So how did you do?




I had a great weekend, got a warshade from 1 to 32, a controller to 15 and this morning I managed to get my MM from 25 to 28 with seconds to spare. I dinged and the server closed for maintenance before the buffs had worn off

So how did everyone else do? did you find it easy to get a team or were you frantically sending repeat tells to people hoping one would get through without the /tell bug. I had so many broken tells I actually put in my search comment that I reply to all tells and if I haven't please resend till I do



Got my second character up to level 50 (I think it took me longer than one my main), started a new Scrapper and got him up to level 17 before the servers went to sleep. Mostly, I enjoyed the game as I used to, playing in a team and chatting with friends.



I got from... level 42.5 to 42.95, barely been on this weekend.
I did find it easy to join a team, as I joined some friends I was chatting to on skype.. after some persuading.



I was to busy to do much playing this weekend at the good times. The moments I did, it was hard to get good teams so I hardly leveled at all. But i did do a nice synapse.



Got my level 41 fire/ice blaster to 50, so that's me well chuffed!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Didn't play as much as i planned. Things kept getting in my way

I did get Sapphic Shock from 26 to 39 which was my goal. Also tried get my widow up some, but then connection cut out for awhile.

I dunno, wasn't as motivated this weekend as i figured i'd be.



It's been a very good weekend for me, i managed to get my PB from lvl 30 to 43, got my rad/rad defender from 10 to 23, 2 veats from lvl 1 to 24 readfy for the respec, done 3 TF's, on my 50's and just managed to get 4 lvls on my stalker before the servers went down.

But the icing on the cake was getting my first purple drop on the ITF and selling it for 70 million

And all without farming



47-50 on my Ill/Rad controller (my Elfling)
A big pile of prestige and inf and a couple of levels on my Cold/Dark defender taking it to 44

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Got my WS from 35 to 39, and my MM from 13 to 35. Not too shabby.



I played 5 alts this weekend, so they all lvled a little, but no-one got massive amounts of exp. And I didn't really have any goals for this weekeend, I mainly just enjoyed playing couse it was so easy to get a team. Some really nice teams too, I specificly remember a lvl 25-28 team on villanous Defiant on friday and a lvl 39-41 hero team on Union on Saturday. Those were some wonderful teams! Saturday was one of the funniest days in CoX for me; I went to friends house to play, we made nachos and sat next to eachother shouting gz's and ty's outloud. Also the "I'm dying, do sumthing, DO SOMETHING!!" -shouts seemed to be much more efficient than just saying the same ingame.

My main toons on Union:
Majer; Dark/Dark Corruptor
Caitlin Calathea; Plant/Thorns Dominator
Davallia Fejeensis; Empathy/Archery Defender

My arc:
ID 98789, What once was, will be again.



That was a nice weekend indeed.

Leveled a tank for our regular team; Flying Circus, from 12 to 21.

My illusion troller Midnight Curse sitting on level 27 with the rest of the team i guess.

Started Mister Gloomy as a Fire/SR scrapper (thanks to DSorrow's AV soloing posts ) and did more than i planned and get him to level 23. Also his partner Mister Twinkle is sitting on level 23.

Most pleasant and shocking event was dinging to 50 with Stalwart Apostle. Last time i checked during ITF before the Romulus fights he had a long way to 50 but with TF result window he blasted into 50.

In the end i had many good teams, teamed with old friends or people who i befriended. There was some unpleasant events too, especially thanks to my weak memory i invited more people to last night's ITF... so i am really sorry again, Luke. I hope i can correct that mistake as soon as possible.



I managed to get my Corruptor from level 42 to 50 with a couple of great teams - although I did end up doing the final two Scirocco arcs twice without managing to finish my Ghost Widow patron arc. Lost count of the times I had to bash up Doctor Aeon, fought Positron and Hequat twice as well as Valkyrie and an army of Mu and Longbow.

Plus I managed to trample that insignificant arachnid Recluse underfoot on two separate occasions. He was worth over a million XP the second time, too.



Levelled my blaster Aludra Stellaris from 36 to 40.7. Made her a lot of prestige to create at least one complete engine room for her spaceship. Goal was 41, but just couldn't find the time... because...

I also levelled in character my tanker Uebermensch from 44 to 50. Making the last bars on the 'Save the World' mission. Doing the ITF at 44-45 with only 6 members that same level range... and finishing it too!

Wasn't a bad weekend.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Finally got my MM to 50 she'd been stuck at lvl 45 since i#9 so it was nice and did it completing a LRSF too, another first for me.



I was on just on Friday afternoon, was down the country for the rest of the weekend, where d'interweb is a sign of witchcraft.

Still got my WS from 37 to 42.9 in an SG team, which was nice, by the end I didn't even know what level I was anymore, levelled once to 41 and ran off to by enhancements and it was only afterwards I noticed the green level up arrow was still on my character. Apparently I'd dinged twice in a Freaks mission.

So now I've Eclipse and Unchain Essence slotted up and still have 7-8 more levels to play with them.



3 great tf's in a row on friday with Alvan got my fire/em blaster from 45 to 50.

Then silly teams on redside over a little bit of saturday day and a good chunk of Sunday got my brand new brute from im chuffed.

Have to say, to the SG lads ..great work over the weekend, and to everyone I teamed with over on redside....was one big mental blur but fun at the same time...(thank god ive got a few weeks off work, can bloomin sleep now )

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



I don't know where the time went; got my SS/Fire Brute from 18 to 32, Son/Rad Corruptor from 37 to 43, and during the first day acquired an all consuming fear of nemesis vengance that I will probably never get over.



I wasn't on much this weekend. I don't have the time that I once had unfortunately... and I needed to sleep after a rather strange Saturday evening.

Thanks to mereman, Knightly and the rest of the Flying Circus team we ended up at level 27. Looking forward to next week again as always



Main goal was my MM, and any thing else was bonus sorta stuff. i had no main plan for which toons where gonna get some xp

Major Crimson (Mercs mastermind) 35 to 42

Raivox (Rad Corruptor) 25- 28

Allannia (Elecy blaster) 20 - 25

Elvinea (Plant controller) 17 - 22

Majic ( illusion controller) 21 - 25

So got a few levels spread over some chars, was happy enough

Defiant: Snow + many other alts

Arc ID 61069



Friday night: 6.30pm-2.00am: Levelling my L46 Defender with friends. Ding 50!

Saturday: 9.00am-some point: Remade my 'troller, levelling pact with the wife's latest 'troller. Ding 15.

Saturday: Some point-11.00pm: Prestige haul on my main. By helping friends level their characters. Lots. No dings... from me. Too many to count from other people.

Sunday: 9.00am-4.00pm: Prestige haul on my main.

Sunday: 4.00pm-6.30pm: Casually levelling my L15 Scrapper with friends. Ding 18.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I got my Axe/Will broot from 19 to 33 and the difference in play is dramatic. In a little over two days she's gone from anaemic slugger, to rampaging juggernaught.



I did 3 ITFs and a couple of flashback arcs - got a little more Inf towards the final Inf badge, and a little more Prestige towards my base expansion

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



That was probably my most hardcore DXP out of them all.

Got Iron Works from 40 to 46. Had an excellent team going on the Saturday morning.

Steel House the same, 40 to 46 Felt a bit more sluggish getting him there compared to Iron Works but got going again when teaming with some red side folks in RWZ which was sweet.

I was going to try and do the same of Leon Tasker that has been sitting at 40 for a while, but I was talked into rolling a new WP/SS Tanker. Got him to Lv 31 early in the morning. Glad I did roll him. Tonnes of fun and probably my best build technical wise as he is an absolute monster that is only ever in danger at the moment when facing EB's and AV's. Might change as I move him on to the higher levels and more dangerous opposition.

Still would have liked to have shown Leon Tasker some outside light. I expect those that talked me into leaving him be to help me move him along a bit now

Overall, very good and productive DXP weekend.

Credit goes to FrankyT49 for animated avatar

List of toons on Union Handbook

Leon Tasker: "Dunelm Group! What is your profession?"

Dunelm Group: "OOOOORRRAAAAH!"