what's in a name?




Gall - wanted a sort of Daredevil type character, someone that "galled" his enemies and carried alot of anger in himself. Ended up a bit different from that.

Redsight - my third toon, sadly deceased and even sadder the name is lost to me as I deleted him only to find someone had snatched it as RedSight grrrr! He was a blind archer who saw, wait for it, only frequencies in the red colour spectrum.

Ironlight - my first ever toon, Ironclad, had to be renamed as it turned out to be a (TM'd) name. Stopped playing him after that. Ironlight is the same character, reborn as a Peacebringer.

Merrow - my Aquaman/scottish stylee! Awaiting shields though.

Kirlian - Redsight reborn. Kinda. Well ok not really. Archery champion disqualified for not disclosing his telekinetic powers. "Blinded" after using his powers to push a woman out of the path of a truck carrying chemicals destined for Crey's folly. Said chemicals were spilled over the archer, stealing his sight but giving him the ability to see kirlian auras. Becomes a hero upon discovering his new sight, buys a bow off Ebay that turns out once belonged to Redsight :P

Twelve Gauge - My 2nd ever villain. Ex-mob enforcer turned Cadre's cannon fodder. So named for his devastating right hook hitting you like a twelve gauge shotgun, and his love of that particular gun.

Man Plus - First attempt at a bionic man type...



A name means nothing on the battlefield.


"You should come inside the box... Then you'll know what I mean."



As someone completly new to the game I only have 3 so far:

Dave N Smith: A university student who discovered beer does make him stronger, faster and more agile than usual. I wanted something really generic and average, and Dave is always a name I use for that. Dave Smith was taken so I threw in a N. Martial Arts Scrapper

Baby Burn: The result of a Lab explosion of which she was the only surviver. She doesn't match the records for any of the students and is thought to be a combination of 2 or more. Flame tanker.

I can't remember my villian at the moment, only used her once so far.



A name means nothing on the battlefield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh I dunno, it can be useful for knowing who to shout at when things go wrong...

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



Deadly Buzz - a dublin skanger who had an unfortunate accident while fitting luminous blue lights to the bottom of his fiat Punto. Now an Elec/Elec blaster ("deadly buzz" was a dub phrase for "that's great")

The Cuckold - he had the power to control the minds of all men (ill/kin troller) - but not the woman he loved (Slattern, a thugs MM). Cue the messy divorce.

Robocyberbot - an expensive beverage dispensing unit that's achieved sentience and now strives to be human, much to the chagrin of Manborg, a brute now more machine than man.

Priory - a warrior-nun who was last in line when they handed out the elemental powers so missed out on the cool ones like fire and ice, and got stuck with Forgiveness, which was a bit of a gyp until she realised you can literally throw someone's sins back in their face (Dark defender, inspired by one of those pub discussions about how [censored] off the kid from Captain Planet who got the Heart ring must be on a daily basis). Her arch-nemesis Malady has similar powers garnered when she came home drunk one night after being dumped by her boyfriend and had a rebound-fling with the bogeyman who lived in her wardrobe.

Lots of terrible puntastic names - Bone Idol, a spines scrapper ; Brady O'Active, a Radfender; Chilliam Tell a TA/ice fender;Minuet Maid, a sonic fender; Psyclone, a psi/storm fender; Thundress, a brute who's destructive powers hurt her clothes as much as her adversaries; Maid of Iron, who'll be my shield tank when I13 comes... the list goes on and on, getting worse and worse...

Gutted that some of my favourite villain names - The Foot Scalder - the villain who heats baths up so you burn your toes when you get in, Lint Master - lord of under the bed and behind the sofa; and Swamp Donkey - the patron saint of fat ugly country women were throw-aways in trial accounts that I can never get back



Colonel Combat – My very first character when I’d never seen the game, the name just sounded cool at the time. His costume isn’t very good either, but I do enjoy the bind I did where he changes into a trench coat and dark glasses (over the top of his bright red uniform) and tells the team, “I’m just going to put on my disguise so that no one can recognise me.”

Global Warning – A man sent back from the future to stop humans ruining the world. His battle cry of “Kill the humans, save the world.” is fun.



Some of mine:

Dead Calm: I was flicking through the telly listings while trying to think of names, and the film was on the box.

Dedicated Follower: My evil fashion designer. Inspired by the song Dedicated Follower of Fashion by The Kinks.

Laughing Death: An evil clown, so fairly self explanatory.

Irrepressible: My Kat/Regen scrapper. Inspired by the opening narration to Monkey, and not, as my flat mate once suggested, the tag line on Simon Heffer’s old Daily Mail columns.

Nukella: Originally a placeholder name I used while coming up with a costume. Then I accidentally started levelling her, so stuck with it.

Gold Standard: My PB who originally started out looking like a somewhat modified version of Apollo from The Authority but with more gold in the costume. Gold Standard was the best phrase with gold in it I could think of at the time.

Jones the Spider: This is what happens if you try and come up with names for VEATs while watching Zulu.

Street Value: Thugs/poison MM. His body generates drugs, hence the reference.

Stompy the Dinosaur: A dinosaur who is big and stompy.

Youngster: Youngster is often used in a fairly patronising way, so it made sense for a hyper-intelligent 12 year old who can kill people with his mind to use it as part of his war on grown ups.

Higgs Bassoon: I came up with this following a mispronunciation in the pub while discussing the LHC. He’s a Sonic/Rad defender, who used to be the bassoon player in a briefly successful electonica/woodwind fusion band called V:ision in the 1990s, but became a particle physicist and was caught in an explosion in the LHC.

Lolcat girl: Because two memes are better than one.

Asbof Levy: The ASBOF Levy is a voluntary charge on advertising in the UK that is collected by the Advertising Standards Board Of Finance, and is used to fund the Advertising Standards Authority. At a meeting once, a senior client of the organisation I work for brought along one of our invoices and, in front of all his minions, pointed at the ASBOF Levy and angrily demanded to know who Asbof Levy was and why on earth we were paying him so much. It seemed too good a name to waste.

Dead Calm's Defender Manifesto



A name means nothing on the battlefield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tell that to the men who served under Rommel, Mongomery, Patton, Julius Caesar etc. Names are vitally important because they imply a certain reputation

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



A name means nothing on the battlefield.

[/ QUOTE ]

Tell that to the men who served under Rommel, Mongomery, Patton, Julius Caesar etc. Names are vitally important because they imply a certain reputation

[/ QUOTE ]
Also, it can get very confusing when you have to shout "You, third from the left...no, now 4th to the left, the one with the machine gun!" in the heat of battle.



Only pun type name I have is Stalking Dead my undead dark/wp stalker - shock horror!

Still proud of the hero version of the Clockwork King - Clockwork Queen, invented to battle the clockwork trouble.

Then there's my House of Cards group consisting of Mr Club, Mr Spade, Mistress Heart and Miss Diamond (or Club, Spade, Heart and Diamond to their friends)

Then names like Elizabeth Bathory, Chosen One and Enigma which I'm proud of cos of the amount of people that have alturnatives to these names and I get to brag about.

Oh and Trollslayer, cos he's small...ginger...and carries a rather large axe, which he's able to slay trolls with, without even having to play WAR!


I'm not changing this signature until I'm proclaimed 'King of the World'.



I'm an altaholic so got quite a collection of names myself but some of my favoured ones (Mainly redside - I'm a villain at heart ) are:

Blood Tracker (Mercs/Dark/Soul MM) - A former master mercenary, turned vampire. Seeks world domination. Lets the Mercenaries do the dirty work but feeds of the sweet taste of death.

Deathly Doctor(Zombie/Dark/Soul MM) - A former Doctor who after dying came back to find he could bring the dead back to life to serve by his side, who returned to the Rogue Isles to put his new skills to use.

Deaths Embrace (Night Widow) - A cold hearted killing machine, who dishes out death to those who do or don't deserve it.

Inner Conflict (Soon to be Fortunata) - Simple idea - He dives (or will soon at least) into peoples minds causing manifesting conflicts inside their head.

Reborn Corruption (Dark/Dark Corr [Set choices Inspired from hours of playing with "Lord Mortarion"]) - A guy who after death was reborn in the netherworld, along with gaining powers of the darkest origins. Now seeks revenge against those who are living.

As for some alts not mentioned above -
Some other redside: Cryo Creed, Midnight Bladesong, Flashover Fury, Fatekeeper, Fallout Reactor, Ribcage Ripper

Some of the Bluesides: Clawed Ascendant, Pyromaniacal, Kane Landslide, Windwalker Nightwolf, Nitrofusion, Lydethdul Dwin'ghymn, Swiftfoot.



Some good names there!

Psyclone, a psi/storm fender

[/ QUOTE ]
Yikes - that could get confusing if ever we team and I'm on Psychelone, my mind/storm troller.

Apparently it's not only great minds that think alike...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Okay, some more of mine.

Pedagogue - (Mind/FF troller) We All had a teacher who we thought was a pain at the time, but years later, we realise the true good they have done, and the real good influence they have had on our lives.

Dead Pixel (3D) My take on this, was that an unnamed (atm) person suffering from a terminal illness, used a certain online game to forget the pain. Eventually though the illness claimed him. But he could not bring himself to leave the friends he had made. So he manifested himself into the game to continue the fight alongside his friends.

Cerne Abbas (Inv/Axe tank) my cheeky one inspiration taken from the chalk giant.

Freddy Seagoon (MM) and Sinjist Thing (Fire/Fire Scrapper) both taken from the Goon Show, that I on occasion listen to whilst playing.

Shadow on the Sun (Fire/Fire Blaster) This name is taken from the title of a trek novel. 'By my actions I shall become my namesake'



Oh I forgot:

Precip: Storm/elec . weather related name and a type of cleaning fluid (didn't find that out until I started working at the hospital)



Im back....mua ha ha haaaaa!!



British Beetle - Like some sort of cross between the second Blue Beetle and Captain Britain, with a little Animal Man influence. An alliterative name is always catchy, sticks in your mind.

Booty Call - One of my funnier concepts, ex-prostitute turned sonic-powered superhero :P

Sun-Slinger - My first PB and just an awesome name, like gun-slinger but with light-based powers

Crimson Cutlass - my first legacy character, she's the daughter of the Red Razor, a reference to the Blue King Studios run of CoH comics.

got a few others but they're not quite as cool as those.



Cripes forgot my first and only 50!

Trace - So named for his tracking ability, particularly in the area of missing persons.



There's some great names there - I'm always impressed by the originality of people in the game!

Well, I'm a sucker for a pun, not sure how many of these I still have (as I suffer from chronic Alt-itis and have to delete quite regularly, but I have had (and may still have):

Fairy 'Nuff - My Arch/Arch Defender
Jester Minute - I still can't find the best AT and powers for him./her but I will (eventually!)
San Andreas (and his Battle Cry "It's Not My Fault!"),
Anna Matronix - Bots/FF MM who's bots are ex puppets whose felt has been burnt off
Djinn and Tonic (a Genie) - Grav/Storm troller (because Grav can create things from thin air - yay Propel!
Camilla Highwater
the Fashion Police (who was created for Hallowe'en)

Unfortunately I lost my first ever character's name (Doc Tech) - as I found out when I tried to recreate him (he's currently over in the Test Server languishing).

I was however gutted when I found out that I had to change my Scrapper - she was called Liberty Belle, but is now Liberty Gal

xxx Ethan xxx

Yes, I'm one of those sad folk on twitter!

"Do not underestimate the power of Shiny�" - Mothers_Love



While I'm certainly not averse to puns (currently VenoMiss - Thugs/Poison MM; Infernal Combustion - Fire/Fire Brute) my current favourites are:

Illusion of Choice - Ill/Kin Controller - a name which fits in style with my other controllers (Force of Will and Trial by Fire) but also works on a couple of different levels (at least for me).

K'rn - Ice/Dark Tank - I couldn't tell you why I like this so much as it's basically just a random selection of letters but I love it. I don't really RP but K'rn does tend to refer to herself in the third person quite a lot.

Harlequin Homunculus - DB/Nin Stalker - conceived as a deadly toy (broadly inspired by Mr Syn from The Talons of Weng Chi'ang) I love the alliteration and the rhythm of it.

"If there's anything worse than being sacrificed, it's being sacrificed incompetantly."



Did you want that name for a character who quite obviously got their powers from a mix of Blue Curacao and cheap, but strong cider???

for some reason the image of vahzilok zombies projectile vomiting came to mind when I considered the superpowers that this concoction might bestow on the hapless drinker...

[/ QUOTE ]

lol no It was actually my very first character i created on a create-a-character screen and the name has just always stuck in my head as a concept that could have multiple angles and is my most favourite name for a hero.

Isnt it funny the names that you want that are taken you NEVER see them around ingame

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Isnt it funny the names that you want that are taken you NEVER see them around ingame

[/ QUOTE ]

If by funny you mean ****ing annoying, then yes!



Isnt it funny the names that you want that are taken you NEVER see them around ingame

[/ QUOTE ]

If by funny you mean ****ing annoying, then yes!

[/ QUOTE ]

/signed! lol



Some good names there!

Psyclone, a psi/storm fender

[/ QUOTE ]
Yikes - that could get confusing if ever we team and I'm on Psychelone, my mind/storm troller.

Apparently it's not only great minds that think alike...

[/ QUOTE ]

Given that we've both made characters inspired by awful puns on awful Keanu Reeves movies, yes, you are correct. The "great" would appear to be superfluous



Some good names there!

Psyclone, a psi/storm fender

[/ QUOTE ]
Yikes - that could get confusing if ever we team and I'm on Psychelone, my mind/storm troller
Apparently it's not only great minds that think alike...

[/ QUOTE ]

and Psiclone my kinetics / psi defender

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Some good names there!

Psyclone, a psi/storm fender

[/ QUOTE ]
Yikes - that could get confusing if ever we team and I'm on Psychelone, my mind/storm troller
Apparently it's not only great minds that think alike...

[/ QUOTE ]

and Psiclone my kinetics / psi defender

[/ QUOTE ]

Hee hee. I've a Mind/Psi Dom on Defiant with the same name! Although I may have wiped her actually. She was a Crey vat-grown clone of Carnifax, but I stopped playing her in her teens.