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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Night_Hornet View Post
    Bit too early for me to be able to commit 100%, but I'd like to go and have my lappy.
    ^^^ This! ^^^

    I missed last year and would like to come along again. Can't guarantee it though as I'm not sure when I'm away at camp this year.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pious View Post
    Get your legs out Mac! It was only a 10 minute stroll.

    Those streets were poorly and clearly under redevelopment but boy were they nice and quiet, hardly any traffic and plenty of calm for a long night sleep, hey?
    Walking? Carrying things? For a whole 1.2 miles? Thats crazy talk!!

    You sir, have me mistaken with someone that walks and carrys things!
  3. Definately more portal corp than stargate! Its uncanny if its coincidence...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Judgement_Dave View Post
    That's looking good to me - thanks for mentioning it.
    Anyone out there able to say what times it's planned to start/end?
    I stayed at the paragon last year aswel... been looking for somwhere else, its not the closest, couldn't find a taxi company to take us there (gf came too) andit was (hopefully) in the middle of refurbishment...

    Will still consider it for the parking though!
  5. Look at my sig, my sig is amazing!
    It might taste like raisins...
    jokes, raisins are minging,

    i like cake!!
  6. Mr_Mac

    CoH Faces Dilema

    one more friend for yhou!
  7. Saw green.. thought Green Lantern, Was excited.

    Saw "Romcom" Was Sad

    Persevered, Saw Muppets! Was
  8. Windows 7 Clicking the compare button will give you a rough breakdown.

    Have you put any thought into getting a portable gaming machine?

    I've had one of these for almost a year now, well this is the upgraded model but still. It's a fantastic machine
  9. I was there last year and would like to come along again this year for both days.

    I've okay'd it with the missus, just need to make sure I have the funds available. Mainly for fuel as I'll be coming down from the north of scotland.

    I'll have my own laptop with me again.

    And I will be letting Kendai choose where we go for dinner again. That chinese was pretty good!
  10. Building code violations huh? Never really occured to me before now because y'know, it's a game. But now I'm going to be looking for them... Damnit!
  11. Ok few points,

    Firstly, the worlds current most populous city is Tokyo at around 36 million with Delhi, Sao Paulo, Mumbai and Mexico city all sitting around the 20 million mark but that has already been addressed so moving on.

    Vulcans next. As mentioned these guys have been partaking in interstellar travel for quite some time now. Developing Warp travel around the 9th century BC. This is confirmed by the P'Jem Monistery being constructed on a world near Andoria. Also the Vulcan civil war which led to the formation of the Romulan Empire by those who "march under the raptors wings" was around this time.

    So we know Romulans are Romulans and have become different enough from Vulcans to not be counted. We also know there must be of have been a Vulcan presence on P'jem which could very well just be a religious contingent which could account for the 10,000.
    At this point in time Spock was supposed to be the first and only Vulcan in Starfleet so there could not have been an all Vulcan crew on a Starfleet vessel.
    Also by the time Nero had destroyed Vulcan (2258). Vulcan had been a member world of the Federation for 90 years (Formation of UFP 2168). So it would be logical to assume that the Vulcan high command no longer required a military as it became reliant on the Federation and Starfleet for protection.
    Any ships solely operated by the Vulcan Science Academy would likely have small crews or be few in number compared to the early days of human exploration or during the threat of invasion by Andor.

    That said Vulcans also live much longer than humans so the need to reproduce like rabbits in order to continue the population is not necessary. Also being technologically advanced for so long with limited infant death. It would be logical to keep the population at a comfortable level hence why Humans need to colonise heavily whilst Vulcans (as mentioned earlier) are an insular species and can be quite comfortable on a single planet. Hyperstrike gave a good insight on this.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mothers_Love View Post
    Star Trek XI

    If there is one Blu Ray you have to own it's this. Even just for the scene where the Enterprise maneuvers out of Titans atmosphere.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Soliton_Wave View Post
    Hi all

    I have been having the same problem with crashes on opening the contacts tabs

    ATI 5870 here as well

    I have been able to narrow it down to only toons with "The Television" as a contact crash on opening the contacts tab. (its ok in safe mode)

    Everyone else is fine

    Can you run in safe mode and confirm that the crashes are happening only on toons that have that contact.

    Please log a suport ticket if this is the case. Im sure customer support think I'm crazy.

    Recent responce from them is that no one else is having this problem

    This could have some merit to it as my affected character did have the television as a contact.

    However as a extended tempoary fix I have disabled the ATI catalyst control centre (using winconfig) which has stopped the crashing totally.
  14. I shall try this.
    I usually use Avast but I got a years free with Trend with the computer so thought i'd use that. Hopefully this will solve my problem.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mandu View Post
    I'm about to sprint out the door to work but I'll leave this here for you folks to check into and other techs here to comment on.

    There are known problems with both the RivaTuner and EVGA Precision tool. If they are running and you try to open a contact window, a tailor window,
    an auction house window or many other items then these programs cause the game to freeze.
    I dont have either of these programmes but i do have a "TwinTurbo" mode which overclocks the system. However with this activated or deactivated I still have the same problems
  16. Seems as though theres a large number of the community suffering from the same or similar syptoms

    Theres more ideas and potential fixes being suggested in this thread -

    And this thread -

    Note: None have worked so far for me
  17. Just to confirm, neither disabling the Geometry buffers or applying the AMD hotfix has worked for me
  18. Just to confirm, neither disabling the Geometry buffers or applying the AMD hotfix has worked for me
  19. Your video shows exactly what happens to me when I click the contcts tab, details and some other affected people are in this thread here -
  20. So heres the thing,

    After much faffing around I still havn't solved the problem.

    So far it is only affecting one character that just so happens to be my main character!

    The problems are detailed above.

    What I have done so far is:

    Deleted the MAJORPATCH file. - Problem persists

    Uninstalled COH and reinstalled from Ncsoft - Problem persists

    Have Fully updated graphics drivers - Problem persists

    Unistalled and deleted all files relating to COH and copied over from older laptop that has not recieved updates - problem persists

    Vflashd BIOS as last resort, I own a G73jh which can have problems with GSOD so did the fix - Problem persists.

    I'm starting to believe it has somthing to do with my ultra mode settings as I can log in to my affected character on lower end machines and close the contacts window which triggers a crash. This enables me to log in on my main machine and move around normally and try changing to lower settings which have resulted in grey lines.
    Even if i do not open the contacts window I will still crash within 10 mins.

    Like I said this is only affecting ONE character that just so happens to be my favourite and most played. Other characters on the same acount with the same graphics setting on the same machine are problem free.

    UPDATE: I can play as normal, apparantly until I open the contacts window (was playing for around an hour with no upset untill touching contacts tab).
  21. Also: The game will come screetching to a halt everytime i open the contacts window. Have tested this multiple times and it happens everytime.
  22. As the title says I have been constantly crashing since I downloaded the pre i19 download.

    I can stay in the game for up to 10 minutes at best before the game decides to crash.

    As you can imagine it has become unplayable, Is this a known issue?

    I have an ati Mobility Radeon HD 5870. Could that be a part of it? Athough I have not had any problems with that card so far.
  23. Superspeed + Whirlwind in Perez Park = Skull Bowling

    Good times!