Mission Creator Info...




How much more fun would the game be if all the bugs were fixed like the new one that crashes the game if you have an invite of any kind up on the screen while loading or the lag on "lag hill" on the 3rd ITF mission or even the small but annoying wrong mission door bug i petitoned in villain beta that's still around. There's many more but there the 3 i have most dealings with....

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Re: the invite crash - that's a relatively new bug, as far as I'm aware, which the team are aware of and will fix as soon as they have a working fix.

Re: "lag hill" - may I ask when was the last time you played the ITF, as there have been some tweaks made to the ITF specifically to address lag issues reported with that mission. If it's still lagging in the current builds, then posting a detailed report of where (and under what conditions / how often) that lag occurs would be useful.



The reward nurfing still concerns me greatly
'Dev' content > new 'Rateable' mission
'Dev approved' content > 'Rateable' mission
So who's gonna waste hours of ingame rewards just to 'rate' new missions?

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I have one avatar, level 50, fully IO'ed, just one Inf badge left to collect, and a smallish base that requires very little rent - I play missions for the same reason as I played them at level 1 - for fun

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



How much more fun would the game be if all the bugs were fixed like the new one that crashes the game if you have an invite of any kind up on the screen while loading or the lag on "lag hill" on the 3rd ITF mission or even the small but annoying wrong mission door bug i petitoned in villain beta that's still around. There's many more but there the 3 i have most dealings with....

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Re: the invite crash - that's a relatively new bug, as far as I'm aware, which the team are aware of and will fix as soon as they have a working fix.

Re: "lag hill" - may I ask when was the last time you played the ITF, as there have been some tweaks made to the ITF specifically to address lag issues reported with that mission. If it's still lagging in the current builds, then posting a detailed report of where (and under what conditions / how often) that lag occurs would be useful.

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Both of those bugs stopped me from playing my main (only toon that was affected ) but since the last patch they both dissapeared for me and allowed me to play my fav toon again ^_^
So you guys made at least ONE player happy

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!




Um, don't make assumptions about the amount of dev time required to fix things like that. If a bug still exists after being on live for two years or so, then it obviously isn't easy to replicate. 'Lag' is one of those horrible generic terms that is generally the result of something horribly complex, or it would require a total server engine overhaul. The invite thing sounds simple enough, but you still don't know how much effort would be required to fix it.

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That goes 2 ways though.... Don't assume that it will take alot to fix :P

Re: "lag hill" - may I ask when was the last time you played the ITF, as there have been some tweaks made to the ITF specifically to address lag issues reported with that mission. If it's still lagging in the current builds, then posting a detailed report of where (and under what conditions / how often) that lag occurs would be useful.

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I've been doing 2 or more ITF's a day and the last one was last night, about one ish. Myself and the whole team on each occasion received the lag on the same spot each time and only on that mission. (the teams weren't the same people each time)

I must admit i've not petitioned it since the first few times as i've not read about any fixes made and have assumed it was still an unfixed known issue. I will continue to petition now i know.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle




I do think the PCC is a good thing and i'm sure i will use it myself, but, in my opinion after the initial wow factor (how ever long that will be) only devoted RP'ers will continue making missions and playing them.

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Not true at all - you don't have to be an RPer to be creative, or to be interested in the game story and want to explore/expand it further.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Not true at all - you don't have to be an RPer to be creative, or to be interested in the game story and want to explore/expand it further.

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It's not true that, that is my opinion? Cause it is

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle



A "take one for the team"/"I'm feeling lucky" button for accessing a random, unrated mission would be good, as would a brief summary of the mission/arc on the search screen.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



A "take one for the team"/"I'm feeling lucky" button for accessing a random, unrated mission would be good, as would a brief summary of the mission/arc on the search screen.

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They could make it a toop-tip when you mouse over the mission name - it'd save space, and allow more missions to be displayed in the selection window.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Re: "lag hill" - may I ask when was the last time you played the ITF, as there have been some tweaks made to the ITF specifically to address lag issues reported with that mission. If it's still lagging in the current builds, then posting a detailed report of where (and under what conditions / how often) that lag occurs would be useful.

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It seems much better than it used to be, but the 3rd mission still has problems compared to virtually anywhere else - or at least it did in my ITF runs yesterday afternoon and late morning/early afternoon today.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Some more info on theUS boards:

Since Hero 1 is on a well deserved holiday today, and D&D Tiny Adventures on Facebook is acting up again, I think I will take this opportunity to address several of the issues that came up from the PAX information.

First off the fact that you are building "newspaper missions" is patently NOT TRUE. Newspaper missions are randomized text with a random mission map with a single objective needed to complete it.

Mission Architect is whatever text you enter, on the specific map you call (and we have over 1000 different maps in the game), with AT LEAST one objective, but more likely more, with the ability to have allied NPCs (you want to rescue Statesman in the beginning of the map and have him fight WITH you the rest of the way? Done). There are even some objective types going into mission maker that we didn't even have access to AS DEVELOPERS until Issue 12. There are over 100 different things you can customize in the story arc, and most of those have multiple choices to pick from.

Yes, you will not be able to custom build a character and have them appear. Primarily this is because of the way the AI handles powers. Some powers simply don't work when in the hands of the AI (Mastermind summoning is one example). One of our goals is to put the ability to take an existing Enemy Boss, and change their costume to one you design. Since those powers and AI have all been pre-programmed this can be done without involving ringing Castle up at 2am to debug the AI on the guy in your custom mission. While this is a stretch goal for launch, we want to get this ability into your hands as soon as possible.

You WILL get XP and Inf. during Mission Architect missions. I don't believe we ever said you wouldn't. We only said that you won't get it at the same rate as normal-developer-designed content. Why? Well we have all sorts of COOL stuff coming for you in upcoming issues that doesn't involve Mission Architect and we'd like you to try that out too (rewarding you for doing so).

You get to choose what contact gives out your Story Arc, picking from a list of all the available contacts in the game. Eventually you'll have the same "customization" options as the custom bosses.

As for your limited number of Story Arcs. You will have a limited number of PUBLISHED Arcs, you can have TONS of unpublished arcs you are working on, that are not ready for prime-time. If one of your arcs gets enough positive feedback to get into the Hall of Fame, it "graduates" from being one of your published arcs, freeing up that slot for you to put something else in.

We are WELL AWARE of the customer service issues involved in the content of the missions. We have all seen the Spore Creature Creator, and we know the TTD ratio on player created content in measured in nanoseconds. We have thought of a LOT of the angles already. Publishing a mission, getting a high rating, then pulling it down and changing the text to something inappropriate is something we take VERY seriously.

All of the above information is what could have been gotten by people attending PAX, and I am putting it here so you all have a better understanding of the system and our intentions with it.

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Thanks for the clarifications!

A followup question though. Can we unpublish an arc that isn't getting as much positive feedback as we might hope so as to free up a slot for one that might be better? And you specified that limit is for Story Arcs, does that include individual missions or are individual missions not tracked by the limit?


You can absolutely unpublish an arc you published.

A single mission is simply a story arc with one mission in it, so the one-off's DO count against your arc limit.

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This may be a "duh" moment... but if we can change the model of a specific mob (assuming we can, since it's not guaranteed, just one of their goals), and also assuming we can change their name (a pretty safe bet)... can we also change their bio? Its not something people would immediately think about, but if I DO make a "custom boss" by completely changing their appearance and name, I don't want their info pane to still say the mob is really just Statesman, or something.


Changing the display name is one of those "so obvious I forgot to mention it" things. Yes you can. Even right out the gate. You can put a Skulls Boss into a mission and name him Marrowdrinker if you want. The devs have had this ability since before Alpha on CoH, so it's a no brainer to give it to you as well.

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I really should do something about this signature.




@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



If one of your arcs gets enough positive feedback to get into the Hall of Fame, it "graduates" from being one of your published arcs, freeing up that slot for you to put something else in.

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I called it right

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Thanks for reposting the updates PRAF!
I don't want their info pane to still say the mob is really just Statesman, or something.

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Which is what I read as the main point of the last question (i.e. if I change names/appearance can I customise the info-text?) but is the one part that Posi seems to avoid answering.

Be good if the info text could be customised, but then again there are enough named mobs in dev-created missions that just have the standard mob info... it's a slight letdown that they aren't non-generic, but not exactly game breaking.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)




Re: the invite crash - that's a relatively new bug, as far as I'm aware, which the team are aware of and will fix as soon as they have a working fix.

[/ QUOTE ]It's at least over a year old, probably two, but I can't quite remember when I encountered it the first time.

The broken mission location in Mercy that was mentioned has also been there since CoV beta.



One of our goals is to put the ability to take an existing Enemy Boss, and change their costume to one you design. Since those powers and AI have all been pre-programmed this can be done without involving ringing Castle up at 2am to debug the AI on the guy in your custom mission. While this is a stretch goal for launch, we want to get this ability into your hands as soon as possible.

[/ QUOTE ]

That'll do Positron.

Will we also get access to enemy costume pieces for this though?




Re: the invite crash - that's a relatively new bug, as far as I'm aware, which the team are aware of and will fix as soon as they have a working fix.

[/ QUOTE ]It's at least over a year old, probably two, but I can't quite remember when I encountered it the first time.

The broken mission location in Mercy that was mentioned has also been there since CoV beta.

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Prior to the last patch, if you got an invite when starting to zone you would get a message 'unknown command' something or other and the invite would need to be reset. Now the game client crashes instead.

Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2

Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, Badgehunter.com and City Info Tracker.



It seems much better than it used to be, but the 3rd mission still has problems compared to virtually anywhere else - or at least it did in my ITF runs yesterday afternoon and late morning/early afternoon today.

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Same here.
Surely a bit better than before the fix, but too lagtastic for my taste (both times I did it last week)



Tweakable bosses! Check!
Picking Mission Issuer! Check!

thats two off my wish list confirmed, now if you'll excuse me there will be a slight happy spring in my step while I massacre some DE chumps

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



Tweakable bosses! Check!
Picking Mission Issuer! Check!

thats two off my wish list confirmed, now if you'll excuse me there will be a slight happy spring in my step while I massacre some DE chumps

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Yeah, being able to pick the contact is great - I wonder if you can even recreate that wonderful Crimson/Indigo back and forth feel for an arc

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



just hoping that the third possibility of tweakable hostages is availiable and then the arc i've thought of in my head will be plausable to build!

In-game and now on Twitter @Tsumiju Zero "The Nightmare of Dra'Gon"
"The flow of battle can only be influenced, not by realtime tactics, but by strategy."
Proud resident of the Union EU Server.
B.A.F. Trial Guide



just hoping that the third possibility of tweakable hostages is availiable and then the arc i've thought of in my head will be plausable to build!

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I'm pretty sure Fusionette will come as the default hostage selection

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Lol No offence, but when was the last time you did the ITF, as I do it often and lag hill is still a nightmare and hasnt changed one iota.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



promising info there. a couple of big plus points compared to the appearance that it might be a paper-mish-generator.

creating the look of your own mobs is great. selecting particular powers for them isn't a huge deal to me right now, but the appearance of them certainly is.

and 1000 maps? I can't even think of 100.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



and 1000 maps? I can't even think of 100.

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I'm guessing they are counting the various alternate layouts with the same "tileset" as different, so there's probably a good fifteen, twenty office maps, for instance...