Gender Ratios in City of Heroes




Well a quick check of my 50s, 3 Human Males + 1 Male Imp. 8 Human Females + 1 Female Robot.

I have 6 active toons, but this is more complex since the scence pack came in.
2 are female only
2 are male only
1 started with a female cossie and now has a mix of male and female ones.
1 Started with a male cossie and now has a mix of male and female ones.

My Wife also has a mix of males and females, but I couldn't tell you the numbers and she too has alts with both Genders since the science pack came out.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
I honestly don't really much like the look of male characters in this game... primarily because even at minimum buff-ness, they're extremely buff. The whole chest slider thing annoys me on females (it can barely go under 'super'!), but that's less of an issue for me (maybe it'd be worse if I wasn't nearly always looking at them from behind and so I rarely saw it during gameplay?). Also, the male sounds have slowly started to annoy me (ever since one of my friends said she hates playing male characters because of their 'manly sounds').
Yeah, I hear you.

On the males that I build I tend dial things for slim or average builds and they still wind up looking like olympic swimmers. So I tend to put a lot of bulky clothing and armor on 'em. I dig that it's a superhero game about cartoonish proportions and they are supposed to look like body builders but it would be nice to open the editor up to some other body types instead inhumanly perfect mesomorphs or thwarted mesomorphs. Just so I can try to defy cliche a few times, just a few.

Almost all the gals I've built, I've perversely built as robots or space critters. With space critters and robots, I've gotten pretty good at dialing, dressing or armoring away all the obvious guy or gal mammal characteristics to make them as machine-like or alien as possible. Aside from the weird arm posture gals have, my gal bots are pretty hard to tell from my guy bots.

(You know what i want? Weird alien and robot hands that don't look like human hands. Some tentacles, pinchers or weirdly articulated twelve fingered hands or something. I know this is hard because then we'd have to redo all the power animations for hands other than human ones. The pirate hook does look pretty silly holding a katana for example.)

And in terms of the grunts? Well it's rather disappointing when your robot or alien sounds so human, let alone steroid-y or girly, but I just ignore it.

I've got only two female characters that are human women.

One is an elderly or middle-aged magician specializing in magic based around arrows and plants. It was hard to make her look her age--not that I was trying to make her look frumpy or something--but I think I pulled it off. She looks sort like Jane Goodall or Susan Greenfield, both beautiful older women in my opinion. Maybe she looks like Susan Calvin, or how I imagine Asimov's Calvin as looking.

The other is a superhuman martial artist. She's young but it was actually pretty easy to give her a uniform that seemed realistic (freedom of movement, yet some protection as well) and didn't make her look like a streetwalker.

Anyway, as a old-fart DIRL, the ratio of my alts is about 75 percent dudes--but even most of those dudes are robots or aliens too--or just silly.

"Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking of them."



My characters are about 60% male, 40% female.

As for the overall game, I'd say it's 75% male, 24% computer programs designed to claim to be female, and at least 1 collective of hyper intelligent cats.

Tales of Judgment. Also here, instead of that other place.

good luck D.B.B.



Originally Posted by Agonus View Post
My characters are about 60% male, 40% female.

As for the overall game, I'd say it's 75% male, 24% computer programs designed to claim to be female, and at least 1 collective of hyper intelligent cats.
I for one welcome our new cat overlords.



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
Long story short: Men and women do not understand each other at all.
You got that right!

I am 33 and mail and I have two accounts both Full on every server, there likely are more Males than females but actaully counting them would be a chore at the moment. I have gone away from any kind of logic of why amles over femalese ore females over males. I generally just build to a concept and some times that means Male some times it means female and some times it doesn't matter.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



I'm a mirl (male in real life) and older than most here, I'd say. Here are the stats for my main account:

Male: 27
Female: 60

So I'm near that 2:1 female-to-male ratio like some others. The reasons?

1. I feel like I can come up with better costumes for females, generally.

2. I think the model moves more smoothly.

3. I find it easier to come up with more punny names, which I like, that end up sounding better as a female name.

4. If I'm gonna watch a bouncing rear for hours on end, it's not gonna be some dude's.

5. I kinda like bucking the trends. When I started most people played their same gender. I did too for the first few characters, but then started varying things. When I saw that most Tanks were males, I decided to make my first a female, and so on.

6. Cuz.

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CoH/V Fan Videos



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Personal preference, obviously, but this I never understood. Sure, the male running animation may not be spectacular, but I CANNOT STAND the female juggle-butt, faux-high-heels running animation, at least from the back. From the side it's not too bad, but from the back... Dear Lord. I've gone as far as to keep the weapons on my weapon-using females out as much as I can (going as far as to suggest an option to keep them out permanently) just so that I can force my giant Troll woman to stop jiggling her butt. Ugh!
Are the femme models really wiggling their butts as though they were wearing high heels? I don't see it that way. Women naturally have a different gait than males due to different pelvic structure, and high heels don't create a swinging gait so much as they create a mincing, tiptoe gait.

From wikipedia on Pelvis:
The acetabula are wider apart in females than in males. In males, the acetabulum faces more laterally, while it faces more anteriorly in females. Consequently, when men walk the leg can move forwards and backwards in a single plane. In women, the leg must swing forward and inward, from where the pivoting head of the femur moves the leg back in another plane. This change in the angle of the femoral head gives the female gait its characteristic (i.e. swinging of hips).
However, the male running animation is truly unrealistic for an athletic male. I am fairly certain they did an animation for Huge males and simply transferred it to the normal male. The graceless stumping fits for Huge but looks highly abnormal for normal males.



Male here and I have more female characters than male.

On my main server, Triumph

Female - 15
Male - 3

Across all servers
Female - 50
Male - 22

My reasons are similar to DarkEther's list above.

Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
1. I feel like I can come up with better costumes for females, generally.

2. I think the model moves more smoothly.

3. I find it easier to come up with more punny names, which I like, that end up sounding better as a female name.

4. If I'm gonna watch a bouncing rear for hours on end, it's not gonna be some dude's.
I find that those ones definitely apply to why I make them. Another reason for some of my characters;
5. IRL, I find that I make more friends that are female than male. Quite a few of them have given me bursts of inspiration(either in name, character or something they did/said) and it usually feels right for the inspired character to be female too.



we're all forgetting to add Zombies into our equation. as there seems to be a political debate as to whether or not a Zombie is male or female just by outward appearance. Some people say "they are dead, thus are niether male nor female" while others say that their gender before death makes the as such.

So we need to accomodate for that...

Yes, I know I mispelled the 5th word in my last sentence.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea: