what's in a name?




Golden-Phoenix - my first and fave name mainly due to the Phoenix reference. It is always something I have been drawn to for some reason and Golde-Phoenix fitted perfectly with they Fire/Fire tank theme.

Corporeal Punishment - AR/Dev Blaster was named as a variation on Corporal to incorporate the bodily damage blasters give and receive! It has also led to some fun tells from people advising me of my mis-spelling of Corporal

One of my favourite fun names was a Fire/Rad Troller who I never had the patience to level - 'Cher Nobyl'. I believe someone else is using the name now but i did like it!

Golden-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Tank
Oodja Nikabolokov - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute
Baby-Phoenix - Lvl 50 Peacebringer
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?



Silly Math is a Japanese schoolgirl scrapper, whose opinions about tests are clearly visible.

Qute is a Q3 and Linux geek who was gifted with the power to pull out weapons out of thin air/pocket dimension/hammer space when lightning struck her DSL modem. She also fused with the model, which she does not complain about as it is not as much pizza and chocolate in the model as in herself.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



SchrodingersCat Is probably my favourite character name and also my favourite character. She was the first one I made and it just seemed like a good name for a hero, and to me it still does

Jenn Teal, Miss Taik, Terri Ball & Mel Inga were all made when I was going through a pun faze, which doesn't seem out of place with super heroes. I also tried to make Abi Small, but someone already got that. That said Jenn Teal was my favourite of the pun names because nothing suits the name more than a blaster right?

Kaye Vin Also a pun but actually related to the character this time. Inv/Stone tank.

Witty Play On Words Is what happens when I make a character at 4am after a night out somewhere. I think "Well I cant come up with a witty play on words right now........ hey that's it, its perfect" she wear's a jester costume naturally

Cashmere & Pashmina Same person, two characters, magical accident. I just like the names

Mist Was my DM/DA scrapper, deleted cause I'd stopped playing it in I4 due to the end cost although I didn't delete till I6 when I made a Fire/DA brute. In the 5 minutes it took me to remake the costume someone took the name but I have bought it back recently with a rename (by checking every month)

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I tend to be concept-led, So I'm usually horribly tied to origins and powersets in that respect. I'm inspired by conversations here on the forums, In-game or (occasionally) the name just comes to me in a flash of inspiration.

Stone Gargoyle: Magic Earth/Storm Controller.
'Gargoyle' was taken, this was my second choice that turned out more appropriate in retrospect.

Tabasco: Sounded hot and painful.
Mutation Fire blaster re-rolled after re-aquiring name. Now a Fire Dominator.

Bikini Atoll: Mutation Rad Defender.
Historical inspiration.

Lead Reign: Natural Dual Pistols/Thugs MM.
Self explanatory.

Big Koch 8ft tall, Germanic. Tech AR/Robotics Mastermind and impromptu naturist.
Ousted as Co-CEO from Heckler and Koch this bitter meglomaniac fell back on his plan B and secret stash of high tech artillery. Secretly plotting his return and slaughter of the companies board.
Innuendo wore thin after a while, kept the bio - renamed: Industry.

Pink Ring: Magic Energy/Psi Blaster.
What can i say?, Pink Lantern was taken. Just fancied Flying with 'World of Confusion' on.

Cucumber Quiver: Hopelessly camp Archery/Trick Arrow Defender.
Think I'd watched too much Smallville. Rolled after a joke on the forums.
"Taste my Shaft Villain!"™

Foundry Natural Warmace/Willpower Tanker
Fancied something Norsey and Hammerish. Blacksmith to the Gods etc.

Abhor WarMace/Elec Brute.
Evil Machine-World *cough*Thor*cough* rip-off.
looking forward to taking Mu Mastery

Mother's Love Mutation Empathy Defender. (Roleplay/IC toon).
Flash of inspiration this one. Although subconsciously I think it may of been influenced by my own mother who was caring for me after I came out of Hospital.

Mr Tiggywinkle Magic Plant/Thorns Dominator. Vicious little 4ft Hedgehog and self-proclaimed 'Lord of the Hedgerow'.
Bio reads something along the lines of GhostWidow bestowing him power in a rare display of compassion after reversing over him in her Corsa.

Way, waaaay too many more to mention, but mostly concept-led then.



Rike – My main and first character. First MMO. I was playing around in the character creator in a friend's copy of the game and chose spines/dark scrapper. I made the character look how I wanted it too and then came to the name screen, and was stuck. Asked my friend what he thought was a hero name and he said “Rike!” I said “...what?” he explained it was a mixture of “Red” and “Spike” he had thought off the top of his head. Since then I have got the game for myself, and re-made Rike to be a Dark Dark Scrapper. Nothing beats your first character imo.

Soul Storm – Half the allure of getting Rike to 50 was to create my very own (and quite rare to be seen at the time) Peacebringer. This is my Global and Forum handle. Possibly the only character I have come up with a description of in the character creation screens. I spent literally hours coming up with the name of the character and when I got it I was over the moon! Later on to my surprise they made it quite possibly the best hold in the game and Ghost Widow's signature move! To this day I claim it was inspired by my peacebringer

Spirit Blade – Rike was AoE carnage and I wanted a toon to solo with when I was bored of teams so thus Spirit Blade the BS/Regen was born. Able to Solo AV's and break-even against GM's he was great fun!

Solvent Abuse – Along came CoV and so I created my Mastermind – Thugs/Poison. I had tried a Ninja/Dark MM beforehand but didn't like it, so Solvent Abuse was born. From 1-50 this character was a delight to play and was a pleasant surprise to pick this name first time. I had been in B&Q the day before and saw the sign in the paint section for Solvent Abuse and how it can kill...

Soul Incendia – My Fire/SS tanker is a more recent creation, and since my global handle was Soul Storm and thats what most people know me as, I thought I'd play along the same lines and combine it with Soul Fire (fire = incendia in latin). Created as a counter character to my MM, Solvent Abuse, I experimented with the idea of the villain creating the hero – Soul Incendia was created through a chance encounter with Solvent Abuse, ever since Soul Incendia has sought to find and imprison Solvent Abuse.

Dark Aier – This is the first ever duo toon I made, with Gohan661. It was inspired by the character's powers – Dark/Storm. Tried to get Dark Air but it wasn't available so we both stuck an E in the word Air in different places. Recently got this to 50 after about 1-2 years. Still great fun to play in teams.

These are the names of my 50's.. cba to go into my current works in progress



Mr ? - Inspiration wouldn't strike, sat there for ages, and nothing. Put in a '?' and went for a coffee and a cig, came back and thought I would go with what I had got

Enygma - my WS kept in the same vein as Mr ? ie: not a lot was known about him - Both have since been padded out with back stories

Hybrid - my 1st PB, sadly deleted due to inactivity. the name has since been snapped up by another

ELC - my take on my better half in game
Super Scout - my take on myself in game

my current fav is my new WP/SS tank - Genie Gene - in character binds, the lot (expecting the GM hammer anytime now). Got in to LoM late, caught up now. Thought what a perfect character to incorporate in to paragon city.

Matchless - Fire/Kin. saw it was a fotm character and gave it a go - should have called him debt magnet.

when I get more time, I will put up more of my characters.



Quinsisdos - A name i've used across the interwebs. The backstory I eventually wrote for this character when I started RPing with it was adapted from an unfinished plot I had left over from a FFXI RP character. The fun part is seeing how many people remember the spelling

Danmaku - See here

Eientei - A location in Imperishable Night, I liked the name partly because of the location's reality bending nature, and partly due to the lunatics that live in it.



Hmm lets see.

Annah - One of my real names (not the one i'm adressed at) with an H added in the end for looks! Also cause Annah of the Shadows in Planescape:Tormet is a kickass girlie!

Lena Lightning Lena is my mothers name and it went well as a first name with Lightning as surname. I just liked the sounds of the name, and i think it suits my Elec blaster.

Karin Katklaws My first lvl 50 toon, a claws scrapper and the first catgirl i made. Karin is my reallife name, and Katklaws sounded so nice to it . I first had Cathy Catclaws in my head, but scrapped that idea in favor of the current name.

Sapphic Neko One of my newest names, around a year old. Sapphic means lesbian, which is what i am. And Neko for my profound love for catgirls. It also made a nice ring in my opinion.

Fluffy Handcuffs The name was actually Gonks idea, i liked it alot, as she is a dominator. It also suits my own lifestyle

Gunsmith Cat Contrary to populat belief, this name did not come from the popular anime/manga. I wanted an assault rifle blaster, and i wanted her a catgirl. So i dressed her in a cowboy outfit (with some ideas from Psygon). I have read the manga now later, and it's very good. I don't mind people thinking i took the name from there.

Quilvess This is a old RP name i've had. It's pretty much never taken anywhere and feels very unique and very much like it's my name. I used my patenteted name generator to come up with it. I closed my eyes and struck four random letters on the keyboard. These letters were Q UI V S (i hit both U and I on same stroke) so i filled in some letters to make a name out of it and out it came as Quilvess.

Sangeki Neko A very new name for my Psi blaster. I wanted some blind fortune teller girl as i thought it would fit the concept, but i could not come up with a nice name for the life of me. With some assistance from psygon on japanese-english dicitonary i came up with Sangeki. Which is japanese for Tagedy or Tragic. (this is also Psygons idea, well she told me about it) There's apparently cats who can tell when a person is about to die and go to their beds and lie next to them. So here i am, The tragic kitten who fortells peoples deaths... Sangeki Neko!

Energizer Kitten Like the Energizer bunny, but a kitty instead!

Miss Meow From the hentai "the story of little Monica".

I have many many many more names which been inspired by diffrent things. But i feel i bored you all with enough names for now!



Ooh I love the naming of toons, I'm a sucker for a pun, but a beautifully named character can make my day.

My own:

Sausage unit G12 My first Brute character on Union. To be absolutely frank I've no idea where this one came from, but it makes my friends laugh every time they hear it.

Middle Management Zombie MM, after a dodgy day at work I thought I'd take a swipe at one of the banes of my life. Probably the most conceptually complete character I've ever made.

Egon Spoonrace DB Scrapper. Couldn't resist the pun.

Silicon Carnie Again couldn't resist the pun on this nifty blaster.

Menacing Moo my beloved Fire/elec blapper, she's got a great personality. She used to be a Dominator called Kokroach, but she wasn't very good at her job, so came to live in Paragon. My father fears cows and one day mentioned a particularly Menacing moo that was on an advert (Cravendale)...So I stole it

Gah as with Sapphic above I'm sure I've overstepped the name quantity tollerance, so I'll leave it there, but there are more :P

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



1st Toon: Larac - Old D&D 1st ED toon
1st to 50: Dagar - Old Rune Quest 2nd ED toon
2nd to 50: Dagar Blonstaff - full name of the above mentioned toon

Superiluminal - Space type name I found on dictionary.com sounded good for a PB

Rest of mine are nearly all names of books or obscure cyberpunk/steampunk characters.



Let's see:

Myopic Aardvark

My online name like forever, so easy choice.

Fugitive Hunter

I wanted to get the fact across that my character stood for Truth, Justice, Bail Bonds. He's been around nearly as long as...


Terrain Reclamation Unit by Tracey Hollander - a really bad acronym, that just happens to belong to my oldest and dearest character - the fact that he happens to be completely robotic AND a mutant is just awesome (Mutation Enhancements were easier to find on the list back in I2!

That of course led to


The Lethal Interception & Exterminator Bot. TB's thematic oppposite.

Recent names include -

The Happy Assassin - Harlequin on Steroids, basically. She's so happy with what she does, but I'm starting to run out of puns every time I do an Assassin strike.

Knowledge Seeker

Seeking knowledge, one arrow at a time

etc. etc.

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Nice use of acronyms.

The only acronymically inspired name I've got so far is my DB/WP scrapper formed about 60 secs after the servers came up allowing DB/WP.

I was expecting a lot of DB/WP, didn't have any characters starting with a 'Y' and was once a sad old Unix geek. Put this together and you get:


Obviously not one of my better attempts or I'd have put them in my earlier post!

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Major Pain - A pun and well I was making a military toon and it was available. Also the title of a very silly movie from the early 90's. (First blaster then tank, inv & fire)

Intermezzo - just fitted as a hero name somehow. Perfectly. (Scrapper, spines & inv)

Queen of Hearts & King of Hearts - can you believe I got both of these ? Queen was meant for a theme SG (yes, playing cards) that never happend. Both are scrappers.



Windows 3000 - A Technology Corruptor. What csn I say? I had just finished intalling service pack 2 for XP and it had went badly wrong somewhere! Now deleted.
Action Bloke - based on a well known childrens toy!
Blackandecker - inspired by the cyborg cossie pieces!
Bill Zebub - Not as well known as his brother.

"Live forever or die tryin'"



Charcoal - because all the other fire themed names were taken. Mutant fire/thermal corr. My first character but I joined the game around I10.
As an aside: anyone else think they have a stack of dictionaries in paragon city hall to help new heroes find a yet unused name?

Quad Machine - rad/rad corr. Name is from a song by Sonic Mayhem. A (mad) scientist who found a way to transfer minds into machines and did it on himself. Power > sensations, for him.

Metalmorphosis - surprised it wasnt taken, may yet reroll but the cyborg costume stays.

Adjective Noun - my only hero. Taking advice on name from a veteran crimefighter = good. Taking said advice literally = not quite as good

Mechaneirist - bots/traps MM. The name is from an old book by S. Lem where it was a generic term for robotics specialists/programmers.

Power Junkie - because thats what brutes are

Demonbred - Arachnos widow of mixed ancestry.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Adjective Noun - my only hero. Taking advice on name from a veteran crimefighter = good. Taking said advice literally = not quite as good

[/ QUOTE ]

I think this is my favourite one on this thread so far

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Now deleted is Austin F. Pacat, the lawyer quite literally from hell. His name is an anagram for Faustian Pact, a deal with the devil.

Alraune, my Plant/Thorns Corrupter, referencing the German legend and name for the Mandrake plant and the film about the myth.

Lyrical Cyclone A name of a song I downloaded from Japanese music site Muzie.co.jp, and became a Sonic/Energy Blaster.



Let's see,

Bluedarky, a shortened version of my old internet handle Bluedarkyugi which is a combination of Blue Eyes White Dragon, Dark Magician and Yugi. Yes, I was a really big Yu-Gi-Oh fan back in it's heyday.

Tech Queen, my first MM and I sat there thinking for about half an hour before trying the name and finding it free.

Madam Victim, I was always the victim of bullying back in high school and wanted to create a hero who reflected that, she's gone so far from the original concept it's untrue.

Temperature Sprite, originally started life as a 4ft tall Ice/Fire Tanker and I wanted a name that reflected her powers and a reason for her size, now exists as an Ice/Fire Blaster.

Maestro of Mayhem, comes from the Maestro part really meaning someone who controls Mayhem.



Oh just like to add that the name i MOST wanted but couldnt 'cause taken was Blue Lightning . Still cry myself to sleep because i cant use it

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Did you want that name for a character who quite obviously got their powers from a mix of Blue Curacao and cheap, but strong cider???

for some reason the image of vahzilok zombies projectile vomiting came to mind when I considered the superpowers that this concoction might bestow on the hapless drinker...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Loads up CoX

David Pyrons: My 1st ever character in a MMORPG. Still my highest level character. Dont know why i chose David as a 1st name, but what the hell, it stuck.

Pyronator: Created this one after an extremely drunk S4 match. Not really played him, but considering the amount that i drank, what the hell... should work on him really.

Silver Rat: To join a family of Silvers... >.>

Ultimate Penetration: Robot/Forcefields MM... think about the concept here, especially seeing as i named one of the bots Missionary >.>

Pyron's K9: Yeah, i have a dog in game... kinda blue though

Generic Hero 007: Working on a James Bond style Character

Pyron's BattleCat: Looks similar to a feline as well

GenericVillain 666: Was bored, made it like that.... still stuck at level 1 (should work on him to be honest)

Those are some of the better named ones

Forgot to mention

My Real life Nickname is Gangrel, and i have had it for the past 12 years or so.... its also my Global name, so imagine the fun i would have losing my identity again >.>



I just used the name my mom called - and sometimes still calls - me

[/ QUOTE ]


@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter



This is an interesting thread, nice to see the difference in players reasonings for naming, seems to be a 50/50 split between humour for humour's sake and actual meaning..i like it

So here goes for a few of mine..

Lord Mortarion My first 50 restarted the game on vills side and wanted a name to encapsulate the mood of a dark corr, and since im a bit of a 40k nerd (never played the games, just like the books)..The name mortarion stuck in my head

Stryke My first 50 hero, was originally going to call him orbital strike (for sniping would be my forte ), but i wanted a single "heroic" type name, and the "y" kind of set it apart a little kind akin to the famous marvel villain/cable clone "stryfe"

Star-forge My new fire blaster, the name kind of stuck in my head from the start, was thinking along the lines of a technological/sci fi esque toon, ironically - yes i am a fan of the kotor series and no - i didnt realise untill i made the toon

Warscythe This toon is made to be a herald for the infamous biblical apocalypse, and is meant to be the right hand man for the horseman "war" himself...hence the name, i dabbled with warsword or warblade but both sounded naff compared to the final choice....ok i made him a hero (scrapper) but hey, even biblical enteties set on global annihilation can have a change of heart cant they ?

Lord Omegon When making my concept for my bane i couldnt help but refer to the 40k universe again and the background of the alpha legion, shrouded in mystery and headed by twin primarchs (alpharius and omegon- according to dan abnetts "legion" heresy book) they operate via guile and misdirection but can cover with their alarming strength and agility, this seemed to be a perfect match to my bane spider's sets, and thus omegon was born a bane working for both arachnos and his own personal gains

I have tonnes more and all really quite nerdy in their aspects, i wish i could make a humerous toon but can never bring myself to do it, god knows why...though i did -while drunk- make a brute once by the name of Bad Boy Bunny ..a 9ft tall behemoth with balding hair and in a playboy bunny style leotard, but deleted him after a while (it disturbed even me too much, and i made it )

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



There are some GREAT names here! And I love the backstories too

I've got:

Elektra Static: A girl who was plagued with excess static electricity all her life, so decided to harness it for The Power of Good. My second and, up until recently, my highest-level hero; unfortunately, being a Elec. Blast/Dark Defender she's completely pants at soloing so she doesn't get many outings in Paragon these days. Still got a soft spot for her though.

Aurora Thunder: a grav/rad controller (the aurora borealis is caused by space radiation hitting the earth's atmosphere, so I figured that would fit with the rad/grav powers.) Got her powers after testing an experimental all-in-one flu medicine at the Institute of the Common Cold and suffering permanent side-effects. Used to have a truly dreadful costume that made her look like a cowgirl on her way to a fetish convention (what can I say? It was late, I was tired..) but have since fixed that.

Dolly Mistress: a Robotics/Dark Mastermind. Probably the only one of my characters where her look is inherently tied to her name; she looks like a little Victorian china doll gone horribly bad. I used the fat pigtails and the clown make-up on her face, and the Blast pattern on her clothes, to get a kind of 'broken doll' look. One of my highest-level villains, and probably a favourite.

Got others, but far too many to list. Ohhhhh, curse my alt-addiction!