165 -
I'm having the same problem. After connecting #15 I've given up today
Hello everyone, I'm another returning player looking forward to going rogue and reconnecting with people I haven't seen for over a year.
I was wondering how I transfer stuff from one character to another via the in game e-mail system. I was trying last night but it said I could only transfer to a global name. I'm stupid so could someone tell me how I do this please? I tried looking at the help file but it wasn't very useful. -
Quote:After reading the threads and finding lots of posts about how I16 was the best issue ever I thought I was mistaken and alone. I rate by content not by shiny pretty changes that are interesting for an hour or two but ultimately add nothing to the longevity of the game. It looks like there is a shift from new content every issue to new content only in paid expansion. Before people jump in and say that the mission designers are busy with going rogue, they were also busy with CoV too but we still got new content every issue. Instead of looking at Champions online and copying everything in there the devs should be confident in their own vision and abilities to produce good and interesting stuff to keep people coming back every month like they used to. competition in the market can be a good thing if the products available are different from each other, but trying to copy each other just leads to stagnation which seems to have happened to CoX. All the recent issues have been tring to make the product prettier, but any new content can only be found by searching through many many thousands of player created farms. Player created missions should be in addition to new dev created content, not instead of.Will be great for inv brutes/tankers as well... The black fx on brutes is rather depressive imho, especially those swirly lines around you. ...but does this mean we can now have non-fiery rikti monkeys on fire trollers?
Edit: Just tested it for a bit! I'm shocked! Changing colours really allowed me to see how bad many fx are. I thought it was mainly the old engine itself, the horrible shadows and illumination that made the game feel very, very old. Apart from some 5ths running around, that seems to be it - oh, and another MA nerf. So until GR or I17 hits I guess it's really game over for me. No new content, farms nerfed and everything looking uglier than usual. ...and I thought I15 was weak!
Let's hope there's a lot of undocumented changes, like story arcs etc slightly changed, maybe even a few new/changed maps. Oh, who am I kidding? -
Lets get it over with, yes I'm back for a bit as I have some time off work and I've been pestered to play the new TF's from friends on facebook.
I admit I have missed the community and have benefitted from the break, I am hoping i can re-enter the game reinvigorated and have as much fun as I used to. Got a new graphics card roughly twice as powerful as my old one so I'm hoping the game looks all shiny.
I now prostrate myself before the gods of CoX (oooo matron!!) and am ready for the comments. Please be nice, I'm feeling fragile
P.S.:- I'm not sure I like the new look forum. I'll probably get used to it but I knrew where everything was on the old one. I can't find a thing now -
It must just be the way Matt is built. He looked bored in the interview too, as though he would rather be anywhere else. And he does have a very monotonous voice. Its a good example of why the top bloke should never be let out in public. Leave it to a nice well trained PR person who can muster some enthusiasm and put on a show.
We also have the answer to the age old question of who ate all the pies -
Welcome back mate. It sounds like you have had the most horrendous time and hopefully you will be back to your old self sooner rather than later.
Yes a handful or two of the longer term players are having a break/leaving the game. It's got nothing to do with the community which is as nice as ever, more to do with a general loss of interest in the game with nothing really exciting to make us hang in there at the moment. Positron shot himself in the foot the other day giving the impression he'd rather be doing anything else rather than actually chat to players. He might be good as the senior dev but he should leave the interaction with players to the lovely War witch -
I might spend a few hours getting my baby heroes (pre level 20) to 50 before i leave
Is it just me that finds you having a job in a nursery both humourous and terrifying?
[/ QUOTE ]So did I, but they haven't sacked me yet so I can't be doing too bad.
[/ QUOTE ]
That explains why the new players have lately been worse than they used to be...
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i was fine till they found me giving the little brats trifle laced with night nurse. Nobody could understand why all my little darlings were so quiet and slept all afternoon. It was heaven as I could play CoX all afternoon without being disturbed.
Strangely my excuse that Lord Recluse made me do it didn't go down too well -
Welcome back. As a someone leaving I'm glad you find the game reinvigorated and fun. I'm actually hoping that in a years time I can do the same. CoX will always have a place in my heart as the first mmorpg i played and the only one i enjoyed. The joy of playing, the excitement of racing home from work just to log in, the hours of screaming wildly at the screen has gone for me. I feel tired and jaded so have to go. It doesn't mean i think the game has gone down the pan (it hasn't) nor that the community is somehow less wonderful (it isn't) but its time to hang up the cape for a while and with luck and time I'll feel the same way as the OP at some point and be kicking myself for ever leaving
Looks like more people dropping than an outbreak of swine flu.
I think its a case of done it so many times we are all bored. It is a slow accretion of little frustrations that we can't do anything about meaning we play less and get to a point of not wanting to waste our subs for a few days play a month.
In case you missed it, I'm leaving too. I'll see you in Champions and you never know, we might all be back -
Us long term veterans are saying goodbye out of courtesy to the people we never see in game but chat to on the forum. Some we agree with, some we don't. some we love, some we hate with a passion. We are giving our reasons for going and try to do it in a constructive way rather than saying "this game sux".
Have you not noticed the pain between the lines of the leaving posts? People have made friends, met partners, had children, moved house, lost loved ones with CoX as a place to retreat to and escape the pain, or brag about the rugrat, or just to escape from real life for a while.
Friendships change and alter in life. Some get stronger and others fall by the wayside. CoX is a friend that for many of us has moved in a different direction than we wanted and lost its way. we have tried to explain our problems but the friend isn't listening so its time to part. Thats not to say some or all of us won't be back at some point. I'll probably pop my head round the door in a few months time to see whats happening, but for now allow the people who have put three, four or even five years of their lives to say their goodbyes. -
And why is that only the awesome war witch seems to be on the same wavelength as the rest of us?
I actually cried. It summed up my feelings far better than I could ever express. I too am leaving. I have cancelled my subs and May 19th is the last day for me. I'm a little scared and am also keeping my stuff. I may decide to pop back to Paragon at some point but after 50 months I'm bored. I log in and nothing has changed. Quality of life tweaks are on the whole well done and well handled. A few things have been implemented badly but most have worked out after a while. The quality of people playing is still as good as the first day I clicked the log in button, scared and trembling about what I had let myself in for. I still get a thrill when I hear the music crash in as I approach Miss Liberty to level for the first time.
Unfortunately the excitement of playing has evaporated. The excitement of a new issue has gone from "WOOT" to "meh". The ubiquitous "soon" is beginning to irritate. I need to go before I lose all interest in Paragon completely.
I have made some wonderful friends on here and there are people I'd have loved to have teamed with. Mothers love, Floating Fat Man, Golden Girl, and of course Scarlet.
It may be goodbye, or it may be au revoire. I really don't know, but Scarlet has said everything that I feel. -
Just as a side note, how many poor unfortunate newbys are going to get slammed with this problem before it is finally sorted? It has been several years for this problem and still the updater is auto pointed to the US version. I'm the worlds worst when it comes to seeking help for problems with new games, so how many are like me and give up at the first hurdle? For every person who perseveres and comes on the forum to find the answer there must be someone who just gives up unaware that it is an easy fix and there is advice available.
with all the shiny stuff there should be simple fixes for things like this. -
Send a PM to ghostraptor. he is awesomely wonderful with helping with these sorts of problems
I suspect you clicked add account rather than upgrade account. It's a common mistake for new players to make. It takes a little work by customer support to resolve the problem.
and NEVER EVER put your login name or password on a public forum. 99.9% of people are wonderful trustworthy folks but 0.1% of people are nasty and evil and will do naughty things just for fun.
And welcome to the best game in the world -
12 to 20 can be a little on the not fun side if you go the route most people do of travel powers/ fitness. Thats 5 powers that feel like you aren't getting anywhere, though the first time i got fly was awesome.
Up to 20 can be hard anyway, when you get to 22 and can use SO's there is a quantum shift in fun levels as the damage, endurance and healing is much better. you suddenly stop needing to rest after every mob.
To be honest I'm surprised you have taken so long to get to level 20 if you are always teamed. I solo a lot and can still get a level a day till the 30s. -
All I know is that I15 is going to be a make or break issue for me. If it doesn't come through with lots of additional content AND modernizing the game to compete with CO & DCUO, then I think I'll be calling it a day, at least for a while.
I'm not really playing at the moment, I'm barely even logging in and my posting in the forums has reduced a LOT in recent weeks. Effectively I'm taking a break as I'm just burned out on CoH and am waiting to see what NC come up with for the 5th anniversary event (if anything) and I15.
If they don't come through, then there's nothing to stay for, really.
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This is just odd. I was going to post an identical statement. I barely look at CoX now. I'm bored with the current missions and storylines and mission architect has never interested me. I did dip my toe in the waters but the terrible spelling mistakes and propensity to shove an AV into every arc just annoys me. There are so many missions to look through it is very hit and miss whether you get to play something interesting. Even the dev picks are a tad tedious.
the lack of new (dev created) content has been gradually annoying me more and more in the last year. Faultline was awesomes as was Rikti War Zone. Unfortunately you can only play awesome so many times before it becomes "meh". Few people pvp and the ones that do are unimpressed with the efforts of the devs to revamp the system. New arena matches might be well received by the handful of people who use them but most of us only go in to log out for the day job badge (which I also consider a complete waste of dev time. Day jobs were unneeded and are unnoticed except for the badges and the even easier levelling thanks to patrol xp).
I'm going to keep going till issue 15 but if it is poo content wise then I'll leave. I'm not being intentionally negative, but I've just got terribly bored after more than 4 years. -
Personally I can't see how the devs are going to do any kind of fair "devs picks" for players. Some of the best stories are going to be languishing in limbo for a very long time just because people aren't going to be able to find them. There will be a lot of 5 star missions played regularly as teams won't want to take a chance on an unrated mission (unless it was created by a team member), but there will be some real diamonds in the dross with zero ratings because people are too lazy to actually rate a mission or they are never found.
I've decided not to create any missions. I have the type of personality that doesn't cope well with being ignored and the idea that I can spend many many hours creating something to the best of my ability then having it sit unplayed and unstarred fills me with horror. There isn't even any point in waiting a few months till the novelty wears off as the problem will only increase. If there are 20+ pages of arcs on the first day of release I dread to thing how much dross there will be to sift through to find the nuggets of gold in six months time. -
It would be nice if we could filter by level range. There are so many pages to look through it is a bit overwhelming. I'd rather be able to find some well made low level missions for a baby hero then suddenly find myself fighting carnies (for example) as a level 5
No they aren't. Still closed for internal testing.
Odd timing but thanks for that. As you can appreciate in the past there have been speculations that have gone into legend as gospel truth, such as the I15 release coinciding with the games aniversary which eventually had to have a red name post that there was no truth in it whatsoever
However, I reiterate my reservations about releasing an issue so close to a major holiday. These things rarely run smoothly and since the first issue I was around to see run like a plum for the first couple of days (issue 4) I have no faith that this one will be any different.....
We're Doooooooooomed!!!!!
Sorry, i had to get that in as nobody else had yet -
Source of speculative knowledge please?
I'm not saying you are wrong about the release date, but I'd be very surprised as that is easter weekend and there are no devs working from friday to monday. Releasing an issue the day before good friday is unlikely in the extreme and releasing an issue on a thursday is just slightly unlikely.
If it is that close to release I'd say the following tuesday at the earliest myself. -
I was looking at the vet rewards to see what I get for 48 months and something struck me as odd. When we got extra character slots I read that we got an extra slot for every year played. Indeed, I got 3 slots plus the bonus 2 for logging in within the specified time frame. Now, The way I read it was that we got one every year, not as a one off gift, but it appears that the only slot I get is for the 60 month reward. Can someone clarify this for me please?
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You get a slot for every 12 months.
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thats lovely thanks GR. Means i don't have to delete another 50