To much farming




Thread is well derailed now, so I may as well:

Changing Granite from toggle to a clicky is not going to break the game but encourage players to play Smarter staying in Granite isnt needed you nerf your own damage and recharge when in Granite(would also stop the need for Speed Boost would'nt it and the need for teleport power??). So without thinking of the positives you knock them back automatically thinking its completely negative, yet there a tons of players wanting granites or have them and dont want Teleport.

[/ QUOTE ]
Rooted tends to like teleport as well.

Without purples my granite (who never PL'd and has been kicking about for 3 years) has +40% recharge speed... before it's boosted with hasten. Swift and (if playing at 49/50) assault take the sting out of GAs run and damage debuffs.

Of course, they also mean that I've a decent dmg buff and recharge when out of GA as well...

It may be argued that stone tanks aren't as good as other tanks in many situations, but it's ridiculous to call them useless (as another poster did).

I picked a stoney after playing (In my 1st months in CoX) with a couple of excellent stone tanks, and I'm still convinced that they make great tanks. But it's like any AT/powersets - there are no really bad ones, just people who can't play them well...

[/ QUOTE ]
Cheers without needing to say what powersets require purples you mentioned on of them



But it's like any AT/powersets - there are no really bad ones, just people who can't play them well...

[/ QUOTE ]
Cheers without needing to say what powersets require purples you mentioned on of them

[/ QUOTE ]
Stone doesn't need purples. They help it, but it doesn't need them.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Thread is well derailed now, so I may as well:

Changing Granite from toggle to a clicky is not going to break the game but encourage players to play Smarter staying in Granite isnt needed you nerf your own damage and recharge when in Granite(would also stop the need for Speed Boost would'nt it and the need for teleport power??). So without thinking of the positives you knock them back automatically thinking its completely negative, yet there a tons of players wanting granites or have them and dont want Teleport.

[/ QUOTE ]
Rooted tends to like teleport as well.

Without purples my granite (who never PL'd and has been kicking about for 3 years) has +40% recharge speed... before it's boosted with hasten. Swift and (if playing at 49/50) assault take the sting out of GAs run and damage debuffs.

Of course, they also mean that I've a decent dmg buff and recharge when out of GA as well...

It may be argued that stone tanks aren't as good as other tanks in many situations, but it's ridiculous to call them useless (as another poster did).

I picked a stoney after playing (In my 1st months in CoX) with a couple of excellent stone tanks, and I'm still convinced that they make great tanks. But it's like any AT/powersets - there are no really bad ones, just people who can't play them well...

[/ QUOTE ]

oh they are great (make even greater brutes ) but to get them there you have to make use of IOs and set bonuses compare a SOed invul to a SOed stone the invul is far more versitile (even if i do hate invul)



And how did this get on to brute/tank tier 9's? stay focused people! I promise much shiney glittery stuff later if you do!



wooooooooo shiney



And how did this get on to brute/tank tier 9's?

[/ QUOTE ]
Comments about PL'd players coupled with server downtime - it's never a good combination.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)




Ok yes Energy Aura does seem broken, though if you pick Dark Melee it would do just as good as my Dark/Shield brute.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry to be picky, but as somebody with a shield brute i find that hard to believe. Shield Charge changes everything and i dont think energy can ever compensate for being able to pop +2s for 450 AOE damage without any fury...

Also, your DM/Shield should be doing insane amounts of damage given the +dmg aura and soul drain - how is energy gonna keep up with that?

Na, i think energy is definitely the gimp. Might roll one when servers go back up :P



One question: Why don't you just change it from "Auto-SK" to "This level range ONLY" ? That way the team is still forced to have 50% people in SK range which is difficult if you're a lonesome farmer and running a 1-54 map.



But it's like any AT/powersets - there are no really bad ones, just people who can't play them well...

[/ QUOTE ]
Cheers without needing to say what powersets require purples you mentioned on of them

[/ QUOTE ]
Stone doesn't need purples. They help it, but it doesn't need them.

[/ QUOTE ]
For recharge purposes yes it does, and dont tell me people dont try and get as much recharge from purples to counter negative effects.

And allthough derailed i'm still on topic near enough everything i've spoken about all goes back to farming.
to get the negative recharge effects out of a Granite Farm
while i'm making that Dark/Energy Brute i'll be farming on my main account for my domi and lvling my Dark/Energy (effectively powerleveling myself)



One question: Why don't you just change it from "Auto-SK" to "This level range ONLY" ? That way the team is still forced to have 50% people in SK range which is difficult if you're a lonesome farmer and running a 1-54 map.

[/ QUOTE ]

That would fix alot of the PL problems with MA actually. Has there been any word from devs about the auto-SK feature? i mean is it a bug or what?



I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, considering the very friendly "Team with your buddies!" attitude. Although on another note, has anyone else had the invite bug?

EDIT: Found out why it happens, seems that because of the TF rules, what with the "if you log out, you're still in the team" business, if you had 8 members, one logs out, and you invite another 8th, you've *technically* got 9 team members, and the mission bugs for entry, for a good deal of the team.



One question: Why don't you just change it from "Auto-SK" to "This level range ONLY" ?

[/ QUOTE ]
Presume that that's because of the standard mobs level ranges and allowing level jumping for access to those groups for storytelling purposes. If that is the case then, used as intended, it's a good feature.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)




Ok yes Energy Aura does seem broken, though if you pick Dark Melee it would do just as good as my Dark/Shield brute.

[/ QUOTE ]

Sorry to be picky, but as somebody with a shield brute i find that hard to believe. Shield Charge changes everything and i dont think energy can ever compensate for being able to pop +2s for 450 AOE damage without any fury...

Also, your DM/Shield should be doing insane amounts of damage given the +dmg aura and soul drain - how is energy gonna keep up with that?

Na, i think energy is definitely the gimp. Might roll one when servers go back up :P

[/ QUOTE ]I do not rely on shield charge with my Dark/Shield Brute i rely on Soul Drain. So a Dark/Energy Brute still has 3 Aoe's one being a cone and if you learn to move around arcing the mobs to get as many as possible in it's degree firing line you wouldnt need Shield Charge and the recharge of that is very quick



One question: Why don't you just change it from "Auto-SK" to "This level range ONLY" ?

[/ QUOTE ]
Presume that that's because of the standard mobs level ranges and allowing level jumping for access to those groups for storytelling purposes. If that is the case then, used as intended, it's a good feature.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm not so sure. I think the system should figure out a "minimum access level" for your arc based on the missions and use that as the minimum level, but allow normal SKing to be used.

I remember a suggestion a year or so back saying people should be able to SK more than one person and it was shot down in flames (rightly so) only for the devs to introduce an even more lax version of it now with the MA.



what Dave says

as things stand you can have the following

mission 1: lvl 1-54
mission 2: lvl 30-54
mission:3: lvl 1 - 30

now under the current system any one from 1 to 50 can plat the mission all the way thru remove the auto SK and only lvl30+ could do the arc



I'm not sure if it's a bug or not, considering the very friendly "Team with your buddies!" attitude. Although on another note, has anyone else had the invite bug?

EDIT: Found out why it happens, seems that because of the TF rules, what with the "if you log out, you're still in the team" business, if you had 8 members, one logs out, and you invite another 8th, you've *technically* got 9 team members, and the mission bugs for entry, for a good deal of the team.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes, thats right. You have to get the person to actually quit the TF, then another person can be invited and enter. Its surprising how many people dont know this yet - spread the word. If you log out, nobody else can enter. Quit the team!

Id just like to know if its working as intended or not: I cant see how certain features such as locking mobs to X level while auto-SK'in everyone to Y is intended by the inculsion of 1 critter - which you can also place as a rescue which frees on entry, i might add, is intended. That has gotta be a loop in the system.



And limit something that perhaps is the biggest thing CoH devs ever made?

Limitations, nerfs, removal, for what? A bunch of farmers and powerlvl'ers? What about the trashtalkers, the noobs, the afk'ers, the 'im uber and u not' idiots, that i have to team with?

Ironic enough, i have 10 times more social interaction within a farming team then i have with any pickup party. Hench, i even enjoy playing more by doing so, min-maxing my controller abilities and see other strong builds passing by.

So what is exactly the problem with MA farming and PL? The annoying spam? /ignore. The reduced players available to party? /EUissue. The unfairness that u had to work the 'hard' way while others do it 'quick 'n dirty'? /care.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!




So what is exactly the problem with MA farming and PL?

[/ QUOTE ]

PLd players who have no idea how to play the game, resulting in a need to avoid PuGs, reducing the amount of spontaneous teaming on the server - which a EU server really cant afford.

Edit: If there is one thing that i miss from when i started the game it was that post-35 took a long time. You had no mission difficulty slider, no paper missions and frankly not enough missions to level to 50 if you only did your own. At the time i thought it was horrible, but what it did was increase teaming and ensure that people knew their toon inside out by 50.

This is my only problem with PL. I dont care what other players do until it affects me. Since i like to team and be social, at times i will be relying on another player to not suck.




Limitations, nerfs, removal, for what? A bunch of farmers and powerlvl'ers? What about the trashtalkers, the noobs, the afk'ers, the 'im uber and u not' idiots, that i have to team with?

[/ QUOTE ]

Aren't they all usually the same?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




So what is exactly the problem with MA farming and PL?

[/ QUOTE ]

PLd players who have no idea how to play the game, resulting in a need to avoid PuGs, reducing the amount of spontaneous teaming on the server - which a EU server really cant afford.

Edit: If there is one thing that i miss from when i started the game it was that post-35 took a long time. You had no mission difficulty slider, no paper missions and frankly not enough missions to level to 50 if you only did your own. At the time i thought it was horrible, but what it did was increase teaming and ensure that people knew their toon inside out by 50.

This is my only problem with PL. I dont care what other players do until it affects me. Since i like to team and be social, at times i will be relying on another player to not suck.

[/ QUOTE ]

To be fair its possible to run into players who have no idea how to play a toon even if they've played the game "properly" all the way to 50

and i agree some farm team I've been on have been great fun from my experience many of the "farmers" are in-fact small groups of friends and there is often some great banter going on between them so farm teams can be fun.




So what is exactly the problem with MA farming and PL?

[/ QUOTE ]

PLd players who have no idea how to play the game, resulting in a need to avoid PuGs, reducing the amount of spontaneous teaming on the server - which a EU server really cant afford.

Edit: If there is one thing that i miss from when i started the game it was that post-35 took a long time. You had no mission difficulty slider, no paper missions and frankly not enough missions to level to 50 if you only did your own. At the time i thought it was horrible, but what it did was increase teaming and ensure that people knew their toon inside out by 50.

This is my only problem with PL. I dont care what other players do until it affects me. Since i like to team and be social, at times i will be relying on another player to not suck.

[/ QUOTE ]
Since i rarely team with others unless it's for a Strike Force and there are alot of other players who do the same pl'ing my second account does not effect you and i'm not the only player who does that. Because maybe someones messaged me and i say so solo team they might think it effects them but i've always soloed always will . i do not agree with how some go about with needing a powerlevel mind you. if someone asks me to powerlevel them the answer is no and those who go about shouting farm simple solution mentioned ignore or generally rant in broadcast like i do. i rant only because it's becoming like spam otherwise i'm fine with the odd farm shout but not every 5 seconds

Edited 16.03
Oh i forgot to mention only friends are allowed to join me farming



Farming generates huge amounts of influence that never leaves the market. This causes the prices of rarer items to keep rising continuously, since the piling up of inf makes its perceived value to drop.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. The money supply is infinite - this is a problem. There will always be more and more money pumped into the economy because the design is such that there is never any limit. As farming continues, the amount of money in circulation explodes, and when nobody is spending (partially because items are scarce, partially because they can buy what they want using other means (merits/tickets)) the value of money descreases.

This is inflation (you might want to think of it as involuntary Quantitative Easing or Currency Devaluation).

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



when I see a granite tank

[/ QUOTE ]Fixed that for you.

[/ QUOTE ]
You implying all granite tanks are from PL/farming?

[/ QUOTE ]No, I'm implying they're useless compared to other tanks in the majority of the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

As much as it pains me i have to agree with this stone armour is a badly thought out power set all the armours pre teir 9 pale in comparison to granite even the one that gives def to psy pales in comparison to granite because there are so few mobs that do purely psy damage that its far easier to run granite and just heal back any psy damage.

all stones pre granite armours need buffing and granite needs nerfing its sad but true

[/ QUOTE ]

In a sense i kinda agree Granite shouldnt be a toggle it should be on par with other defensive sets and used once every 3-6 minutes draining the stone brute/tanker of all end and health as such a feat would hurt anyone .

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be the death knoll of the stone tanker. Granite is massively restrictive compared to any of the other tanker uber powers. If it was a click instead of a toggle than I, for one, would want no damage reduction, no speed reduction and no recharge reduction. Why should you be double penalised for it? Also there is the fact that with all the other stone armours on not only do you run out of endurance very quickly but your survivability is a joke compared to granite.

I think a compromise would be, buff all the stone armours so they give a better level of protection and then remove all penalties from granite, before finally making granite a clicky. Then you can hear the thuds as most stone tankers drop granite and moan about how it is now a weak version of inv.



when I see a granite tank

[/ QUOTE ]Fixed that for you.

[/ QUOTE ]
You implying all granite tanks are from PL/farming?

[/ QUOTE ]No, I'm implying they're useless compared to other tanks in the majority of the game.

[/ QUOTE ]

As much as it pains me i have to agree with this stone armour is a badly thought out power set all the armours pre teir 9 pale in comparison to granite even the one that gives def to psy pales in comparison to granite because there are so few mobs that do purely psy damage that its far easier to run granite and just heal back any psy damage.

all stones pre granite armours need buffing and granite needs nerfing its sad but true

[/ QUOTE ]

In a sense i kinda agree Granite shouldnt be a toggle it should be on par with other defensive sets and used once every 3-6 minutes draining the stone brute/tanker of all end and health as such a feat would hurt anyone .

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be the death knoll of the stone tanker. Granite is massively restrictive compared to any of the other tanker uber powers. If it was a click instead of a toggle than I, for one, would want no damage reduction, no speed reduction and no recharge reduction. Why should you be double penalised for it? Also there is the fact that with all the other stone armours on not only do you run out of endurance very quickly but your survivability is a joke compared to granite.

I think a compromise would be, buff all the stone armours so they give a better level of protection and then remove all penalties from granite, before finally making granite a clicky. Then you can hear the thuds as most stone tankers drop granite and moan about how it is now a weak version of inv.

[/ QUOTE ]

Or how about leave it as it is? And stop trying to 'Fix' things that aren't broke?
Unless the Devs have develloped the need for a 'Meddling Fix'? -sigh-

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Fifteen pages of this!

For cryin' out loud folks, I'm the master of Moaning and I'm still saying, Yes *I* *am* still saying....

...give it a rest. It seems we need a few days collective off-line experience, which would incidentally (but doubtfully) get NC's attention as well.