Gender Ratios in City of Heroes




To answer the OP's question with real numbers:

I am a female player, and I have;
10 female characters
4 male characters

When I played p&d tabletop games, I almost always played male characters... usually the oddball/non-human types... no comments from the peanut gallery, thank you.

Don�t say things.
What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
The BIG consolidated LIST for BASE LUV
YUMMY Low-Hanging Fruit for BASE LUV



For your discussion, I have a specific reason for playing *mostly* female's much easier to make a good looking cossie for the female characters. for me at least

Can't seem to get the hang of making male cossies, they always look stupid ot me, I think I've made, maybe 3 decent looking toons!

We built this city on Rock and Roll!



Originally Posted by Coin_ View Post
For your discussion, I have a specific reason for playing *mostly* female's much easier to make a good looking cossie for the female characters. for me at least

Can't seem to get the hang of making male cossies, they always look stupid ot me, I think I've made, maybe 3 decent looking toons!
Same here. Despite being male, I have very few (and no high level) male characters, simply cos I have real trouble coming up with a look I'm happy with for blokes. On the other hand, it's easy to throw something skimpy on a hot chick...



Doing a quick tally on my main account in my head...

Male: 35.7%
Female: 64.3%
Huge: 0%

If I include my second account (currently inactive)

Male: 32.1%
Female: 64.3%
Huge: 3.6%

However, my main hero and my main villain are male and make up (at a guess) about 75% of my overall play time on their own. (My main hero has over 4,000 hours on the clock right now, with my next closest pipping in with about 800.)

Oh, and I'm male. The reason I have a large number of female toons is... well, they look nicer, for one, but also I'm a roleplayer, and I have a bit of a "supporting cast" for my main who, for various reasons, tend to be female.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
You said "THE speculation is..." not "MY speculation is" which is a distinct difference. In the first case, you're implying that there's some kind of causual evidence. In the second you're just making stuff up like the rest of us. And the articles you linked to? Those aren't even the authors' speculations. Did you get those speculations from the blogosphere comments? If so, then you just rejected MY anecdotal experience as being unscientific, but embraced someone ELSE's anecdotal experience because you agreed with it.

Again, correlation does not prove causality. This is the cornerstone of using statistics in any scientific way. Just because there is a Correlation between Older Males and Gender Bending it does NOT mean that BEING an older male is what makes you likely to gender-bend. That question is NOT answered by the data.

Any guesses why that is the case is entirely groundless based on your beliefs about what being an older male means. It's not scientific. It's you reading what you want to see into statistics. I can read those same statistics to say that married, older men secretly want to be girls and are MORE confused about their sexuality, not less... and there is JUST as much proof of that as your conclusion. In fact, I'd argue that older generations are less likely to be comfortable with their sexuality if it veers outside the plain vanilla because lets face it, alternative sexual orientation as being anything but a snickering joke if not a source of outright hatred to most people is a pretty new thing in our society. While things still aren't perfect, most older people grew up in a much less tolerant world than we live in now. I know I sure did.

You're basically, like everyone else here except that guy who's doing the server zone fly-bys, doing nothing but making stuff up. Your imaginary evidence is no more valid than anyone else's imaginary evidence, even if you have real statistics to "support" your conclusions... because correlation does not prove causality.
For starters, here's one possible explanation:

Older men have had a longer period of time (presumably) spent playing games of various types and/or creating characters of various types. This means they are more likely to have tried out a female character simply out of boredom or some other reason.

There is a correlation (obviously) as to the reason why... Well, that's more complicated, but one hypothesis is as good as another in that situation.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Older men have had a longer period of time (presumably) spent playing games of various types and/or creating characters of various types. This means they are more likely to have tried out a female character simply out of boredom or some other reason.
That's all there really is to it. The older you are, the more likely you are to have questioned implied taboos and found justification for contradicting them, if for no reason other than because you are more likely to have had more opportunities to do so. I don't know, maybe I'm not old enough to have forgotten what it was like to be a kid (I'm 24, so judge for yourselves), but I have found that simply trying things you feel you shouldn't be (I'm male, so I SHOULD be making male characters because I'm making representations of me, say) is a good way to find that perhaps they are good things to do, and having done them once, it is easier to get over the taboo in the future.

For close to two years, I had a grand total of two female characters to around 8-10 males, and even those I'd made because I thought I should at least try it. Via my interaction with a friend of mine who had AMAZING designs for female costumes, I got inspired to make a lot more female characters and explore many more themes that I hadn't even considered before, to the point where now females make around half of my entire character roster. In fact, I recently had to take a step back and make a few males because I was running out of females to make.

Here's another interesting anecdotal observation - most inhuman characters I have seen have been largely Male and Huge. Moreover, almost all genderless characters I have seen have been Huge, and I say "genderless" to refer to walking piles of rock, alien robots, giant plants, androgynous demons and so forth. It's interesting to note that making an inhuman character FEMALE still preserves her as an inhuman female (and there's a whole culture that thrives on that stuff), whereas making a male character non-human often ends up with a genderless alien being. I don't know whether that's an artefact of how the female model imparts boobs and butts on even alien reptiles, whereas the male form seems more... Generic, or whether it's the fact that if an alien race has genders, males may or may not be shapeless monsters, but females will almost always be pretty much humanoid, but it is a factoid worth considering.

I've always felt that, if I was going to make a robot, say, I may as well make it "a robot," rather than making it a FEMALE robot. If it's not going to matter, why bother with the extra connotations?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Coin_ View Post
For your discussion, I have a specific reason for playing *mostly* female's much easier to make a good looking cossie for the female characters. for me at least

Can't seem to get the hang of making male cossies, they always look stupid ot me, I think I've made, maybe 3 decent looking toons!
It's the other way round for me. Up until about a year ago I was running nothing but males and knew my way round their options like the back of my hand. When I went to make my first female toon it took me a looong time to make one I was happy with (and that also wasn't just "look at me, I'm wearing a bikini to fight crime, tee hee!").

Since then I think I've made say seven or eight new toons with something like an equal balance between the sexes and I still feel sort of in the dark for the women, even after giving in and making one the crime-fighting-bikini type (with a name like Mars Attracts, how could she be anything else but?). Now, her and another female MM will soon be needing a new costume slot and I'm still sitting here looking at the costume creator and thinking (for them) "I haven't got a thing to wear!" :P



Originally Posted by Leandro View Post
Edit: I just visited what I'd consider the "worst case scenario", Pocket D on Virtue. The split was completely even there: Male 37 / Female 36 / Huge 1. However, since dialog (in Local!) included things like, Red Komodo turns his attention to Petite, "Come now, Petite... you know I am so much sexier... -- I'm not counting people on THAT zone as playing the same game as everyone else.
How scandalous, somebody said they're sexy! Obviously such depraved talk can only be said in between sessions with a goat, jumper cables, and chunky peanut butter.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



That's all there really is to it.
I'd prefer to say that it is one *possibly* sufficient explanation, but not the only possible one, and that we don't have much evidence to back any theory up at this point.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Just for myself, I've about a 50-50 ratio. Well, ok, 45-45-10 ratio, the 10 being 'other'. As in robots, gods (who take human form only because they have to in the game) that sort of thing.

I roll a character not because I wanna see digitial 3D booty, but because the character concept requires it. A Mind/Emp brings to mind a girl, mad hulking beast brings on a huge guy, and an experimental robot brings on... well, an experimental robot. And given the backstory, the robot also had to be done as a female model, but that's because the scientists in the 50s were perverts.

Point is, for me, the concept dictates the model. So I have a mix. If there was a way to model an airplane, weevil, gigantic microbe, sentient meteor shower, whatever... then I'd make that, if it made sense.

/If that helps any.
//ooh... An earth/storm sentient meteor shower. With Psionic Epic Pool. And swinging travel power. Weird. I like it. I can haz, Devs? *puppy dog eyes and pout*

August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012



My ratio of female to male characters is about 3 to 1. My 3 50's are female, but I have a male tank at 49 now - took me a while to get into him haha



Most of my characters tends to be female actually. I have no idea why really, although in a few cases I do. (Two of them require my toons to be female: One because the pun doesen't work if the character is male, the other becuase she's a "generic" Fortunata and those are all-female in-game)

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



For me, as a roleplayer offline and online for the past quarter-century, the choice of a character's gender is based on *who* that character is.

In getting to know that character and their backstory and motivations, it becomes evident to me what gender that character will be, just as their personal history dictates their actions and reactions. Case in point: I wanted a character to be a Peacebringer, but her backstory led me to make that character a Warshade. The character was well-received and a joy to play, and the angst she experienced made for some outstanding RP sessions. When she finally got the in-game mission to track down Nosferatu, Requiem, and Arakhn, it wasn't *just* another routine mission but an important
link in the chain of events in her life.

Of my top 4 characters, 2 are male (Lv 50 and 32) and 2 are female (both Lv50). I also have a Lv17 female and Lv7 male which I play less frequently, so I'm pretty much at 50-50.

I prefer playing the female characters, though, because I feel more comfortable with them and ... well ... I'm just not very good at playing male characters. The females offer me much greater RP opportunities and have a greater depth of character to them.

They also dress more modestly than characters in this game or other games I've played. No bikinis, no dancing on countertops, no cajoling for perks.

One thing that I *really* dislike -- and I don't think it's been mentioned here before -- are the twits who send perverted tells or attempt to "ERP" in Local (or Broadcast!). I had one jerk (in another game) fill up the chat box with expletives because he wanted to cyber , so I can certainly understand when a RL woman wants to play a guy toon just to avoid that sort of nonsense!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



Despite being a male player, most of my characters are female.

I used to joke that it was the "Lara Croft principle" in action, that if you're going to stare at your character's rear end all day, etc. etc.

The truth is a bit more complicated. You see, guys are BORING.

There are thousands of years worth of literature about male protagonists, while females have only gotten similar attention for a few decades. All the themes and character concepts for males are pretty much done to death. Female characters have a lot more untapped potential; variations that haven't been examined as thoroughly, cliches and tropes to be inverted and twisted around, and new roles to be explored.

There's also the consideration that women are a lot more complicated. Most of us guys are straightforward to the point of being dull. Women operate with extra motivations and perspectives that can give them an entirely different approach to everything in life. That presents plenty of novel material when creating and playing a female character.

Another consideration is that eccentric behavior coming from a guy is frequently considered creepy or obnoxious. The same behavior coming from a female will often be seen as endearingly quirky or exotic. Individuals with two X chromosomes can get away with a lot more crazy before it makes people uncomfortable. When you're trying to make characters that are interestingly odd, this can be very helpful.

At this point, my only level fifty character and the next two highest level characters I have are all female, and the one after them is a genderless robot. What this says about me is open to debate, but I think it says a lot more about people who try to read too much into it.



Dunno if it helps but I'm female and all my characters across three servers are female. Not a male in the bunch.

I tried once but I just couldn't play a male character.



As a male player who's just passed the 51 month landmark, I can confidently say that about 90% of ALL my characters ever created were female. As it stands now, I have 12 level 50 characters. ONE of them is male, the others female. Of all the toons I have on my account that aren't placeholders for names for issue 16 (of which there are two) only two are male. I don't really know why, TBH, every concept that comes into my head for a particular set combination or name, which usually comes first for me, turns out to be female. I've been chatted up by a male person who assumed I was female. I ran with it and suddenly I was a 24 year old air hostess from Croydon, South London who works for British Airways and I also ended up pouring brake fluid over my ex boyfriends car for cheating on me. Quite where that came from I've got no idea, but it seemed like a good idea at the time!

Defiant 50's
Many and varied!
@Miss Chief



Interesting- This thread got me to sit down and take a look at my selection of characters, and led to a surprising discovery. I'm a male, but don't tend to set out to make a character a specific sex, it just depends on what feels right for them. Generally though, I find female characters more interesting to dress/play/look at, so I assumed my collection would be overwhelmingly female and was suprised to discover that I was wrong- and not just by a little.

It turns out I have 91 Male Characters, and 64 Females. Adjusted for those I have multiple versions of on different servers, it comes out to 80 Males, 52 Females. Granted, 7 of the 'Males' are actually robots, but I dont suppose thats a meaningful distinction...

However, getting back to my general preference towards females, I took a closer look. Several of the above characters havent really gotten much play, since they were mostly just things I'd create to see how they looked, or pics for NPCs for my Pen and Paper games- the vast majority of them havent even reached lvl 5. Of the 24 whove made it past lvl 10, 16 are female, and 14 of the 26 whove made it past lvl 20. So it seems that while I've overwhelmingly made Male characters, my general perception that I tend to play females is still correct. Interestingly, the ratios are almost exactly reversed- for creation, its 61% male, but for play its 60% female...



Personal data for insight...


24-month vet

All characters are male (except for one reptile who's clearly male to me but has been addressed as female a number of times).

In theory I subscribe to the Lara Croft principle (described above), but in practice I find I just don't "identify" with a female toon in the same way I do with males.

If I try to play a female toon I'm conscious of a disconnect between me as Player, and my avatar. When playing males I find it much easier to "become" the character, rather than just "play" the character.



Originally Posted by Heartbreaker View Post

It turns out I have 91 Male Characters, and 64 Females...
*pssssh* /e spit-take

This affliction is treatable now thanks to advances in modern medical science.

Seek professional help now...please.



More anecdotal evidence which doesn't typically support any statistics whatsoever.

I'm a male player, and my characters are about 75% female, and most of my male characters are caricatures rather than characters. I stick with the theory that female characters are more interesting. Most of my favorite television shows and movies have a strong female protagonist.



I'm an older, married, male gamer, and on Freedom I've got 13 female toons vs 2 male. Numbers on other servers are more evenly divided genderwise; my choices on Freedom are strongly influenced by the fact that my first main was a girl axe tanker, and then as a member of the Babes of War I was strongly encouraged to make other female toons to fit the group theme. My wife tends towards more female than male toons, I think, but I haven't counted them.

*shrug* One more anecdotal data point.

One forum name, two members: Molly Hackett & Heliphyneau.

AE arcs:
27327 - Enter the Homunculi
176837 - Homunculi 2: Tectonic Boogaloo -- UPDATED



Most of my 60+ toons are female, and I'm an older male. If you'd asked me what the gender ratio is in any zone of the game, I'd have guessed that females outnumber males 3:2. But then I have a tendency to overlook the male toons. Just as in real life, I tend mostly to notice the women.

I've been reading thru the various posts here and wondering why it is I've made mostly female toons. I think it boils down to a few things.

1) Costume options for male toons are more limited than the options for females. Either that, or it's just that *I* find them more limiting. For example ... no loincloths, just briefs. Just the one set of wristbands. No denim jackets or vests. No open plain leather jacket, only dress, military, lab, or motorcycle. I never can seem to find the right hairstyle. Stuff like that.

2) The same costume features mean less when used by males. When you put shoulder spikes on a male toon he seems aggressive but ordinary (for a hero or villain), but when you put spikes on a female toon, she seems ultra-aggressive and subversive. When you put skulls on a male toon, to me it seems comically overdone. When you put skulls on a female toon it looks threatening. Somehow, most of the male toons just end up looking goofy to me.

3) Female toons have a more natural movement when they run. The male toon running animation seems based on the Huge model, so even thin or athletic males lumber along like they've never run farther than the distance between their cubicle and the donuts in the break room. The parody of superhero running that we have for males is just pathetic. I can't watch it.

4) Unlike many players, I guess, I've never created a toon that represented me. My toons are all other characters, other people.

5) I don't RP. I play all my toons with the same voice and inclinations, though it's true that if I'm playing a small toon - male or female - I tend to jump around like a little kid.

6) I don't have a predisposition to think of heroes as male. It seems to me that anyone could be a hero, especially if they had super powers.



Interesting discussion and here's my answer.

I live on Virtue and have 24 characters there all female.
I am female in RL.

While I do find many male players that play female characters the reverse is a rarity. I have yet to meet another female that plays dominantly male characters, but that may just be me as the casual player I am. However, I do have two friends (both female) that play CoH and they, also, do not play male characters.



Across all servers I have 88 characters, all are female.

I once had a male character, I deleted him. I've deleted many more female characters though.

I am a female in real life.



Originally Posted by Lady Athyna View Post
Dunno if it helps but I'm female and all my characters across three servers are female. Not a male in the bunch.

I tried once but I just couldn't play a male character.
This could be my life story.

My one try at a male character was Tyler Do'urden, so there were more obstacles to any success there than just his gender, I think.

Also, I only made him for screenshots.

Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)