Mission Creator Info...




I'm going to have fun either way, I already have three story arcs ready to go, written various times to allow for limitations on the system.

I'm having fun fun fun.



There's been a bit of discussion about this 5-6 missions thing, and in my opinion I belive that while that may be the maximum you can have on the live game servers at one time. Surely you'll be able to remove them as well. And don't forget that they probably mean 5-6 arcs rather than just individual missons.



The other thing that might determine if a mission gets played or not is the opening briefing. If this is well written, players are far more likely to decide to play a story arc or not.

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I wonder if it'll appear as a tool-tip when you mouse over a mission name?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



There's been a bit of discussion about this 5-6 missions thing

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Oh! You could create your own Task/Strike Force!

This gets better and better!

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



There's been a bit of discussion about this 5-6 missions thing

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Oh! You could create your own Task/Strike Force!

This gets better and better!

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We could remake Positron's TF the way it was always meant to be - 6 large warehouse maps filled with Behemoth only mobs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



There's been a bit of discussion about this 5-6 missions thing

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Oh! You could create your own Task/Strike Force!

This gets better and better!

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We could remake Positron's TF the way it was always meant to be - 6 large warehouse maps filled with Behemoth only mobs.

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No wai!

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



There's been a bit of discussion about this 5-6 missions thing

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Oh! You could create your own Task/Strike Force!

This gets better and better!

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We could remake Positron's TF the way it was always meant to be - 6 large warehouse maps filled with Behemoth only mobs.

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No wai!

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Don't worry - I'm pretty sure that's just about the last type of mission that would get the devs approval

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Hope theres a "random mission/arc" button
That way some of the less used ones would have a higher chance of being played and thus rated accordingly.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



It could be a problem getting a fair player rating.

If I created a mission I would want my friends to try it out - and if I tried out a mission created by a friend I think I'd be biased to give it a high rating if it builds on some internal role play/jokes going on that I relate to better than the "outsider".

This would favor missions created by people with many friends instead of missions created by talented mission creators, wouldn't it?

Still we don't know how they plan to get this working exactly yet - it shall be exciting to see!



Yes, because your friends list is going to tip the ratings of several thousand players...



Yes, because your friends list is going to tip the ratings of several thousand players...

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You really think that several thousand players are gonna play every mission?

I think I would like a 'random' button to take me to a mission that has either not been rated or has very few ratings. No idea how many people would use it, but it might increase the chance of every mission being played at least once!



Don't worry - I'm pretty sure that's just about the last type of mission that would get the devs approval

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Yeah, my idea has a much better chance of aproval:

Room 1: Vanguard and Malta spawns working together, with a couple of carnie bosses. Malta ambush spawns (player targeted) spawn continously.

Room 2: 5 Stateman clones (AVs).

Map: Orenbenga (large)

I really should do something about this signature.



Dev's Choice: Dev's choice missions are the ones I mentioned as getting special treatment. These missions are ones that the developers themselves happen to think are cool. These missions will give out full xp/inf/drops. In addition getting a mission chosen as a dev's choice is what unlocks the special factions and AVs.

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Erk, don't like this, at least not the Unlock Special Factions and AVs bit.

Not too impressed with the limits on Spawn placement either. We'll end up with "custom" maps where you still know the exact placement of each spawn. It really is sounding more like a Customizer rather than a mission Editor at the mo.



There's been a bit of discussion about this 5-6 missions thing, and in my opinion I belive that while that may be the maximum you can have on the live game servers at one time. Surely you'll be able to remove them as well. And don't forget that they probably mean 5-6 arcs rather than just individual missons.

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Well, I hope it means arcs, but don't bet on it.

I can see the reason for this, from a practical standpoint, but I've been wondering how the system would be made relatively useless to roleplayers, and this looks like it.

To unlock content, you need rated arcs. To get ratings, you need arcs available to play long term. Roleplayers need a lot of arcs and if there is a fairly small limit on the number you can have, no roleplayer is ever going to get a good rating, so they will never unlock any of the higher content.

Oh well. Hey ho.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



With regard to the Dev's rating the missions. I can't see how this would work on a practical level, there would just be too many to go through.

Also I would not want too much of their time taken up with rating player missions, I'd rather they concentrate on their own day jobs

If the only way of achieving the unlockables was for the dev's to rate it, then we are not going to see too many player missions with unlocked content in them are we ?

There must be other ways that content will get unlocked, we just haven't been told yet *hopes*



Not only have they stopped being bothered about adding new content to the game, there not even giving out full mission rewards for missions the players that can be bothered are making.

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There's new content already announced for Cimerora that will be added with Issue 13, and I can assure you that there's plenty more new content in the pipeline for the future.

The reduction in rewards for player created content is part of the over-all goal to encourage the content submitted to be as high quality as possible. With full rewards being offered, the potential for the system to become clogged with missions created solely for farming becomes far too high. I know I'd far rather run a fun, unique Player Created Mission with reduced rewards then browse through thousands of nearly identical farm missions with full rewards.

I seriously hope the and more part at the end of the announcement really means MORE not just something silly like "we're adding more badges earned, badges".

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You'll have to wait and see, however there is definitely more to be announced. Whether these features will meet your own personal idea of what should be in Issue 13 may or may not be the case, however you should keep in mind that the dev team have a long term plan for CoH and the size of the team has been (roughly) doubled since NCsoft bought the IP. Doubled team size means more ... more of everything.

The features already announced aren't exactly a small amount of work . Those already announced, and yet to be announced, are a first step along a long term plan that's going to provide plenty of really fun new content and features to CoH.



Erk, don't like this, at least not the Unlock Special Factions and AVs bit.

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I'm not fussed about having to unlock the AVs/Heroes by getting a Dev Choice acknowledgement - at least then the missions including signature characters are likely to be well written. The Devs probably want to protect the image of those characters to some extent, rather than letting everyone have a go at using them - with the likelihood that many would use them in a possibly inappropriate way (I'm not just thinking of Statesman-haters either - the Devs probably don't want Mynx being used for saucy catgirl fan service either, not to mention what some players might do with Ghost Widow, Swan or Ms Liberty ).

Not too impressed with the limits on Spawn placement either. We'll end up with "custom" maps where you still know the exact placement of each spawn. It really is sounding more like a Customizer rather than a mission Editor at the mo.

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I'm not overly impressed that we can't make custom maps or place spawns either, even though I did expect these limitations. Though I was starting to hope we might get map editing, what with base improvements being in the very same issue (now just watch - I bet the base editor revamp doesn't actually improve the base editor as much as we hoped either).

As I predicted in the other thread, I think we're basically going to be designing the missions from a single page of dropdown menus (somewhat like the costume creator is now), with a few fields to enter briefing/debriefing/boss text. Not overly powerful, though it should at least let us create missions with more complexity than newsies, if not as complex/dynamic as some of the newer CoV-style content - but we should at least be able to make stuff on par with (and hopefully better than) the original CoH content.

I think the limit on how many missions each player can submit is a good idea, though - it will really push you into only submitting your best stuff and not clogging up the list of missions with average stuff that everyone will have to wade through to find content they want to play.



Not too impressed with the limits on Spawn placement either. We'll end up with "custom" maps where you still know the exact placement of each spawn. It really is sounding more like a Customizer rather than a mission Editor at the mo.

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I'm not overly impressed that we can't make custom maps or place spawns either, even though I did expect these limitations. Though I was starting to hope we might get map editing, what with base improvements being in the very same issue (now just watch - I bet the base editor revamp doesn't actually improve the base editor as much as we hoped either).

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I didn't think we'd get a Map Creator / Editor per say, but I was really hoping for something which let us place Spawns, Glowies and set up trigger points for various events.

For me that's the more interesting side of custom content, messing about with the actual ingame map and deciding on nasty things you can spring on the players, rather than the blurb surrounding it.



Im not to surprised about the limitations of the system, but Im sure they will improve as time goes on.

One thing I was thinking about was about ambushes. Correct me if Im wrong but I couldn't see anything about whether ambushes were possible to script. I know some of my fav and most challenging missions have been ones with unexpected ambushes.

I like it that there will be some customisation of the baddies to make things unique. I know the thing Im looking forward to most is to actually tell one or two of the stories that I have in my head. I feel that the PCC content wont appeal as much to the people who don't read the mission briefings unless hte mission itself really makes you think (which I dont think they will be able to at first until people learn how to use it properly).

As for ratings, what I think will happen is that misisons that consistently get high star ratings relative to the number of votes they get will be checked out by the developers. So a mission with 30 4-5 star ratings will be looked at but a mission with 1 5 star wont be.

I also think it would be useful for the missions to have global names by them. I know part of the fun would be getting my SG to go in and play my mission (i would even ask the boss to put an announcement in the message of the day!) and if they could search by name then they could find it easily.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



As I predicted in the other thread, I think we're basically going to be designing the missions from a single page of dropdown menus (somewhat like the costume creator is now), with a few fields to enter briefing/debriefing/boss text.

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All the evidence would indicate that this is not how it's going to be, unless the mission editor used by the mission design team is that simple... which I doubt.

Hang on a sec and I'll find the quote... Here we go...
With virtually no information to go on, some people very much underestimated what would be possible with the Mission Architect. Some got it spot on, and some people wanted features that were simply impossible to get into the system at launch. Even so, we are very proud of the system as it stands. Players can make their own story arcs using a customised version of the tool used by our mission writers, in some cases rivalling our own internal tools in ease-of-use. I am really looking forward to playing the stories you all create with this amazing tool!

[/ QUOTE ]

That's from Positron's address. The 'basic set of drop-downs' approach simply does not fit what he's saying.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



The reward nurfing still concerns me greatly
'Dev' content > new 'Rateable' mission
'Dev approved' content > 'Rateable' mission
So who's gonna waste hours of ingame rewards just to 'rate' new missions?



The reward nurfing still concerns me greatly
'Dev' content > new 'Rateable' mission
'Dev approved' content > 'Rateable' mission
So who's gonna waste hours of ingame rewards just to 'rate' new missions?

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Me. I have plenty of inf, plenty of 50's, plenty of IO's slotted. I mostly log in for my mates and to fiddle around with the costume creator.

For me, it'll be a really good way to express creativity and to test the creativity of others; the rewards, to me, are bigger than inf or xp.

I can't fault your perspective; you're xp-driven, and that's fine, you play the game how you enjoy it. But remember that some of us are driven by alternative carrots.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



After reading my post again i must admit i didn't word it so well. I'm wasn't intending on sounding so ungrateful although it did.

I do think the PCC is a good thing and i'm sure i will use it myself, but, in my opinion after the initial wow factor (how ever long that will be) only devoted RP'ers will continue making missions and playing them. which makes me think was all the dev time worth it. I know the reason for less issues this year and it's a sacrifice worth making but maybe they should of held this back awhile. After all, like Aphane says, most people do play this game for character progression and aren't going to do a mission with reduced rate of rewards over a mission with full rewards, even if they have done that mission 10 times before.

How much more fun would the game be if all the bugs were fixed like the new one that crashes the game if you have an invite of any kind up on the screen while loading or the lag on "lag hill" on the 3rd ITF mission or even the small but annoying wrong mission door bug i petitoned in villain beta that's still around. There's many more but there the 3 i have most dealings with....

I suppose that could be classed as QoL features but that's game improvement right there without new content and minimal dev time.

I look forward to the next announcement, post it as soon as you can please GR

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



I suppose that could be classed as QoL features but that's game improvement right there without new content and minimal dev time.

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Um, don't make assumptions about the amount of dev time required to fix things like that. If a bug still exists after being on live for two years or so, then it obviously isn't easy to replicate. 'Lag' is one of those horrible generic terms that is generally the result of something horribly complex, or it would require a total server engine overhaul. The invite thing sounds simple enough, but you still don't know how much effort would be required to fix it.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Heres hoping we can write a small arc summary for people using the search.

For example:

"Hydra have been spotted in atlas park wrecking havoc, who or what are they looking for?"

Just a little insight into what the arc will contain without giving the story away obviously. Will help filter out certain enemy mobs that the player personally doesnt want to face.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!