Mission Creator Info...




If this editor allows us to add our own custom Archvillains the devs will earn a big kiss from me! I read with great enthusiasm about the archvillain system they had considered some time ago (over a year and a half since I head about it, in fact) and this would be an excellent time for a workaround method of adding just that.

With our own storylines and our own villains, Architect could be one of the greatest features ever, and easily one of the best roleplay features of any MMO to date!

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)




Can you read?

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I can. Unlike you however, I judge after doing so.

I never discussed the game as a whole, only certain parts of it. And I read the announcement and then I read the thing praf posted neither one made any difference, I still dont like the idea and the waste of dev time.

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That's because you're hellbent on hating the game. It's quite clear with your hyperbole about "thousands" hating the idea, making judgements based on ignorance (any later adjustments are irrelevant: fact is you whinged when you didn't have all the facts) and so on.

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tbh in the nearly 2 years of playing this game, theres only a couple of things i dislike, the repeatative missions, the change to TF and this. I have never dissed anything else.

I read about the mission creator, didnt like it, and said so. At what point did I not read something?



point about 'wasting time writing missions', base editing is 'wasting time' making the base pretty....

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They're far less of a waste of time that something like PvP is too! With base editing or mission writing, you have something tangible that you get to share with other people. With PvP you get to wave your tackle as some newbie who will never return, and watch your hard earned PvP rep vanish into nothingness if you don't keep on wasting your time. No tangible reward at the end of it, so a total waste of time.

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When did PvP enter the equation?

PvP takes skill and coordination, if more fun to fight a real person than it is to fight stupid AI.

And I'm not even that kind of PvPer FFM.



tbh if he was hellbent on hating the game would he still pay his subs?

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If he wasn't hellbent on hating the game would he be mouthing off before the full details of the issue are revealed?

Nicky is expressing his opinion which he's not alone with and he get's told to quit cause somebody doesn't agree with it? We'd have, what? 10 people left if everyone quit cause of disagreements.

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When someone uses "BUT THE SHINE WEARS OFF" to curb enthusiasm, then I think it's fitting for that logic to get thrown back at him. If you're going to commit yourself to tha kind of viewpoint, then nothing is going to please you and it's pointless to just sit around complaining about it.

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I dont hate the game just dislke some bits of it, as is life.

Everybody seems hyped about something I dont think will be very good, so yes I beleive the shine will wear off quickly when you cant make particularly interesting missions. So an entire (or so it seems) issue devoted to this will be a fail IMO.

And I dont tend to spend much time complaining about stuff. In fact I dont even post all that much. Just enojoy reading others and only post when I feel really strongly about something.



ok, but i don't think there's an entire issue devoted to it. there's a couple new powersets, new costumes, new missions and at least one thing not announced yet.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.




Have you played yet? Trust me the shine will definatly wear off.

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No, I haven't played it. I have, however, bothered to research it before wetting myself on how terrible Issue 13 might hypothetically be. The shine will wear off. Yes, and? The shine wears off everything and anything.

Doesn't mean it's any less enjoyable when I do get my hands on it. With that attitude you might as well quit the poor attempts at criticising the game and cancel your account now. It'll lose the shine after all.

Theres only a handfull of people who will be any good at this. Yet I can hear thousands of budding missions writers just waiting to waste thier time with something hardly anyone will play unless the rewards are there.

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Rewards are going to be there. Thousands of people are already writing stories in character bios and the like. The mission creator, as it's been explained, is accessible to a broad range of individuals.

And the people who realise their rubbish at making stories will give up, by the thousand. Leaving something that took massive amounts of work, getting dusty in the corner.

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Thousands of people are complete rubbish at the game itself. Doesn't stop them playing or enjoying it.

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Why do you keep telling me to quit?

I do enjoy the game but yes the shine has started to wear off a little, so I was hopng for something a little more from i13. If GR is saying there is more and apprenetly the new chim stuff is cool I can still hold out some hope that the enjoyment I got when I first started will come back.



If this editor allows us to add our own custom Archvillains the devs will earn a big kiss from me! I read with great enthusiasm about the archvillain system they had considered some time ago (over a year and a half since I head about it, in fact) and this would be an excellent time for a workaround method of adding just that.

With our own storylines and our own villains, Architect could be one of the greatest features ever, and easily one of the best roleplay features of any MMO to date!

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Personally, I hope players names cannot be used unless its by them.

I have taken the time to create my characters, outfit them as I wish etc and it would hack me off no end to find that one of them had been created as a fat blue elf, wearing a bikini in somebody elses mission arc.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



ok, but i don't think there's an entire issue devoted to it. there's a couple new powersets, new costumes, new missions and at least one thing not announced yet.

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I understand that, but they are being heavily kept under wraps, which I thinks means they either suck or rock, so as I said before I still hold out hope.




I read about the mission creator, didnt like it, and said so. At what point did I not read something?

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You needed someone else to dredge up info on something you were complaining about, and continued to grumble about the lack of content even though it's been explicitly stated that not everything has been revealed.

Just enojoy reading others and only post when I feel really strongly about something.

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Or wish to make wild assumptions about the playerbase, based on something you haven't got full info on.

Why do you keep telling me to quit?

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Why do you keep telling me the mission creator will fail?

If you hate something, fine, just don't go off on one a second Lionsbane. You dislike the feature, we get it. Stop rabbiting on about something you clearly aren't going to use, and clearly haven't fully understood.



Everybody seems hyped about something I dont think will be very good, so yes I beleive the shine will wear off quickly when you cant make particularly interesting missions. So an entire (or so it seems) issue devoted to this will be a fail IMO.

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The tools already announced include 1000 maps (including the unique ones), AVs and Heroes as enemies and allies, multi-objective missions and over 100 modifyable features. That'll be plenty to get some interesting missions out there, especially with having so many creative players in CoX.



I'm frankly stunned that anyone could actually dislike this idea. It's the same game, only now there's infinite mission possibilities. Don't like your current mission arc? Make a new one!

I do enjoy the game but yes the shine has started to wear off a little, so I was hopng for something a little more from i13. If GR is saying there is more and apprenetly the new chim stuff is cool I can still hold out some hope that the enjoyment I got when I first started will come back.

[/ QUOTE ]Nothing will ever give you the same enjoyment as when it's first experienced. Simple as that. People grow wiser and learn the tricks, they learn where to go etcetera. When I first began my heroic deeds in Atlas Park, everything was new and exciting. I had no idea where I was going as I walked bravely along the monorail lines in Steel Canyon as a lowbie level six, only that it was as far away from those nasty Hellions as possible (Thank you Hover!).

The one thing that keeps games like this fresh is the same thing that keeps me and countless other's playing im sure. The people. It's an online game, and as such there's a fantastic community you can be a part of. Now that same community is being given their own powers to create real game content for their friends to enjoy. I honestly don't understand how this could be anything less than perfection.

Personally, I hope players names cannot be used unless its by them.

I have taken the time to create my characters, outfit them as I wish etc and it would hack me off no end to find that one of them had been created as a fat blue elf, wearing a bikini in somebody elses mission arc.

[/ QUOTE ]While I sympathise with your concern, it would fulfil a long-running wish of mine to pit my two characters (Villain and Hero alike) against each other in a mission, whether villainous or heroic. If they disallowed player names, it would render this impossible and im sure I can't be the only one who would desire something like that.

The Heroic Mary Grace (50)
The Mystical Thunderspark (50)
The Candy-loving Little Jenny (50)




Personally, I hope players names cannot be used unless its by them.

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I have no problem with people using their own alts as characters, as quoted in the first line of my post, I just dont think other people should have control over using my alts names etc in missions.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966




Personally, I hope players names cannot be used unless its by them.

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I have no problem with people using their own alts as characters, as quoted in the first line of my post, I just dont think other people should have control over using my alts names etc in missions.

[/ QUOTE ]It's not like it's going to be possible to prevent that anyways, since the system will be cross-server and the majority of names are owned by different accounts on different servers.



Well if thats the case then it really sucks. People have spent up to 4 years making their unique characters only for something to come along that could possibly make a travesty of everything they have put into those characters.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



If they discounted every name that was used by more than one account there would be precious few names you could use. I have mains on defiant that someone else has on union and vice versa, in some cases just random pairs of words. Spread that across all the US servers as well and there's going to be huge naming conflicts.

If you can skin your alt as well into the mission you're unlikely to get someone else with the same name & the same cossie. So you'll still be unique.

Personally I'd be quite pleased if any of my alts were well enough known that someone would bother to recreate them in their mission.




I have taken the time to create my characters, outfit them as I wish etc and it would hack me off no end to find that one of them had been created as a fat blue elf, wearing a bikini in somebody elses mission arc.

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You'd prefer orange then? Green?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



So quit whining and leave.

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We never tell people to leave - we give them a hug, hold their hand, and tell them everything's going to be fine

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



So quit whining and leave.

[/ QUOTE ]

We never tell people to leave - we give them a hug, hold their hand, and tell them everything's going to be fine

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought they only did that to special people?

Contact Information!

Twitter: @TonyParkeze

Facebook: www.facebook.com/anthonyjp91

Email: anthonyjp91@gmail.com



So quit whining and leave.

[/ QUOTE ]

We never tell people to leave - we give them a hug, hold their hand, and tell them everything's going to be fine

[/ QUOTE ]

I thought they only did that to special people?

[/ QUOTE ]

Everyone is special in their own way

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



If this editor allows us to add our own custom Archvillains the devs will earn a big kiss from me! I read with great enthusiasm about the archvillain system they had considered some time ago (over a year and a half since I head about it, in fact) and this would be an excellent time for a workaround method of adding just that.

With our own storylines and our own villains, Architect could be one of the greatest features ever, and easily one of the best roleplay features of any MMO to date!

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I hope players names cannot be used unless its by them.

I have taken the time to create my characters, outfit them as I wish etc and it would hack me off no end to find that one of them had been created as a fat blue elf, wearing a bikini in somebody elses mission arc.

[/ QUOTE ]

I loled the first time Positron appears in a pink bikini I'll swear he'll get a huff and take his ball home.




Personally, I hope players names cannot be used unless its by them.

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I have no problem with people using their own alts as characters, as quoted in the first line of my post, I just dont think other people should have control over using my alts names etc in missions.

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Some people's names are already taken by villains (in heroes) I have run into Jag (a Freakshow boss) and Pyra (a generic safe guard boss) both of whom afaik pre-date as PCs their use as in game bosses. I'm sure there are others too.



So quit whining and leave.

[/ QUOTE ]

We never tell people to leave - we give them a hug, hold their hand, and tell them everything's going to be fine

[/ QUOTE ]
If you are so bored/cross/tired/annoyed with the game that you can come onto the forums and say that the last issue had nothing worth having in and looking at the info given so far say the same about the next issue, is there any point in continuing? IMO no, go away do something else, play WoW and realise how good this game actually is...

At this point in time, and bearing in mind that neither CO or DCO are following the same game play route as this game, in the future this game does not have a genuine competitor. That may not always be the case. If you have got to the point where nothing is of interest to you any more which is the feeling I got from the Nicky's post, yes leave. Go away spend some time doing other stuff then when you are bored of the other stuff come back and find that this game isn't so bad...

Besides by then there will be tons of great new missions written by the players.

I didn't say all that because I was ranting.



Not sure if I missed this somewhere else on the EU forums (Just finished nights and my Search-Fu has already gone to bed) but just spotted this post by Hero-1 on the US forums...

Greetings: Players

Thanks for all the feedback regarding the announcement of the Mission Architect system at PAX. It’s... enlightening to say the least. I just wanted to comment on some of the feedback given regarding my talk at PAX. For the most part this is to alleviate some confusion regarding this feature.

An Arc being placed in Dev Choice is not how additional content is unlocked for Architects. That’s handled through straight peer review. The better your Arcs, the more stuff you get to put in missions. The amount of stuff we lock on unlock is something we’re going to tweak as time goes on.

Dev Choice missions unlock full XP and Influence for an Arc.

Zombie Man pointed this out, but I feel it needs to be mentioned again. Voting is per account, not character. So, even if everyone in your SG group gives you five stars on an Arc, you still have the other hundred thousand plus players to balance it out.

Players are rewarded for playing, creating and rating Arcs.

Players will be able to publish somewhere around half a dozen or so Arcs up to our Arc server. An Arc is anywhere from one to five missions.

There are a number of different categories that created content will fall into. Quickplay, displays the highest rated content you haven’t played. Dev Choice, displays content that the devs feel best reflects what the Mission Architect can be. Hall of Fame, the best of the best voted entirely by the players.

Content that reaches the Hall of Fame level, and potentially even the Dev Choice section, will unlock additional Arc slots for those creators. This is an incentive to create content that the players and the devs enjoy.

At any point you can ‘unpublish’ your Arc to free up an additional slot. Arcs that have reached the Hall of Fame or Dev Choice level will be locked, but you’ll have a new slot to create another super cool Arc.

Cut scenes will not be open at launch. As Positron says, “I wouldn’t wish that system on anyone.”

Stories picked as Dev Choice, will not become canon in our game. If and I mean IF that ever were to happen, it would have to be a pretty big deal.

Players will be able to place multiple objectives within a single mission (boss, defeat, rescue, pet, ambush, etc.). They’ll also be able to weave characters and story through out multiple missions in a single arc. They can even create multiple arcs that build upon each other. Hopefully, for most this is seen as something more than just the simple police/radio missions.

And now for the big one. Allowing players to add in their own characters is an obvious direction to take this feature. We’d be stupid not to give it to you guys. It is however non trivial to do so, especially when we start allowing those characters to use player picked powers. So, know that you will be able to do this. It just might not be at the launch of the feature.

In the end, please know that the Mission Architect is designed to allow creative people to tell their stories, while also rewarding those who play these stories. This is the goal we push towards. In the end, it will never be everything to everyone, but it will hopefully be more than enough to more than a few.

Stay True
Hero 1

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Kalis Elfling - Inv/Axe Tanker. [i]Kevin is watching... Always[/i]
Proud member of [url="http://www.honourableunited.org.uk/"]Honourable United[/url]
@Tellis - I reserve the right to be ridiculous![/center]



So quit whining and leave.

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We never tell people to leave - we give them a hug, hold their hand, and tell them everything's going to be fine

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Which would have them heading for the door even quicker.

I really should do something about this signature.