To much farming




How can you possibly factor in real world money? you cant officially buy inf with real world cash and you cant sell Inf for real world cash.

CoH is a closed economy the value of Inf is always going to go down because there is more coming into the system than is going out.



farming is not cheating

[/ QUOTE ]
You've got me there. My hands are up. I don't make the rules, but if I did, it would be.

[/ QUOTE ]

i refer you back to my reply earlier

So because you don't find something fun but other people do its wrong basically? That's what your saying farming is bad because you don't want to do it.

In fact you dislike it so much you would go so far to class it as cheating well thank the gods your not in charge.

Basically your bigoted towards any one who farms. When asked for a reason you spout rubbish about removing chess pieces and the exchange rate of influence to pound neither of which have any bearing on the argument.



Farming isn't breaking any of the game's rules, at all PERIOD. That is what I am sorry to say, that many against the farming idea fail to realise.
The developers may implicitly remove the ease of farming, but will never remove it outwith.

Without sounding like a man in pre-historic times, I think people who don't like farming are just fed up they can't afford things. And to them, I say welcome to the real world, nothings easy.




Farming isn't breaking any of the game's rules, at all PERIOD. That is what I am sorry to say, that many against the farming idea fail to realise.

[/ QUOTE ]You'd think that, but it is quite interesting how farming maps get banned on the MA...



Actually in quick response ( I was away and the screen was left on this ) I'd quite like a thorough explanation of the exploitation rules from 'Mission Architect' albeit I'm sure they insinuate that they reserve any right to remove any product of a user that exploits anything, which is understandable since noone should be allowed to exploit but just how far is this imaginary line?
Since I fear it may be crossed on both sides unfortunately.

You make some good points Max'





So because you don't find something fun but other people do its wrong basically? That's what your saying farming is bad because you don't want to do it.

In fact you dislike it so much you would go so far to class it as cheating well thank the gods your not in charge.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thing is the people dont farm cause they like it and its fun for them, they farm to get their chars to 50 without having to do anything for it, or farm for inf or recipes to io out their builds.

I farmed several times to earn some inf to buy specific ios, but believe me i hated it cause its totally boring and stupid.

I highly doubt any player with some brains has fun killing the same mobs on the same map for hours and days, they do it to get the inf to buy the insane expensive sets, or hope for puple drops.

Farmin is like watching the same movie 10 times a day for weeks. If someone finds that entertaining there must be something wrong with that person, at least imho.



*raises hand*

I actualy find farming fun when running a map as one of my brutes or as my mastermind think its just the un ending destruction

as to just standing there gaining Inf/XP havent really ever done that side of it so i wouldn't know about that.



Apologies to people if they are sick of seeing my name posted!
Am I the only person that understands that power-levelling and farming are two almost completely different things?
And no smart answers saying " uhh.. farming=PL plox"




Apologies to people if they are sick of seeing my name posted!
Am I the only person that understands that power-levelling and farming are two almost completely different things?
And no smart answers saying " uhh.. farming=PL plox"


[/ QUOTE ]

Nope your not but many people treat them as interchangable and to some degree they can be or atleast you can do one while doing the other.



Apologies to people if they are sick of seeing my name posted!
Am I the only person that understands that power-levelling and farming are two almost completely different things?
And no smart answers saying " uhh.. farming=PL plox"


[/ QUOTE ]

Nope your not but many people treat them as interchangable and to some degree they can be or atleast you can do one while doing the other.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whist you can farm without powerleveling, can you really power level without farming?

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



So because you don't find something fun but other people do its wrong basically? That's what your saying farming is bad because you don't want to do it.

[/ QUOTE ]

You still seem to be struggling with comprehension and are attempting to make my statements, "basic". Basically, I think you should settle with the complex version, because your "basic" versions of my statements are still wrong.

Basically your bigoted towards any one who farms. When asked for a reason you spout rubbish about removing chess pieces and the exchange rate of influence to pound neither of which have any bearing on the argument.

[/ QUOTE ]

No reply to them? Are they are too complicated for your brain to comprehend? I blame all that mindless farming.

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



Apologies to people if they are sick of seeing my name posted!
Am I the only person that understands that power-levelling and farming are two almost completely different things?
And no smart answers saying " uhh.. farming=PL plox"


[/ QUOTE ]

Nope your not but many people treat them as interchangable and to some degree they can be or atleast you can do one while doing the other.

[/ QUOTE ]

Powerlevling and farming inf or recipes isnt the same thats true, but but since the same maps are used for both there isnt really a way to adress one without the other.

I call it inf farming if lvl 50s do it, if non 50s do it its powerlvling no matter if they just joined for the inf or not, since they gain lvls at a insane rate and i doubt they turn xp of even if all they want is inf.



Were getting a bit heated here guys

I don't mind farming since it doesn't affect anyone but the one taking part because in my experience it does the following:
A.Brings income to a player seeking it for a valid reason.
B.Supplies the market with rare supplies, which otherwise would be lower than they are.
C.Actually gives 50's something to do, albeit not the purpose of end-game content.

However... power-levelling is a whole new debate since if your power-levelling yourself, whats the harm:
A.If you see a level 50 with a ridiculous power choice, don't invite them to your friggin' task force idiots ( personal experience )
B.MA is allowing brand new players to be power-levelled, which is NOT on. Okay, any new player joining an auto-sk ( purpose or content orientated ) is bound to be slightly power-levelled, thats the way the system works right now.
C.Power-levelling wasn't as bad back when you only invited 45-50's since it was only beneficial for them, yes farmers are genuinely nice, but now it's exploded for everyone to experience, it's falling into ill hands.




Apologies to people if they are sick of seeing my name posted!
Am I the only person that understands that power-levelling and farming are two almost completely different things?
And no smart answers saying " uhh.. farming=PL plox"


[/ QUOTE ]

Nope your not but many people treat them as interchangable and to some degree they can be or atleast you can do one while doing the other.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whist you can farm without powerleveling, can you really power level without farming?

[/ QUOTE ]

You can have 4 people working the ultimate sidekick system while running normal missions and still PL just fine I'd think. As long as you run the 50s missions and someone TP's the two lowbies around that is

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Without sounding like a man in pre-historic times, I think people who don't like farming are just fed up they can't afford things. And to them, I say welcome to the real world, nothings easy.


[/ QUOTE ]

Priceless! Farming IS the easy route.



Since the release of i14 i have noticed that all you get now s lvl 4 whatever lff nowadays they dont even have to make there way to Perigrine i have heard that its possiable to get from 1 to 30 in one mish.
I have farmed in the past but for inf the future of this farming exploit doesnt look good as when it comes to TFs like ITF etc your going to get total noobs joining who havent got a clue how there toon works how to use the powers and havent got it enhanced.
But apart from that everything is cool i just like to moan now and then lol

[/ QUOTE ]

The discussion has gone slightly off track. The OP has posted their concern about new players joining the game, powerlevelling to 50 and then playing high level Task Forces like the ITF, but not being knowledgable enough to play properly and so possibly hinder the team or annoy the other team members with their naivity.

The OP is rightly concerned. There has been a large amount of broadcasts in Atlas where many players select to start the game and they arrive to be bombarded with invites to farm their way to 50. Not only have the broadcasts in Atlas swamped these newcomers it irritated me so I moved my character out of the AE in Atlas because of the volume of broadcasts and I haven’t been back since.

I’m hoping it will all die down and return to normal soon. If not, I’d like to see something done to remove it from starting zones.

As for teaming with these new players who have leveled to 50 in 8 hours and join task forces etc. Personally I am a patient person and the player would have to be really annoying to get on my nerves. If he makes a mistake and we get killed, then meh! So what. Debt is not exactly anything to worry about these days. I’m not sure there are any TF’s that you could fail to complete with an inexperienced player on board?

What other people do and how other people play this game doesn’t really bother me too much. Everyone has their own play style. I just worry that potential newcomers will be hit with this “farming flood of text” and not get to enjoy the game as much as I did when I started and then they leave…. The game gets less players….the game dies……. And I am all alone… .. Dramatic but true!!

Like I said though, I am hoping it’s a phase that will pass….





I must admit maybe i am so pi***ed about the insane amount of farming cause i am playing since COH release in US.

Often if you look back you just remember the good sides of something and how much more fun it was then it is now.

In the early days there was no farming in CoH, maybe some streethunting or hunting dev earth swarms yes but no farming like there is now.

You were very proud when you lvled a char to 40 (which was max lvl) cause it took very long and was a hard road to get there.
Sharpshooters in peregrine were a pain back then, but fun fun fun.....
4 whole lvls of dept :-( while annoying we laughed about it
" OMG i will never clear this dept"
" tell me about it we did sewer trial yeserday, i have 6 lvls of dept"

We laughed and continued to have fun, even if it took 2 weeks to clear the dept and gain another lvl.
These days ppl rush to 50 in 2 days and get pi**ssed if they cant find a farm team to pl thei char even faster.

Maybe its part of the time we live in, but everyone always seems to be in a hurry not willing to slow things down a bit and enjoy the games.

In these days its so easy to lvl a char to 50 even without farming its a joke compared to the early days.
Why make it even more easy to hit max lvl in hours using the MA ?

Ios made the game even more easy, they buffed the players power by a crazy amount while the mobs and missions stayed the same.

I do understand that Ios were made to give the players soemthing to work towards.... a time sink to keep people interested, make a build better and better, just one more set etc.

I wouldnt mind if the game increased overall difficulty.

I actually laughed when i got 2 shotted by a EM/ninj custom boss in a MA mission, it felt like old days where you had to use your brain to beat stuff, now its only run in and kill.

But even if you can create your own missions in Ma now and make them challenging, its still not the same as normal dev made challenging content.

I think despite what the devs say the are glad so many ppl farm, cause it keeps them interested in the game, and they ont have to ad really cool new content evry 2 months to keep players playing.

Ios started the whole farming issue, before you didnt really need inf cause there was nothing to buy for it.

Some people powerlvled their toons of course, but it wasnt as bad as it is now, cause most people only make a limited amount of chars.

My point is:
The game is easy enough already without MA farm maps, i want the new players to feel the same pride when they hit max lvl playing without farming, i felt when i first hit 40 or 50.
If you get pl to 50 you wont never be as proud or close to your char as you would be lvling him/her the hard way, therefore never be as closely connected to paragon as the old gamers are.




You were very proud when you lvled a char to 40 (which was max lvl) cause it took very long and was a hard road to get there.

[/ QUOTE ]Fire/Dev says Hi!



My point is:
The game is easy enough already without MA farm maps, i want the new players to feel the same pride when they hit max lvl playing without farming, i felt when i first hit 40 or 50.
If you get pl to 50 you wont never be as proud or close to your char as you would be lvling him/her the hard way, therefore never be as closely connected to paragon as the old gamers are.

[/ QUOTE ]
That's it exactly. It devalues the achievement and makes it something trivial.



(looks at thread title)

... will kill you, just as sure as none at all?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



(looks at thread title)

... will kill you, just as sure as none at all?

[/ QUOTE ]

You´re headed for disaster ´cos you never read the signs.

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



(looks at thread title)

... will kill you, just as sure as none at all?

[/ QUOTE ]

You´re headed for disaster ´cos you never read the signs.

[/ QUOTE ]

Should he check himself before he wrecks himself?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



As much as many people here have the same opinion as Moghedian, I don't really take much satisfaction in dinging 50. Now I've been around since 'City of Villain's and I know how hard it was to level back then, trust me. ( The ironic thing being MA farming brought a tonne of villains back by the way.) The only time I enjoyed reached the "milestone" was my first one, my tanker, and after that it was becoming a good hero, such as IO'ing; or costuming; or making your VG/SG base unbelievably cool;or making friends in TF's. As much as that's all irrelevant, reaching the 50 mark by whatever way isn't as prestigious, nor was it unless we refer to villains in the early days anyway, so I couldn't care less on that topic.

However.. On the topic of the author, MA farming I say again and again is too exposed to new players. They shouldn't be allowed to have such an 'easy' way into the game, they'll never learn the mechanics. That's my only qualm, in brief, that they must remove the MA buildings from the starting areas, and somehow limit their access.

That is if the developers see fit.




...remove the MA buildings from the starting areas, and somehow limit their access.

That is if the developers see fit.


[/ QUOTE ]

Higher lvl players would still teleport low lvl players in. The high lvl players get bigger teams, low lvl players incredible xp. So I dont think thats an answer.

I started playing CoH when it first reached Europe 5 years ago. It was really hard work dinging 50. I stopped/started playing CoH many times. Architect was the reason I reactivated my account. What should've been its pinnacle, will be its downfall as far as im concerned. I wont renew my account when Architect stays the way it is now.

Maybe Champions Online does things better...