Mission Creator Info...





Re: the invite crash - that's a relatively new bug, as far as I'm aware, which the team are aware of and will fix as soon as they have a working fix.

[/ QUOTE ]It's at least over a year old, probably two, but I can't quite remember when I encountered it the first time.

The broken mission location in Mercy that was mentioned has also been there since CoV beta.

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Prior to the last patch, if you got an invite when starting to zone you would get a message 'unknown command' something or other and the invite would need to be reset. Now the game client crashes instead.

[/ QUOTE ]It depends on what point in the loading process you're at when you get the invite. I've managed to consitently crash people with invites at least a year (more likely two or so) ago.



Aren't they made in a different way than our ones though?

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More leather, less spandex you mean?

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



Tweakable bosses! Check!
Picking Mission Issuer! Check!

thats two off my wish list confirmed, now if you'll excuse me there will be a slight happy spring in my step while I massacre some DE chumps

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Yeah, being able to pick the contact is great - I wonder if you can even recreate that wonderful Crimson/Indigo back and forth feel for an arc

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I would like to be able to create a "go talk to X" mission, but I have a feeling that wont be in.

This leaves two options: put the NPC you want the players to speek to in an instanced version of thier zone; or divide the arc into multiple parts using different contacts.

On another tack, I have a hunch the in-game fiction for the architect terminals will involve Hero Corps.

I really should do something about this signature.



does anyone know if you can name bosses/hostages and if you can will that not cause a problem with alt names already in the game , like if some uses my villains name as a hero?



You can certainly name bosses.

I'm reasonably sure you will be able to name hostages and henchmen pets.

I don't know if it checks against "taken" names, but I doubt it. It will use a profanity filter (for all the good they do) though.

I really should do something about this signature.



Certainly hope they dont do a name checker, would mean i wouldnt be able to rescue some of my characters who are at their day jobs.

Regarding 1000+ maps, i wonder if you'll be able to select a part of a zone for outdoor missions. I want this now!!!!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Certainly hope they dont do a name checker, would mean i wouldnt be able to rescue some of my characters who are at their day jobs.

Regarding 1000+ maps, i wonder if you'll be able to select a part of a zone for outdoor missions. I want this now!!!!

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Since Mayhems and Safeguards use bits of zone maps you should be able to use them. There are other missions which feature instances of zones too like the RWZ one in a burning Portal Corp in PI.



That goes 2 ways though.... Don't assume that it will take alot to fix :P

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From an engineering perspective if assumptions must be made it's wiser to err on the side of caution.

On another tack, I have a hunch the in-game fiction for the architect terminals will involve Hero Corps.

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Alternatively: Portal Corps.



On another tack, I have a hunch the in-game fiction for the architect terminals will involve Hero Corps.

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Alternatively: Portal Corps.

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The PCC is being presented as training simulator missions, so far more likely to be Hero Corps than Portal Corp.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



As long as they remember to put in a base item that lets you access the missions as well, they can do it anyway they like. (Currently saving up for my own time portal thingy.)

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Freedom Corps couldn't operate in the Rogue Isles. Hero Corps could.

I really should do something about this signature.



Architect missions are binded to game contacts.
They can't put all game contacts within the base...



They can't put all game contacts in any building, but binding them to actual contacts doesn't work with the 'mission simulator' concept either.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



There are two ways the could deal with contacts (and mission doors). One is, you just speak to thier portrait, via the mission simulator. You then enter the simulator as the mission door.

The other way is to do it like flashback. When you select the PCC mission all your other missions and contacts disapear. You can now only talk to the contact allocated to the mission. Mission doors can be anyware in the city.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'm thinking the latter. The technology already exists.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Personally I dont like the mission creator, I think its the biggest waste of dev time to date. The main reason it sucks is because it adds nothing new. The only missions that are still good on this game are the ones that are on none generic maps with none generic objectives. As all we will get is generic maps with generic objectives, they have basically added a police band radio mission creator. Thanks, like they didnt suck enough already.

And I'm sorry but everyone getting excited over being able to add your own texts needs to calm down a lil. I'll be honest thats not all that special, and neither is any of the other stuff they have announced thats in there. I cant beleive what a massive waste of time i13 is gonna be unless the 'and more' things turn out to be something pretty special indeed.

tbh what a let down......



Personally I dont like the mission creator, I think its the biggest waste of dev time to date. The main reason it sucks is because it adds nothing new. The only missions that are still good on this game are the ones that are on none generic maps with none generic objectives. As all we will get is generic maps with generic objectives, they have basically added a police band radio mission creator. Thanks, like they didnt suck enough already.

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Read back a few posts and read PRAF's quotes from Positron on the US forums.

EDIT: OK, a lot of posts.



Personally I dont like the mission creator, I think its the biggest waste of dev time to date. The main reason it sucks is because it adds nothing new. The only missions that are still good on this game are the ones that are on none generic maps with none generic objectives. As all we will get is generic maps with generic objectives, they have basically added a police band radio mission creator. Thanks, like they didnt suck enough already.

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Read back a few posts and read PRAF's quote's from Positron on the US forums.

EDIT: OK, a lot of posts.

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After the dissapointment that was the i13 release I really cba looking for it as Im not expecting much.

Sway me with a link or quote?



Let me save you some mouse-wheel mileage...

Some more info on theUS boards:

Since Hero 1 is on a well deserved holiday today, and D&D Tiny Adventures on Facebook is acting up again, I think I will take this opportunity to address several of the issues that came up from the PAX information.

First off the fact that you are building "newspaper missions" is patently NOT TRUE. Newspaper missions are randomized text with a random mission map with a single objective needed to complete it.

Mission Architect is whatever text you enter, on the specific map you call (and we have over 1000 different maps in the game), with AT LEAST one objective, but more likely more, with the ability to have allied NPCs (you want to rescue Statesman in the beginning of the map and have him fight WITH you the rest of the way? Done). There are even some objective types going into mission maker that we didn't even have access to AS DEVELOPERS until Issue 12. There are over 100 different things you can customize in the story arc, and most of those have multiple choices to pick from.

Yes, you will not be able to custom build a character and have them appear. Primarily this is because of the way the AI handles powers. Some powers simply don't work when in the hands of the AI (Mastermind summoning is one example). One of our goals is to put the ability to take an existing Enemy Boss, and change their costume to one you design. Since those powers and AI have all been pre-programmed this can be done without involving ringing Castle up at 2am to debug the AI on the guy in your custom mission. While this is a stretch goal for launch, we want to get this ability into your hands as soon as possible.

You WILL get XP and Inf. during Mission Architect missions. I don't believe we ever said you wouldn't. We only said that you won't get it at the same rate as normal-developer-designed content. Why? Well we have all sorts of COOL stuff coming for you in upcoming issues that doesn't involve Mission Architect and we'd like you to try that out too (rewarding you for doing so).

You get to choose what contact gives out your Story Arc, picking from a list of all the available contacts in the game. Eventually you'll have the same "customization" options as the custom bosses.

As for your limited number of Story Arcs. You will have a limited number of PUBLISHED Arcs, you can have TONS of unpublished arcs you are working on, that are not ready for prime-time. If one of your arcs gets enough positive feedback to get into the Hall of Fame, it "graduates" from being one of your published arcs, freeing up that slot for you to put something else in.

We are WELL AWARE of the customer service issues involved in the content of the missions. We have all seen the Spore Creature Creator, and we know the TTD ratio on player created content in measured in nanoseconds. We have thought of a LOT of the angles already. Publishing a mission, getting a high rating, then pulling it down and changing the text to something inappropriate is something we take VERY seriously.

All of the above information is what could have been gotten by people attending PAX, and I am putting it here so you all have a better understanding of the system and our intentions with it.

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Thanks for the clarifications!

A followup question though. Can we unpublish an arc that isn't getting as much positive feedback as we might hope so as to free up a slot for one that might be better? And you specified that limit is for Story Arcs, does that include individual missions or are individual missions not tracked by the limit?


You can absolutely unpublish an arc you published.

A single mission is simply a story arc with one mission in it, so the one-off's DO count against your arc limit.

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This may be a "duh" moment... but if we can change the model of a specific mob (assuming we can, since it's not guaranteed, just one of their goals), and also assuming we can change their name (a pretty safe bet)... can we also change their bio? Its not something people would immediately think about, but if I DO make a "custom boss" by completely changing their appearance and name, I don't want their info pane to still say the mob is really just Statesman, or something.


Changing the display name is one of those "so obvious I forgot to mention it" things. Yes you can. Even right out the gate. You can put a Skulls Boss into a mission and name him Marrowdrinker if you want. The devs have had this ability since before Alpha on CoH, so it's a no brainer to give it to you as well.

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Erm.... well, that does absolutly sweet FA for me. Basically what I got from that is, no no no this isnt a police band missions creator, its a police band mission creator that lets you add a couple of extra tweaks. All the on the boring as sin mission maps.

IMHO the mission creator will appeal to about 10 people after the hype has died down, then we'll be left with an empty issue, gg devs.



Erm.... well, that does absolutly sweet FA for me. Basically what I got from that is, no no no this isnt a police band missions creator, its a police band mission creator that lets you add a couple of extra tweaks. All the on the boring as sin mission maps.

IMHO the mission creator will appeal to about 10 people after the hype has died down, then we'll be left with an empty issue, gg devs.

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Yet, hilariously, the only people it isn't appealing to are those desperate to scorn I13 at every turn or they haven't bothered researching it in full.



Freedom Corps couldn't operate in the Rogue Isles. Hero Corps could.

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Freedom Corps (their Longbow division at least) already operate in the Rogue Isles in vast numbers... Not aware of any Hero Corps presence there at the moment.

I also don't see any reason why the PCC missions need to be presented by the same faction red and blue side, though (cf. Wentworths and the Black Market as different front ends for the same system)

By my 50s shall ye know me:
Tundra, DVM, The Late, Neutrino Ghost, Sir Clanksalot, End Of Days, Prof. Migraine
Howler Monkey



Erm.... well, that does absolutly sweet FA for me. Basically what I got from that is, no no no this isnt a police band missions creator, its a police band mission creator that lets you add a couple of extra tweaks. All the on the boring as sin mission maps.

IMHO the mission creator will appeal to about 10 people after the hype has died down, then we'll be left with an empty issue, gg devs.

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Yet, hilariously, the only people it isn't appealing to are those desperate to scorn I13 at every turn or they haven't bothered researching it in full.

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Have you played yet? Trust me the shine will definatly wear off.

Theres only a handfull of people who will be any good at this. Yet I can hear thousands of budding missions writers just waiting to waste thier time with something hardly anyone will play unless the rewards are there.

And the people who realise their rubbish at making stories will give up, by the thousand. Leaving something that took massive amounts of work, getting dusty in the corner.