what's in a name?




Inspired by a semi-jokey rant US side, been wondering, what are peoples favorite character names, how did you come by them and what inspired you?

Get the ball rolling with a few of my favorites.

Dr Mechano: First off every good mad scientist has to be either a Doctor of a Professor, just seems to be the rule of comic book villains. Mechano is a childs construction toy so that fitted the fact he was a Bots Mastermind.

Amy Zon: Yes one of those names, a female 8ft tall Super Strength/invunlnerabily tanker. I went with it because it's just so very comicbooky.

Piratey Pete: my name reserve character...it was too good to miss out on and is a dual blades/regen scrapper. Captain Pete to you, me friends call me Piratey Pete..because that's what I be...piratey...Arrr

Currently debating what name to give my Troll hero, Atta Girl (pun on the phrase and also the name of the Troll leader) or simply Troll Princess.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Go with Atta Girl - there's never any good reason to miss a puntastic name.

So many poor puns in my stable.. and I'm indecently proud of so many of them...

Judgement Dave - First MMO. First character. I hadn't entered the game. Hadn't looked at the boards. Didn't know what sort of names people gave characters so I could have ended up looking a total n00b... but the chance to pun on Judgement Day and my name was too good to miss (yup - my real firstname is Judgement).

Blast ofthe Mohicans - funnily enough she's a blaster with a mohawk. Curse the game for not having 1 more character available in names then there'd be a space between of and the...

John Constant Whine - Sonic defender. Had to do this as I'd just got trenchcoats, I'd never had a sonic and it had to be better than the film constantine. Now where the heck is the chain smoking emote????

G'an Dee - obviously my peacebringer.

shrub-bliar slightly less obviously my warmonger... err.. warshade.

My claws scrapper: one-eyed after forgetfully trying to remove a bit of grit from her eye: Eye Clawdius.

Kay-Anne Pepper - a plants/thermal mutated from eating too many chillies (well the powers had just been proliferated and I'd spent a morning planting chilli seeds).

Marcus Coal - had to be done when I discovered that there's a pickaxe version of the axe for tanks. Looks a little like a large statesman fresh from t' pit.

Then there's my brute who grew up in a poor background and so when she had some success she bought what her family never had: a car. Then another. And another. And another. She's now famous for her multiple vehicles and turned to crime to afford the fuel for them. Yes - it's Mother Four Cars. I've not played her much as I'm not sure if it'd get a petition... look GMs it's called humour. And it's not explicit/rude/adult in any way past a non-expletive pun...

My other brute is a steroid-warped wrestling fan, called Bulk Logan.

My mercs MM. After wanting to be asoldier his whole life, Montgomery was kicked out of the SAS catering corps for accidentally poisoning the troops. Now he's back with mercenaries and his 'Dark Miasmatron 6000' as Failed Martial Monty.

Oh and how could I nearly forget Operative Word and my (widow to be) Twanky.

btw (in a cross thread reference): Just because a name is jokey doesn't mean that the name means any less to the player than some RP character...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Pyroclastic Flower Fire/Kin named for the Pyroclastic Flows that sometimes are emitted by volcanoes. Likewise her twin is Pyroclastic Sarge named for the same effect but described as a surge.

Lost Ninja Whilst trying to come up with a name I was listening to a remix for the c64 game The Last Ninja... Sadly it wasn't quite original, there is a guy who follows the series Lost who also has this name but so far there seems to be only about 2 of us world wide.

The Facilitator She facilitates justice with her dirt great sword. Interestingly it appear to mean something in Spanish though I don't know what, but I get an awful lot of tells from people asking me things in Spanish.

The Clause My friends make fun of me for this one. When a lowly lawyer in a law firm needed to be rescued by a hero (Facilitator) from a bunch of Malta toughs she vowed never to be defenceless again. A Claws/WP scrapper with no travel power following the path of pure natural powers.

Bad Cop She isn't really, created as one of a pair of Kin/??? defenders back when I first started multi boxing properly, her sister Good Cop was Kin/Nrg she was Kin/Dark (hence good and bad). Nrg isn't a good synergy with Kin what with all the knockback so Good Cop vanished in a teleporter accident... Bad Cop still searches for her till this day.

Schizophreniac While in therapy to cure her schizophrenia Schiz was taught to build robots and impress her alter egos onto them... finally got to a point where most of her ego is in electronic format.... in a the form of an army of robots... Never did work out where her dark powers came from.



I find it really difficult to get into playing a toon unless I have a concept that interests me and the name is a huge part of that for me.

There's Sarcasma , the union between Mourning Twilight (who left the Nictus to become a poet) and Violet Jones (stroppy emo teen) to create the warshade who's convinced the whole world hates her. (The name was inspired by a throwaway quip from Mark to Amanda on Ugly Betty).

Anna Phylactic crazed scientist who was pushed so far working for an unethical drugs company she ended up experimenting on herself and becoming a rad/kin corruptor stalking the isles looking for experimental subjects.

Drummond Bass pasty-faced white boy who dreamed of being a gangsta rapper. When experimenting with the occult gets tricked into servitude to a demon who imbues him with a dreadful voice (sonic corruptor) and sends him off to commit crimes and evil deeds.

Dolly Macabre , flagship toy of the Screaming Mad Nutcase Toy Company of Cap au Diable. A Victorian porcelain doll that, like all porcelain dolls looks like a very sickly child. In fact, a little too much like a very sickly child.... Attracts dead things, gives off a deathly chill and roams the Rogue Isles looking for children, or anyone, to play with (Necro/Storm MM).

Rachel Stereotype mild-mannered kindergarten teacher who, after her no-good brother gets done for posession just one more time steals his magical stash and decides to teach the youth of Paragon City that there's a better way to make it out of the ghetto (plant/therm controller).

and more...and more...

Ever wondered how our costumes stay so clean and shiny given everything we put them through?

Then you need to try out Spandex Crisis (Arc ID 32943)



John Constant Whine - Sonic defender. Had to do this as I'd just got trenchcoats, I'd never had a sonic and it had to be better than the film constantine. Now where the heck is the chain smoking emote????

[/ QUOTE ]

I really want to get this toon into a piccy with Johnny Moronic.



Song, my Peacebringer. The name grew out of her original Scrapper name of Sparrowsong. I was surprised when I got either of them. I got the names from her voice when I wrote her character, which was fluted and musical.

Rumour is my main Brute, her name coming from rumours spread around university in Steel that she was from the Rogue Isles, having begun life as an AR/Dev corruptor named Cammie Flage (yes, she had camouflage), who I'd deleted twelve levels in.



SinergyX/SinesterX - My mains Sinester being the evil counterside of Sinergy, same looks but a rotten face. (story wise, he is a failed clone experiment of Nurisha). Name suited very well when CoV came out.

Soaring 9 Phoenix - kudo's for the one who knows from wich game this is Based on a bow/flame set, any AT.

Most of my toons have a evil counterside, i have no real favorite name, as long they sound good, suit the set and match in my entire CoH story.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Assailant my main and a brute. such a nice villain name, and I took it right after open beta of CoV, and have remade him several times since. It was the kind of name I would imagine written in big bold letter in newspaper head lines. You can properly se it as well, “Assailant strikes again”, “Assailant robs bank”...
Then there is the variations of him. Arcane Assailant (another brute in progress) and Shadow Assailant (reserved for when I get around to make a stacker).

Then there is my old main character, Supressor. Grav/Nrg dominator. It was meant to be a robot build as a crowd control tool (hence the name), that malfunctioned. Should have been electric assault, but that was not available when I made him.

Scorched Earth: originally meant to be a Fire/Fire dominator, but is now a Earth/Fire dominator. Named after the military tactic of destroying and burning everything the enemy might use as you slowly retreat. Quite fitting for a villain, I think.

Dark Facilitator: Sonic/Thermal coruptor. The concept of the charter was a team buffer/healer. Someone who would help other achieve their dark deeds, under the motto “it does not matter who does evil, as long as evil is done”. Dark helper did not sound right, so I wend for a synonym dictionary looked up help and found facilitate, and changed the ending.

Greenbrier is reserved for when I get around to make a plants/? dominator. It is a creeper vine, that is sometimes descried as “Natures own barbed wire from hell” due to the difficulty involved in getting rid of it. Againe something I find befitting a villain.



Col. Blitzkrieger - My main, and my first level 50, an Elec/Elec/Mu Brute. A purely random coincidence of thought patterns, as we were talking about nazi Germany in history class at the time, I was randomly reading up on the 5th Column on Paragon Wiki (and thought they were so much more awesome than the Council), and felt like trying out a Brute after I first got bored with hero-side. Elec/Elec just stood out to me as something that seemed rather unique on paper, and boy did I fall in love with it, and the character. The shortened form of the 'Colonel' title was inspired by the Archvillain named Col. Burkholder.

Operative Harvestman - Also known as Daddy Long-Legs, a harvestman is a type of arachnid. Er, simple concept there, but I felt it sounded spidery while still resembling a realistic last name. Crab Spider.

Dr. Ecco - Invulnerability/Super Strength Tanker, though I RP him as Sonic Aura/Sonic Melee. He's actually in a thematic duo with his sidekick, a Sonic/Sonic Defender named Decibel. (Surprisingly strong duo, even.) Name inspired from Ecco the Dolphin, to be honest.

Caldera - Fire/Fire Dominator, my female Hellion character. The name's a bit iffy, as it's actually a formation left behind when the magma chamber underneath a volcano is depleted, but that didn't cross my mind at the time, it just made me think of volcanoes... Eh.

Frostworker - Currently deleted, so the name's up for grabs. Was an Ice/Cold Corruptor. Frostwork, if my English skills don't fail me, is that nifty patterned crystalline formation you get on windows and the like during winter sometimes.




Then there's my brute who grew up in a poor background and so when she had some success she bought what her family never had: a car. Then another. And another. And another. She's now famous for her multiple vehicles and turned to crime to afford the fuel for them. Yes - it's Mother Four Cars. I've not played her much as I'm not sure if it'd get a petition... look GMs it's called humour. And it's not explicit/rude/adult in any way past a non-expletive pun...

[/ QUOTE ]

Loving this.

I had an idea for a trio of deadly sisters a while ago but I never plucked up the courage to go the whole way. The first two were called Scarey Mary and Bloody Nora, the third was going to be called Farky Nell and..well..you see my problem.

Ever wondered how our costumes stay so clean and shiny given everything we put them through?

Then you need to try out Spandex Crisis (Arc ID 32943)



Hey, this thread is actually quite interesting.
Seven Sins, my very first character, I'm quite proud of the name I came up with, albeit he never made it past 7. I waded around my room trying to come up with a good Villainous name for hours, and I got it. Random stray thought.

Midnight Guard, my first proper character. I enjoy making different armors in the costume creator, and one day I by coincidence had put together his now signature helmet, which is also my current avatar. Quickly thought up of a name I found fitting for him and his Dark powers.

Flammenklinge, another fairly old Fire Brute, based on a 5th Column crowd control soldier division. His name means 'fire sword' in German, but at first I had it wrong, missing an 'n' in Flammen, making it a Danish instead of German name, albeit same meaning.

Choshu, my samurai, derived from the old name of the Nagato province in northwestern Honshu, Japan. I just found it suitable for a samurai name. I found out later, however, that the proper spelling is 'choushuu'. The name is still okay, though without any particular meaning.

Ex Nihilo, 'from nothing', scientific term about things in space being created 'ex nihilo'. Just wiki'd some space-y stuff suitable for a Warshade, and this fit pretty well.

Holly Good, derived from 'jolly good', not Hollywood. Empathy Defender, and one of my two only female characters.

Zenodorus, I needed a cool name for a Crab Spider, and after some research, I found this. Although the actual Zenodorus spider is a dung spider , ah heck, name's awesome.

Midnight Phantom, started out as being an underling/brother to Midnight Guard, my main. Didn't work out with the concept or biography, but "Maboroshi no Hanshou" sounded cool, which is 'phantom of midnight' in Japanese.

Otonashi, 'no sound'. Martial Arts/Regeneration, ninja. Soon to switch roles with one of my other characters though.

Scintillatus, from 'scintillate', Fire/Psi Blaster. I've always liked -tus at the end of names, but that usually fits Magic characters better, and I'm a Tech person.

Battler, Axe Brute, the name comes from an encounter in Dark Age of Camelot, my old MMORPG. Some Minotaur with an artifact you have to slaughter.

Chihaji, 'earth grasp', also Japanese. Sorcerer. Cool powers, but Magic and me is meh.

Karokage, also a Japanese character. Ninja Mastermind, -kage (-shadow) is a term shinobi overseers used to address themselves with, I can't exactly remember where Karo came from, but translates to overwork or retainer.

@MidnightGuard - on Union you may know me as:
Mr. Vile - Electroman X - Zenodorus - Battler
Naga Knight - Stinkspitter



I used to have a 'troller called Juan Kaah but he got moderated



Kiken, my very first character. It means risk or danger in Japanese; it's not so much a name as a warning... (Except he didn't take into account that few of Paragon's villains speak Japanese )

Dr Beat, a scientist turned Sonic villain. (Was going to have him come from Florida and call him The Miami Sound Machine, but came to my senses.)

Mustang Sally a large, Inv/SS Tanker lady, who effects a very bad Texan/Southern/cowgirl accent, despite being from Ohio.

Tinker Belle . Belle Sebastian is a genius when it comes to tinkering with other peoples technology. A Bots/FF MM.

Night Shaft A TA/A Defender. I wanted something that sounded classically superheroic, yet also slightly pornographic...

And many more, though these are probably my favourites.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



Far Que - My newest scrapper. Just because.



Carnal Sin - I was making a blatant fanservice toon for a laugh. Unfortunately I have this horrible habit of thinking non-stop, so after months of ideas and justifications she's my most beloved mostly-naked, perpetually hovering sexual deviant. If they give superstrength to scrappers she'll be SS/WP instead of FM/WP, like my crazed imaginings would prefer. The actual name is quite self evident in what it is.

Khorak - He started life as a Khorne Chaos Lord in Warhammer Fantasy. He's been my barbarous mouthpiece ever since. I'm not actually entirely this unpleasant, but you'll get far more of what people actually think when they're angry or trying to prove you wrong, so tell them they're braindead bottom dwellers and everything you do is right. You'll get a full essay with evidence.

Khorak is merely Khorne with a short, harsh ending so it sounds less cumbersome, and a bit more threatening than a yellow vegetable.

Catastrophe - Currently only has a placeholder toon attached to it. Can't believe I managed to get it, and now can't think of something awesome enough for it. Bah.

Barbarous - My first ever toon. A BS/Regen scrapper I don't play because all the redraw does my damn head in. Barbarous is essentially a classic barbarian, and the toon used to be completely different.

I bought a rename token, called it Barbarous and changed the whole look. In the meantime, someone stole Steel Fury from me, who I was going to recreate as BS/WP. That was my first ever name, I loved it, still do, and I want the name and address of whoever took it. I WILL KILL YOU.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Scarlet Shocker One of my very first toons (my first is no longer with us) and without a shadow of a doubt my favourite. The alliteration and the whole aspect of the character worked for me

Proton Rush Rad/Kin defender it seemed kind of appropriate too...

Snowfreak I just liked the name and this ice/en blaster just turned into a kind of dragonish looking creature with a huge mechanical glove and I really liked the look (and DPS)

Other names of note include Invincible Woman, Angel of Mons and Psyber Girl

But why hasn't anyone ever made a toon called 4Q?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



My current favourite names that I am running with are:

Jaw Dropper My first 50 and name sake. The character was named and styled as a mickey take at one of the ppl i used to play with, who was always going on about how good looking and sexy he was! Roll on an Illusion controller whose powers are his blinding good looks. Its a silly arrogant name and i love it!

Obituary This is one of those names that I can't believe I got redside (Defiant), it's such an obvious name for a villain that I was fully expecting it to be taken when I rolled this ton late last year. Still, i love the name, love the concept (even if it did take a little bit of shoehorning to explain why ppl called him Obituary) and love the powersets. Good times. Oh yeah, he is called Obituary because he famously wrote a long article for the Paragon Times mourning the death of inventing in the US before going on a widely publicised killing spree that got him put away in the zig.

Ungarmax Gun toting blaster with name referencing classic game that i grew up spending hours on.

These are my three favourite names and the ones that I would like to hold on to most if servers were ever to merged (not that i think they will) and also the ones that would mostly likely be already taken.

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



Ungarmax Gun toting blaster with name referencing classic game that i grew up spending hours on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Instantly brought back many fond memories.

Epic game.



Flittermaus: Decided to try and make a bat with the costume creator after watching... yes, a documentary about bats. As I was making the costume, I grew attached to the look of the character - and the fitting powerset, so I decided to give him a name and a virtual life. He became Flittermaus because I preferred the spelling to the correct "flittermouse". Also German accents are cute. He's German.

Wax Lyrical, Charley Horse and Abi Small - couldn't help myself. Wax and Charley have heavily detailed backstories, but Abi is just a pun on legs (in one of my favourite costumes to date).

Vainglory, because I wanted "Vanity" in the CoV beta and it had been taken. It was available at release, but by then I was attached to Vainglory.

And last, but not least, Stasis. It's been my online handle since I was 13 (so, a couple of years ago *ahem*), and I was both thrilled and more than a little surprised to get it. Of course, I never managed to get the name on the forums, hence "Stasisesque". There are more happy memories behind this name than my real name, so I'm very much attached to it.



Ultimate Damz - My first and only 50 ( i alt way too much) and by far my favourite toon. Started out as just Damz on defiant but when i transfered him over to union the name was already taken (not by me ) so changed it to ultimate damz xD (now damz is taken by me xD). Most of my toons are linked together in that they have different "forms" for different situations. Super Damz for example is a team based toon designed to buff. Healer-damz is just that, a healer. Guardian damz is my tank designed to stop ANY dmg getting to the teammates and sonof-damz is designed to be in perma scrapperlock

Shadow Waster - Because hes a warshade and full of shadow.

The Cruise - When me and a few mates ingame get together a little event called "the cruise" we all get our cruise styled toons out to chill in atlas and hold random contests.

1 hit wonder - hes a stalker, do i need to say anything else?

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Zortel When I came from Ragnarok Online and FFXI to here, I realised my main's name of Zorielle wasn't heroic enough, and decided on Zortel instead. Kind of like Oftel or something. As I began to RP with her, she gained the first name Zorielle, a backstory, and soon after I had to explain her name, so I came up with her partner (in all regards) and co-creator of the suit being Tessa Lenson, and made one hell of a backronym.

Fusebox After watching too much X-Men: The Animated Series and Mutant X, I got the idea into my head for a cross between Mutant X's sublimely delicious Brennon Mulray and everyone's favourite yellow jacketed teen Jubilation Lee. Hannah Williams, aka Fusebox, was the answer. Having been an Outcast before and gained the name from her ability to short fuses in security systems, it's just kind of stuck with her.

The Moral Cartoons often have a moral at the end of it. This pulpy kind of hero, with the addition of a couple of swords, -is- the moral. During combat she follows her teachings and decimates the enemies, using pain to draw their attention to her words and the lessons. Moral of the story is, punishment can be far more effective than praise.

Madame Midknight An old school name for an old school hero, who's title was passed on to her sentient zombie prodigy. Claire von Doorne was an old time witch and crime fighter, with an old time costume. The alliteration and the pun on night and knight could not be resisted.

There's others, but more on them later!



Shadowe - My first character in CoH was based on a Pen & Paper RPG character originally created in 1999. Well, it was originally meant to just be 'Shadow', but as we all know, that name's rather seriously taken. I tried a few variants (I despise things like Shad0w or SHAD0W or dots on the end, or anything insane like that), and was pleasantly surprised when it went through with just an 'e' on the end, since that didn't ruin the pronunciation. He was my first, created on 3 Sept 2005, and I've been playing him ever since. His background, wealthy scientist and businessman Richard Huntington, came from the original concept I came up with 9 years ago. He's very much a Bruce Wayne/Tony Stark-esque character, and is a lot of fun to play in character.

Psychonova - My first villain was meant to be Shadowe's nemesis, and was a Ninja MM. He got deleted pretty quickly when I rewrote the character concept and created a MC/Eng Dominator. What else could I call him?

Luminescence - I'm amazed that this name wasn't taken, when I decided to actually create Shadowe's sister, Samantha. The original Luminescence was a MC/Rad Controller. I fell in love with Rad so much that I created a Rad/Psi Defender called Samantha Huntington, and then ANOTHER one called Sam Huntington when I got my second account. Luminescence got deleted fairly recently... and was immediately recreated as a Psi/Mind blaster on my second account.

Helen H - The four different avatar incarnations of an Artificial Intelligence called Helena, various ATs and powersets, mostly Tanks and Scrappers. I keep deleting them and remaking them.

None of my other toons mean much to me, other than one that is a name placeholder. People who know me elsewhere will probably guess what the name is, but I hardly ever play my DB scrapper based on a VERY long-established character from a D&D campaign I was in.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I and I guess most of you went mad trying to finds names that weren't taken. So I decided to name some of my (now many) alts after pets we had owned (or in the case of the cats who owned us).

Reefy was a ex racing greyhound and a character so she spawned Reefy Nurse, my Emp and first 50, Reefy Swordswoman my second 50 a DB/WP scrapper and now Reefy Blaster a Psi/NRG would you believe Blaster

The cats have spawned Sir Toby Blackguard (BS/WP scrapper). His close relation Toby Blackguard (BS/Dark Scrapper). Also Hot Alice (Fire/Fire scrapper). Must not forget Rosie Brown (a PB).

Away from the animals I have my 3rd 50 Gas Mantle (Fire/NRG Blaster). This was made and named late one night after trying about 10 names all taken I tried this one.

I was looking for a name for a Elec/elec Blaster and came up with Blown Fuse which I think works.

On Villains I have Evil One (Fire/Dark Corrupter) was surprised to get that

Plus 3 Systems 10, 11 and 12 Which I have full back story's for in my mind really must write them.

Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
Alts http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/4488
CoH faces http://faces.cohtitan.com/profile/mereman



Shockwave...........My first toon Elec/Elec blaster name came from transformers but i felt it fit my toon well, since then all my toons have been made with the name "Shock" in it even though there have been some who have tried to steel my name on defiant there will always be only one.......SHOCKWAVE



Big Lunk: my fourth char ever made (way back when), after several attempts of getting a char i felt comfortable with, usually due to the names funnily enough.
I wanted a name Incredible-Hulk-ish: short and seemingly powerful (although Lunk is very unlike Hulk).
His real name, Ben Campbel, is a mixture of my real name, and a false name i used to use when the need arose. Big Ben Campbel had a ring to it, even without the pseudonym.

Eiserner Drache: Long since deleted due to not being used, i still like name. Iron Dragon in German, so called for the winged armour suit he wore.