545 -
The next person who writes "animated hair" on the forums gets a voodoo curse performed by me to make sure their hair in real life becomes as in-animated as ingame hair....oh wait gel that does that already. Curses!
*makes a note to include "animated hair" in the future forum's filter*
[/ QUOTE ]Now that's a good way to derail a thread. I think GG infected you with her forum de-railness disease.
I hope new forum will have an easier way to report posts, along with the reason. That probably will make me reporting GG's one-liner de-railing posts (and copycats) like a maniac until they stop happening. -
That's nice, first we were 13 ( http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3554/cfshipraid.jpg ), now you were 4.
Next time should be less! -
The weekend of the 31st of July is peak as its when th whole of the UK are off at the same time, hence why its more expensive to book a holiday during that week... because it's the "PEAK" time.
[/ QUOTE ]People should not organize their lives around a game, right?
Said that, some people forget how greedy players turn when DXP occurs, it's a nice way to expose who is who and if they bow down to XP or if they just let it occur as a side-effect of their enjoyment playing with others.
My 0.02 inf. -
Save The Date - Next Double XP Weekend July 31st- August 2nd!
We know you've been waiting to hear so that you can meticulously craft your plan of attack! So go ahead - take off work, ignore all of your other responsibilities and stock up on easily grab-able snacks and beverages - we won't tell anyone! Just make sure to save the date because the next City of Heroes® Double XP weekend will begin Friday, July 31st 2009, at 8:59am PST (11:59am EST) and concludes Sunday, August 2nd 2009, 8:59pm PST (11:59pm EST). Don't miss out!
For the entire weekend Hero and Villain characters will receive double the XP, Influence and Infamy for all of their accomplishments in the game. Take advantage of this opportunity to level up your favorite Heroes and Villains twice as quickly as normal. Good luck and have fun!
(waiting for the EU announcement that will have our times and hopefully the daylight savings ones instead of what they did US-side...) -
New question:
We will still have different Good and Evil boards, even now that all accounts have access to both?
It was annoying to see links to "the other side" that I was logged out... -
As it seems I am the only answered this and finding random people for TF these days, is not that easy...
You got my attention.
Now you need to tell more details like as: what time we are supposed to start (so I can know if I can made it), what troller you got there, what level is s/he, etc... -
Not only the homepage - it also won't let me get into the game! My ONE day off this week and I can't get in... grr!
[/ QUOTE ]
The message "Database Error: Unable to connect to your database. Your database appears to be turned off or the database connection settings in your config file are not correct. Please contact your hosting provider if the problem persists." that you get at launcher has nothing to do with letting you enter game. Just click next! -
Would you report this as a bug to the devs when you find it?
[/ QUOTE ]Not sure anymore...
But I know people that never /bug anything, even if it's serious. They say "some one else will /bug it, why for me to bother".
I don't blame them really.
When you /bug something and you are unable to follow the whereabouts of your bug report, makes you not to want to bug anything else.
Remember the situation with the "aura in character selection screen" crashing clients at February of 2008?
I bugged it 3+ weeks before that version hits live, while was still at test server. No one cared until it gone at live servers and escalated causing grief to hundreds of players worldwide. Later, I learned that I wasn't the only one that bugged this and for once more, like a broken record, the excuse was "not enough people reported it".
C'mon CC guys, you should lower your expectations of people bugging things. Don't expect that ratio to reach impossible limits to act and take it seriously...
After that I don't /bug that often really... -
No x 4
All the friends I know and play with, I met them while leveling through missions.
I hate to solo, so you're getting the picture...
But I did participated to MA farms, due to the fact that I was unable to find a team at the moment that wasn't into farming (and, once again, I remind you that I hate soloing). -
That strategy talks about Shivans and Warburg's nukes...
Are you sure that this is what we follow?
Pity that Sgt is leaving...
Sorry mama to have connection problems.
Some heroes, managed to persuade me that only Defiant can do things that need precision, so until I see someone that is able to organize us ridiculously good, find people that commit to the purpose and don't turn Hamidon raid into a PuG, I don't think that I will participate again, except if I want to get my debt badges earlier. -
Super! Well done!
Have you used a voice chat system or just in-game text chat? -
I promised not to leave in the middle.
I managed to keep that promise, even if time now is 2:45am, but I don't think that I will participate ever again if I don't see the full plan analyzed out in here first and everyone to agree with it. -
That heavily depends on the strategies that we are following and if they succeed or not.
I hope that it won't take more than 3 hours, but that is only my estimation based by my survivability while tanking Hami since last try.
Might take more if people can't co-operate or get bored in the middle and start leaving.
No guarantees.
I can only guarantee you that I won't be from those that will leave in the middle (that is if we have entered the Hive by 6pm UK time). -
I wonder why people keep posting the same wikipedia link over and over...
Ah! Thats what Union Jack means?
Well, I thought was reference between the Union server and an in-game character that I couldn't combine...
For someone that didn't knew the expression, hopefully you didn't had your hopes high for me to find out what was wrong... -
/e gives cookie to Saxtus
[/ QUOTE ]Yay! I got a cookie!
Thanksies! -
Greetings Heroes and Villains!
NCsoft's latest free expansion "Issue #15: Anniversary" is coming soon, and the data content is now available for download [u]prior[u] to being released on the live servers.
So give yourself a head start!
The download will begin after you exit your play session rather than prior to entering the game. The download is purely optional - you can cancel at any time.
It is important to note that you will [u]not[u] be able to see or experience the "Issue #15: Anniversary" content until it has been officially released on the live servers, but, again, receiving it ahead of time will allow you to play right away (once the content is available), instead of waiting for a large patch to download.
Remember - you can cancel the download at anytime. Your progress will be saved and you can resume downloading the content the next time you are done playing City of Heroes®.
Please visit our Game Updates page to get an overview of what's included in "Issue #15: Anniversary".
Note: The download window is currently not showing the text explaining this process. The patching system is still working correctly.
P.S.: I did well? Gimme a cookie! -
I hope the main event won't start too late. -
If a date/time was announced, I can't locate it... >.<
You mean 4 times, 100%, 75%, 50% and 25%, right?
Oh... I need to get back into that global channy again!
Will do it tonight as I can't from work! -
You have them with all your characters?
You're not special then...