195 -
Well time for me to leave again. The only reason I have had to log in the last 2 months or so was checking my lowball bids on the market. I can not say that this was not a good run, I had expected to stay only for 3 months or so last summer, and ended up staying for a year.
So do anyone have a good idea on how to blow the Inf I have? If I do come back I will likely do what I did this time and start over wit a new charter.
N.B. any Inf worth notice I have is on Defiant Villain side. And then only just above 100M. -
I like the council. They are fun to fight, varied (at least at the lower levels) and not overpowered. The Ritki are fun as well, just love to fight big groups of them.
Longbow are one of the worst to fight, they are pretty much all the same and a bit to easy except a few of their bosses that are way over powered. And Malta for the same reason, either you totally flatten them or you get flattened.
Last one to mention is the high levels of the PPD, an army of PBs get boring really fast. -
With the exception of a few groups, villains fight the same kind of enemies as the heroes does. And the same mobs would be giving the same rewords on both sides. That leaves 4 reasons for the differences in rewords.
1) Hero ATs are simply more efficient over all, and can go throe the content quicker.
2) The few enemy groups and mobs unique to villains gives worse rewords then the rest of the groups.
3) The groups that give good rewords are under represented villian side.
4) The rewords of the groups on both sides are the same, but the difference is in group sizes.
I think nr 4 is the most likely cause.
There are INF / XP bonuses for grouping right? So that a mob gives more total rewords for a team of 8 group then for a solo player. Not to mention that larger groups can plow throe missions faster, as well as get more Bosses, EBs, and AVs/Heroes.
And with Villain side being less populated, the average team will be smaller and there will be more solo play. -
I've found the market easier to play villain-side, too (not something I do heavily, mind you); not sure whether that might change a bit with the MA in place.
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To me it looks like the MA have made the BM even more chaotic. I see common salvage selling for 100.000 inf one day and for 100 the next. -
PR and MMOs are a kind of damned if you do, damned if you dont kind of situation.
Most players are so use to PR spins that we can smell it a mile away. We are bombarded with hype and spin everyday, so when we se it we automatically interpret it from PR speech to normal English. Often we will even over interpret what is being said.
In the end not using a PR to comunicate to the players, at least keep that raw honesty.
The post from WW is a prime example, the first time ever I have seen a DEV pose over here, and it is a feel good post after first the issue with the MA and the anniversary announcement.
To me that post looked like a attempt to appease the players, and not am honest wish to share with the players.
N.B. on the MA issue, just remove the auto SK feature, and reduce XP/INF by half or two thirds or so. -
It is human nature to wand the things we desire now rather then later. Normally most of us can temper that wand it now feeling with realistic expectations, but when it is possible to get it now most will choose that option. It is common sense really.
Simply reworking the xp gains when you are auto SKed would solve a lot of this. Part of the problem is that you can fight level 45 mobs from level 1, with out another player to power level you.
And an over all XP and Inf reduction in the MA would take care of the abuse of specific mobs. That would leave the MA as the place to go to experience new story lines.
Lets just hope the problems are fixed soon after the anniversary issue goes live (that will properly be the DEVs first priority at the moment) -
My War Mace/Willpower brute did not have any problems surviving EBs, though war Mace is a bit slow.
Any Willpower brute with though from the fighting pool will he an excellent survivability. I have heard some good things about SS/WP and DM/WP but have not personally tried ether of them. -
Welcome home. You can always try going to the MA building in Cap, properly the greatest concentration of villains there is around now a days.
Welcome to the forums
My dislike of farming really depends on the type of farming going on. I would have no problem with farming a mission for badges, or vanguard merits.
But when there is INF farming going on, prices on the market goes up (Inflation), thus making it harder for non farmers to buy what they need from the market.
Villain side prices have been getting kind of ridicules lately, like some common salvage going for +100k.
Yes, I know I am a bit disillusioned. Anyway no need to debate farming vs. casual here or anywhere else, I just posted in case you generally cared about why some players dislikes farming. -
Actually there are several temporary powers that do more damage if you are a certain origin. For example the Black Wand does extra damage if you are magic origin, and the Stolen SMG does extra damage if you are natural origin.
And if you lack self healing powers, you choose the wrong secondary for your play style (/pain does that bit rather well). As for MMs being weak... not in bodyguard mode. 6 pets is equal to 75% resist to all damage types. -
Just to clear up any timing issues:
I am undecided on this, a month long event can get rather tiresome in the end. On the other hand there might be some good teaming the first few days. Oh well, only time will tell. -
I've heard people saying they've nerfed farming missions. Is this true and what have they done? I miss Dreck *sobs*
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Well I guess that framing fire/kin controllers have been nerfed as a result of recharge powers no longer affecting pets. Is that what you are referring to? -
World of pain works well with thugs, even affects the mobs from gang war
I do not have pain bringer yet, but bruiser spends most of his time throwing boulders anyway (I14 should fix that).
One thing to note with Thugs/Pain though, is that the t1 pets are a bit squishy and can be one shotted by heavy hitting LTs like the melee ones from Rikti and the Lost. In toughs cases all the healing in the world will not help you keep your minions alive.
I have no experience with Necro, but from grouping with them I get the feeling that Zombies can take more of a beating, and there for would benefit more from the healing of /Pain. -
I am by no means an expect on these maters, but maybe this will be of some use to you anyway.
You are not supposed to have to download the game every time you need to play it. And I do not think it is deleting it self.
The first think that popped in to my mind was that this might be a problem with you operating system, and the permissions set for the user you are logged in on. Most PCs running windows will only have one used, the admin. But the system support a multi user set up. Different users can have different permissions and even access to different programs.
Try this:
1) Install the game and check where the files are saved.
4) Turn off your computer. And then turn it back on.
5) Check if the files are still there.
If they are not, then it is likely a problem with the user you are logged in on not having permission to create new files on the hard drive, and as such the files are deleted when you exit the session (as in turn of the computer)
Better yet, try creating a TXT file with notepad on the desktop first, that will not require the download time.
If this turns out to be the problem you will have to log in on the admin or a user with permission to save data. This would also be necessary for game updates, and most other things you do in game (like changing the option in game). -
Mayhem missions work a bit differently. For one you do not have to rush to the bank first to avoid failing the mission. Instead running around defeating PPD groups and smashing the scenery (cars, parking meters, crates...) get you added time to complete the bank job. And during that you run in to the groups that give the keys, and side missions gives added time as well.
That however does not stop most villains from rushing to the bank to complete the job.
I think the problem is that for most the Mayhem/Safeguard missions are just a speed bump on the radio/newspaper mission track. And maybe a way to get a temporary power or a exploration badge.
Maybe if the bank robbery first started when a safeguard mission was out of time? -
Then should the shops not also buy stuff from WW/BM. So if I sell a peace of salvage for 1 inf at the market, why do the shops that buy it not have a standing order for buying at the same 250 that buy for in the shops.
Same for common IO recipes, and TO/DO/SO.
Personally I just assume that all the salvage and recipes bought villain side goes to Archnos or something like that. -
Today I logged in on my secondary brute, only to find out that I was now apparently the SG leader. And I could not spot the old leaders name on the roster.
So I thought I should ask here if anyone knew anything about what happened to W.A.R. -
Was the Ice Armor on brutes not changed to Energy Amour?
Though I agree that -recharge not being to bad for fury, well at least not any worse then all the knockdown and stun done by Super Strength and War Mace, Axe...
However, how about replacing the -recharge with -regain or just a regular slow effect. Both in the primary and secondary, that would solve any perceived fury problems. -
Well so far gang war and world of pain have been efficient enough. Mostly my thugs have died when I was his by an aoe that did high damage and knock down. (Allowing the enemy to land a 2nd hit before I could heal)
Luckily I do not have that problem any more. But adding even more resist on top of what [censored] gives will be nice. -
So just a place where I do not need the slot something else. Thanks.
What power would it be best for me to put a knockback protection IO in? combat jumping/hover or maybe maneuvers? Thugs/pain by the way.
Or maybe: no leaks = only players with low posts counts in closed beta
So for example my Archvillain simulator of ultimate doom.
Would have the code: s0h1A2d2c1p1 or for short: a2d2
Any ideas? Suggestions? Comments? Improvements to the system? Ways to help implement this or a similar system?
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Well [- H AA DD C P] might be better then s0h1A2d2c1p1 for quickly reading it, or at lest [S0-H1-A2-D2-C1-P1].
A tag for whether the story is villainous, mercenary, dark heroic, or goody-two-shoe might be another thing that would be nice. Say adding a Moral going from 0 (no moral) to 3 (very moral) to the code.