic were bad guys and cut staff, but that Jack intentionally misled us when we asked if MUO was taking resources from CoH by saying, "They have separate teams!". Jack probably couldn't tell us that the CoH staff was cut. It would have been a bad business decision to do so. But he chose to make a technically true but misleading statement (again!) instead of just keeping his mouth shut on the topic.

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Death for Dollars! (ID 1050)
Dr. Duplicate's Dastardly Dare (ID 1218)
Win the Past, Own the Future (ID 1429)



I don't think Jack was an egomaniac or evil at all. He was just someone with no background at all at video game design becoming the mouthpiece for something he knew next to nothing about. He didn't know how to interact with a fanbase for a video game because this was his first and done example. Instead of being honest from the beginning, he tried what he say work for other games: PR Doublespeak.

That's what gave us the "I said no power nerfs, ED is not nerfing specific powers" argument.

Just the fact that we have numbers in-game for everything right now just proves how wrong some of Jackie Boy's ideas were. He was so dead set against that. That was not a resource thing but a simple developer choice.

He's a part of City of Heroes history, yes. But in hindsight, he might have done more damage than good in the long run. Positron and company have done more than enough to win back my trust at this point, though.

Current Badge Hunter: Plot Device (Rad/Thermal/Dark) - 1,268 Xbox Live: Friggin Taser

King of Electricity, Lead Inmate running the Carl and Sons asylum, the "Man" behind the Establishment, Given Honor in Hat Form By Paragon City (Favorite Forum Poster 2006!), Master of Ceremonies of the Fair Use Law podcast



Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Yes, that proves that it's possible. But it doesn't prove that they did it, as your article is suggesting. Zombie Man's layout of other possibilities are a more reasonable stance than "NCSoft did it" or "Cryptic did it". It could have been a mutual thing, with each side sharing some portion of responsibility for the staffing cuts. Cryptic was making an income from CoH-- they could have used some of that to reinvest in it just as NCSoft could have.
Exactly. Business relationships are a complex thing.

Originally Posted by Liquid View Post
Maybe I'm missing some information here. Why would NCSoft, the publisher, be the sole funder of the CoH development team?
Well, if you look at how MUO *would have* been, Microsoft was the publisher, Cryptic the studio. Microsoft funded the project, so it was probably 100% owner of it. Cryptic got paid for making it... and probably had some contract incentives to get a little bonus if it was a runaway success. If Microsoft wanted more MUO goodness, it'd pay Cryptic (or another studio) more money to do it.

That's a more traditional publisher-studio relationship.

Cryptic-NCSoft was more complex because BOTH parties co-owned the property (exact proportions are unknown, but that much IS). There was definately some agreement in the distribution of revenue and an agreement on maintenance costs and responsibilities, but there was likely some vagueness (there always is) on how additional investments are handled. When push came to shove, one party expected more from the other. Maybe NCSoft expected more ownership of the product if it funded more of the development. Maybe Cryptic expected to be able to eventually "buy out" NCSoft and be sole owner... we don't know... but it's easy to see how that could complicate the business relationship.



Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post

Just the fact that we have numbers in-game for everything right now just proves how wrong some of Jackie Boy's ideas were. He was so dead set against that. That was not a resource thing but a simple developer choice.
To be fair to Jack, that was a pretty BIG developer trend back in the day. Conferences and UI designers spoke about how "natural" feedback like visual representation of injuries would be better than health meters for the general market. Where "low" "medium" and "high" damage were more player-friendly than games that made people feel like they needed a spreadsheet to play it.

Heck, it sure was easier to explain things to new players... particulary when you factor in how ED muddles things up-- 32%+32%+32% doesn't equal 96%? How about a 100% recharge reduction that only really gives a 50% reduction because its 100% of the *modifiable value* off. Something wrong there (they could have avoided that by giving "point" values to enhancements, then mapping those points to a percentage boost. It'd have eliminated the need to explain the different "classes" of enhancements too...) Don't get me started on accuracy calculations!

It's much more newb-friendly to just say "slotting a generic recharge reduction makes the power come back faster. Slotting these different types makes the power come back even faster."

I agree with the decisions to make the power values available, but I'm concerned that making them TOO visible leads to unnecessary confusion or unwarranted spreadsheet-play fears. That's why not everyone considers 'real numbers' a good thing- and many of those people just aren't playing this game.



..I should've added that what made real numbers NECESSARY in CoH is that not all "minor" damage was equal (for example). Some powers listed with the same generic description had notably different results. That made making informed decisions difficult



Originally Posted by Manofmanychars View Post
Okay, I'm just going to list Jack's good and bad points, and I'll try to keep my seething hatred for him and all his works under control.


-He did develop and refine a lot of the stuff that makes Co* what it is today, a lot of basic stuff at the core of the game.

-Everyone may have hated ED at first, but it's actually turned out to be okay, and I guess it's not bad.
Heh. I said when ED happened (and I was by far not the only one) that ED would be fine, it was just really frustrating that we were told "No more major powerset nerfs" and then a month later "Oh, we're just going to nerf the stuff that makes your powers stronger." At the time, it was after dealing with changes in issues 4 and 5 that hit my characters pretty hard, and I was seriously thinking about leaving the game. I also felt that ED + GDN was hitting melee characters way too hard. Also remember "You can six-slot your defenses" in the weeks before ED.

-He really, really hated regen. Yeah, it was overpowered, but he nerfed it until it was barely better than SR (this was before SR got buffed).
I think someone else pointed out that Regen was nerfed into a different playstyle.

I also should point out that Geko had a big hand in this.

-The plane speech (I think he was talking about playing the GBA installment of Castlevania, but that was just my inference). It wasn't just the idea he expressed (which I didn't agree with, I think it should be 1 player=1 boss), it was how condescending he was. It gave me a really good idea as to what sort of person he is. He probably rationalized our dislike of his changes as a lack of understanding about his "art," and thought that if he talked to us as though we were five years old, we might finally get it through our thick skulls. He couldn't conceive that we might actually have a thought-out, rational reason for not liking his changes, that wasn't possible. He was Jack Emmert, perfection incarnate. And an ego like that isn't fit to run an MMO.
I don't agree with this. I mean, I totally agree that what he said and how he said it was pretty bad, and telling people that he expected compounded failure so we'd all feel great about finally winning, but I think this had more to do with putting in more interesting and challenging fights. I don't remember if he meant it to be about boss-ranked mobs (which would be pretty awful) or AVs/EBs. I think (and have thought for a long time, but perhaps not since 2005) that AV fights could use some more complexity and challenge, rather than simply hitting hard enough to one-shot anyone who wasn't a tank or well-built scrapper.

But I don't think this was ego. I think Jack was trying to explain something he found fun, and he explained it in a way that people were prepared to take in the worst way (esp after the cascade of nerfs and the "three minions = one hero" even though he clarified the latter wasn't going to ever happen in CoH due to the way design evolved.

In all honesty, it's not that I hate Jack, it's that I don't respect him. He seems like the sort of person who wouldn't understand what you're getting at if you told him you disagreed with him. He just doesn't comprehend anyone else's wishes but his own. If anything, I feel bad for him, because he's in the worst possible business for a guy like him. Even as a single-player game designer, I think Jack would do better. But for MMOs, you need to know when to listen to feedback.
Actually, I disagree with this. He understood, but didn't agree. I tried to have a conversation about the prevalence of status effects in the game a few years ago, and I'm pretty sure he understood what I was saying (which was that fewer hard controls and more soft debuffs might be more fun than lots of hard controls, even if his response annoyed me at the time.

Really, I think Jack the Egomaniac is not accurate. I think Jack the Enthusiast Who Gets Ahead of Himself And Says The Wrong Thing A Bit Too Often is more accurate.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)