"I refuse to participate in this nonsence" thread.




I'm 3dent on this forum and in game chat, I already said all I wanted to say on I14 and I15, and I absolutely refuse to make ANY dramatic pledges and participarte in that nonsense any further in any way except by mocking it.

I may quit this year, or I may not depending on multiple factors, some of them beyond my control.

Seriously, people, half a year ago the grognard thing to do was to leave for US. Now it's leaving for CO. Or, rather making dramatic posts about it, whether the poster actually quitted varied widely.

For me it's simple, if I feel like playing, I play. If I don't, I don't play. For months, sometimes. I don't see why I need to make those decisions into a show, beyond necessary precaution of warning SG mates of not kicking my toons just yet and similar technicalities. If I want critique dev team's decisions I do so. If I feel that what devs did was justifiable I say so. I don't see a point of turning this simple process into something MORE IMPPORTANT and a way to SHOW THAT I CARE. It's just a game, a very good one, one of the best I played ever, but still just a game.



Us long term veterans are saying goodbye out of courtesy to the people we never see in game but chat to on the forum. Some we agree with, some we don't. some we love, some we hate with a passion. We are giving our reasons for going and try to do it in a constructive way rather than saying "this game sux".

Have you not noticed the pain between the lines of the leaving posts? People have made friends, met partners, had children, moved house, lost loved ones with CoX as a place to retreat to and escape the pain, or brag about the rugrat, or just to escape from real life for a while.

Friendships change and alter in life. Some get stronger and others fall by the wayside. CoX is a friend that for many of us has moved in a different direction than we wanted and lost its way. we have tried to explain our problems but the friend isn't listening so its time to part. Thats not to say some or all of us won't be back at some point. I'll probably pop my head round the door in a few months time to see whats happening, but for now allow the people who have put three, four or even five years of their lives to say their goodbyes.



Us long term veterans are saying goodbye out of courtesy to the people we never see in game but chat to on the forum. Some we agree with, some we don't. some we love, some we hate with a passion. We are giving our reasons for going and try to do it in a constructive way rather than saying "this game sux".

Have you not noticed the pain between the lines of the leaving posts? People have made friends, met partners, had children, moved house, lost loved ones with CoX as a place to retreat to and escape the pain, or brag about the rugrat, or just to escape from real life for a while.

Friendships change and alter in life. Some get stronger and others fall by the wayside. CoX is a friend that for many of us has moved in a different direction than we wanted and lost its way. we have tried to explain our problems but the friend isn't listening so its time to part. Thats not to say some or all of us won't be back at some point. I'll probably pop my head round the door in a few months time to see whats happening, but for now allow the people who have put three, four or even five years of their lives to say their goodbyes.

[/ QUOTE ]


Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



That's what private messages are for.

If you're that friendly with them, send them a personal good bye.

Rather than nailing your dirty washing up in the town square, so to speak.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



For me it's simple, if I feel like playing, I play. If I don't, I don't play. For months, sometimes. I don't see why I need to make those decisions into a show, beyond necessary precaution of warning SG mates of not kicking my toons just yet and similar technicalities. If I want critique dev team's decisions I do so. If I feel that what devs did was justifiable I say so. I don't see a point of turning this simple process into something MORE IMPPORTANT and a way to SHOW THAT I CARE. It's just a game, a very good one, one of the best I played ever, but still just a game.

[/ QUOTE ]
And that's the most sensible thing anyone's said since before all this drama began.




I agree with BurningFist.

And I think this forum will actually crash down the pan a bit over this week, not meaning anything specificly.




That's what private messages are for.

If you're that friendly with them, send them a personal good bye.

Rather than nailing your dirty washing up in the town square, so to speak.

[/ QUOTE ]

Anyone new to the game/forum reading your dirty washing will be put off CoX, more than by anything the devs have/have not done.

The game has changed and you are sad maybe even outraged about it. This I understand, but these post and threads complaining about the state of the game will spoil the game for new comers and thus make it worse for those of us who are not leaving by making the server populations even smaller.



Nicely put, Enforcer.

Sure I've had my moan, and I've had my time away and my time to come back. I reckon so long as the powers that be keep putting out issues that are vaguely interesting I'll keep being a vaguely interested superhero.

Yesterday was disappointing. Today has been ten fold with all the venom and anger and flouncing going on. I've been really quite upset by some of the posts, both hostile and not so. This game has seen me up the highest I've ever been, and it's seen me the lowest I hope I'll ever be, and whether it's through friends who have left, or simply beating the snot out of a bunch of Freakshow, this game has been there for me. When I've needed to escape, I've always been able to come to Paragon City and forget about things.

That's why I want this game to succeed. Not because I like where things are going. Not because I'm some mouth breathing, basement dwelling troll. Not because I've nothing better to be doing, but Because Paragon City is home. I love it here. Sure, it's a bit lonely at the moment while I try to find my feet again and establish new friends and alliances, but it's home none-the-less.

I guess what I'm saying, is to both moaners and anti-moaners is this,

We're superheroes (or villains) people! Stop it with the shouting at one another, the bickering, the arguing. We're better than this. Stop with all the fighting because Paragon City is my home, and right now you're all yelling in my living room



Us long term veterans are saying goodbye out of courtesy to the people we never see in game but chat to on the forum. Some we agree with, some we don't. some we love, some we hate with a passion. We are giving our reasons for going and try to do it in a constructive way rather than saying "this game sux".

[/ QUOTE ]
And it is that important to say 'bye' to those, to make an own topic?

Then go make the big 'i quit, cya kkthxbb' topic.

Added, dont start me making quotes of the posts of em, not always it was 'constructive' and 'friendly'.

We're superheroes (or villains) people! Stop it with the shouting at one another, the bickering, the arguing. We're better than this. Stop with all the fighting because Paragon City is my home, and right now you're all yelling in my living room

[/ QUOTE ]
Ooooooh right.

Just because i happen to fail my attack against Positron, you think u suddenly own Paragon? Just wait, untill all my evil Masterminds are fully trained, lets see who's living room it will be then

Noted: I'm a Necro MM villain, my zombies cant hear that very well with their halfrotten ears.. so i shout.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Us long term veterans are saying goodbye out of courtesy to the people we never see in game but chat to on the forum. Some we agree with, some we don't. some we love, some we hate with a passion. We are giving our reasons for going and try to do it in a constructive way rather than saying "this game sux".

Have you not noticed the pain between the lines of the leaving posts? People have made friends, met partners, had children, moved house, lost loved ones with CoX as a place to retreat to and escape the pain, or brag about the rugrat, or just to escape from real life for a while.

Friendships change and alter in life. Some get stronger and others fall by the wayside. CoX is a friend that for many of us has moved in a different direction than we wanted and lost its way. we have tried to explain our problems but the friend isn't listening so its time to part. Thats not to say some or all of us won't be back at some point. I'll probably pop my head round the door in a few months time to see whats happening, but for now allow the people who have put three, four or even five years of their lives to say their goodbyes.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is correct.

The people bowing out are providing valid and compelling reasons for doing so. They have been a force for good on these forums and they deserve to be allowed to say goodbye.

It's childish to expect anything less from them.

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Us long term veterans

[/ QUOTE ]
Not in my name.

"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You did post a goodbye post though and then came back even though you said you probably wouldn't

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You did post a goodbye post though and then came back even though you said you probably wouldn't

[/ QUOTE ]

I came back specifically to troll someone. And yes I posted a goodbye thread, but I'm speshul.



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You did post a goodbye post though and then came back even though you said you probably wouldn't

[/ QUOTE ]

I came back specifically to troll someone. And yes I posted a goodbye thread, but I'm speshul.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's an almost frightening dedication to a cause.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You did post a goodbye post though and then came back even though you said you probably wouldn't

[/ QUOTE ]

I came back specifically to troll someone. And yes I posted a goodbye thread, but I'm speshul.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. Honest too. Also, still here

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.

[/ QUOTE ]

You did post a goodbye post though and then came back even though you said you probably wouldn't

[/ QUOTE ]

I came back specifically to troll someone. And yes I posted a goodbye thread, but I'm speshul.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's an almost frightening dedication a cause.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's the most bestest cause in the world. And not just because it's performed by someone speshul.

I've realised I came back for the forum more than the game too, and don't regret it a bit. I did not however, come back to troll Stasis. I can do that on MSN.



Ooooooh right.

Just because i happen to fail my attack against Positron, you think u suddenly own Paragon? Just wait, untill all my evil Masterminds are fully trained, lets see who's living room it will be then

Noted: I'm a Necro MM villain, my zombies cant hear that very well with their halfrotten ears.. so i shout.

[/ QUOTE ]

You've brought zombies into MY living room?! Can I have a go with them?



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.

[/ QUOTE ]
Exciting? This is exciting? You should get a job at a nursery, you'd have a great time - everyday a rollercoaster, guaranteed.

"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love



They never had rollercoasters when I was in nursery... all we had was a rail of old clothes, one of those red and yellow cars and a plastic He-Man sword.



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.

[/ QUOTE ]
Exciting? This is exciting? You should get a job at a nursery, you'd have a great time - everyday a rollercoaster, guaranteed.

[/ QUOTE ]Is a good job to do for a while at least, but you can't rage at kids so I wouldn't recommend it as a forum substitute



Honestly, if the forums were this exciting all the time, I wouldn't have stopped (mostly) using them.

[/ QUOTE ]
Exciting? This is exciting? You should get a job at a nursery, you'd have a great time - everyday a rollercoaster, guaranteed.

[/ QUOTE ]Is a good job to do for a while at least, but you can't rage at kids so I wouldn't recommend it as a forum substitute

[/ QUOTE ]

Is it just me that finds you having a job in a nursery both humourous and terrifying?

"Right kids, today we're going to learn how to faceplant"

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter




Is it just me that finds you having a job in a nursery both humourous and terrifying?

[/ QUOTE ]So did I, but they haven't sacked me yet so I can't be doing too bad.




Is it just me that finds you having a job in a nursery both humourous and terrifying?

[/ QUOTE ]So did I, but they haven't sacked me yet so I can't be doing too bad.

[/ QUOTE ]

Fair point. Also, I'm going to use that line in my appraisal this year.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Us long term veterans are saying goodbye out of courtesy to the people we never see in game but chat to on the forum. Some we agree with, some we don't. some we love, some we hate with a passion. We are giving our reasons for going and try to do it in a constructive way rather than saying "this game sux".

Have you not noticed the pain between the lines of the leaving posts? People have made friends, met partners, had children, moved house, lost loved ones with CoX as a place to retreat to and escape the pain, or brag about the rugrat, or just to escape from real life for a while.

Friendships change and alter in life. Some get stronger and others fall by the wayside. CoX is a friend that for many of us has moved in a different direction than we wanted and lost its way. we have tried to explain our problems but the friend isn't listening so its time to part. Thats not to say some or all of us won't be back at some point. I'll probably pop my head round the door in a few months time to see whats happening, but for now allow the people who have put three, four or even five years of their lives to say their goodbyes.

[/ QUOTE ]
Excellent point... Except for that 10 farewell threads on a single day thingy. And similar "epidemic" when Brighton dev team was fired.

I have nothing against farewell threads as such, or farewell threads caused by recent events, but don't you see that the entire first page consiisting of them (at the moment I started to write the OP) is a bit... Unusual, to say the least?