Would you?




This is a hypothetical question. I'm not advocating actually breaking the game or cheating, just something I have been thinking about in the last day or so.

Would you either use or tell others to use: (All of the below are undetectable, only your conscience will stop you from abusing these methods.)

1)You're wandering through a new zone and find a hold in the floor, on flying/jumping through you find a clicky object that on each click awards you a level. Obviously put there by some disgruntled programmer. It's not technically an exploit after all the devs put it there but it's obviously not in the spirit of the game.

2)You find a fool proof method to duplicated drops (recipes, enhancements, salvage, etc).

3)You have been digging through the game files and found a slash command that awards XP or Inf of any amount. Tested it and it works. (Command for XP exists BTW.)

4)Other: Found some method of getting to fifty in minutes rather than hours that is undetectable. Or a method for fully slotting with whatever enhancement you want for no Inf.

Me myself personally. (1)To 22 or so to remove the early grind that I don't enjoy. (2)All the time. (3)Unlikely the fun for me is the digging not the abusing. (4)Again unlikely.



1) maybe to get my 1st level 50 villain on my 2nd account so that I can play the vent on it. Although I am enjoying leveling normally.
2) Probably, hate the farming for drops.
3) no. I am not very good at digging
4) only for the same reason as 1 then the alt would not get played again.
For me it’s the fun and teaming that I have while leveling the Alt that keeps me playing them.



No. No. No. No.

I did partake in a couple of runs in the MA after I'd got so bloomin' disgruntled with it that I just rolled a toon from scratch to see how far it could get without really trying.
The toons involved are deleted now. No fun for me.

Plus I'd want the 'Bug Hunter' badge.



I am enough of a decent caring hardworking gamer to say
1) no
2) no
3) no
4) no

but I know myself well enough to know that I would be incredibly tempted to use any of the above.

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Number 4 would be too tempting. I think I would take advantage of choosing whatever enhancements I want rather than the leveling to 50. Would also help friends/supergroup and arrange a few silly competitions so people wouldn't have to collect silly amounts of inf.

Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker

Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.

My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/

LF SG! Arc ID# 193083



First of all, each of these are still detectable, so its really hypothetical. (hail to the log files).

Anyway, i'm not some holy person that always does nice, i work by the simple fact 'you will get caught', and if i would i at least had alot of fun.

1. Only 50 clicks away, easy does it. It has no single impact to anyone who i either play against, or with. As altoholic, wet dream valore!

2. Meh, maybe only to make some influence, but you cant use the same IO anyway. lotg... tempting

3. Yeey for instant 32 characters, no more boring first 20 lvls for the 60+th time, but finaly testing a character that has use. Also, see 1.

4. meh, i can use 1 to 3 already for that. Too much easy mode.

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



First of all, each of these are still detectable, so its really hypothetical. (hail to the log files).

[/ QUOTE ]

Hypothetical question, given that in the question they aren't detectable. What I'm trying to ask is if there was no way the devs could find out about them would you. I know in reality that such things very seldom if ever occur. But would your conscience allow you to 'cheat'?



Hypothetically, no to all four. I really don't care how quickly I get to 50, or whether my characters are fully wonder slotted.

However, it turned out that Smith was not a time-travelling Terminator



I must admit it is very tempting to use all of these, but only for a single purpose. I don't do things for the sake of doing it.

For example, I'd grab as much inf as I could just so I can get those pesky crafting badges (tends to be difficult for me when I only play a couple of times a week and have 14 or so alts) and to get my 1st villain to 50 (still about 35 after 2 years!). And maybe to help along the not-quite-so-fun-to-get-early-levels, as mentioned by Sinergy_X. Then that would be it. I think...

"There are no stupid questions, just stupid people"



Nahh I wouldn't go with them, except maybe number 2 because I can't afford Set IO's and I'm very unlucky with drops



In Dark Age of Camelot, they have / had a way of once you've hit 50 for the first time, you can then auto level a character to 20 by visiting an NPC. I think i'd use it in those circumstances, but none of the 4 options generally speaking, as posted by the OP.



Nah, I wouldn't cheat. This game is easy enough as it is!

Though your post does pose another interesting question...


3)You have been digging through the game files and found a slash command that awards XP or Inf of any amount. Tested it and it works. (Command for XP exists BTW.)

[/ QUOTE ]

Just how many PM's have you had so far asking you for this command?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I'd not cheat. I'd either be roleplaying my socks off or spending time to learn what my AT/Powerset combination can do.



Number 2 is tempting but I have to say, on the whole:

1. No
2. No
3. No
4. No

I still get a sense of achievement from getting to level 50 honestly and without powerlevelling

Life is one big practical joke that we as the human race have yet to see the punchline to. Once you work that out the rest is easy.



I'd say yes to 1,2 & 4 because it's only a game. It would also depend on what I felt like doing with a certain alt. Power-levelling a spines/dark on my other accounts for example. But then I'd also want the Bug Hunter badge so it would be a bit of a tough choice.

3 is easy enough as it is. Just do a few 8-man architect missions and you have enough tickets to buy anything. Risk:reward my [censored]!

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I grew up on a diet of console games and came to learn at a young age that using cheats seriously harmed a games longevity. I haven't used cheats for years and definately wouldn't use them in CoH. It would kill the game for me and I'd probably end up moving on.



I grew up on a diet of console games and came to learn at a young age that using cheats seriously harmed a games longevity. I haven't used cheats for years and definately wouldn't use them in CoH. It would kill the game for me and I'd probably end up moving on.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only exception to that rule is GTA



I grew up on a diet of console games and came to learn at a young age that using cheats seriously harmed a games longevity. I haven't used cheats for years and definately wouldn't use them in CoH. It would kill the game for me and I'd probably end up moving on.

[/ QUOTE ]

You wouldn't say that if you grew up on 8 bit computer games, especially if loaded from tape!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I grew up on a diet of console games and came to learn at a young age that using cheats seriously harmed a games longevity. I haven't used cheats for years and definately wouldn't use them in CoH. It would kill the game for me and I'd probably end up moving on.

[/ QUOTE ]

You wouldn't say that if you grew up on 8 bit computer games, especially if loaded from tape!

[/ QUOTE ]

My first comp was a Speccie 128k closely followed by a C64. I had stopped cheating by the time the Sega Megadrive come along.



You wouldn't say that if you grew up on 8 bit computer games, especially if loaded from tape!

[/ QUOTE ]

That brings back memories...my brother had Joust and I was crazy about that game. I wouldn't leave his Commodore 64 until I'd finally fallen asleep.

And to go back to the topic of discussion, while I understand these are hypothetical questions, game logs are very accurate nowadays, especially the logs attached to player characters. A more appropriate question would be: are you fine with risking getting your account banned permanently? Most games do that on confirmation that a player has managed to cheat the game and actively exploited it.

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Ok Avatea lemme change the question slightly.

If i could guarantee i wouldn't get caught, and were to use only tools the devs created (i.e the exp button)

Of course i would. And so would you. And so would everyone



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">Antwort auf:[/color]<hr />
Of course i would. And so would you. And so would everyone

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And here's where you are wrong.
Even if there was an absolutely undetectable method for all of the things posted in the original post I'd not use them. The whole exp thing simply doesn't matter to me, I'm neither an endgame player nor even remotely interested in PvP so I'm in no rush to get to 50.
So why would I want to deprive myself of the fun of playing the game as intended by cheating?



Of course i would. And so would you. And so would everyone

[/ QUOTE ]

And here's where you are wrong.
Even if there was an absolutely undetectable method for all of the things posted in the original post I'd not use them. The whole exp thing simply doesn't matter to me, I'm neither an endgame player nor even remotely interested in PvP so I'm in no rush to get to 50.
So why would I want to deprive myself of the fun of playing the game as intended by cheating?

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