Death of the buffer bug?




Dont know if this will help out but, I was market'ing on one toon trying to reprodiuce the bug, and while it seemed quite random here are a few things that I noticed:

1) If I click the chat window to place the active cursor in it, the bug does not happen

2) If I use slash to open chat (which I almost always do), the numbers come up after the slash

3) Even after marketeering a while and making sure the bug did not show up by repeatedly going into chat with the slash-enter key, the bug showed up after I logged and went onto the account name tab. Meaning whatever was buffering the keys, it did not paste them in chat before I logged off, but selectively pasted some in the buffer that was used to paste on the logon screen.
2) Even when



For me the bug seems reproducible by:
1)Open WW window
2)Click on an 'empty' place in that window, i.e. a salvage name or a free bidding box
3)Do something; move a bit or use some powers
I actually do move and/or get “no target”
4)Hit <enter>
5)Start typing; the text will then start with the keys I have hit in 3)



I hate this bug.

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512125125You know, there's something just all-around nice about seeing dev hatred for a bug.

Here's to a successful hunt.

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The only bug I don't hate is the one with using any power that calls the "Smashcast" animation while you have the Nemesis staff in hand.

I've been very slow to 'fix' that particular one.

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And here, I thought that was intentional...go figure.



They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

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Odd. I get it near 100% of the time when I alt-tab out, usually to my internet explorer (edit: while zoning or logging in/out). I *never* get it in instances the other posters mention when I *don't* alt-tab out of the game.

I'm so used to it that when I alt-tab out while switching characters, my second keypress for the password is to hold backspace down for a few moments, as it'll clear the 110101030385756whatever for the password.

editedit: Of course, now that I've said that, I can't get it do happen at all. Mmmm patches.



The only bug I don't hate is the one with using any power that calls the "Smashcast" animation while you have the Nemesis staff in hand.

I've been very slow to 'fix' that particular one.

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I love that one too!! <3 <3



Am I the only one that plays the up, down, left, right arrow keys?



They have said that not having reliable repro steps makes this particular bug nigh-impossible to track down, so if anyone can figure out a way of making this happen 100% of the time, I'm sure those guys would name children after you or something.

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Odd. I get it near 100% of the time when I alt-tab out, usually to my internet explorer (edit: while zoning or logging in/out). I *never* get it in instances the other posters mention when I *don't* alt-tab out of the game.

I'm so used to it that when I alt-tab out while switching characters, my second keypress for the password is to hold backspace down for a few moments, as it'll clear the 110101030385756whatever for the password.

editedit: Of course, now that I've said that, I can't get it do happen at all. Mmmm patches.

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Yep, I would have said this 100 percent before the recent patches. Alt-Tab = 1345112111122...



FYI, thanks to feedback from you guys (and one player who included the KEY piece of information, in particular) this particular bug looks like it has been squashed.

Of course, I say "looks like" because:
1) It hasn't passed QA yet -- it hasn't even been submitted!
2) There may be other things causing the same symptom.
3) We could simply be wrong and the fix doesn't do what we thought.

Anyway, fingers are crossed! Here's hoping this is the last of the wwwwssssdddddd1231231234123chat bug.



Oh thank goodness. Bloody annoying thing, will be glad to see it gone!



Am I the only one that plays the up, down, left, right arrow keys?

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QR: While we're discussing bugs, can we get the Arachnos-maces-no-longer-light-up-in-the-dark bug looked at, too? This drives my Bane crazy.




FYI, thanks to feedback from you guys (and one player who included the KEY piece of information, in particular) this particular bug looks like it has been squashed.

Of course, I say "looks like" because:
1) It hasn't passed QA yet -- it hasn't even been submitted!
2) There may be other things causing the same symptom.
3) We could simply be wrong and the fix doesn't do what we thought.

Anyway, fingers are crossed! Here's hoping this is the last of the wwwwssssdddddd1231231234123chat bug.

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I hope it was me and that someone didn't beat me to it >.<



Am I the only one that plays the up, down, left, right arrow keys?

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Mean Girls on Protector Server! The 50s: Fragdoll - DP/MM Blaster, Black Rhinoceros - WP/SS Tank, Brooke Shields - MA/SD Scrap, Fraggy - AR/En Blaster, Reign - Grav/Storm Troller, Soundquake - Earth/Sonic Troller, Blightvine - Plant/Rad Troller, Rattlesnake - Thugs/Pois MM, Operative Wasp - SoA, Arachnos Think Tank - Bots/Traps MM, Rogue Shark - Mercs/Pain MM



FYI, thanks to feedback from you guys (and one player who included the KEY piece of information, in particular) this particular bug looks like it has been squashed.

Of course, I say "looks like" because:
1) It hasn't passed QA yet -- it hasn't even been submitted!
2) There may be other things causing the same symptom.
3) We could simply be wrong and the fix doesn't do what we thought.

Anyway, fingers are crossed! Here's hoping this is the last of the wwwwssssdddddd1231231234123chat bug.

[/ QUOTE ]

Preliminary grats!

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



FYI, thanks to feedback from you guys (and one player who included the KEY piece of information, in particular) this particular bug looks like it has been squashed.

Of course, I say "looks like" because:
1) It hasn't passed QA yet -- it hasn't even been submitted!
2) There may be other things causing the same symptom.
3) We could simply be wrong and the fix doesn't do what we thought.

Anyway, fingers are crossed! Here's hoping this is the last of the wwwwssssdddddd1231231234123chat bug.

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Oh oh oh! It was me wasn't it?


Was it..?




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If you click on a non-editable segment of the UI, any keyboard entries you made at that point would be stored in the buffer. Then, when you attempted to chat, that buffer would be placed in front of whatever test you were attempting to enter as soon as you hit enter to send the message.

The key bit that allowed us to fix it was the "non-editable" part of the statement.



FYI, thanks to feedback from you guys (and one player who included the KEY piece of information, in particular) this particular bug looks like it has been squashed.

Of course, I say "looks like" because:
1) It hasn't passed QA yet -- it hasn't even been submitted!
2) There may be other things causing the same symptom.
3) We could simply be wrong and the fix doesn't do what we thought.

Anyway, fingers are crossed! Here's hoping this is the last of the wwwwssssdddddd1231231234123chat bug.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hope the information I gave was helpful.




Thanks for the tech'Splanation

Global: @Pandemonia

We're sorry. Due to the lack of adequate marketing, user patience has died 90+ days ago. Please try again sans "Soon."




If you click on a non-editable segment of the UI, any keyboard entries you made at that point would be stored in the buffer. Then, when you attempted to chat, that buffer would be placed in front of whatever test you were attempting to enter as soon as you hit enter to send the message.

The key bit that allowed us to fix it was the "non-editable" part of the statement.

[/ QUOTE ]

There's one bit left Castle - the Consignment Market UI. Keystrokes there are also left in the buffer, and spill into chat and the game login/password.

Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination



Wow this is so obvious. Do they even play the game they make? Or maybe they don't bid at the BM or Wentworths then chat with someone. Or maybe they don't use the keyboard to move then chat with someone.

So silly.



Wow this is so obvious. Do they even play the game they make? Or maybe they don't bid at the BM or Wentworths then chat with someone. Or maybe they don't use the keyboard to move then chat with someone.

So silly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Please tell me you are joking?

Otherwise, why didn't you figure this out for them before hand?

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Wow this is so obvious. Do they even play the game they make? Or maybe they don't bid at the BM or Wentworths then chat with someone. Or maybe they don't use the keyboard to move then chat with someone.

So silly.

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Please tell me you are joking?

Otherwise, why didn't you figure this out for them before hand?

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Figure out what? That when you bid on things then go to chat this is very reproducible? Or that movement keys also show up?

Where do you use movement keys? In the non editable sections.

There was never an indication that the non editable section was the big missing piece.

I'll bet 20 infamy that the wwwwssss chat bug gets fixed but the 2222000001111 chat bug doesn't.

Why? Because nobody has drawn a map to that problem and placed a big ole X on it.


2 months from now:

We know why the 222200001111 chat bug was happening. Apparnetly it was from those bidding on items and when they went to chat the numbers were appearing. The key here was "bidding".




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If you click on a non-editable segment of the UI, any keyboard entries you made at that point would be stored in the buffer. Then, when you attempted to chat, that buffer would be placed in front of whatever test you were attempting to enter as soon as you hit enter to send the message.

The key bit that allowed us to fix it was the "non-editable" part of the statement.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wonder, will a fix for this also fix the same bug that occurs with the Password when logging out to log back in with another character?