what's in a name?




HARgoyle... Anyone catching the reference played too many games for too long... (Although OMF2097 Gargoyle was much taller and more robotic.)



Hey, I'm an innocent in all of this - I've never made a single Keanu-based toon, unless you count Straylite, who was only based on a book that heavily influenced a Keanu movie. I will not have my brain impuned!

Isnt it funny the names that you want that are taken you NEVER see them around ingame

[/ QUOTE ]
On the other hand, there's no thrill like flying past a level 5 with a garbled version of your own toon's name 'cause you know you got there first. Makes me feel better about the extra slots I bought on union that only have place-holder toons on them!



Rather than start a new topic to ask about more names I was wondering what names people have up their sleeves for the new Pain and Shields sets?

Currently mine are:

Ethereal Knight - A ghostly visage of the past with a shield!

Sever Pain - Originally Severe Pain, Saphi helped me in-game and suggested this as more of a play on name.

What are yours?



Some more of mine:-

Thyristor: 2nd toon done and first to 50. 'Coriolis' was taken so defaulted to a name of character that i rolled up for 'Champions' over 27 years ago now (crikey!) a thyristor is a electronic component used for switching lots of electrical power very quickly, at least I think it is...

Iron Paladin: 1st and 3rd toon made (deleted him so that Thyristor would top the table) the toughest toon in the stable slightly hindered by the fact that I don't play tankers at all well.

Psynergy: 4th toon made and first controller, chose mind control so I wouldn't have to worry about pets during my early days, and chose empathy over kinetics as a secondary again reasoning I could learn how to use it easier.( Had she been a Mind control / kinetics 'troller I would have seen if 'Moment of Madness' was available)

Whipsaw: 5th toon and first scrapper....erm *shuffles feet and looks down.....read this name in an old game years ago.

moving on...

Solar Max: vanilla blaster, named after the research satellite.

Thermadyne: fire/fire tank, was really pleased when this name was available. Teamed with Thermodyne for a while.

Crapaud: 1st villain, french for 'toad'..took the leaping pool.

Automatrix: female robotics mm, for some reason she reminds me of my sister-in-law

Eva Destruction: couldn't resist a pun, fortunately for everyone I resisted 'Dee Cupp', and when wings and kilts became available 'Jock McFlurry'

StarGlider: 1st pb, old computer game

Powershift: 1st ws, looking at the powers for the first time it seemed to me that a lot of them gave out buffs at the expense of enemies, both active and defeated. thus the name. Deliberately designed her to be 'cute' and is a great argument in my 'gender as a weapon' theory.

there are others but I like the above best.

Edited for spelling

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Kind of wondering if 'Agony Auntie' will be available for Pain dom, not had inspiration strike for shield yet

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Ethereal Knight - A ghostly visage of the past with a shield!

Sever Pain - Originally Severe Pain, Saphi helped me in-game and suggested this as more of a play on name.

What are yours?

[/ QUOTE ]

Finding Lord Khorak the battle axe tank to not be hurty enough, I've been waiting for superstrength on Scrappers. I might roll him up as a BS/Shield Scrapper instead.

I have also already sat on 'Imperial' and 'Pure Steel' for shield useage. Actually I grabbed Imperial at the start of the year.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



A few of mine:

Standoff - En/En Blaster: First toon created when I started the game, based on a telekinetic character from PnP Champions. The name came from the character's tactics of standing well clear of combat and tackling things with TK, and in my newbness to the game the En/En sets seemed like the closest thematic match I could get.

Grafite - Fire/Rad Controller: Survivor of the Chernobyl accident, infused with burning moderator when the core blew ("Graphite" was already taken, so I made the character American and went for the US spelling).

Sushi-San - Kat/Inv Scrapper: Prototype robochef, implanted with Oliver Jamie's (you see what I did there?) engrams. When the personality template went a bit wonky and manifested hidden tendencies to run amok with sharp objects they replaced the cleaver with a katana and shipped the bot off to Paragon City as a PR exercise.

Shafty MacTwang - Arc/En Blaster: Elven archer from the forest of Nok-Off in the ancient realm of Clie Shay, come to Paragon to fight for the forces of good. Battle cry: "In the name of Clie Shay!".

Son of Santa - Dark/Dark Scrapper: Archetypal offspring of the Lord of Hell, things went awry when the dyslexic registrar of births got the name a little wrong. Names being being closely related to actualisation for anthropomorphic personifications, this led to SoS's career taking an unexpected turn to the nice side (toon: Huge burning red demon with horns, webbed wings, Xmas gloves and boots and a big white beard).

Alathar - Dark/Dark Corr: Recreation of a megalomaniac Black Elementalist I spent way too much time playing in Birmingham University's LARP society.

Dark's Dawn - Necro/Dark MM: Started life as Dawn Saunders, an archaeology student that stumbled across an ancient Sumerian belt infused with the spirit of a demon. One possession later, her body and its controller is in the Isles seeking a means to draw the world into the demon's home dimension.

Sally Forth - Ice/Ice Tank: Sally Forthington was head of a D.A.T.A. cleanup team that tidied away potentially hazardous tech remains from hero battles. Finding an almost-functional Crey Cryo Suit after one battle she took diverted it to her basement lab at home, patched it up, and has been running her own little fight against crime ever since.

Justin Time - MA/WP Scrapper: Cheesy 4-colour hero, with name and costume to match.



Rather than start a new topic to ask about more names I was wondering what names people have up their sleeves for the new Pain and Shields sets?

[/ QUOTE ]
I've got Maid of Iron booked on Union for my shield and Bloodwork on Defiant for my pain dom, although I'm toying with recreating Goldrush, my drug-fueled corruptor, explaining Pain dom as her transferring her crash hangover to others so she can continue her binge. Also, Wafflemaker over on Defiant would look a lot more like a wafflemaker if he had a waffle-shaped shield.....



Some good names there!

Psyclone, a psi/storm fender

[/ QUOTE ]
Yikes - that could get confusing if ever we team and I'm on Psychelone, my mind/storm troller
Apparently it's not only great minds that think alike...

[/ QUOTE ]

and Psiclone my kinetics / psi defender

[/ QUOTE ]
Can we not just organise the great 'names-based-upon-some-variation-of-cyclone' superteam?

No point saying when I fancy doing it - since we're all mind/psi/scanner/female we can read each other's minds.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Kind of wondering if 'Agony Auntie' will be available for Pain dom, not had inspiration strike for shield yet

[/ QUOTE ]

Why not "Vigil Auntie"? Nice play on words and up for grabs I bet.



Standoff - I Love Shafty McTwang - and his/her backstory just adds to the greatness!

I forgot to mention Dotty Parton earlier - My Mutant Grav/Kin Troller who only got her powers to support her enormous... assets!

And of course Camilla Highwater and Shirley Knot.

All I want now is for power proliferation to allow me to make a Kin/AR defender so that I can use Rick O'Shay!!!

xxx Ethan xxx

Yes, I'm one of those sad folk on twitter!

"Do not underestimate the power of Shiny�" - Mothers_Love



I forgot to mention LOCA, the name comes from an old Paranoia game a while back where I named a rogue AI LOCA as an acronym for Loco and Orignally Called Alan (The character was based on an old friend of mine named Alan) and I've been using it for AI's ever since.



Some good names there!

Psyclone, a psi/storm fender

[/ QUOTE ]
Yikes - that could get confusing if ever we team and I'm on Psychelone, my mind/storm troller
Apparently it's not only great minds that think alike...

[/ QUOTE ]

and Psiclone my kinetics / psi defender

[/ QUOTE ]
Can we not just organise the great 'names-based-upon-some-variation-of-cyclone' superteam?

No point saying when I fancy doing it - since we're all mind/psi/scanner/female we can read each other's minds.

[/ QUOTE ] No point saying when I fancy doing it - since we're all mind/psi/scanner/female we can read each other's minds.

OK psee you psaturday in psimerora!


Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Uh... *whaps together a half-backsided list* I have FAR too many characters, so these are my better names.

Molly.EXE - One of two AR/Dev Blasters I have. The adopted daughter of a weapons and warfare technology mogul, augmented with her own work in the field of nanotechnology and a self-built rifle. Think Motoko Kusanagi if she was 19, not a cyborg and always remain cheerful about most things. And wears pink. Lots of pink.

777 - The other AR/Dev. A man with inhuman luck. And has been thrown out of just about every casino in Vegas because of it. Came to Paragon for a new way to push his luck, and a series of events led him to run around the city with a big gun.

High Tide - Welsh-Italian daughter of two mutants, meaning... she can not only hurl about blasts of energy like a maniac, but she can also breathe underwater. She's also a bit incompetant. En/En Blaster of course. :3

Mashup - Former musician who fled Russia after her band was massacred. Turned to Molly.EXE's corporation where she volunteered to receive experimental augments. Sonic/En Blaster. The term 'mashup' tends to refer to the 'art' of mixing two or more songs together, usually the instrumental of one song with the vocals of another.

Second Shot - Sunita Mayboune died. Then got resurrected and somehow landed herself in control of a severely diminished gang. She's basically got her 'second shot' at life, hence the name. Thugs/Traps MM

ShoXtar - Thrill seeker and attention junkie, Alvin Ratner came into contact with a strange artifact while fighting a cult in Europe. Now he's a walking eel. And still arrogant as hell. Elec/Elec Brute. ShoXtar = Shock + Rockstar. Think about it.

Reactor Party - Matt Barrett was the frontman of a promising band when a meteorite slammed into his stage at a small gig, granting him the powers of a Rad/Rad Defender. Name comes from the ****disco song, and his look is loosely based on Late of the Pier. >.>

White Noiz - Not actually a Hero, "White Noiz" serves as more of a stage name, like Ferry Corsten's "System F" moniker or Darren Tate's "Jurgen Vries". Agatha Black just came to the city on the suggestion of a friend. She's primarily a musician, who happens to be a mutant with the powers of a Sonic/Sonic Defender. She's actually went from L1 to L6 purely on the last batch of scheduled Rikti attacks.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Reactor Party - Matt Barrett was the frontman of a promising band when a meteorite slammed into his stage at a small gig, granting him the powers of a Rad/Rad Defender. Name comes from the ****disco song, and his look is loosely based on Late of the Pier

[/ QUOTE ]

Which reminds me i need to get Fantasy Black Channel...
But how are you able to make a costume in their style? I wouldn't say that their fashion is distinctive enough to be able to be recreated in the costume creater.

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



But how are you able to make a costume in their style? I wouldn't say that their fashion is distinctive enough to be able to be recreated in the costume creater.

[/ QUOTE ]

I did say 'loosely'

Reactor has the smooth Bare Chest with the Perplex pattern as a tattoo. Closest I'm probably gonna get the symmetrical line patterns the band have been seen with draw all over themselves, but it still looks great. The bottoms were just white pants and sneakers.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Doctor Bolt Simple enough, Elec/Elec blaster. A former lab technician who robbed a powersuit he unwittingly assisted in building from a rather shady robotics corporation he worked for who intended to sell it to rather shady people. The name comes from... can you guess?

Boneblade - A reformed Skull ganger who was diagnosed with cancer in his bones and then exposed to strange energies as the disease became terminal, which gave him incredible regenerative abilities and his bones the unusual tendency to grow rapidly and burst out of his skin, forming strange "bone-blades". Spines/Regen scrapper.

Iron Alligator Super-thug, a mutant with incredible strength the appearance of an anthropomorphic grey alligator. The "Iron" comes from the toughness of his hide.

Grimface A man in a super-powered mask which generally looks rather grim. Bleh.

I'll probably put my other characters up later.



Mary Grace: My first character had to have something heroic-sounding for her name, and Grace encompasses a lot of good aspects: morality, mercy, good will etc. Mary was the mild mother of Jesus and, while im not very religious, it still carries with it an additional sense of righteousness. So the name choice was obvious, Mary Grace.

Silent Bloom: Deadly yet beautiful was the plan for my first villain character, a stalker. Naturally a stalker has to be quiet, and a flower blooming is usually quite pretty. So, Silent Bloom.

Most of the other's used their powersets as inspiration for the names. Thunderspark, for example, is an empathy/electric fairy character. Wandering Bard is a sonic/kinetic corruptor. My mastermind villain got her name simply because she's little and her name is Jenny... so not really very inspirational, but I like them all the same

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)



My newest hero: Damned Dragon, normally known as Destin Dawn. I actually had a dragon character before, Dutch Dragon...but people started to actually talk Dutch to me which totally screwed my immersion.

The name Destin I got from watching too much Screw Attack.com videos...

The M.A.D. Files - Me talking about games, films, games, life, games, internet and games

I'm not good at giving advice, can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?




Recently rerolled an old scrapper based on the legend of the Church Grims, called surprisingly Church Grim. He's a DM/WP scrapper, found by the caretaker of a cemetery and raised as his somewhat unusual son. He is in fact a Ghoul and his physiology demands that he eat the dead. However being raised by a human meant his diet had to be altered and he is able to get by on eating chicken bones and the like. After his father's death he inherited the role of caretaker and became a guardian of the dead, battling demons and monsters and graverobbers alike.



Good thread idea btw

OK, here goes....

Fulcrum - DM/Regen
My first toon rolled on day 1 of me joining the game 42+ months back, and my first 50. His name encompasses the centre point of the scales of justice, co-incidentally my star sign is Libra, the scales, and I happened to have been playing 'Lock-On' on the day I joined which includes the Mig 29, or Fulcrum - it all seemed to fit!

Quantum Dark - Grav/Emp
He has gravity powers (and can draw on the world of quantum physics) together with an eye-scorching green and blue outfit - 'Dark' was so inappropriate I couldn't resist using it...

Skyhawk - PB
Wanted a light and airy name with a combat-type edge and Skyhawk is also the name of the Cessna 172 which I used a lot in FS9. He has an air force background so that fitted nicely.

Chillerbolt - Ice/Elec
Ice/Electricity blaster who gained his powers after an Ice blaster and an Electricity blaster who were having a tiff barrelled him into an air con unit which he was repairing on the Arena in Galaxy.

Vigil - FF/Elec
Seemed a good name for a defender. Kinda taken from Most Haunted which was on at the time. In game her name comes from a Crey Washing Powder which short circuited her washing machine and she emerged in a protective bubble with power over electricity... her mission is now to clean up this city.

Defilade - Stone/Energy
Taken from Saving Private Ryan - military term meaning obstacles or cover offering protection from incoming fire.

Xenochron - WS
His background involves time travel so Xenochron suggests time alien. Actually inspired by Frank Zappa and Xenochronic time patterns.

Osmosis - Rad/Rad
I just like the word... we have no water powers yet so he uses nuclear osmosis... which has upset some folks I've met who insist on 'keeping it real' while people fly, tp and superspeed all around them



I...I thought I posted on this?
Oh well, here goes the mind-dump...

Chief Centurion Z1: My first character, invul/energy tanker, hard as nails even though he has been cursed with multiple foul respecs. Im awaiting the I13 freespec to put him out of his misery. He also plays host to my two Kheldians;

ChiefCenturion Alpha: The name was one space too long! -sob- Oh well. Alpha is the Peacebringer that inhabits the Chiefs robotic body, and has all the awesomeness that goes with that.

ChiefCenturion Omega The Warshade that also resides in the Chief. Only Z1 has the ability to switch between all three atm, but the scitzness is fun as hell

Kitsune Vixen: My mutant psychic medic. Shes great fun to play, a party animal and friendly, one of my more human toons.

X21 Ice Wolf: The calmer brother of Z22 Pyre Fox, who is played by a friend, the Hound brothers are great fun. Wolf is useless in social situations, but having survived the first Rikti war hes a tough nut in the field, and has headshotted his way through more than a few hordes of villains.

Techbot ALPHA: An evil little can, Alpha has changed a lot over the years. Once he was a totally cold little nasty, now hes quite fun to play. Head of Tech of The Corporation, friend of Walter Steamworth and a pain in the bum for anything that wears a cape and talks about truth, freedom, justice and a hard boiled egg

Krimzon Commander: Head of the Krimzon Guard, an Arachnos Elite regiment with the same name as its Council predecessor, which was also run by the Commander. A real nasty of a Crab Spider, who hates the 'weaklings' of Paragon, and believe firmly that humans can be just as good as anyone with superpowers. Has a vendetta with Longbow, and is utterly ruthless towards 'Heroes' and thugs in the Rogue Isles. Possibly as close to an uncorrupt police force as the Isles has ever known, surprisingly.

Von Schaden A german assassin, who survived both World Wars and is still at large. His internals are now a complicated and ornate mesh of man and machine, but he still retains his human mind and morals. He doesnt pick on the weak of defenceless, but thats because their no fun...

Ess: A recent concept who turned out really well. Ess is mad, round the twist, mental, loopy, doo-lally, stark raving off her trolley. She has already died four times, and yet...she hasnt. She tends to bend peoples minds when shes around, alongside bending gravity totally out of shape. Her smile also makes people bend somewhat. Its a little too fixed at times. She'll do anything for a laugh.

Varius: Previously I made a clone of Tyrael from Diablo 2, who then got updated and made a decent character when I saw the angel made by @Sprawler. In the beauracracy and politics of the Celestial Realm, Varius is known as 'The Radical', mainly for the fact that, although he does get his duties done, his methods are extreme to say the least; accepting aid from demons and other sorts. Given the ammount in Paragon, however, its quite hard to avoid them. Varius is unprejudiced, however, and, so long as you stay on his good side, he's a good friend. Cross him, and hes also a very good swordsman.

Operative Doc: The Sergeant-At-Arms of the Krimzon Guard. My Bane spider, who used to be a medic. A grumpy old sergeant turned out to be much more fun to play, power and personality wise. He now terrorises anyone in range, and holds the same views as his boss.

All my main ones, more notes can be found on The Union Handbook.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Blonde Justice
My 1st 50. Blind Justice was unavailable so I thought "well, she's blonde..." She does the hero thing simply because it's the right thing to do.

Lady Aminta
2nd 50. Recycled the name from an NPC char I created for a PnP campaign (Cleric of Mishakal). Names derived from the greek for protector/defender

Tess LaOoyle
Not from the C&C series, i'd just seen a doc about Nikolai Tesla. Spelling is "just because"

Steel Dancer
Decided to give Dual Blades and Willpower a go as an experiment, decided the character lives in Steel Canyon and from what I'd seen of the DB moves thought Dancer worked well. Ended up being probably my toughest character and my most fun to play.

Girlfriend of a Hellion who got fed up of twits in leotards jumping up and down on her boyfriend and decided to get her own back with her own gang (thugs/ff MM)

Blast Pulse
Wanted to properly try a corruptor, decided on fire/rad as being one of the more versatile ones. Named her Blast for the fire/ and Pulse for the /rad, hit on the idea that she was one of the Nuclear 90 and never looked back

Dark Champion My SoA on both Union and Defiant. Was very surprised to get the name on one, let alone both.

Defiant 50: Blonde Justice inv/ss; Lady Aminta emp/elec; Sierra Colt merc/traps; Tess LaCoyle elec/elec (blaster); Powerstorm elec/elec (brute);
Union 50: @Steel Dancer WP/DB; Blast Pulse Fire/Rad (corr); Bitter Twilight Earth/Psi (dom); Compassionate Emp/Psi;
Freedom 50: Incandescent Blaze ElecAm/Fire;



Bathory Erzsebet Magic Necro/Dark Mastermind I wanted to make a perfect sadistic villain. So I looked into history for advice. A vampire would be nice. And I came up with Elizabeth Bathory. That name was obviously taken. I met the guy who helped his friend make this toon, but never the toon itself.

Looking into it further I found the only document in history she ever signed. In Hungarian the last name comes first. And this is the original spelling.

She was my first toon already with an SG in mind... so at lvl 10 The Court of the Blood Countess was born.

When I needed Elizabeth to visit Paragon City she had to have a human disguise. Much like Dracula used when he visited London. I played around with the name and made Elizabeth Thabyro Magic Dark/Dark Defender. She essential has the same powers, as she is meant to be the same person.

Selwyn Strange Magic Force Field/Energy Defender I am creator and moderator of www.drstrange.nl, and as such a huge Dr. Strange fan. This is my way to rebuild his powers as close as I could get them. In time he drifted away from being a ripp-off to his own character, but the powersets are still the closest thing ever to the Sorcerer Supreme.

Nightseye Magic Dark/SprRefl Scrapper Just came back from the musical CATS and really liked to make a catlady at that point. I looked into history for inspiration and came up with an immortal avatar of the cat-goddess Bast. Egyptean cats are grey. She is an immortal ancient egyptean that can transform into a catlike being.

Shannon O'Banshee Magic Sonic/Kin Corruptor I really wanted to try out kinetics. But what being could control speed or time. I figured it could be like speeding up time. The realm of Fae is suppossed to have a different time-stream. And as such I could try out a reaaaly small toon. Went for the smallest possible. And came out with this Fae/Banshee.

Small, fast, annoying...

Jack Wulf Magic Dark/Regen Stalker This is my werewolf. He has a human and Werewolf shape. The howling emote was a 'gift from above for him. The name just seemed to fit.

Lilith Desdemonia Magic Fore/Fire Dominator My demoness. I wanted to make one and ended up with a redskinned, burned winged demon escaped (or more exiled) from the depths of Hell. Still only lvl 14. Fire Dominators aren't easy to level.

Uebermensch Magic Superstr/Inv Tanker My supposed Superman clone and member of my Patriotic Hero SG. So I used Niesche's version of the Uebermensch and the writing that is used when the umlaut is not available. Like in our toon names. Just was lucky it wasn't taken.

Dutch Storm Magic Storm/Electr Defender Can't make a patriotic German toon and not make one from the country I am from. inspired by the weather at the time (Dutch weather sucks) I came up with storm for her. She was almost drowned in the big flood of Holland in '53 and saved by the teutonic gods. Raised on Asgaerd and granted storm powers by Donar and Wodan themselves.

Yim Wing-Chun Natural MarArts/SuprRefl Scrapper This is the person that, according to legend, created the Kung-fu style Wing-Chun. I have trained Wing-Chun for years and wanted a Martial Arts scrapper that reflected the style as good as possible. Obvious chinese An ancient chinese super hero. Fighting a demon sorcerer she got trapped in the far future.

I mimicked the style by adding some fist hits (boxing), Sands of mu for the fast repetering fist hit... and did not take the fancy jump kicks as long as she can go without.

Tarana Natural Superstr/WillPwr Brute I once had a D&D character named Tara. Real foul girl. Took what she wanted, and killed where she wanted.

Tara was taken... Tarana is a perfect alternative. Taranis is the celtic god of thunder. This is a take on that name. She is a killer... fist for hire... and thief. She hates super powered people and especially the ones born with it.

Nancy Mesmer Mutant Psi/Mind Dominator For roleplay in The Cadre I needed a stripper to work in the club. A mutant psi would be perfect in that role. As she could influence her audience in other ways then just with her body.

As she was a stripper I looked at Nancy Callahan from Sin City. The last name comes from Mesmer. The historic person that 'invented' mesmerism... or hypnosis.

Dr. Eugene Silver Natural Bots/Device Mastermind Wanting to try out Robots I came up with an older scientist gone wrong. He was caught in an accident and is now partly cyborg. That is not where his powers are though.

He is a robotic genius and build these bots and inventions to help out The Cadre. As his name is Silver' he finds some personal joy in naming his Robots like metals.

Elphaba Thropp Magic Fire/Dark Corruptor What can I say! I just had finished the novell 'Wicked'. A prequal/remake/different angle look on the Wizard of OZ. This is the real name of the Wicked Witch of the West. As a villain she misses the brimmed hat. Why is there no witch hat on villains?

Cher Nobyl Mutant Fire/Rad Controller Made for the Omega Task force in Birmingham. And as such part of the International Hero Idols team. This concept won first price there in the creative categgory.

She came from the ukraine... and was born during the Tsjernobyl disaster. this mutated her into becoming a living nuclear reactor.

Siberian Sentry Technological Ice/Energy Blaster This is my armored hero. Like Iron Man he is a scientist that builded an armor to protect his people at home. He is russian... The armor is able to generate extreme cold and regulate it s own powere levels and energy.

Fujiwara Masato Natural NinjaBlade/Ninj Stalker my Ninja of a yakuza clan that serves Elizabeth in game. Her human assasins. This is to be my major stalker in time. When I can get to levelling him proper that is.

Japanese with the body tattoo's as expected from a Yakuza.

Marie Laveau Magic Necro/Poison Mastermind The Voodoo queen of New Orleans. Straight from history and legend (look her up if you want). She was a perfect character for this powerset and I just couldn't believe the name was free!

[censored] with a black dress... but able to go almost nude with bloody ritual marks all over her body.

GI Camouflage Magic SuperStr/Invul Tanker build to become a ghost Vietnam Marine. Will get stealth and phase and fly in time. Based on the song 'Camouflage'. The song discribed a supernatural Marine that comes back from the dead to rescue a marine in distress.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Two days or so ago, I was agonising over the character creation screen, when I put together a magic-origin Ice/Cold Corruptor. I began thinking of a concept, and found that the idea of the embodiment of Mankind's fear and hatred (this being in general terms, I'm rather fond of the season myself) of Winter was a pleasing one. I was more pleased when the name 'Dead of Winter' sprang into mind, and even more please when I learned the name wasn't already taken.